Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of ExpirySync. * * ExpirySync is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * ExpirySync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ExpirySync. If not, see <> */ package; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import at.florian_lentsch.expirysync.SettingsActivity; import at.florian_lentsch.expirysync.auth.User; import at.florian_lentsch.expirysync.model.Article; import at.florian_lentsch.expirysync.model.ArticleImage; import at.florian_lentsch.expirysync.model.Location; import at.florian_lentsch.expirysync.model.ProductEntry; /** * Abstraction layer for talking with the ExpirySync server * Uses JSON to do so * @see JsonCaller * @author Florian Lentsch <> * */ public class ServerProxy { private JsonCaller caller = null; private User currentUser = null; private static ServerProxy instance = null; private ServerProxy(String hostStr) throws URISyntaxException { this.setHostStr(hostStr); } private ServerProxy() { } /** * Creates an instance retrieving the host name from the shared preferences * @param context the context containing the shared preferences * @return the requested instance */ public static ServerProxy getInstanceFromConfig(Context context) { SharedPreferences sharedPref = context.getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("main", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String hostStr = sharedPref.getString(SettingsActivity.KEY_HOST, ""); ServerProxy articleProxy = ServerProxy.getInstance(hostStr); if (!articleProxy.caller.getHost().equals(hostStr)) { try { articleProxy.caller.setHost(hostStr); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.d("ERR", "Could not set host from config - keeping the old one"); } } return articleProxy; } public static ServerProxy getInstance(String hostStr) { if (ServerProxy.instance == null) { try { ServerProxy.instance = new ServerProxy(hostStr); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.d("ERR", "Invalid host name: " + hostStr); ServerProxy.instance = new ServerProxy(); } } return ServerProxy.instance; } public User getCurrentUser() { return this.currentUser; } public void setHostStr(String hostStr) throws URISyntaxException { this.caller = new JsonCaller(hostStr); } public void getAlternateServers(final AlternateServerListCallback callback) { final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_GET; jsonCallParam.path = "alternate_servers"; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { List<AlternateServer> receivedList = new ArrayList<AlternateServer>(); try { JSONArray jsonServers = receivedObj.getJSONArray("alternate_servers"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonServers.length(); i++) { JSONObject serverObj = jsonServers.getJSONObject(i); AlternateServer receivedEntry = new AlternateServer(serverObj.getString("url"), serverObj.getString("name"), serverObj.getString("description")); receivedList.add(receivedEntry); } } catch (Exception e) { receivedList = null; e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onReceive(receivedList); } }; new JsonCallTask().execute(jsonCallParam); } public void login(String accountName, String password, final UserCallback callback) { // clear cookies to make the client forget it, if it was already logged // in: this.caller.clearCookies(); JSONObject paramObj = new JSONObject(); try { JSONObject userObj = new JSONObject(); userObj.put("login", accountName); userObj.put("password", password); paramObj.put("user", userObj); } catch (JSONException e) { // just leave param obj empty - the request will then fail anyway } final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_POST; jsonCallParam.path = "users/sign_in"; jsonCallParam.params = paramObj; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { User receivedUser = null; try { JSONObject userObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("user"); receivedUser = new User(userObj.isNull("email") ? null : userObj.getString("email"), userObj.isNull("username") ? null : userObj.getString("username")); ServerProxy.this.currentUser = receivedUser; callback.onReceive(receivedUser); } catch (Exception e) { ServerProxy.this.currentUser = null; e.printStackTrace(); callback.onError(null); } } }; new JsonCallTask().execute(jsonCallParam); } public void register(String email, String username, String password, final UserCallback callback) { // clear cookies to make the client forget it, if it was already logged // in: this.caller.clearCookies(); JSONObject paramObj = new JSONObject(); try { JSONObject userObj = new JSONObject(); if (username != null) { userObj.put("username", username); } if (email != null) { userObj.put("email", email); } userObj.put("password", password); paramObj.put("user", userObj); } catch (JSONException e) { // just leave param obj empty - the request will then fail