Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Thomas Frhbeck, fruehbeck(at)aon(dot)at. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0, available at * */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebResult; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import at.tfr.securefs.Configuration; import at.tfr.securefs.api.FileService; import at.tfr.securefs.api.module.ModuleException; import at.tfr.securefs.fs.SecureFileSystemBean; import at.tfr.securefs.process.PreprocessorBean; import at.tfr.securefs.service.CrypterProvider; @MTOM(enabled = true) @WebService(serviceName = "FileService", targetNamespace = "", portName = "FileServicePort") public class FileServiceBean implements FileService { private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); @Inject private Configuration configuration; @Inject private CrypterProvider crypterProvider; @Inject private HttpServletRequest request; @Inject private PreprocessorBean preProcessor; @MTOM(enabled = true, threshold = 10240) @WebMethod @Override public void write(@WebParam(name = "relativePath") String relPath, @WebParam(name = "bytes") byte[] b) throws IOException { log.debug("write File: " + relPath); try { String tmpFileName = Paths.get(relPath).getFileName().toString() + System.currentTimeMillis(); Path tmpPath = Files.createFile(configuration.getTmpPath().resolve(tmpFileName)); try { try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(tmpPath)) { IOUtils.write(b, os); } preProcessor.preProcess(tmpPath); log.debug("preprocessed File: " + relPath); } finally { Files.deleteIfExists(tmpPath); } } catch (ModuleException me) { String message = "preProcessing of relPath failed: " + me.getMessage(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(message, me); }; throw new IOException(message); } Path path = SecureFileSystemBean.resolvePath(relPath, configuration.getBasePath(), configuration.isRestrictedToBasePath()); log.debug("write File: " + relPath + " to " + path); Path parent = path.getParent(); Files.createDirectories(parent); // create parent directories unconditionally OutputStream encrypter = crypterProvider.getEncrypter(path); try { IOUtils.copyLarge(new ByteArrayInputStream(b), encrypter); } finally { encrypter.close(); } logInfo("written File: " + path, null); } @MTOM(enabled = true, threshold = 10240) @WebMethod @WebResult(name = "bytes") @Override public byte[] read(@WebParam(name = "relativePath") String relPath) throws IOException { try { Path path = SecureFileSystemBean.resolvePath(relPath, configuration.getBasePath(), configuration.isRestrictedToBasePath()); if (!Files.isRegularFile(path) || !Files.isReadable(path)) { throw new IOException("invalid path: " + relPath); } log.debug("read File: " + relPath + " from " + path); InputStream decrypter = crypterProvider.getDecrypter(path); try { return IOUtils.toByteArray(decrypter); } finally { decrypter.close(); logInfo("read File: " + path, null); } } catch (Exception e) { logInfo("read File failed: " + relPath, e); log.warn("read File failed: " + relPath + e); throw e; } } /** * Delete file if it exists. * @param relPath * @return * @throws IOException * @see Files#deleteIfExists(java.nio.file.Path) */ @WebMethod @Override public boolean delete(String relPath) throws IOException { try { Path path = SecureFileSystemBean.resolvePath(relPath, configuration.getBasePath(), configuration.isRestrictedToBasePath()); if (!Files.isRegularFile(path) || !Files.isReadable(path)) { throw new IOException("invalid path: " + relPath); } log.debug("delete File: " + relPath + " as " + path); boolean deleted = Files.deleteIfExists(path); logInfo("deleted File: " + path + " : " + deleted, null); return deleted; } catch (Exception e) { logInfo("read File failed: " + relPath, e); log.warn("read File failed: " + relPath + e); throw e; } } private void logInfo(String info, Throwable t) {"User: " + request.getUserPrincipal() + " : " + info + (t != null ? " : " + t.getMessage() : ""), t); } }