Java tutorial
/** * RxDroid - A Medication Reminder * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Joseph Lehner <> * * * RxDroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * RxDroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with RxDroid. If not, see <>. * * */ package at.jclehner.rxdroid; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import android.text.Html; import android.util.Log; import at.jclehner.androidutils.EventDispatcher; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.Settings.DoseTimeInfo; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.db.Database; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.db.Drug; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.db.Entries; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.db.Schedule; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.preferences.TimePeriodPreference.TimePeriod; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.util.DateTime; import at.jclehner.rxdroid.util.Util; public class NotificationReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String TAG = NotificationReceiver.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean LOGV = BuildConfig.DEBUG; private static final int LED_CYCLE_MS = 5000; private static final int LED_ON_MS = 500; private static final int LED_OFF_MS = LED_CYCLE_MS - LED_ON_MS; private static final Class<?>[] EVENT_HANDLER_ARG_TYPES = { Date.class, int.class }; public interface OnDoseTimeChangeListener { void onDoseTimeBegin(Date date, int doseTime); void onDoseTimeEnd(Date date, int doseTime); } static final String EXTRA_SILENT = "at.jclehner.rxdroid.extra.SILENT"; static final String EXTRA_DATE = "at.jclehner.rxdroid.extra.DATE"; static final String EXTRA_DOSE_TIME = "at.jclehner.rxdroid.extra.DOSE_TIME"; static final String EXTRA_IS_DOSE_TIME_END = "at.jclehner.rxdroid.extra.IS_DOSE_TIME_END"; static final String EXTRA_IS_ALARM_REPETITION = "at.jclehner.rxdroid.extra.IS_ALARM_REPETITION"; static final String EXTRA_FORCE_UPDATE = "at.jclehner.rxdroid.extra.FORCE_UPDATE"; private static final int NOTIFICATION_NORMAL = 0; private static final int NOTIFICATION_FORCE_UPDATE = 1; private static final int NOTIFICATION_FORCE_SILENT = 2; private Context mContext; private AlarmManager mAlarmMgr; private List<Drug> mAllDrugs; private boolean mDoPostSilent = false; private boolean mForceUpdate = false; private static final EventDispatcher<OnDoseTimeChangeListener> sEventMgr = new EventDispatcher<OnDoseTimeChangeListener>(); public static void registerOnDoseTimeChangeListener(OnDoseTimeChangeListener l) { sEventMgr.register(l); } public static void unregisterOnDoseTimeChangeListener(OnDoseTimeChangeListener l) { sEventMgr.unregister(l); } @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent == null) return; Settings.init(); Database.init(); final boolean isAlarmRepetition = intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_IS_ALARM_REPETITION, false); final int doseTime = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_DOSE_TIME, Schedule.TIME_INVALID); if (doseTime != Schedule.TIME_INVALID) { if (!isAlarmRepetition) { final Date date = (Date) intent.getSerializableExtra(EXTRA_DATE); final boolean isDoseTimeEnd = intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_IS_DOSE_TIME_END, false); final String eventName = isDoseTimeEnd ? "onDoseTimeEnd" : "onDoseTimeBegin";, EVENT_HANDLER_ARG_TYPES, date, doseTime); } } mContext = context; mAlarmMgr = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); mDoPostSilent = intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_SILENT, false); mForceUpdate = isAlarmRepetition ? true : intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_FORCE_UPDATE, false); mAllDrugs = Database.getAll(Drug.class); rescheduleAlarms(); updateCurrentNotifications(); } private void rescheduleAlarms() { cancelAllAlarms(); scheduleNextAlarms(); } private