Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2017 MEDEVIT. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * T. Huster - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.internal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.EMediplanService; import at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.chmed16a.Medicament; import at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.chmed16a.Medicament.State; import at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.chmed16a.Medication; import at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.chmed16a.Posology; import at.medevit.elexis.inbox.model.IInboxElementService; import ch.artikelstamm.elexis.common.ArtikelstammItem; import ch.elexis.core.jdt.NonNull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Component public class EMediplanServiceImpl implements EMediplanService { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EMediplanServiceImpl.class); private IInboxElementService service; private Gson gson; public EMediplanServiceImpl() { gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); } @Override public void exportEMediplanPdf(Mandant author, Patient patient, List<Prescription> prescriptions, OutputStream output) { if (prescriptions != null && !prescriptions.isEmpty() && output != null) { Optional<String> jsonString = getJsonString(author, patient, prescriptions); Optional<Image> qrCode = -> getQrCode(json)).orElse(Optional.empty()); Optional<at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.print.Medication> jaxbModel = getJaxbModel(author, patient, prescriptions); jaxbModel.ifPresent(model -> { createPdf(qrCode, model, output); }); } } private void createPdf(Optional<Image> qrCode, Object jaxbModel, OutputStream output) { BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()).getBundleContext(); ServiceReference<IFormattedOutputFactory> fopFactoryRef = bundleContext .getServiceReference(IFormattedOutputFactory.class); if (fopFactoryRef != null) { IFormattedOutputFactory fopFactory = bundleContext.getService(fopFactoryRef); IFormattedOutput foOutput = fopFactory.getFormattedOutputImplementation(ObjectType.JAXB, OutputType.PDF); HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put("logoJpeg", getEncodedLogo()); qrCode.ifPresent(qr -> { parameters.put("qrJpeg", getEncodedQr(qr)); }); foOutput.transform(jaxbModel, EMediplanServiceImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("/rsc/xslt/emediplan.xslt"), output, parameters); bundleContext.ungetService(fopFactoryRef); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No IFormattedOutputFactory available"); } } private String getEncodedQr(Image qr) { try (ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { ImageLoader imageLoader = new ImageLoader(); = new ImageData[] { qr.getImageData() }; imageLoader.compression = 100;, SWT.IMAGE_JPEG); return "data:image/jpg;base64," + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(output.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).error("Error encoding QR", e); } return ""; } private String getEncodedLogo() { try (InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/rsc/img/Logo_Full.jpeg"); ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { IOUtils.copy(input, output); return "data:image/jpg;base64," + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(output.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).error("Error encoding logo", e); } return ""; } protected Optional<Image> getQrCode(@NonNull String json) { String encodedJson = getEncodedJson(json); Hashtable<EncodeHintType, Object> hintMap = new Hashtable<>(); hintMap.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L); QRCodeWriter qrCodeWriter = new QRCodeWriter(); try { BitMatrix bitMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(encodedJson, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 470, 470, hintMap); int width = bitMatrix.getWidth(); int height = bitMatrix.getHeight(); ImageData data = new ImageData(width, height, 24, new PaletteData(0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000)); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { data.setPixel(x, y, bitMatrix.get(x, y) ? 0x000000 : 0xFFFFFF); } } return Optional.of(new Image(Display.getDefault(), data)); } catch (WriterException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).error("Error creating QR", e); return Optional.empty(); } } /** * Get the encoded (Header with zipped and Base64 encoded content) String. The header of the * current CHMED Version is added to the resulting String. * * @param json * @return */ protected String getEncodedJson(@NonNull String json) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // header for compresses json sb.append("CHMED16A1"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(out)) { gzip.write(json.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).error("Error encoding json", e); throw new IllegalStateException("Error encoding json", e); } sb.append(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(out.toByteArray())); return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the decoded String, from the zipped and Base64 encoded String. The first 9 characters * (CHMED header) are ignored. * * @param encodedJson * @return */ protected String getDecodedJsonString(@NonNull String encodedJson) { String content = encodedJson.substring(9); byte[] zipped = Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(content); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { GZIPInputStream gzip = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(zipped)); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(gzip); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(reader); // Probably only single json line, but just to be sure ... String read; while ((read = in.