anyway } final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_POST; jsonCallParam.path = "users"; jsonCallParam.params = paramObj; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { User receivedUser = null; try { JSONObject userObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("user"); // isNull is required here - s. receivedUser = new User(userObj.isNull("email") ? null : userObj.getString("email"), userObj.isNull("username") ? null : userObj.getString("username")); ServerProxy.this.currentUser = receivedUser; } catch (Exception e) { ServerProxy.this.currentUser = null; e.printStackTrace(); } if (receivedUser != null) { callback.onReceive(receivedUser); } else { Map<String, List<String>> errors = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); try { JSONObject errorsObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("errors"); Iterator<?> keys = errorsObj.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); List<String> errorsList = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray values = errorsObj.getJSONArray(key); for (int i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) { errorsList.add(values.getString(i)); } errors.put(key, errorsList); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onError(errors); } } }; new JsonCallTask().execute(jsonCallParam); } public void logout(final CompletedCallback callback) { final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_DELETE; jsonCallParam.path = "users/sign_out"; this.currentUser = null; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { boolean success = false; try { success = receivedObj.getString("status").equals("success"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onReceive(success); } }; new JsonCallTask().execute(jsonCallParam); } public void getArticleByBarcode(String barcode, final ArticleCallback callback) { final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_GET; jsonCallParam.path = "articles/by_barcode/" + barcode; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { if (receivedObj == null) { //means connection error callback.onConnectionError(); return; } Article receivedArticle = null; ArrayList<ArticleImage> receivedImages = null; JSONObject articleObj; try { articleObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("article"); } catch (JSONException e) { //means not found callback.onReceive(null, null); return; } try { receivedArticle = new Article(articleObj.getString("name")); receivedImages = new ArrayList<ArticleImage>(); JSONArray jsonImages = articleObj.getJSONArray("images"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonImages.length(); i++) { JSONObject imageObj = jsonImages.getJSONObject(i); ArticleImage image = new ArticleImage(); image.serverId = imageObj.getInt("id"); image.article = receivedArticle; receivedImages.add(image); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onReceive(receivedArticle, receivedImages); } }; new JsonCallTask().execute(jsonCallParam); } public void getMyLocations(final LocationListCallback callback) { final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_GET; jsonCallParam.path = "locations/index_mine_changed"; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { List<Location> receivedList = new ArrayList<Location>(); try { JSONArray jsonLocations = receivedObj.getJSONArray("locations"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonLocations.length(); i++) { JSONObject locationObj = jsonLocations.getJSONObject(i); Location receivedLocation = new Location(); receivedLocation.serverId = locationObj.getInt("id"); = locationObj.getString("name"); receivedList.add(receivedLocation); } } catch (JSONException e) { receivedList = null; e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onReceive(receivedList); } }; new JsonCallTask().execute(jsonCallParam); } public void createLocation(Location location, final LocationCallback callback) { JSONObject paramObj = new JSONObject(); try { JSONObject locationObj = new JSONObject(); locationObj.put("name",; paramObj.put("location", locationObj); } catch (JSONException e) { // just leave param obj empty - the request will then fail anyway } final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_POST; jsonCallParam.path = "locations"; jsonCallParam.params = paramObj; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { Location receivedLocation = null; try { JSONObject locationObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("location"); receivedLocation = new Location(); receivedLocation.serverId = locationObj.getInt("id"); = locationObj.getString("name"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onReceive(receivedLocation); } }; (new JsonCallTask()).execute(jsonCallParam); } public void createProductEntry(final ProductEntry entry, ArrayList<ArticleImage> imageList, final ProductEntryCallback callback) { JSONObject