Java tutorial
package at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.vaadin.ui; /*This file is part of the project "Reisisoft Adaptive Testing", * which is licenced under LGPL v3+. You may find a copy in the source, * or obtain one at */ import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.html.HtmlLabel; import at.jku.ce.adaptivetesting.html.HtmlLink; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; public class LicenceWindow extends Window { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7005783695341501851L; private VerticalLayout vLayout = new VerticalLayout(); private final HtmlLink apache2 = new HtmlLink("", "Apache 2.0 Lizenz", true); private final HtmlLink lgpl3 = new HtmlLink("", "LGPL v3", true); public LicenceWindow() { super("Licences"); center(); // Layout for the window setContent(vLayout); vLayout.setMargin(true); vLayout.addComponent(new HtmlLabel("Originalversion erstellt 2014 von Florian Reisinger.")); // Add the 3rd party licences addLibraryLicence(new HtmlLink("", "Vaadin Framework", true), apache2); addLibraryLicence(new HtmlLink("", "RCaller 2.0", true), lgpl3); } public void addLibraryLicence(HtmlLink library, HtmlLink licence) { vLayout.addComponent(new HtmlLabel(library + " ( " + licence + ')')); } }