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(read); } } catch (IOException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).error("Error decoding json", e); throw new IllegalStateException("Error decoding json", e); } return sb.toString(); } protected Optional<at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.print.Medication> getJaxbModel(Mandant author, Patient patient, List<Prescription> prescriptions) { at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.print.Medication medication = at.medevit.elexis.emediplan.core.model.print.Medication .fromPrescriptions(author, patient, prescriptions); return Optional.ofNullable(medication); } protected Optional<String> getJsonString(Mandant author, Patient patient, List<Prescription> prescriptions) { Medication medication = Medication.fromPrescriptions(author, patient, prescriptions); return Optional.ofNullable(gson.toJson(medication)); } @Override public Medication createModelFromChunk(String chunk) { String json = getDecodedJsonString(chunk); if (chunk.length() > 8) { logger.debug("json version: " + chunk.substring(5, 8)); GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder(); gb.registerTypeAdapter(Medication.class, new MedicationDeserializer()); Gson g = gb.create(); Medication m = g.fromJson(json, Medication.class); m.chunk = chunk; return m; } else { logger.error("invalid json length - cannot parseable"); } return null; } public void addExistingArticlesToMedication(Medication medication) { if (medication != null) { findPatientForMedication(medication); List<Medicament> medicaments = new ArrayList<>(); if (medication.Medicaments != null) { for (Medicament in : medication.Medicaments) { Medicament toAdd = in; if (in.Pos != null) { if (in.Pos.size() > 1) { // because of the flat representation of all medicaments // for each posology entry a copy of that medicament are created List<Posology> posologies = new ArrayList<>(in.Pos); for (Posology p : posologies) { try { Gson gson = new Gson(); String json = gson.toJson(in); toAdd = gson.fromJson(json, Medicament.class); toAdd.Pos = new ArrayList<>(); toAdd.Pos.add(p); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("cannot clone medicament id: " + toAdd.Id, e); } addMedicamentToMedication(medication, medicaments, toAdd); } } else { addMedicamentToMedication(medication, medicaments, toAdd); } } } medication.Medicaments = medicaments; } } } private void findPatientForMedication(Medication medication) { if (medication.Patient != null) { Patient patient = null; // if the chunk are from the inbox the elexis patient id is also available if (medication.Patient.patientId != null) { patient = Patient.load(medication.Patient.patientId); } // try to find patient by birthdate firstname and lastname if (patient == null) { String bDate = medication.Patient.BDt; patient = KontaktMatcher.findPatient(medication.Patient.LName, medication.Patient.FName, bDate != null ? bDate.replace("-", "") : null, null, null, null, null, null, CreateMode.ASK); } if (patient != null && patient.getId() != null && patient.exists()) { medication.Patient.patientId = patient.getId(); medication.Patient.patientLabel = patient.getPersonalia(); } } } private void addMedicamentToMedication(Medication medication, List<Medicament> medicaments, Medicament toAdd) { if (toAdd.Pos != null && !toAdd.Pos.isEmpty()) { Posology pos = toAdd.Pos.get(0); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (pos.D != null) { int size = pos.D.size(); for (float f : pos.D) { buf.append((int) f); size--; if (size != 0) { buf.append("-"); } } } toAdd.dosis = buf.toString(); transformAppInstrToFreeTextDosage(toAdd); toAdd.dateFrom = pos.DtFrom; toAdd.dateTo = pos.DtTo; } findArticleForMedicament(toAdd); // check if db already contains this prescription setPresciptionsToMedicament(medication, toAdd); medicaments.add(toAdd); } private void transformAppInstrToFreeTextDosage(Medicament toAdd) { if (toAdd.dosis.isEmpty() && toAdd.AppInstr != null) { String[] split = toAdd.AppInstr.split("\\" + Medicament.FREETEXT_PREFIX); if (split.length > 1) { toAdd.AppInstr = split[0]; int idx = split[1].lastIndexOf(Medicament.FREETEXT_POSTFIX); if (idx > 0) { toAdd.dosis = split[1].substring(0, idx); } } } } @Override public void setPresciptionsToMedicament(Medication medication, Medicament medicament) { if (medication.Patient != null && medication.Patient.patientId != null) { if (medicament.artikelstammItem != null) { Query<Prescription> qre = new Query<>(Prescription.class); qre.add(Prescription.FLD_PATIENT_ID, Query.LIKE, medication.Patient.patientId); qre.orderBy(true, PersistentObject.FLD_LASTUPDATE); List<Prescription> execute = qre.execute(); TimeTool now = new TimeTool(); now.add(TimeTool.SECOND, 5); List<Prescription> patientPrescriptions = execute.parallelStream().filter(p -> !p.isStopped(now)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); setMedicamentState(medicament, patientPrescriptions); } setMedicamentStateInfo(medicament); } } private