Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008-2009 Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Johannes Kepler University Linz
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package at.jku.rdfstats;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import at.jku.rdfstats.vocabulary.SCOVO;
import at.jku.rdfstats.vocabulary.Stats;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.n3.IRIResolver;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.Lock;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.DC;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS;

 * @author dorgon
public class RDFStatsUpdatableModelImpl extends RDFStatsModelImpl implements RDFStatsUpdatableModel {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RDFStatsUpdatableModelImpl.class);
    private static final int WAIT_INTERVAL = 5000;

    /** currently acquired locks and thread references */
    private Map<RDFStatsDataset, Thread> exclusiveUsers = new HashMap<RDFStatsDataset, Thread>();

    /** changed SCOVO items since lock has been acquired */
    private Map<RDFStatsDataset, Set<Resource>> changedItems = new HashMap<RDFStatsDataset, Set<Resource>>();

     * @param wrappedModel
    protected RDFStatsUpdatableModelImpl(Model wrappedModel) {

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see at.jku.rdfstats.RDFStatsModel#asUpdatableModel()
    public RDFStatsUpdatableModel asUpdatableModel() {
        return this;

    // locking

     * possible deadlock if thread requests exclusive lock and doesn't return it! always use a finally{} block to return it
     * TODO: not synced to prevent from deadlocks, should rethink and improve locking
    public void requestExclusiveWriteLock(RDFStatsDataset ds) {
        String dsStr = (ds != null) ? ds.toString() : "all RDF sources";

        while (lockOwner(ds) != null) { // lock already acquired for ds
            try {
                if (log.isInfoEnabled())
          "Waiting for the exclusive write lock for " + dsStr + "...");
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " obtained exclusive write lock for " + dsStr
                    + ".");


     * @param ds
    private void lock(RDFStatsDataset ds) {
        exclusiveUsers.put(ds, Thread.currentThread());

     * @param ds
     * @return
    private Thread lockOwner(RDFStatsDataset ds) {
        return exclusiveUsers.get(ds);

     * @param ds
    private void unlock(RDFStatsDataset ds) {

     * @param ds
    private void resetChangedItems(RDFStatsDataset ds) {
        changedItems.put(ds, new HashSet<Resource>());

    public void returnExclusiveWriteLock(RDFStatsDataset ds) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(ds, true);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            String dsStr = (ds != null) ? ds.toString() : "all RDF sources";
            log.debug("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " returned exclusive write lock for " + dsStr
                    + ".");


        // TODO commit fails
        //      if (wrappedModel.supportsTransactions())
        //         wrappedModel.commit(); // ensure commit

     * @param ds
     * @param warnOnly if true, only log.warn(), otherwise throws exception
     * @throws RDFStatsModelException
    private void checkLock(RDFStatsDataset ds, boolean warnOnly) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        Thread prev = lockOwner(ds);
        String dsStr = (ds == null) ? "all statistics" : ds.toString();

        if (prev == null) {
            String msg = "Unauthorized modification operation: Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                    + " has no exclusive write lock for " + dsStr + ".";
            if (warnOnly)
                throw new RDFStatsModelException(msg);
        if (Thread.currentThread() != prev) {
            String msg = "Unauthorized modification operation: Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                    + " has no exclusive write lock for " + dsStr + " (it is locked by Thread " + prev.getId()
                    + ".";
            if (warnOnly)
                throw new RDFStatsModelException(msg);

    // dataset modification

    public RDFStatsDataset addDatasetAndLock(String sourceUrl, String sourceType, String creator, Calendar date)
            throws RDFStatsModelException {
        RDFStatsDataset ds;
        IRIResolver resolver = new IRIResolver();
        sourceUrl = resolver.resolve(sourceUrl); // creates absulte <file:> URIs

        if ((ds = getDataset(sourceUrl)) != null)
            throw new RDFStatsModelException(ds + " already exists!");

        try {
            model.setNsPrefix(Constants.RDFSTATS_PREFIX, Stats.getURI());
            Resource r = model.createResource(Stats.RDFStatsDataset);
            r.addProperty(Stats.sourceUrl, model.createResource(sourceUrl));
            r.addProperty(Stats.sourceType, model.createResource(sourceType));
            r.addProperty(DC.creator, model.createLiteral(creator));
            r.addProperty(, model.createTypedLiteral(date));
            ds = new RDFStatsDatasetImpl(r, this);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Created new " + ds + ".");

            // lock already before leaving Jena critical section
        } finally {
        return ds;

    public RDFStatsDataset updateDataset(RDFStatsDataset ds, String creator, Calendar date)
            throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(ds, false);

        try {
            Resource r = ds.getWrappedResource();
            model.setNsPrefix(Constants.RDFSTATS_PREFIX, Stats.getURI());

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Updated " + ds + ".");
        } finally {

        return ds;

    // histogram modifications

    public boolean addOrUpdatePropertyHistogram(RDFStatsDataset dataset, String p, String rangeUri,
            String encodedHistogram) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(dataset, false);

        try {
            Resource histItem = getPropertyHistogramResource(dataset.getSourceUrl(), p, rangeUri);

