Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package at.illecker.hadoop.rootbeer.examples.matrixmultiplication; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.mahout.common.Pair; import org.apache.mahout.common.iterator.sequencefile.PathFilters; import org.apache.mahout.common.iterator.sequencefile.PathType; import org.apache.mahout.common.iterator.sequencefile.SequenceFileDirIterator; import org.apache.mahout.math.CardinalityException; import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector; import org.apache.mahout.math.MatrixSlice; import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector; import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector.Element; import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorIterable; import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable; import org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.MatrixColumnMeansJob; import org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.MatrixMultiplicationJob; import org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.TimesSquaredJob; import org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.TransposeJob; import at.illecker.hadoop.rootbeer.examples.matrixmultiplication.cpu.MatrixMultiplicationCpu; import at.illecker.hadoop.rootbeer.examples.matrixmultiplication.gpu.MatrixMultiplicationGpu; import; import; /** * @author DistributedRowMatrix based on Mahout * * blob/trunk/core/src/main/java/org/apache * /mahout/math/hadoop/ * <p> * <p> * * DistributedRowMatrix is a FileSystem-backed VectorIterable in which * the vectors live in a * SequenceFile<WritableComparable,VectorWritable>, and distributed * operations are executed as M/R passes on Hadoop. The usage is as * follows: * <p> * <p> * * <pre> * // the path must already contain an already created SequenceFile! * DistributedRowMatrix m = new DistributedRowMatrix( * "path/to/vector/sequenceFile", "tmp/path", 10000000, 250000); * m.setConf(new Configuration()); * // now if we want to multiply a vector by this matrix, it's dimension must equal * // the row dimension of this * // matrix. If we want to timesSquared() a vector by this matrix, its dimension * // must equal the column dimension * // of the matrix. * Vector v = new DenseVector(250000); * // now the following operation will be done via a M/R pass via Hadoop. * Vector w = m.timesSquared(v); * </pre> * */ public class DistributedRowMatrix implements VectorIterable, Configurable { public static final String KEEP_TEMP_FILES = "DistributedMatrix.keep.temp.files"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DistributedRowMatrix.class); private final Path inputPath; private final Path outputTmpPath; private Configuration conf; private Path rowPath; private Path outputTmpBasePath; private final int numRows; private final int numCols; private boolean keepTempFiles; public DistributedRowMatrix(Path inputPath, Path outputTmpPath, int numRows, int numCols) { this(inputPath, outputTmpPath, numRows, numCols, false); } public DistributedRowMatrix(Path inputPath, Path outputTmpPath, int numRows, int numCols, boolean keepTempFiles) { this.inputPath = inputPath; this.outputTmpPath = outputTmpPath; this.numRows = numRows; this.numCols = numCols; this.keepTempFiles = keepTempFiles; } @Override public Configuration getConf() { return conf; } @Override public void setConf(Configuration conf) { this.conf = conf; try { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(inputPath.toUri(), conf); rowPath = fs.makeQualified(inputPath); outputTmpBasePath = fs.makeQualified(outputTmpPath); keepTempFiles = conf.getBoolean(KEEP_TEMP_FILES, false); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalStateException(ioe); } } public Path getRowPath() { return rowPath; } public Path getOutputTempPath() { return outputTmpBasePath; } public void setOutputTempPathString(String outPathString) { try { outputTmpBasePath = FileSystem.get(conf).makeQualified(new Path(outPathString)); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error( "Unable to set outputBasePath to {}, leaving as {}" + outPathString + " " + outputTmpBasePath); } } @Override public Iterator<MatrixSlice> iterateAll() { try { Path pathPattern = rowPath; if (FileSystem.get(conf).getFileStatus(rowPath).isDir()) { pathPattern = new Path(rowPath, "*"); } return Iterators.transform( new SequenceFileDirIterator<IntWritable, VectorWritable>(pathPattern, PathType.GLOB, PathFilters.logsCRCFilter(), null, true, conf), new Function<Pair<IntWritable, VectorWritable>, MatrixSlice>() { @Override public MatrixSlice apply(Pair<IntWritable, VectorWritable> from) { return new MatrixSlice(from.getSecond().get(), from.getFirst().get()); } }); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalStateException(ioe); } } @Override public int numSlices() { return numRows(); } @Override public int numRows() { return numRows; } @Override public int numCols() { return numCols; } /** * This implements matrix this.transpose().times(other) * * @param other a DistributedRowMatrix * @param outPath path to write result to * @return a DistributedRowMatrix containing the product */ public DistributedRowMatrix times(DistributedRowMatrix other, Path outPath) throws IOException { if (numRows != other.numRows()) { throw new CardinalityException(numRows, other.numRows()); } Configuration initialConf = getConf() == null ? new Configuration() : getConf(); Configuration conf = MatrixMultiplicationJob.createMatrixMultiplyJobConf(initialConf, rowPath, other.rowPath, outPath, other.numCols); JobClient.runJob(new JobConf(conf)); DistributedRowMatrix out = new DistributedRowMatrix(outPath, outputTmpPath, numCols, other.numCols()); out.setConf(conf); return out; } /** * This implements matrix multiplication A * B using MapReduce tasks on CPU * * @param other a DistributedRowMatrix * @param outPath path to write result to * * @return a DistributedRowMatrix containing the product */ public DistributedRowMatrix multiply(DistributedRowMatrix other, Path outPath) throws IOException { return multiplyMapReduce(other, outPath, false, false, 0, false); } /** * This implements matrix multiplication A * B using MapReduce tasks on CPU or * GPU * * @param other a DistributedRowMatrix * @param outPath path to write result to * @param useGPU use GPU or CPU (default: false, use CPU) * @return a DistributedRowMatrix containing the product */ public DistributedRowMatrix multiplyMapReduce(DistributedRowMatrix other, Path outPath, boolean useGPU, boolean isMatrixATransposed, int tileWidth, boolean isDebugging) throws IOException { // Check if cols of MatrixA = rows of MatrixB // (l x m) * (m x n) = (l x n) if (numCols != other.numRows()) { throw new CardinalityException(numCols, other.numRows()); } Configuration initialConf = (getConf() == null) ? new Configuration() : getConf(); // Transpose Matrix within a new MapReduce Job DistributedRowMatrix transposed = this; if (!isMatrixATransposed) { transposed = transposed.transpose(); } // Debug // System.out.println("DistributedRowMatrix transposed:"); // transposed.printDistributedRowMatrix(); // Build MatrixMultiplication job configuration Configuration conf = null; if (!useGPU) { conf = MatrixMultiplicationCpu.createMatrixMultiplicationCpuConf(initialConf, transposed.rowPath, other.rowPath, outPath, other.numCols, isDebugging); } else { // use GPU conf = MatrixMultiplicationGpu.createMatrixMultiplicationGpuConf(initialConf, transposed.rowPath, other.rowPath, outPath, other.numCols, tileWidth, isDebugging); } // Multiply Matrix with transposed one JobClient.runJob(new JobConf(conf)); // Read resulting Matrix from HDFS DistributedRowMatrix out = new DistributedRowMatrix(outPath, outputTmpPath, this.numRows, other.numCols()); out.setConf(conf); return out; } /** * This implements matrix multiplication A * B in Java without using MapReduce * tasks * * @param other a DistributedRowMatrix * @param outPath path to write result to * * @return a DistributedRowMatrix containing the product */ public DistributedRowMatrix multiplyJava(DistributedRowMatrix other, Path outPath) throws IOException { // Check if cols of MatrixA = rows of MatrixB // (l x m) * (m x n) = (l x n) if (numCols != other.numRows()) { throw new CardinalityException(numCols, other.numRows()); } // Multiply Matrix with transposed one without new MapReduce Job final double[][] matrixA = this.toDoubleArray(); final double[][] matrixB = other.toDoubleArray(); final double[][] matrixC = new double[this.numRows][other.numCols]; int m = this.numRows; int n = this.numCols; int p = other.numCols; for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) { matrixC[i][j] = matrixC[i][j] + matrixA[i][k] * matrixB[k][j]; } } } // Save resulting Matrix to HDFS try { writeDistributedRowMatrix(this.conf, matrixC, this.numRows, other.numCols, outPath, false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Read resulting Matrix from HDFS DistributedRowMatrix out = new DistributedRowMatrix(outPath, outputTmpPath, numCols, other.numCols()); out.setConf(conf); return out; } public Vector columnMeans() throws IOException { return columnMeans("SequentialAccessSparseVector"); } /** * Returns the column-wise mean of a DistributedRowMatrix * * @param vectorClass desired class for the column-wise mean vector e.g. * RandomAccessSparseVector, DenseVector * @return Vector containing the column-wise mean of this */ public Vector columnMeans(String vectorClass) throws IOException { Path outputVectorTmpPath = new Path(outputTmpBasePath, new Path(Long.toString(System.nanoTime()))); Configuration initialConf = getConf() == null ? new Configuration() : getConf(); String vectorClassFull = "org.apache.mahout.math." + vectorClass; Vector mean =, rowPath, outputVectorTmpPath, vectorClassFull); if (!keepTempFiles) { FileSystem fs = outputVectorTmpPath.getFileSystem(conf); fs.delete(outputVectorTmpPath, true); } return mean; } public DistributedRowMatrix transpose() throws IOException { Path outputPath = new Path(outputTmpBasePath, "transpose-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF)); Configuration initialConf = getConf() == null ? new Configuration() : getConf(); Configuration conf = TransposeJob.buildTransposeJobConf(initialConf, rowPath, outputPath, numRows); JobClient.runJob(new JobConf(conf)); DistributedRowMatrix m = new DistributedRowMatrix(outputPath, outputTmpPath, numCols, numRows); m.setConf(this.conf); return m; } @Override public Vector times(Vector v) { try { Configuration initialConf = getConf() == null ? new Configuration() : getConf(); Path outputVectorTmpPath = new Path(outputTmpBasePath, new Path(Long.toString(System.nanoTime()))); Configuration conf = TimesSquaredJob.createTimesJobConf(initialConf, v, numRows, rowPath, outputVectorTmpPath); JobClient.runJob(new JobConf(conf)); Vector result = TimesSquaredJob.retrieveTimesSquaredOutputVector(conf); if (!keepTempFiles) { FileSystem fs = outputVectorTmpPath.getFileSystem(conf); fs.delete(outputVectorTmpPath, true); } return result; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalStateException(ioe); } } @Override public Vector timesSquared(Vector v) { try { Configuration initialConf = getConf() == null ? new Configuration() : getConf(); Path outputVectorTmpPath = new Path(outputTmpBasePath, new Path(Long.toString(System.nanoTime()))); Configuration conf = TimesSquaredJob.createTimesSquaredJobConf(initialConf, v, rowPath, outputVectorTmpPath); JobClient.runJob(new JobConf(conf)); Vector result = TimesSquaredJob.retrieveTimesSquaredOutputVector(conf); if (!keepTempFiles) { FileSystem fs = outputVectorTmpPath.getFileSystem(conf); fs.delete(outputVectorTmpPath, true); } return result; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalStateException(ioe); } } @Override public Iterator<MatrixSlice> iterator() { return iterateAll(); } public static class MatrixEntryWritable implements WritableComparable<MatrixEntryWritable> { private int row; private int col; private double val; public int getRow() { return row; } public void setRow(int row) { this.row = row; } public int getCol() { return col; } public void setCol(int col) { this.col = col; } public double getVal() { return val; } public void setVal(double val) { this.val = val; } @Override public int compareTo(MatrixEntryWritable o) { if (row > o.row) { return 1; } else if (row < o.row) { return -1; } else { if (col > o.col) { return 1; } else if (col < o.col) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof MatrixEntryWritable)) { return false; } MatrixEntryWritable other = (MatrixEntryWritable) o; return row == other.row && col == other.col; } @Override public int hashCode() { return row + 31 * col; } @Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(row); out.writeInt(col); out.writeDouble(val); } @Override public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { row = in.readInt(); col = in.readInt(); val = in.readDouble(); } @Override public String toString() { return "(" + row + ',' + col + "):" + val; } } public static void createRandomDistributedRowMatrix(Configuration conf, int rows, int columns, Random rand, Path path, boolean saveTransposed) throws Exception { final double[][] matrix = new double[rows][columns]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { // matrix[i][j] = rand.nextDouble(); matrix[i][j] = rand.nextInt(9) + 1; } } writeDistributedRowMatrix(conf, matrix, rows, columns, path, saveTransposed); } public static void writeDistributedRowMatrix(Configuration conf, double[][] matrix, int rows, int columns, Path path, boolean saveTransposed) throws Exception { SequenceFile.Writer writer = null; try { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); writer = new SequenceFile.Writer(fs, conf, path, IntWritable.class, VectorWritable.class); if (saveTransposed) { // Transpose Matrix before saving double[][] transposed = new double[columns][rows]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { transposed[j][i] = matrix[i][j]; } } matrix = transposed; } for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { DenseVector rowVector = new DenseVector(matrix[i]); writer.append(new IntWritable(i), new VectorWritable(rowVector)); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public static void printMatrix(double[][] matrix, int rows, int columns) { System.out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { System.out.print(matrix[i][j] + " "); } System.out.println(); } } public int printDistributedRowMatrix() { System.out.println("RowPath: " + this.rowPath); Iterator<MatrixSlice> iterator = this.iterateAll(); int count = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { MatrixSlice slice =; Vector v = slice.vector(); int size = v.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Element e = v.getElement(i); count++; System.out.print(e.get() + " "); } System.out.println(); } return count; } public double[][] toDoubleArray() { final double[][] matrix = new double[this.numRows][this.numCols]; Iterator<MatrixSlice> iterator = this.iterateAll(); int i = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Vector rowVector =; for (int j = 0; j < rowVector.size(); j++) { matrix[i][j] = rowVector.getElement(j).get(); } i++; } return matrix; } public boolean verify(DistributedRowMatrix other) { Iterator<MatrixSlice> iteratorThis = this.iterateAll(); Iterator<MatrixSlice> iteratorOther = other.iterateAll(); while (iteratorThis.hasNext()) { Vector thisVector =; Vector otherVector =; for (int j = 0; j < thisVector.size(); j++) { if (thisVector.getElement(j).get() != otherVector.getElement(j).get()) { // System.out.println("Verify failed!"); // System.out.println(" Vector1: " + thisVector.toString()); // System.out.println(" Vector2: " + otherVector.toString()); return false; } } } return true; } }