Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013-2015 alladin-IT GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package at.alladin.rmbt.controlServer; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import at.alladin.rmbt.db.TestStat; import at.alladin.rmbt.db.dao.TestStatDao; import at.alladin.rmbt.shared.Classification; public class OpenTestResource extends ServerResource { //maximum of rows sent in one single request public final int MAXROWS = 400; //all fields that should be displayed in a detailed request private final String[] openDataFieldsFull = { "open_test_uuid", //csv 2 "time", //csv 3 "cat_technology", //csv 4 "network_type", //csv 5 "lat", //csv 6 "long", //csv 7 "loc_src", //csv 8 "loc_accuracy", "public_ip_as_name", "zip_code", //csv 9 "download_kbit", //csv 10 "upload_kbit", //csv 11 "wifi_link_speed", "ping_ms", //csv 12 "signal_strength", //csv 13 "lte_rsrp", //csv 29 "lte_rsrq", "server_name", //csv 14 "implausible", //csv 28 "test_duration", //csv 15 "num_threads_requested", "num_threads", //csv 16 "num_threads_ul", "platform", //csv 17 "model", //csv 18 "model_native", "product", "client_version", //csv 19 "network_mcc_mnc", //csv 20 "network_country", "roaming_type", "network_name", //csv 21 "sim_mcc_mnc", //csv 22 "sim_country", "provider_name", "connection", //csv 23 "asn", //csv 24 "ip_anonym", //csv 25 "ndt_download_kbit", //csv 26 "ndt_upload_kbit", //csv 27 "country_geoip", "country_location", "country_asn", "region", "municipality", "settlement", "whitespot", "cell_id", "cell_name", "cell_id_multiple", "bytes_download", "bytes_upload", "test_if_bytes_download", "test_if_bytes_upload", "testdl_if_bytes_download", "testdl_if_bytes_upload", "testul_if_bytes_download", "testul_if_bytes_upload", "duration_download_ms", "duration_upload_ms", "time_dl_ms", "time_ul_ms", "speed_test_duration" }; //all fields that are numbers (and are formatted as numbers in json) private final HashSet<String> openDataNumberFields = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "time", "lat", "long", "loc_accuracy", "zip_code", "download_kbit", "upload_kbit", "ping_ms", "signal_strength", "lte_rsrp", "lte_rsrq", "test_duration", "num_threads", "ndt_download_kbit", "ndt_upload_kbit", "asn", "bytes_download", "bytes_upload", "test_if_bytes_download", "test_if_bytes_upload", "testdl_if_bytes_download", "testdl_if_bytes_upload", "testul_if_bytes_download", "testul_if_bytes_upload", "duration_download_ms", "duration_upload_ms", "time_dl_ms", "time_ul_ms", "roaming_type", "num_threads_ul", "num_threads_requested", "cell_id", "speed_test_duration" })); //all fields that are boolean private final HashSet<String> openDataBooleanFields = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList(new String[] { "implausible", "cell_id_multiple" })); @Get("json") public String request(final String entity) { addAllowOrigin(); //routing should be in a way in which open_test_uuid is always set String openUUID = getRequest().getAttributes().get("open_test_uuid").toString(); return getSingleOpenTest(openUUID); } /** * Gets the JSON-Representation of all open-data-fields for one specific * open-test-uuid * @param openTestUUID * @return the json-string * * * columns in csv ("open data") * 1:open_uuid, * 2:open_test_uuid, * 3:time, * 4:cat_technology, * 5:network_type, * 6:lat, * 7:long, * 8:loc_src, * 9:zip_code, * 10:download_kbit, * 11:upload_kbit, * 12:ping_ms, * 13:signal_strength, * 14:server_name, * 15:test_duration, * 16:num_threads, * 17:platform, * 18:model, * 19:client_version, * 20:network_mcc_mnc, * 21:network_name, * 22:sim_mcc_mnc, * 23:connection, * 24:asn, * 25:ip_anonym, * 26:ndt_download_kbit, * 27:ndt_upload_kbit, * 28:implausible, * 29:lte_rsrp * * * Columns in test table * uid (internal) * uuid (private) * client_id * client_version * client_name * client_language (private) * token (private, obsolete) * server_id * port * use_ssl * * time * speed_upload * speed_download * ping_shortest * encryption * * client_public_ip (private) * plattform * os_version (internal) * api_level (internal) * device * model * product * phone_type (internal) * data_state (internal) * network_country (internal) * network_operator * network_operator_name * network_sim_country (internal) * network_sim_operator * network_sim_operator_name * wifi_ssid (private) * wifi_bssid (private) * wifi_network_id (private) * duration * num_threads * status * timezone (private) * bytes_download * bytes_upload * nsec_download * nsec_upload * server_ip * client_software_version * geo_lat * geo_long * network_type * location * signal_strength * software_revision * client_test_counter * nat_type * client_previous_test_status * public_ip_asn * speed_upload_log * speed_download_log * total_bytes_download * total_bytes_upload * wifi_link_speed * public_ip_rdns * public_ip_as_name * test_slot * provider_id * network_is_roaming (internal) * ping_shortest_log * run_ndt (internal) * num_threads_requested * client_public_ip_anonymized * zip_code * geo_provider * geo_accuracy * deleted (internal) * comment (internal) * open_uuid * client_time (internal) * zip_code_geo (internal) * mobile_provider_id * roaming_type * open_test_uuid * country_asn * country_location * test_if_bytes_download * test_if_bytes_upload * implausible * testdl_if_bytes_download * testdl_if_bytes_upload * testul_if_bytes_download * testul_if_bytes_upload * country_geoip * location_max_distance * location_max_distance_gps * network_group_name * network_group_type * time_dl_ns * time_ul_ns * num_threads_ul * lte_rsrp * lte_rsrq * mobile_network_id * mobile_sim_id * dist_prev * speed_prev * tag * ping_median * ping_median_log * client_ip_local_type (private) * * private: visible to user only (not public) * internal: not visible (neither user nor public) * */ private String getSingleOpenTest(String openTestUUID) { final String sql = "SELECT t.uid as test_uid, " + " ('O' || t.open_test_uuid) open_test_uuid," + //csv open_test_uuid, UUID prefixed with 'O' " to_char(t.time AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') \"time\"," + " t.time full_time," + //csv: 3:time server time-stamp of start of measurement " t.client_time client_time," + //(internal) client time-stamp of start of measure " t.network_group_name cat_technology," + //csv 4:cat_technology " t.network_group_type network_type," + //csv 5:network_type " t.geo_lat lat," + //csv 6:lat " t.geo_long long," + // csv 7:long " t.geo_provider loc_src," + //csv 8:loc_src android: 'gps'/'network'; browser/iOS: '' (empty string) " t.geo_accuracy loc_accuracy, " + //accuracy of geo location in m /* //csv 6:lat " (CASE WHEN (t.geo_accuracy < ?) AND (t.geo_provider != 'manual') AND (t.geo_provider != 'geocoder') THEN" + " t.geo_lat" + " WHEN (t.geo_accuracy < ?) THEN" + " ROUND(t.geo_lat*1111)/1111" + // approx 100m " ELSE null" + " END) lat," + // csv 7:long " (CASE WHEN (t.geo_accuracy < ?) AND (t.geo_provider != 'manual') AND (t.geo_provider != 'geocoder') THEN" + " t.geo_long" + " WHEN (t.geo_accuracy < ?) THEN" + " ROUND(t.geo_long*741)/741 " + //approx 100m " ELSE null" + " END) long," + // csv 8:loc_src android: 'gps'/'network'; browser/iOS: '' (empty string) " (CASE WHEN ((t.geo_provider = 'manual') OR (t.geo_provider = 'geocoder')) THEN" + " 'rastered'" + //make raster transparent " ELSE t.geo_provider" + " END) loc_src," + // accuracy of geo location in m " (CASE WHEN (t.geo_accuracy < ?) AND (t.geo_provider != 'manual') AND (t.geo_provider != 'geocoder') " + " THEN t.geo_accuracy " + " WHEN (t.geo_accuracy < 100) AND ((t.geo_provider = 'manual') OR (t.geo_provider = 'geocoder')) THEN 100" + // limit accuracy to 100m " WHEN (t.geo_accuracy < ?) THEN t.geo_accuracy" + " ELSE null END) loc_accuracy, " + */ //csv 9:zip-code - defined as integer in data base, only meaningful for measurements in Austria " (CASE WHEN (t.zip_code < 1000 OR t.zip_code > 9999) THEN null ELSE t.zip_code END) zip_code," + // " zip_code_geo," + //(internal) zip-code, integer derived from geo_location, Austria only " t.speed_download download_kbit," + //csv 10:download_kbit " t.speed_upload upload_kbit," + //csv 11: upload_kbit " t.wifi_link_speed," + // nominal speed of wifi-link in mbit/s , Android-only " (t.ping_median::float / 1000000) ping_ms," + //median ping-time in ms (stored in ns in data base) " signal_strength," + //csv 13:signal_strength RSSI, mainly GSM/UMTS and Wifi, Android only, in dBm " lte_rsrp," + // csv 29: signal_strength RSRP, Android only, in dBm " lte_rsrq," + // signal quality RSRQ, Android only, in dB " server_name," + //csv 14:server_name, name of the test server used for download/upload (not applicable for JStest) " implausible, " + //csv 28:implausible, measurement not shown in map nor used in statistics, normally not visible " public_ip_as_name, " + //name of AS (not number) " duration test_duration," + //csv 15:test_duration, nominal duration of downlink and uplink throughput tests in seconds " num_threads_requested," + // number of threads requested by control-server " num_threads," + //csv 16:num_threads, number of threads used in downlink throughput test (uplink may differ) " num_threads_ul," + // number of threads used in uplink test " (CASE WHEN publish_public_data THEN COALESCE(t.plattform, t.client_name) ELSE '' END) platform," + //csv 17:platform; currently used: 'CLI'/'Android'/Applet/iOS/[from client_name: RMBTws, RMBTjs](null); (null) is used for RMBTjs //AKOS: IC " (CASE WHEN publish_public_data THEN COALESCE(adm.fullname, t.model) ELSE '' END) model," + //csv 18:model, translated t.model (model_native) to human readable form //AKOS: IC " (CASE WHEN publish_public_data THEN t.model ELSE '' END) model_native," + //device used for test; Android API 'model'; iOS:'product'; Browser: Browser-name (zB Firefox) //AKOS: IC " t.product product," + // product used for test; Android APO 'product'; iOS: '' (not used); Browser: same as for model (browser name) " t.client_software_version client_version," + //csv 19:client_version, SW-version of client software (not RMBT-client-version), eg. '1.3' " t.network_operator network_mcc_mnc," + //csv 20:network_mcc_mnc, mobile country and network code of current network (Android only), string, eg "232-12' " network_country," + //(internal) Android-only, country code derived by client from mobile network code // " network_is_roaming," + //(internal) roaming-status of mobile network, boolean or (null); Android-only (obsolete) " roaming_type," + //roaming-status of mobile network, integer: 0:not roaming,1:national,2:international,(null):unknown (eg. iOS) " t.network_operator_name network_name," + //csv 21:network_name, name of current mobile network as displayed on device (eg: '3likeHome') " t.network_sim_operator sim_mcc_mnc," + //csv 22:sim_mcc_mnc, home network of SIM (initial 5 digits from IMSI), eg '232-01' " t.network_sim_country sim_country," + //(internal) Android-only, country derived by client from SIM (country of home network) " COALESCE(,msim.shortname,, provider_name," + //pre-defined list of providers (based on provider_id) //TODO replace provider " t.nat_type \"connection\"," + //csv 23:connection, translation-mechanism in NAT, eg. nat_local_to_public_ipv4 " t.public_ip_asn asn," + //csv 24:asn, AS (autonomous system) number, number of public IP network " (CASE WHEN publish_public_data THEN t.client_public_ip_anonymized ELSE '' END) ip_anonym," + //csv 25:ip_anonym, anonymized IP of client (IPv4: 8 bits removed, IPv6: 72 bits removed) " (ndt.s2cspd*1000)::int ndt_download_kbit," + //csv 26:ndt_download_kbit, result of NDT downlink throughput test kbit/s " (ndt.c2sspd*1000)::int ndt_upload_kbit," + //csv 27 ndt_uoload_kbit, result of NDT uplink throughput test in kbit/s " country_geoip," + // country-code derived from public IP-address, eg. 'AT' " country_location," + // country-code derived from geo_location, eg. 'DE' " country_asn," + // country_code derived from AS, eg. 'EU' " data->>'region' region," + // si - region from geo location " data->>'municipality' municipality," + // si - municipality from geo location " data->>'settlement' settlement," + // si - settlement from geo location " data->>'whitespace' whitespot," + // si - whitespace from geo location " data->>'cell_id' cell_id," + // si - cell_id " data->>'cell_name' cell_name," + // si - cell_name " data->>'cell_id_multiple' cell_id_multiple," + // si - cell_id_multiple " bytes_download," + // number of bytes downloaded during test (download and upload) (obsolete) " bytes_upload," + // number of bytes uploaded during test (download and upload) (obsolete) " test_if_bytes_download," + //downloaded bytes on interface during total test (inc. training, ping, without NDT) (obsolete) " test_if_bytes_upload," + //uploaded bytes on interface during total test (inc. training, ping, without NDT) (obsolete) " testdl_if_bytes_download," + //downloaded bytes on interface during download-test (without training-seq) " testdl_if_bytes_upload," + //uploaded bytes on interface during download-test (without training-seq) " testul_if_bytes_download," + //downloaded bytes on interface during upload-test (without training-seq) " testul_if_bytes_upload," + //downloaded