Java tutorial
package at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.vaadin.ui; /*This file is part of the project "Reisisoft Adaptive Testing", * which is licenced under LGPL v3+. You may find a copy in the source, * or obtain one at */ import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.List; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.core.AnswerStorage; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.core.IQuestion; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.core.IResultView; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.core.LogHelper; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.core.engine.HistoryEntry; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.core.engine.ResultFiredArgs; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.html.HtmlLabel; import at.reisisoft.jku.ce.adaptivelearning.vaadin.ui.core.VaadinUI; import; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.server.Sizeable; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; public class VaadinResultView extends VerticalLayout implements View, IResultView { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6619938011293967055L; public VaadinResultView(ResultFiredArgs args, String title) { setSpacing(true); addComponent(new HtmlLabel(title)); addComponent(HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel("h2", "Finished test")); addComponent(HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel("The test ended, because we " + (args.outOfQuestions ? "did not have any more questions" : "determined your skill level"))); addComponent(HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel( "This are the difficulties and your answers. On top are your last answers. The first column indicates the difficulty.")); addComponent(HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel( "Closer to -INF means easy question, to +INF dificult questions. This also applies to your skill level!")); // Create HTML table of the history Table table = new Table(); final String solution = "Solution", userAnswewr = "Yourt answer"; table.addContainerProperty("Question difficulty", Float.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("Result", String.class, null); table.addContainerProperty(userAnswewr, Button.class, null); table.addContainerProperty(solution, Button.class, null); List<HistoryEntry> entries = Lists.reverse(args.history); for (HistoryEntry entry : entries) { Button qAnswer = null, qSolution = null; if (entry.question instanceof Component && entry.question != null) { try { Class<? extends AnswerStorage> dataStorageClass = entry.question.getSolution().getClass(); Constructor<? extends IQuestion> constructor = entry.question.getClass() .getConstructor(dataStorageClass, dataStorageClass, float.class, String.class); // The following casts can not fail, because the question is // a component as well Component iQuestionSolution = (Component) constructor.newInstance(entry.question.getSolution(), entry.question.getSolution(), entry.question.getDifficulty(), entry.question.getQuestionText()); Component iQuestionUser = (Component) constructor.newInstance(entry.question.getSolution(), entry.question.getUserAnswer(), entry.question.getDifficulty(), entry.question.getQuestionText()); // Create the 2 needed click listeners ClickListener clickListenerSol = event -> { Window window = new Window(solution); event.getButton().setEnabled(false); window.addCloseListener(e -> event.getButton().setEnabled(true)); window.setContent(iQuestionSolution);; window.setWidth("90%"); window.setHeight("50%"); if (iQuestionSolution instanceof Sizeable) { Sizeable sizeable = iQuestionSolution; sizeable.setSizeFull(); } getUI().addWindow(window); }; ClickListener clickListenerUA = event -> { Window window = new Window(userAnswewr); event.getButton().setEnabled(false); window.addCloseListener(e -> event.getButton().setEnabled(true)); window.setContent(iQuestionUser);; window.setWidth("90%"); window.setHeight("50%"); if (iQuestionUser instanceof Sizeable) { Sizeable sizeable = iQuestionUser; sizeable.setSizeFull(); } getUI().addWindow(window); }; // Create the two buttons qAnswer = new Button(userAnswewr, clickListenerUA); qSolution = new Button(solution, clickListenerSol); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore this line in the table LogHelper.logInfo("1 entry's solution/ user answer are missing on the final screen." + entry.question.getClass().getName() + " does not implement the constructors required by" + IQuestion.class.getName()); } } table.addItem(new Object[] { entry.question.getDifficulty(), isCorrect(entry.points, entry.question.getMaxPoints()), qAnswer, qSolution }, null); } int size = table.size(); if (size > 10) { size = 10; } table.setPageLength(size); addComponent(table); setComponentAlignment(table, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); addComponent(HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel("h3", "Your skill level is: <b>" + args.skillLevel + "</b>")); addComponent(HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel("Delta (Valus close to 0 are best): " +; } private String isCorrect(double points, double maxPoints) { return points + " / " + maxPoints + " (" + 100 * points / maxPoints + "% )"; } @Override public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) { VaadinUI.setCurrentPageTitle(event); } }