void scheduleNextAlarms() { if (Settings.getDoseTimeBegin(Drug.TIME_MORNING) == null) { Log.w(TAG, "No dose-time settings available. Not scheduling alarms."); return; } if (LOGV) Log.i(TAG, "Scheduling next alarms..."); final DoseTimeInfo dtInfo = Settings.getDoseTimeInfo(); if (dtInfo.activeDoseTime() != Schedule.TIME_INVALID) scheduleNextBeginOrEndAlarm(dtInfo, true); else scheduleNextBeginOrEndAlarm(dtInfo, false); } private void updateCurrentNotifications() { final DoseTimeInfo dtInfo = Settings.getDoseTimeInfo(); final boolean isActiveDoseTime; Date date = dtInfo.activeDate(); int doseTime = dtInfo.activeDoseTime(); if (doseTime == Schedule.TIME_INVALID) { isActiveDoseTime = false; doseTime = dtInfo.nextDoseTime(); date = dtInfo.nextDoseTimeDate(); } else isActiveDoseTime = true; final int mode; if (mForceUpdate) mode = NOTIFICATION_FORCE_UPDATE; else if (mDoPostSilent) mode = NOTIFICATION_FORCE_SILENT; else mode = NOTIFICATION_NORMAL; updateNotification(date, doseTime, isActiveDoseTime, mode); } private void scheduleNextBeginOrEndAlarm(DoseTimeInfo dtInfo, boolean scheduleEnd) { final int doseTime = scheduleEnd ? dtInfo.activeDoseTime() : dtInfo.nextDoseTime(); final Calendar time = dtInfo.currentTime(); final Date doseTimeDate = scheduleEnd ? dtInfo.activeDate() : dtInfo.nextDoseTimeDate(); final Bundle alarmExtras = new Bundle(); alarmExtras.putSerializable(EXTRA_DATE, doseTimeDate); alarmExtras.putInt(EXTRA_DOSE_TIME, doseTime); alarmExtras.putBoolean(EXTRA_IS_DOSE_TIME_END, scheduleEnd); alarmExtras.putBoolean(EXTRA_SILENT, false); long offset; if (scheduleEnd) offset = Settings.getMillisUntilDoseTimeEnd(time, doseTime); else offset = Settings.getMillisUntilDoseTimeBegin(time, doseTime); long triggerAtMillis = time.getTimeInMillis() + offset; final long alarmRepeatMins = Settings.getStringAsInt(Settings.Keys.ALARM_REPEAT, 0); final long alarmRepeatMillis = alarmRepeatMins == -1 ? 10000 : alarmRepeatMins * 60000; if (alarmRepeatMillis > 0) { alarmExtras.putBoolean(EXTRA_FORCE_UPDATE, true); final long base = dtInfo.activeDate().getTime(); int i = 0; while (base + (i * alarmRepeatMillis) < time.getTimeInMillis()) ++i; // We must tell the receiver whether the alarm is an actual dose time's // end or begin, or merely a repetition. final long triggerAtMillisWithRepeatedAlarm = base + i * alarmRepeatMillis; if (triggerAtMillisWithRepeatedAlarm < triggerAtMillis) { triggerAtMillis = triggerAtMillisWithRepeatedAlarm; alarmExtras.putBoolean(EXTRA_IS_ALARM_REPETITION, true); } //triggerAtMillis = base + (i * alarmRepeatMillis); } final long triggerDiffFromNow = triggerAtMillis - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (triggerDiffFromNow < 0) { if (triggerDiffFromNow < -50000) Log.w(TAG, "Alarm time is in the past by less than 5 seconds."); else { Log.w(TAG, "Alarm time is in the past. Ignoring..."); return; } } if (alarmExtras.getBoolean(EXTRA_IS_ALARM_REPETITION)) Log.i(TAG, "Scheduling next alarm for " + DateTime.toString(triggerAtMillis)); else { Log.i(TAG, "Scheduling " + (scheduleEnd ? "end" : "begin") + " of doseTime " + doseTime + " on date " + DateTime.toDateString(doseTimeDate) + " for " + DateTime.toString(triggerAtMillis)); } Log.i(TAG, "Alarm will go off in " + Util.millis(triggerDiffFromNow)); mAlarmMgr.