Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (c) 2010, Austrian Research Institute for * Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) * * This file is free * software, licenced under the GNU General Public License, * * Johann Petrak, 30/8/2010 * * $Id: 124 2014-04-24 18:23:51Z johann.petrak $ */ package at.ofai.gate.virtualcorpus; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import gate.*; import gate.corpora.CorpusImpl; import gate.corpora.DocumentImpl; import gate.creole.*; import gate.creole.metadata.*; import gate.event.CorpusEvent; import gate.event.CorpusListener; import gate.event.CreoleEvent; import gate.event.CreoleListener; import gate.persist.PersistenceException; import gate.util.*; import gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * A Corpus LR that mirrors documents stored in a JDBC database table field. * * The table must have a unique id field which will serve as the document * name and it must have a field that contains the actual document in some * format that can be both read, and if readonly is not true, also written by * GATE using the currently loaded * plugins. The format used by default is gate XML, however it is possible * to specify a different format by specifying a mime type when the corpus * is created. * <p> * NOTE: this corpus is immutable, none of the methods to add or remove documents * is supported! * <p> * This corpus LR automatically uses a "dummy datastore" internally. * This datastore is created and removed automatically when the corpus LR is * created and removed. This datastore cannot be used for anything useful, it * does not allow listing of resources or storing of anything but documents * that are already in the corpus. It is mainly here because GATE assumes that * documents are either transient or from a datastore. To avoid documents from * a JDBCCorpus to get treated as transient documents, their DataStore is * set to this dummy DataStore. * * @author Johann Petrak */ @CreoleResource(name = "JDBCCorpus", interfaceName = "gate.Corpus", icon = "corpus", helpURL = "", comment = "A corpus backed by GATE documents stored in a JDBC table") public class JDBCCorpus extends VirtualCorpus implements Corpus, CreoleListener { //***** // Fields //****** /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8485133333415382902L; protected List<CorpusListener> listeners = new ArrayList<CorpusListener>(); protected String jdbcDriver = "org.h2.Driver"; @CreoleParameter(comment = "The JDBC driver to use", defaultValue = "org.h2.Driver") // other values: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver public void setJdbcDriver(String driver) { jdbcDriver = driver; } public String getJdbcDriver() { return jdbcDriver; } protected String jdbcUrl = ""; @CreoleParameter(comment = "The JDBC URL, may contain $prop{name} or $env{name} or ${relpath}", defaultValue = "jdbc:h2:${dbdirectory}/YOURDBPREFIX") // other values: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database?user=user&password=pass public void setJdbcUrl(String url) { jdbcUrl = url; } public String getJdbcUrl() { return jdbcUrl; } protected String jdbcUser = ""; @Optional @CreoleParameter(comment = "The JDBC user id", defaultValue = "") public void setJdbcUser(String user) { jdbcUser = user; } public String getJdbcUser() { return jdbcUser; } protected String jdbcPassword = ""; @Optional @CreoleParameter(comment = "The JDBC password", defaultValue = "") public void setJdbcPassword(String pw) { jdbcPassword = pw; } public String getJdbcPassword() { return jdbcPassword; } protected URL dbDirectoryUrl = null; @Optional @CreoleParameter(comment = "The location of where a file database is stored. This is not used directly but can be used to replace the ${dbdirectory} variable in the jdbcUrl parameter", defaultValue = "file://.") public void setDbDirectoryUrl(URL dir) { dbDirectoryUrl = dir; } public URL getDbDirectoryUrl() { return dbDirectoryUrl; } /** */ @CreoleParameter(comment = "The database table name") public void setTableName(String name) { tableName = name; } public String getTableName() { return tableName; } protected String tableName; @CreoleParameter(comment = "The document id/name field name") public void setDocumentNameField(String name) { documentNameField = name; } public String getDocumentNameField() { return documentNameField; } protected String documentNameField; @CreoleParameter(comment = "The document content field name") public void setDocumentContentField(String name) { documentContentField = name; } public String getDocumentContentField() { return documentContentField; } protected String documentContentField; @Optional @CreoleParameter(comment = "Mime type of content, if empty, GATE XML is assumed", defaultValue = "") public void setMimeType(String type) { mimeType = type; } public String getMimeType() { return mimeType; } protected String mimeType = ""; @CreoleParameter(comment = "SQL Query for selecting the set of document ids/names", defaultValue = "SELECT ${documentNameField} from ${tableName}") @Optional public void setSelectSQL(String sql) { this.selectSQL = sql; } /** * @return */ public String getSelectSQL() { return this.selectSQL; } protected String selectSQL = "SELECT ${documentNameField} from ${tableName}"; protected DummyDataStore4JDBCCorp ourDS = null; protected Connection dbConnection = null; protected PreparedStatement getContentStatement = null; protected PreparedStatement updateContentStatement = null; private static final String DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE = "application/xml"; String