paramObj = this.entryToJson(entry, imageList); final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_POST; jsonCallParam.path = "product_entries"; jsonCallParam.params = paramObj; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { try { SimpleDateFormat sdfToDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US); SimpleDateFormat sdfToDateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US); JSONObject entryObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("product_entry"); entry.serverId = entryObj.getInt("id"); entry.description = entryObj.getString("description"); entry.amount = entryObj.getInt("amount"); entry.expiration_date = sdfToDate.parse(entryObj.getString("expiration_date")); entry.created_at = new DateTime(sdfToDateTime.parse(entryObj.getString("created_at"))); entry.updated_at = new DateTime(sdfToDateTime.parse(entryObj.getString("updated_at"))); JSONObject articleObj = entryObj.getJSONObject("article"); = articleObj.isNull("name") ? null : articleObj.getString("name"); entry.article.barcode = articleObj.isNull("barcode") ? null : articleObj.getString("barcode"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); callback.onReceive(null); return; } callback.onReceive(entry); } }; (new JsonCallTask()).execute(jsonCallParam); } public void updateProductEntry(final ProductEntry entry, ArrayList<ArticleImage> imageList, final ProductEntryCallback callback) { JSONObject paramObj = this.entryToJson(entry, imageList); final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_PUT; jsonCallParam.path = "product_entries/" + entry.serverId; jsonCallParam.params = paramObj; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { try { SimpleDateFormat sdfToDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US); SimpleDateFormat sdfToDateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US); JSONObject entryObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("product_entry"); entry.serverId = entryObj.getInt("id"); entry.description = entryObj.getString("description"); entry.amount = entryObj.getInt("amount"); entry.expiration_date = sdfToDate.parse(entryObj.getString("expiration_date")); entry.created_at = new DateTime(sdfToDateTime.parse(entryObj.getString("created_at"))); entry.updated_at = new DateTime(sdfToDateTime.parse(entryObj.getString("updated_at"))); JSONObject articleObj = entryObj.getJSONObject("article"); = articleObj.isNull("name") ? null : articleObj.getString("name"); entry.article.barcode = articleObj.isNull("barcode") ? null : articleObj.getString("barcode"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); callback.onReceive(null); return; } callback.onReceive(entry); } }; (new JsonCallTask()).execute(jsonCallParam); } public void getProductEntries(final Location location, final Date modifiedAfter, final ProductEntryListCallback callback) { JSONObject paramObj = new JSONObject(); if (modifiedAfter != null) { try { paramObj.put("from_timestamp", modifiedAfter); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); callback.onReceive(null, null); return; } } final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_GET; jsonCallParam.path = "locations/" + location.serverId + "/product_entries/index_changed"; jsonCallParam.params = paramObj; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { List<ProductEntry> receivedList = new ArrayList<ProductEntry>(); List<ProductEntry> receivedDeletedList = new ArrayList<ProductEntry>(); try { JSONArray jsonEntries = receivedObj.getJSONArray("product_entries"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonEntries.length(); i++) { JSONObject entryObj = jsonEntries.getJSONObject(i); ProductEntry receivedEntry = ServerProxy.jsonToEntry(entryObj); receivedList.add(receivedEntry); } jsonEntries = receivedObj.getJSONArray("deleted_product_entries"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonEntries.length(); i++) { JSONObject entryObj = jsonEntries.getJSONObject(i); ProductEntry receivedEntry = ServerProxy.jsonToEntry(entryObj); receivedDeletedList.add(receivedEntry); } } catch (Exception e) { receivedList = receivedDeletedList = null; e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onReceive(receivedList, receivedDeletedList); } }; new JsonCallTask().execute(jsonCallParam); } public void deleteProductEntry(final ProductEntry entry, final ProductEntryCallback callback) { final JsonCallOptions jsonCallParam = new JsonCallOptions(); jsonCallParam.method = JsonCaller.METHOD_DELETE; jsonCallParam.path = "product_entries/" + entry.serverId; jsonCallParam.callback = new JsonCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj) { try { JSONObject entryObj = receivedObj.getJSONObject("product_entry"); SimpleDateFormat sdfToDateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US); entry.serverId = entryObj.getInt("id"); entry.deleted_at = new