Java tutorial
package at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.vaadin.ui; /*This file is part of the project "Reisisoft Adaptive Testing", * which is licenced under LGPL v3+. You may find a copy in the source, * or obtain one at */ import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.core.*; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.core.engine.engines.SimpleEngine; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.vaadin.ui.core.VaadinUI; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.core.engine.EngineException; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.core.engine.ICurrentQuestionChangeListener; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.core.engine.IEngine; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.core.engine.IResultFiredListener; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.core.engine.ResultFiredArgs; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.html.HtmlLabel; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.vaadin.ui.core.Views; import com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.server.Sizeable; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification.Type; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; public abstract class QuestionManager extends VerticalLayout implements ICurrentQuestionChangeListener, IResultFiredListener, View { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4764723794449575244L; private SingleComponentLayout questionHolder = new SingleComponentLayout(); private IEngine iEngine; private GridLayout southLayout = new GridLayout(3, 1); private final Button next; private Component helpComponent = null; private Label title; private Class<? extends IResultView> resultViewClass = null; private int questionNo; public QuestionManager(String quizName) { this(quizName, null); } public QuestionManager(String quizName, IEngine engine) { setMargin(true); questionNo = 0; title = HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel("h1", quizName); addComponent(title); addComponent(questionHolder); addComponent(southLayout); next = new Button("Nchste Frage"); next.addClickListener(e -> { e.getButton().setEnabled(false); try { iEngine.requestCalculation(); } catch (EngineException e1) {"Die nchste Frage konnte nicht ausgewhlt werden.", "Bitte wende dich an den Lehrenden.", Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); LogHelper.logThrowable(e1); } }); southLayout.addComponent(next, 2, 0); southLayout.setSizeFull(); southLayout.setMargin(true); // Ensure we have an engine if (engine == null) { try { iEngine = new SimpleEngine(); } catch (EngineException e1) {"Test-System konnte nicht gestartet werden", "Bitte wende dich an den Lehrenden.", Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); LogHelper.logThrowable(e1); } } else { iEngine = engine; } // Register to engine events iEngine.addQuestionChangeListener(this); iEngine.addResultFiredListener(this); setResultView(VaadinResultView.class); } /** * * @param question * A question which is a component as well */ public <QuestionComponent extends IQuestion<? extends AnswerStorage> & Component & Sizeable> void addQuestion( QuestionComponent question) { iEngine.addQuestionToPool(question); } public IEngine getEngine() { return iEngine; } protected final void addHelpButton(Component c) { assert c != null; helpComponent = c; southLayout.addComponent(helpComponent, 1, 0); } @Override public void resultFired(ResultFiredArgs args) throws EngineException { IResultView result; if (resultViewClass == null) { String msg = "You forget to set the result view"; LogHelper.logError(msg); throw new NullPointerException(msg); } Constructor<? extends IResultView> resultConstructor; try { resultConstructor = resultViewClass.getConstructor(ResultFiredArgs.class, String.class); result = resultConstructor.newInstance(args, title.getValue()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NullPointerException e) { LogHelper.logInfo(resultViewClass.getName() + " does not implement the constructors of " + IResultView.class.getName()); throw new EngineException(e); } // Add it to the navigator Navigator navigator = getUI().getNavigator(); assert navigator != null; // Cast cannot fail, as the setResultView takes care, that it is a View // as well navigator.addView(Views.RESULT.toString(), (View) result); navigator.navigateTo(Views.RESULT.toString()); } // As QuestionManager only listens to the engine, every Question is a // Component as well @Override public void questionChanged(IQuestion<? extends AnswerStorage> question) { // This cast won't fail as every question in the engine is a Component // as well if (question != null) { questionNo++; Label newTitel = HtmlLabel.getCenteredLabel("h1", "Aufgabe " + questionNo); replaceComponent(title, newTitel); title = newTitel; Component c = (Component) question; questionHolder.addComponent(c); Sizeable s = (Sizeable) question; s.setSizeFull(); } next.setEnabled(true); } /** * Loads questions to the {@code iEngine} */ public abstract void loadQuestions(); public void startQuiz(StudentData student) { iEngine.resetQuestions(); iEngine.setStudentData(student); loadQuestions(); try { iEngine.start(); } catch (EngineException e) {"Test-System konnte nicht gestartet werden", "Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Lehrenden.", Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); LogHelper.logThrowable(e); } } @Override public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) { startQuiz(new StudentData("anonymous")); VaadinUI.setCurrentPageTitle(event); } public <RView extends View & IResultView> void setResultView(Class<? extends RView> class1) { resultViewClass = class1; } }