void setMedicamentState(Medicament medicament, List<Prescription> patientPrescriptions) { // reset state medicament.state = State.NEW; medicament.foundPrescription = null; for (Prescription prescription : patientPrescriptions) { Artikel artikel = prescription.getArtikel(); if (checkATCEquality(medicament.artikelstammItem.getATCCode(), artikel.getATC_code())) { if (State.isHigherState(medicament.state, State.ATC)) { medicament.state = State.ATC; medicament.foundPrescription = prescription; } if (medicament.artikelstammItem.getATCCode().equals(artikel.getATC_code()) && State.isHigherState(medicament.state, State.ATC_SAME)) { medicament.state = State.ATC_SAME; medicament.foundPrescription = prescription; if (prescription.getDosis().equals(medicament.dosis)) { if (State.isHigherState(medicament.state, State.ATC_SAME_DOSAGE)) { medicament.state = State.ATC_SAME_DOSAGE; medicament.foundPrescription = prescription; } } } } if (medicament.artikelstammItem.getGTIN().equals(artikel.getGTIN())) { if (State.isHigherState(medicament.state, State.GTIN_SAME)) { medicament.state = State.GTIN_SAME; medicament.foundPrescription = prescription; } if (prescription.getDosis().equals(medicament.dosis)) { if (State.isHigherState(medicament.state, State.GTIN_SAME_DOSAGE)) { medicament.state = State.GTIN_SAME_DOSAGE; medicament.foundPrescription = prescription; break; } } } } } private void setMedicamentStateInfo(Medicament medicament) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (medicament.artikelstammItem == null) { buf.append("Der Artikel wurde nicht gefunden."); } else if (medicament.isMedicationExpired()) { buf.append("Diese Medikation ist bereits am " + medicament.dateTo + " abgelaufen."); } else { if (State.GTIN_SAME_DOSAGE.equals(medicament.state) || State.GTIN_SAME.equals(medicament.state)) { buf.append("Dieses Medikament existiert bereits in Elexis."); } else if (State.ATC_SAME_DOSAGE.equals(medicament.state) || State.ATC.equals(medicament.state) || State.ATC_SAME.equals(medicament.state)) { buf.append(State.ATC.equals(medicament.state) ? "Medikament aus gleicher Wirkstoffgruppe bereits vorhanden." : "Medikament mit gleichem Wirkstoff bereits vorhanden."); if (medicament.foundPrescription != null && medicament.foundPrescription.getArtikel() != null) { buf.append("\n(" + medicament.foundPrescription.getArtikel().getName() + ")"); } } else if (State.NEW.equals(medicament.state)) { buf.append("Neues Medikament"); } if (State.ATC_SAME.equals(medicament.state) || State.GTIN_SAME.equals(medicament.state)) { buf.append("\nnderung bei der Dosierung."); } } medicament.stateInfo = buf.toString(); } private boolean checkATCEquality(String atc1, String atc2) { if (atc1 != null && atc1.length() > 3 && atc2 != null) { return atc2.startsWith(atc1.substring(0, 4)); } return atc1 != null && atc1.equals(atc2); } private void findArticleForMedicament(Medicament medicament) { if (medicament.IdType == 2) { //GTIN ArtikelstammItem artikelstammItem = ArtikelstammItem.findByEANorGTIN(medicament.Id); if (artikelstammItem != null) { medicament.artikelstammItem = artikelstammItem; } } else if (medicament.IdType == 3) { //PHARMACODE ArtikelstammItem artikelstammItem = ArtikelstammItem.findByPharmaCode(medicament.Id); if (artikelstammItem != null) { medicament.artikelstammItem = artikelstammItem; } } } public class MedicationDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Medication> { Gson g = new GsonBuilder().create(); @Override public Medication deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) { Medication u = null; try { try { u = g.fromJson(json, Medication.class); return u; } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { // because version incompatibility of 16A the MedicalData 'Med' attribute will be removed // MedicalData 'Med' has different types in the version 16A if (json.getAsJsonObject().get("Patient") != null) { json.getAsJsonObject().get("Patient").getAsJsonObject().remove("Med"); } u = g.fromJson(json, Medication.class); logger.warn("json parsed successfully - by removing the 'Med' attribute"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("unexpected json error", e); } return u; } } @Override public boolean createInboxEntry(Medication medication, Mandant mandant) { if (service == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No IInboxElementService for inbox defined"); } if (medication != null) { if (medication.chunk != null && medication.Patient != null && medication.Patient.patientId != null) { Patient patient = Patient.load(medication.Patient.patientId); NamedBlob namedBlob = NamedBlob.load(medication.getNamedBlobId()); namedBlob.putString(medication.chunk); if (namedBlob != null && patient.exists()) { service.createInboxElement(patient, mandant, namedBlob); return true; } } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("cannot add medication to list:"); buf.append("["); buf.append("med chunk:" + medication.chunk); buf.append("med patient id:" + (medication.Patient != null ? medication.Patient.patientId : "null")); buf.append("]"); logger.warn(buf.toString()); } else { logger.error("cannot add medication to list: medication is null"); } return false; } @Reference(unbind = "-") public void setService(IInboxElementService service) { this.service = service; } }