DateTime(sdfToDateTime.parse(entryObj.getString("deleted_at"))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } callback.onReceive(entry); } }; (new JsonCallTask()).execute(jsonCallParam); } private JSONObject entryToJson(ProductEntry entry, ArrayList<ArticleImage> imageList) { JSONObject paramObj = new JSONObject(); try { Article article = entry.article; JSONArray imagesArr = new JSONArray(); for (ArticleImage image : imageList) { if (image.serverId != 0) { // for now only post new images continue; } JSONObject imageObj = new JSONObject(); imageObj.put("image_data", Base64.encodeToString(image.imageData, Base64.NO_WRAP)); //TODO: fix this warning! imageObj.put("mime_type", "image/jpeg"); imageObj.put("original_extname", ".jpg"); imagesArr.put(imageObj); } JSONObject articleObj = new JSONObject(); articleObj.put("barcode", article.barcode); articleObj.put("name",; articleObj.put("images", imagesArr); JSONObject entryObj = new JSONObject(); if (entry.serverId > 0) { entryObj.put("id", entry.serverId); } entryObj.put("description", entry.description); entryObj.put("expiration_date", entry.expiration_date); entryObj.put("amount", entry.amount); entryObj.put("location_id", entry.location.serverId); entryObj.put("article", articleObj); paramObj.put("product_entry", entryObj); } catch (JSONException e) { // just leave param obj empty - the request will then fail anyway } return paramObj; } private static ProductEntry jsonToEntry(JSONObject entryObj) throws JSONException, ParseException { SimpleDateFormat sdfToDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US); SimpleDateFormat sdfToDateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US); ProductEntry receivedEntry = new ProductEntry(); receivedEntry.serverId = entryObj.getInt("id"); receivedEntry.description = entryObj.getString("description"); receivedEntry.amount = entryObj.getInt("amount"); receivedEntry.expiration_date = sdfToDate.parse(entryObj.getString("expiration_date")); receivedEntry.created_at = new DateTime(sdfToDateTime.parse(entryObj.getString("created_at"))); receivedEntry.updated_at = new DateTime(sdfToDateTime.parse(entryObj.getString("updated_at"))); JSONObject articleObj = entryObj.getJSONObject("article"); receivedEntry.article = new Article(articleObj.isNull("name") ? null : articleObj.getString("name")); receivedEntry.article.barcode = articleObj.isNull("barcode") ? null : articleObj.getString("barcode"); if (articleObj.has("images")) { JSONArray jsonEntries = articleObj.getJSONArray("images"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonEntries.length(); i++) { JSONObject imageObj = jsonEntries.getJSONObject(i); ArticleImage image = new ArticleImage(); image.serverId = imageObj.getInt("id"); image.article = receivedEntry.article; receivedEntry.article.temporaryImages.add(image); } } return receivedEntry; } public abstract class AlternateServerListCallback { public abstract void onReceive(List<AlternateServer> receivedServers); } public abstract class LocationCallback { public abstract void onReceive(Location receivedLocation); } public abstract class LocationListCallback { public abstract void onReceive(List<Location> receivedLocations); } public abstract class ArticleCallback { public abstract void onReceive(Article receivedArticle, ArrayList<ArticleImage> receivedImages); public abstract void onConnectionError(); } public abstract class ProductEntryCallback { public abstract void onReceive(ProductEntry receivedEntry); } public abstract class ProductEntryListCallback { public abstract void onReceive(List<ProductEntry> productEntries, List<ProductEntry> deletedProductEntries); } public abstract class UserCallback { public abstract void onReceive(User receivedUser); public abstract void onError(Map<String, List<String>> errors); } public abstract class CompletedCallback { public abstract void onReceive(boolean success); } public abstract class JsonCallback { public abstract void onReceive(JSONObject receivedObj); } private class JsonCallOptions { public JsonCallback callback; public JSONObject params = null; public String method; public String path; } private class JsonCallTask extends AsyncTask<JsonCallOptions, Void, JSONObject> { private JsonCallback callback; @Override protected JSONObject doInBackground(JsonCallOptions... paramArgs) { try { JsonCallOptions callOptions = paramArgs[0]; this.callback = callOptions.callback; JSONObject obj = null; if (ServerProxy.this.caller != null) { obj = ServerProxy.this.caller.performJsonCall(callOptions.path, callOptions.method, callOptions.params); } else { Log.d("ERR", "JsonCallTask: caller could not be found - returning empty json return"); } return obj; } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("ERR", "Json error on: " + paramArgs[0].path); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(JSONObject result) { this.callback.onReceive(result); } } }