encoding = "utf-8"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JDBCCorpus.class); @Override /** * Initializes the JDBCCorpus LR */ public Resource init() throws ResourceInstantiationException { if (getTableName() == null || getTableName().equals("")) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("tableName must not be empty"); } if (getDocumentNameField() == null || getDocumentNameField().equals("")) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("documentNameField must not be empty"); } if (getDocumentContentField() == null || getDocumentContentField().equals("")) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("documentContentField must not be empty"); } if (getSelectSQL() == null || getSelectSQL().equals("")) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("selectSQL must not be empty"); } String query = getSelectSQL(); // this contains the ${tableName} and ${documentNameField} vars query = query.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("${tableName}"), getTableName()); query = query.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("${documentNameField}"), getDocumentNameField()); String expandedUrl = ""; try { Class.forName(getJdbcDriver()); String dbdirectory = ""; if (getDbDirectoryUrl().getProtocol().equals("file")) { dbdirectory = getDbDirectoryUrl().getPath(); dbdirectory = new File(dbdirectory).getAbsolutePath(); } else { throw new GateRuntimeException("The database directory URL is not a file URL"); } Map<String, String> dbdirectoryMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); dbdirectoryMap.put("dbdirectory", dbdirectory); expandedUrl = gate.Utils.replaceVariablesInString(jdbcUrl, dbdirectoryMap, this); String expandedUser = gate.Utils.replaceVariablesInString(jdbcUser, dbdirectoryMap, this); String expandedPassword = gate.Utils.replaceVariablesInString(jdbcPassword, dbdirectoryMap, this); System.out.println("Using JDBC URL: " + expandedUrl); dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(expandedUrl, expandedUser, expandedPassword); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("Could not get driver/connection", ex); } Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = dbConnection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = null; rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); int i = 0; while ( { String docName = rs.getString(getDocumentNameField()); documentNames.add(docName); isLoadeds.add(false); documentIndexes.put(docName, i); i++; } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("Problem accessing database", ex); } try { PersistenceManager.registerPersistentEquivalent(at.ofai.gate.virtualcorpus.JDBCCorpus.class, at.ofai.gate.virtualcorpus.JDBCCorpusPersistence.class); } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("Could not register persistence", e); } try { // TODO: use more fields or a hash to make this unique? ourDS = (DummyDataStore4JDBCCorp) Factory.createDataStore( "at.ofai.gate.virtualcorpus.DummyDataStore4JDBCCorp", expandedUrl + "//" + getTableName()); ourDS.setName("DummyDS4_" + this.getName()); ourDS.setComment("Dummy DataStore for JDBCCorpus " + this.getName()); ourDS.setCorpus(this); //System.err.println("Created dummy corpus: "+ourDS+" with name "+ourDS.getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("Could not create dummy data store", ex); } Gate.getCreoleRegister().addCreoleListener(this); // create all the prepared statements we need for accessing stuff in the db try { query = "SELECT " + getDocumentContentField() + " FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE " + getDocumentNameField() + " = ?"; System.out.println("Preparing get document statement: " + query); getContentStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement(query); String outfield = getDocumentContentField(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new ResourceInstantiationException("Could not prepare statement", ex); } return this; } /** * This method is not implemented and throws a * gate.util.MethodNotImplementedException. * * @param directory * @param filter * @param encoding * @param recurseDirectories */ public void populate(URL directory, FileFilter filter, String encoding, boolean recurseDirectories) { populate(directory, filter, encoding, null, recurseDirectories); } /** * This method is not implemented and throws a * gate.util.MethodNotImplementedException. * * @param directory * @param filter * @param encoding * @param mimeType * @param recurseDirectories */ public void populate(URL directory, FileFilter filter, String encoding, String mimeType, boolean recurseDirectories) { /* TEMPORARY if(isTransientCorpus) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Cannot populate a transient JDBC corpus"); } else { try { CorpusImpl.populate(this, directory, filter, encoding, mimeType, recurseDirectories); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException("IO error",ex); } } */ } @Override public void cleanup() { // TODO: // deregister our listener for resources of type document // try { if (dbConnection != null && !dbConnection.isClosed()) { dbConnection.