            // new histogram
            if (histItem == null) {
                histItem = model.createResource();
                histItem.addProperty(RDF.type, Stats.PropertyHistogram);
                histItem.addProperty(SCOVO.dataset, dataset.getWrappedResource());
                //            if (c != null)
                //               histItem.addProperty(RDFStats.classDimension, model.createResource(c));
                histItem.addProperty(Stats.propertyDimension, model.createResource(p));
                histItem.addProperty(Stats.rangeDimension, model.createResource(rangeUri));
                histItem.addProperty(RDF.value, model.createLiteral(encodedHistogram));

                // remove from cached histograms
                removeCachedHistogram(dataset.getSourceUrl(), p, rangeUri);
                return true;

                // exists already => simply update rdf:value
            } else {

                // remove from cached histograms
                removeCachedHistogram(dataset.getSourceUrl(), p, rangeUri);
                return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //         if (c != null)
            //            throw new RDFStatsModelException("Failed to add or update histogram for " + dataset + ", class <" + c + ">, property <" + p + ">, range <" + rangeUri + ">!", e);
            //         else
            throw new RDFStatsModelException("Failed to add or update histogram for " + dataset + ", property <" + p
                    + ">, range <" + rangeUri + ">!", e);
        } finally {

    public boolean addOrUpdateSubjectHistogram(RDFStatsDataset dataset, boolean blankNodes, String encodedHistogram)
            throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(dataset, false);

        try {
            Resource histItem = getSubjectHistogramResource(dataset.getSourceUrl(), blankNodes);
            Resource range = (blankNodes) ? Stats.blankNode : RDFS.Resource;

            // new histogram
            if (histItem == null) {
                histItem = model.createResource();
                histItem.addProperty(RDF.type, Stats.SubjectHistogram);
                histItem.addProperty(SCOVO.dataset, dataset.getWrappedResource());
                histItem.addProperty(Stats.rangeDimension, range);
                //            if (c != null)
                //               histItem.addProperty(RDFStats.classDimension, model.createResource(c));
                histItem.addProperty(RDF.value, model.createLiteral(encodedHistogram));

                // remove from cached histograms
                removeCachedHistogram(dataset.getSourceUrl(), null, range.getURI());
                return true;

                // exists already => simply update rdf:value
            } else {

                // remove from cached histograms
                removeCachedHistogram(dataset.getSourceUrl(), null, range.getURI());
                return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //         if (c != null)
            //            throw new RDFStatsModelException("Failed to add or update subject histogram for " + dataset + " and class <" + c + ">!", e);
            //         else
            throw new RDFStatsModelException("Failed to add or update subject histogram for " + dataset + "!", e);
        } finally {

    public void keepPropertyHistogram(RDFStatsDataset dataset, String p, String rangeUri)
            throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(dataset, false);
        changedItems.get(dataset).add(getPropertyHistogramResource(dataset.getSourceUrl(), p, rangeUri));

    public void keepSubjectHistogram(RDFStatsDataset dataset, boolean blankNodes) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(dataset, false);
        changedItems.get(dataset).add(getSubjectHistogramResource(dataset.getSourceUrl(), blankNodes));

    // update/import from another model

    public boolean updateFrom(RDFStatsModel newModel, boolean onlyNewer) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        // handle each dataset in new stats model
        boolean ok = true;
        List<RDFStatsDataset> datasets = newModel.getDatasets();
        if (datasets.size() == 0) {
            log.warn("No RDFStats dataset found in RDF data.");
            return false;

        for (RDFStatsDataset newDs : newModel.getDatasets()) {
            ok = ok && updateFrom(newDs.getSourceUrl(), newModel, onlyNewer);
        return ok;

    public boolean updateFrom(String sourceUrl, RDFStatsModel newModel, boolean onlyNewer)
            throws RDFStatsModelException {
        RDFStatsDataset newDs = newModel.getDataset(sourceUrl);
        if (newDs == null)
            throw new RDFStatsModelException("Attempt to update statistics from new model for RDF source <"
                    + sourceUrl + ">, but new model doesn't contain a dataset for that RDF source.");

        RDFStatsDataset thisDs = getDataset(sourceUrl);

        boolean isNewer = thisDs == null || newDs.getCalendar().compareTo(thisDs.getCalendar()) > 0;

        if (!isNewer)
                    + " are not newer than existing, probably the statistics file has been updated on the remote server but not the actual statistics data.");

        if (!onlyNewer || isNewer) {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Merging " + (isNewer ? "newer" : "actually older") + " (" + newDs.getCalendar().getTime()
                        + ") " + newDs + " into existing statistics.");

            return importStatistics(newDs, newModel);
        } else
            return false;

     * gets exclusive write lock itself
     * @param newDs
     * @param newModel
     * @return
     * @throws RDFStatsModelException
    private boolean importStatistics(RDFStatsDataset newDs, RDFStatsModel newModel) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        String sourceUrl = newDs.getSourceUrl();
        RDFStatsDataset thisNewDs = null;