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, triggerAtMillis, createOperation(alarmExtras)); } private void cancelAllAlarms() { mAlarmMgr.cancel(createOperation(null)); } private PendingIntent createOperation(Bundle extras) { Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, NotificationReceiver.class); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); if (extras != null) intent.putExtras(extras); return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); } private PendingIntent createDrugListIntent(Date date) { final Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, DrugListActivity.class); intent.putExtra(DrugListActivity.EXTRA_STARTED_FROM_NOTIFICATION, true); intent.putExtra(DrugListActivity.EXTRA_DATE, date); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); return PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); } public void updateNotification(Date date, int doseTime, boolean isActiveDoseTime, int mode) { final List<Drug> drugsWithLowSupplies = new ArrayList<Drug>(); final int lowSupplyDrugCount = getDrugsWithLowSupplies(date, doseTime, drugsWithLowSupplies); final int missedDoseCount = getDrugsWithMissedDoses(date, doseTime, isActiveDoseTime, null); final int dueDoseCount = isActiveDoseTime ? getDrugsWithDueDoses(date, doseTime, null) : 0; int titleResId = R.string._title_notification_doses; int icon = R.drawable.ic_stat_normal; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final String[] lines = new String[2]; int lineCount = 0; if (missedDoseCount != 0 || dueDoseCount != 0) { if (dueDoseCount != 0) sb.append(RxDroid.getQuantityString(R.plurals._qmsg_due, dueDoseCount)); if (missedDoseCount != 0) { if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(RxDroid.getQuantityString(R.plurals._qmsg_missed, missedDoseCount)); } lines[1] = "<b>" + getString(R.string._title_notification_doses) + "</b> " + Util.escapeHtml(sb.toString()); } final boolean isShowingLowSupplyNotification; if (lowSupplyDrugCount != 0) { final String msg; final String first = drugsWithLowSupplies.get(0).getName(); icon = R.drawable.ic_stat_exclamation; isShowingLowSupplyNotification = sb.length() == 0; //titleResId = R.string._title_notification_low_supplies; if (lowSupplyDrugCount == 1) msg = getString(R.string._qmsg_low_supply_single, first); else { final String second = drugsWithLowSupplies.get(1).getName(); msg = RxDroid.getQuantityString(R.plurals._qmsg_low_supply_multiple, lowSupplyDrugCount - 1, first, second); } if (isShowingLowSupplyNotification) { sb.append(msg); titleResId = R.string._title_notification_low_supplies; } lines[0] = "<b>" + getString(R.string._title_notification_low_supplies) + "</b> " + Util.escapeHtml(msg); } else isShowingLowSupplyNotification = false; final int priority; if (isShowingLowSupplyNotification) priority = NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_DEFAULT; else priority = NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_HIGH; final String message = sb.toString(); final int currentHash = message.hashCode(); final int lastHash = Settings.getInt(Settings.Keys.LAST_MSG_HASH); if (message.length() == 0) { getNotificationManager().cancel(; return; } final StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(); // final InboxStyle inboxStyle = new InboxStyle(); // inboxStyle.setBigContentTitle(getString(R.string.app_name) + // " (" + (dueDoseCount + missedDoseCount + lowSupplyDrugCount) + ")"); for (String line : lines) { if (line != null) { if (lineCount != 0) source.append("\n<br/>\n"); source.append(line); // inboxStyle.addLine(Html.fromHtml(line)); ++lineCount; } } final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext); builder.setContentTitle(getString(titleResId)); builder.setContentIntent(createDrugListIntent(date)); builder.setContentText(message); builder.setTicker(getString(R.string._msg_new_notification)); builder.setSmallIcon(icon); builder.setOngoing(true); builder.setUsesChronometer(false); builder.setWhen(0); builder.setPriority(priority); if (lineCount > 1) { final BigTextStyle style = new BigTextStyle(); style.setBigContentTitle(getString(R.string.app_name)); style.bigText(Html.fromHtml(source.toString())); builder.setStyle(style); } // final long offset; // // if(isActiveDoseTime) // offset = Settings.getDoseTimeBeginOffset(doseTime); // else // offset = Settings.getTrueDoseTimeEndOffset(doseTime); // // builder.setWhen(date.getTime() + offset); if (mode == NOTIFICATION_FORCE_UPDATE || currentHash != lastHash) { builder.setOnlyAlertOnce(false); Settings.putInt(Settings.Keys.LAST_MSG_HASH, currentHash); } else builder.setOnlyAlertOnce(true); // Prevents low supplies from constantly annoying the user with // notification's sound and/or vibration if alarms are repeated. if (isShowingLowSupplyNotification) mode = NOTIFICATION_FORCE_SILENT; int defaults = 0; final String lightColor = Settings.getString(Settings.Keys.NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_COLOR, ""); if (lightColor.length() == 0) defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS; else { try { int ledARGB = Integer.parseInt(lightColor, 16); if (ledARGB != 0) { ledARGB |= 0xff000000; // set alpha to ff builder.setLights(ledARGB, LED_ON_MS, LED_OFF_MS); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to parse light color; using default", e); defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS; } } if (mode != NOTIFICATION_FORCE_SILENT) { boolean isNowWithinQuietHours = false; do { if (!Settings.isChecked(Settings.Keys.QUIET_HOURS, false)) break; final String quietHoursStr = Settings.getString(Settings.Keys.QUIET_HOURS); if (quietHoursStr == null) break; final TimePeriod quietHours = TimePeriod.fromString(quietHoursStr); if (quietHours.contains( isNowWithinQuietHours = true; } while (false); if (!isNowWithinQuietHours) { final String ringtone = Settings.getString(Settings.Keys.NOTIFICATION_SOUND); if (ringtone != null) builder.setSound(Uri.parse(ringtone)); else defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND; if (LOGV) Log.i(TAG, "Sound: " + (ringtone != null ? ringtone.toString() : "(default)")); } else Log.i(TAG, "Currently within quiet hours; muting sound..."); } if (mode != NOTIFICATION_FORCE_SILENT && Settings.getBoolean(Settings.Keys.USE_VIBRATOR, true)) defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE; builder.setDefaults(defaults); getNotificationManager().notify(,; } private int getDrugsWithDueDoses(Date date, int doseTime, List<Drug> outDrugs) { int count = 0; for (Drug drug : mAllDrugs) { final Fraction dose = drug.getDose(doseTime, date); if (!drug.isActive() || dose.isZero() || drug.hasAutoDoseEvents() || drug.getRepeatMode() == Drug.REPEAT_AS_NEEDED) continue; if (Entries.countDoseEvents(drug, date, doseTime) == 0) { ++count; if (outDrugs != null) outDrugs.add(drug); } } return count; } private int getDrugsWithMissedDoses(Date date, int activeOrNextDoseTime, boolean isActiveDoseTime, List<Drug> outDrugs) { final int end; if (!isActiveDoseTime && activeOrNextDoseTime == Drug.TIME_MORNING) { date = DateTime.add(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); end = Drug.TIME_INVALID; } else end = activeOrNextDoseTime; int count = 0; for (int doseTime = Schedule.TIME_MORNING; doseTime != end; ++doseTime) count += getDrugsWithDueDoses(date, doseTime, outDrugs); return count; } private int getDrugsWithLowSupplies(Date date, int doseTime, List<Drug> outDrugs) { int count = 0; for (Drug drug : mAllDrugs) { if (Entries.hasLowSupplies(drug)) { ++count; if (outDrugs != null) outDrugs.add(drug); } } return count; } private String getString(int resId, Object... formatArgs) { return mContext.getString(resId, formatArgs); } private NotificationManager getNotificationManager() { return (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); } /* package */ static void rescheduleAlarmsAndUpdateNotification(boolean silent) { rescheduleAlarmsAndUpdateNotification(null, silent); } /* package */ static void rescheduleAlarmsAndUpdateNotification(Context context, boolean silent) { if (context == null) context = RxDroid.getContext(); final Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationReceiver.class); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.putExtra(NotificationReceiver.EXTRA_SILENT, silent); context.sendBroadcast(intent); } }