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { // TODO: log, but otherwise ignore } Gate.getDataStoreRegister().remove(ourDS); } @Override public void setName(String name) { super.setName(name); if (ourDS != null) { ourDS.setName("DummyDS4_" + this.getName()); ourDS.setComment("Dummy DataStore for JDBCCorpus " + this.getName()); } } // Methods to be implemented from List /** * Add a document to the corpus. If the document has a name that is already * in the list of documents, return false and do not add the document. * Note that only the name is checked! * If the name of the document added is not ending in ".xml", a * GateRuntimeException is thrown. * If the document is already adopted by some data store throw an exception. */ public boolean add(Document doc) { /* TEMPORARY if(!saveDocuments) { return false; } //System.out.println("JDBCCorp: called add(Object): "+doc.getName()); String docName = doc.getName(); Integer index = documentIndexes.get(docName); if(index != null) { return false; // if that name is already in the corpus, do not add } else { if(doc.getDataStore() != null) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Cannot add "+doc.getName()+" which belongs to datastore "+doc.getDataStore().getName()); } try { insertDocument(doc); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Problem inserting document "+docName,ex); } int i = documentNames.size(); documentNames.add(docName); documentIndexes.put(docName, i); isLoadeds.add(false); if(!isTransientCorpus) { adoptDocument(doc); } fireDocumentAdded(new CorpusEvent( t } his, doc, i, CorpusEvent.DOCUMENT_ADDED)); return true; } */ return true; } /** * This removes all documents from the corpus. Note that this does nothing * when the saveDocuments parameter is set to false. * If the outDirectoryURL parameter was set, this method will throw * a GateRuntimeException. */ public void clear() { /** TEMPORARY if(!saveDocuments) { return; } for(int i=documentNames.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { remove(i); } */ } /** * This checks if a document with the same name as the document * passed is already in the corpus. The content is not considered * for this. */ public boolean contains(Object docObj) { Document doc = (Document) docObj; String docName = doc.getName(); return (documentIndexes.get(docName) != null); } /** * Return the document for the given index in the corpus. * An IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when the index is not contained * in the corpus. * The document will be read from the file only if it is not already loaded. * If it is already loaded a reference to that document is returned. * * @param index * @return */ public Document get(int index) { //System.out.println("DirCorp: called get(index): "+index); if (index < 0 || index >= documentNames.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index " + index + " not in corpus " + this.getName() + " of size " + documentNames.size()); } String docName = documentNames.get(index); if (isDocumentLoaded(index)) { Document doc = loadedDocuments.get(docName); //System.out.println("Returning loaded document "+doc); return doc; } //System.out.println("Document not loaded, reading"); Document doc; try { doc = readDocument(docName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Problem retrieving document data for " + docName, ex); } loadedDocuments.put(docName, doc); isLoadeds.set(index, true); adoptDocument(doc); return doc; } /** * Returns the index of the document with the same name as the given document * in the corpus. The content of the document is not considered for this. * * @param docObj * @return */ public int indexOf(Object docObj) { Document doc = (Document) docObj; String docName = doc.getName(); Integer index = documentIndexes.get(docName); if (index == null) { return -1; } else { return index; } } /** * Returns an iterator to iterate through the documents of the * corpus. The iterator does not allow modification of the corpus. * * @return */ @Override public Iterator<Document> iterator() { return new JDBCCorpusIterator(); } /** * * @param index * @return the document that was just removed from the corpus */ @Override public Document remove(int index) { throw new MethodNotImplementedException(notImplementedMessage("remove(int)")); } /* public Document remove(int index) { Document doc = (Document)get(index); String docName = documentNames.get(index); documentNames.remove(index); if(isLoadeds.get(index)) { loadedDocuments.remove(docName); } isLoadeds.remove(index); documentIndexes.remove(docName); removeDocument(docName); try { doc.setDataStore(null); } catch (PersistenceException ex) { // this should never happen } fireDocumentRemoved(new CorpusEvent( this, doc, index, CorpusEvent.DOCUMENT_REMOVED)); return doc; } */ /** * Removes a document with the same name as the given document * from the corpus. This is not * supported and throws a GateRuntimeException if the outDirectoryURL * was specified for this corpus. If the saveDocuments parameter is false * for this corpus, this method does nothing and always returns false. * If the a document with the same name as the given document is not * found int the corpus, this does nothing and returns false. * * @param docObj * @return true if a document was removed from the corpus */ @Override public boolean remove(Object docObj) { throw new MethodNotImplementedException(notImplementedMessage("remove(Object)")); } /* public boolean remove(Object docObj) { int index = indexOf(docObj); if(index == -1) { return false; } String docName = documentNames.get(index); documentNames.remove(index); isLoadeds.remove(index); documentIndexes.remove(docName); removeDocument(docName); Document doc = isDocumentLoaded(index) ? (Document)get(index) : null; try { doc.setDataStore(null); } catch (PersistenceException ex) { // this should never happen } fireDocumentRemoved(new CorpusEvent( this, doc, index, CorpusEvent.DOCUMENT_REMOVED)); return true; } */ /** * Remove all the documents in the collection from the corpus. * * @param