        RDFStatsDataset prevDs = getDataset(sourceUrl);

        try {
            if (prevDs == null)
                thisNewDs = addDatasetAndLock(sourceUrl, newDs.getSourceType(), newDs.getCreator(),
            else {
                thisNewDs = updateDataset(prevDs, newDs.getCreator(), newDs.getCalendar());

            //         // class-specific subject histograms
            //         for (String cl : newModel.getSubjectHistogramClassess(sourceUrl)) {
            //            addOrUpdateSubjectHistogram(thisNewDs, cl, newModel.getSubjectHistogramEncoded(sourceUrl, cl));
            //            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            //               log.debug("Added/updated subject histogram for class <" + cl + "> from another " + newDs + ".");
            //         }

            // subject histograms
            String untypedEncoded = newModel.getSubjectHistogramEncoded(sourceUrl, false);
            if (untypedEncoded != null)
                addOrUpdateSubjectHistogram(thisNewDs, false, untypedEncoded);

            // blank nodes histogram
            String bnodesEncoded = newModel.getSubjectHistogramEncoded(sourceUrl, true);
            if (bnodesEncoded != null)
                addOrUpdateSubjectHistogram(thisNewDs, true, bnodesEncoded);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Added/updated subject histogram from another " + newDs + ".");

            //         // class-specific property histograms
            //         for (String cl : newModel.getPropertyHistogramClasses(sourceUrl)) {
            //            for (String p : newModel.getPropertyHistogramProperties(sourceUrl, cl)) {
            //               for (String r : newModel.getPropertyHistogramRanges(sourceUrl, cl, p)) {
            //                  addOrUpdatePropertyHistogram(thisNewDs, cl, p, r, newModel.getPropertyHistogramEncoded(sourceUrl, cl, p, r));
            //                  if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            //                     log.debug("Added/updated untyped histogram for class <" + cl + ">, property <" + p + ">, range <" + r +"> from another " + newDs + ".");
            //               }
            //            }
            //         }

            // untyped property histograms
            for (String p : newModel.getPropertyHistogramProperties(sourceUrl)) {
                for (String r : newModel.getPropertyHistogramRanges(sourceUrl, p)) {
                    addOrUpdatePropertyHistogram(thisNewDs, p, r,
                            newModel.getPropertyHistogramEncoded(sourceUrl, p, r));
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Added/updated property histogram for property <" + p + ">, range <" + r
                                + "> from another " + newDs + ".");

            // clear all SCOVO items that have not been added or updated

            return true;
        } finally {

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see at.jku.rdfstats.RDFStatsUpdatableModel#removeUnchangedItems(at.jku.rdfstats.RDFStatsDataset)
     * Example model:
     * _:b0 a stats:RDFStatsDataset ;
     *       dc:date ... ; dc:creator ; ...
     * .
     * _:b1 a scv:Item ;
     *       scv:dataset _:b0 ;
     *       scv:dimension x:dim1 ; scv:dimension x:dim2 ... ;
     * .
     * Workflow:
     * 1. select scv:Items ?item having scv:dataset _:b0
     * 2. delete items
     * TODO: 3. delete stats:RDFStatsDataset _:b0
    public void removeUnchangedItems(RDFStatsDataset ds) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(ds, false);
        log.debug("Clearing old statistics for " + ds + "...");

        QueryExecution qe = null;
        try {
            String qryStr = Constants.QUERY_PREFIX + "SELECT ?item ?dim WHERE { \n"
                    + "{   ?item   a   stats:PropertyHistogram } \n" + "   UNION"
                    + "{   ?item   a   stats:SubjectHistogram } \n" + "   ?item   "
                    + datasetConstraint(ds.getSourceUrl()) + " .\n" + "}\n";

            qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(qryStr, model); // against wrappedModel without inference

            Set<Resource> itemsToDelete = new HashSet<Resource>();

            ResultSet r = qe.execSelect();
            Resource item;
            QuerySolution s;

            Set<Resource> changedItemsDs = changedItems.get(ds);
            while (r.hasNext()) {
                s = r.nextSolution();
                item = s.getResource("item");

                // only if item was not changed
                if (!changedItemsDs.contains(item))

            for (Resource i : itemsToDelete)
                model.removeAll(i, null, null);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled() && itemsToDelete.size() > 0) {
                String dsStr = (ds != null) ? " for " + ds : "";
                log.debug("Removed " + itemsToDelete.size() + " SCOVO items of statistics" + dsStr + ".");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String dsStr = (ds != null) ? " for " + ds : "";
            throw new RDFStatsModelException(
                    "Failed to remove old SCOVO items and dimensions of statistics" + dsStr + ".", e);
        } finally {
            if (qe != null)

    public void removeDataset(RDFStatsDataset ds) throws RDFStatsModelException {
        checkLock(ds, false);
        removeUnchangedItems(ds); // removes all items of ds
        model.removeAll(ds.getWrappedResource(), null, null); // removes ds