coll * @return true if any document was removed */ @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection coll) { throw new MethodNotImplementedException(notImplementedMessage("removeAll(Collection)")); } /* public boolean removeAll(Collection coll) { boolean ret = false; for(Object docObj : coll) { ret = ret || remove(docObj); } return ret; } */ public int size() { return documentNames.size(); } //************************** // helper methods // ************************ @Override protected void saveDocument(Document doc) { /* TEMPORARY if(!getSaveDocuments()) { return; } String docContent = doc.toXml(); String docName = doc.getName(); updateContentStatement.setString(2, docName); if (getUseCompression() || getCompressOnCopy()) { String docEncoding = (String) doc.getParameterValue("encoding"); String usedEncoding = getActiveEncoding(docEncoding); InputStream iscomp = getGZIPCompressedInputStream(docContent, usedEncoding); updateContentStatement.setBinaryStream(1, iscomp); updateContentStatement.execute(); iscomp.close(); } else { updateContentStatement.setString(1, docContent); updateContentStatement.execute(); } */ } /* protected void insertDocument(Document doc) throws SQLException, ResourceInstantiationException, IOException { if (!getSaveDocuments()) { return; } String docContent = doc.toXml(); String docName = doc.getName(); String docEncoding = (String) doc.getParameterValue("encoding"); String usedEncoding = getActiveEncoding(docEncoding); insertContentStatement.setString(1, docName); String docMimeType = (String)doc.getParameterValue("mimeType"); // when we have encoding and/or mime type fields, set them! if(haveEncodingField) { if(haveMimeTypeField) { insertContentStatement.setString(3, usedEncoding); insertContentStatement.setString(4, docMimeType); } else { insertContentStatement.setString(3, usedEncoding); } } else { if(haveMimeTypeField) { insertContentStatement.setString(3, docMimeType); } else { // neither encoding, nor mime type, nothing needs to be done } } if (getUseCompression() || getCompressOnCopy()) { InputStream iscomp = getGZIPCompressedInputStream(docContent, usedEncoding); insertContentStatement.setBinaryStream(2, iscomp); insertContentStatement.execute(); iscomp.close(); } else { insertContentStatement.setString(2, docContent); insertContentStatement.execute(); } } */ protected InputStream getGZIPCompressedInputStream(String theString, String theEncoding) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gos = new GZIPOutputStream(baos); gos.write(theString.getBytes(theEncoding)); gos.close(); ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); return inputStream; } protected Document readDocument(String docName) throws SQLException, IOException { //System.out.println("JDBCCorp: read doc "+docName); Document doc = null; ResultSet rs = null; /* TEMPORARY String docEncoding = encoding; if (haveEncodingField) { getEncodingStatement.setString(1, docName); rs = getEncodingStatement.executeQuery(); if(!rs.first()) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Could not retrieve encoding for "+docName); } if(!rs.last()) { throw new GateRuntimeException("More than one match for document "+docName); } docEncoding = rs.getString(1); } //System.out.println("Trying to get content for "+docName); getContentStatement.setString(1, docName); //System.out.println("After setString: "+getContentStatement); rs = getContentStatement.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new GateRuntimeException("Document not found int the DB table: " + docName); } if (!rs.isLast()) { throw new GateRuntimeException("More than one row found for document name " + docName); } String content = null; if (getUseCompression()) { InputStream is = rs.getBinaryStream(1); InputStream isdec = null; isdec = new GZIPInputStream(is); String usedEncoding = getActiveEncoding(docEncoding); content = IOUtils.toString(isdec, usedEncoding); isdec.close(); is.close(); } else { content = rs.getString(1); } String docMimeType = mimeType; if (haveMimeTypeField) { getMimeTypeStatement.setString(1, docName); rs = getMimeTypeStatement.executeQuery(); rs.first(); mimeType = rs.getString(1); } FeatureMap params = Factory.newFeatureMap(); params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_STRING_CONTENT_PARAMETER_NAME, content); params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_ENCODING_PARAMETER_NAME, docEncoding); params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_MIME_TYPE_PARAMETER_NAME, docMimeType); try { doc = (Document) Factory.createResource(DocumentImpl.class.getName(), params, null, docName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Exception creating the document", ex); } */ return doc; } /* protected void removeDocument(String docName) { if(getRemoveDocuments() && getSaveDocuments()) { try { deleteRowStatement.execute(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Problem when trying to delete table row for document "+docName,ex); } } } */ protected void adoptDocument(Document doc) { try { doc.setDataStore(ourDS); //System.err.println("Adopted document "+doc.getName()); } catch (PersistenceException ex) { System.err.println("Got exception when adopting: " + ex); } } protected class JDBCCorpusIterator implements Iterator<Document> { int nextIndex = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (documentNames.size() > nextIndex); } @Override public Document next() { if (hasNext()) { return get(nextIndex++); } else { return null; } } @Override public void remove() { throw new MethodNotImplementedException(); } } } // class JDBCCorpus