bytes on interface during upload-test (without training-seq) " (t.nsec_download::float / 1000000) duration_download_ms," + //duration of download-test in ms " (t.nsec_upload::float / 1000000) duration_upload_ms," + //duration of upload-test in ms " (t.time_dl_ns::float / 1000000) time_dl_ms," + //relative start time of download-test in ms (ignoring training-phase) " (t.time_ul_ns::float / 1000000) time_ul_ms," + //relative start time of download-test in ms (ignoring training-phase) // " phone_type" + //(internal) radio type of phone: 0 no mobile radio, 1 GSM (incl. UMTS,LTE) 2 CDMA (obsolete) " t.publish_public_data, " + " ((EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM (t.timestamp - t.time))) * 1000) speed_test_duration " + " FROM test t" + " LEFT JOIN device_map adm ON adm.codename=t.model" + " LEFT JOIN test_server ts ON ts.uid=t.server_id" + " LEFT JOIN test_ndt ndt ON t.uid=ndt.test_id" + " LEFT JOIN provider prov ON t.provider_id=prov.uid" + " LEFT JOIN provider mprov ON t.mobile_provider_id=mprov.uid" + " LEFT JOIN mccmnc2name msim ON t.mobile_sim_id=msim.uid" + " WHERE " + " t.deleted = false " + " AND t.status = 'FINISHED' " + " AND t.open_test_uuid = ? "; //System.out.println(sql); final String[] columns; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; final JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); try { ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //insert filter for accuracy /* double accuracy = Double.parseDouble(getSetting("rmbt_geo_accuracy_detail_limit")); ps.setDouble(1, accuracy); ps.setDouble(2, accuracy); ps.setDouble(3, accuracy); ps.setDouble(4, accuracy); ps.setDouble(5, accuracy); ps.setDouble(6, accuracy); */ //openTestIDs are starting with "O" if (openTestUUID != null && openTestUUID.startsWith("O")) { openTestUUID = openTestUUID.substring(1); } ps.setObject(1, openTestUUID, Types.OTHER); if (!ps.execute()) return null; rs = ps.getResultSet(); if ( { final boolean isPublishPublicData = rs.getBoolean("publish_public_data"); //fetch data for every field for (int i = 0; i < openDataFieldsFull.length; i++) { //convert data to correct json response final Object obj = rs.getObject(openDataFieldsFull[i]); if (openDataBooleanFields.contains(openDataFieldsFull[i])) { if (obj == null) { response.put(openDataFieldsFull[i], false); } else { response.put(openDataFieldsFull[i], obj); } } else if (obj == null) { response.put(openDataFieldsFull[i], JSONObject.NULL); } else if (openDataNumberFields.contains(openDataFieldsFull[i])) { final String tmp = obj.toString().trim(); if (tmp.isEmpty()) response.put(openDataFieldsFull[i], JSONObject.NULL); else response.put(openDataFieldsFull[i], JSONObject.stringToValue(tmp)); } else { final String tmp = obj.toString().trim(); if (tmp.isEmpty()) response.put(openDataFieldsFull[i], JSONObject.NULL); else response.put(openDataFieldsFull[i], tmp); } } /* obsolete (now in database) //special threatment for lat/lng: if too low accuracy -> do not send back to client double accuracy = rs.getDouble("loc_accuracy"); if (accuracy > Double.parseDouble(settings.getString("RMBT_GEO_ACCURACY_DETAIL_LIMIT"))) { response.put("loc_accuracy", JSONObject.NULL); response.put("long", JSONObject.NULL); response.put("lat", JSONObject.NULL); } try { // do not output invalid zip-codes, must be 4 digits int zip_code = rs.getInt("zip_code"); if (zip_code <= 999 || zip_code > 9999) response.put("zip_code", JSONObject.NULL); } catch (final SQLException e) { System.out.println("Error on zip_code: " + e.toString()); }; */ //classify download, upload, ping, signal response.put("download_classification", Classification.classify(classification.THRESHOLD_DOWNLOAD, rs.getLong("download_kbit"))); response.put("upload_classification", Classification.classify(classification.THRESHOLD_UPLOAD, rs.getLong("upload_kbit"))); response.put("ping_classification", Classification.classify(classification.THRESHOLD_PING, rs.getLong("ping_ms") * 1000000)); //classify signal accordingly if ((rs.getString("signal_strength") != null || rs.getString("lte_rsrp") != null) && rs.getString("network_type") != null) { // signal available if (rs.getString("lte_rsrp") == null) { // use RSSI if (rs.getString("network_type").equals("WLAN")) { // RSSI for Wifi response.put("signal_classification", Classification .classify(classification.THRESHOLD_SIGNAL_WIFI, rs.getLong("signal_strength"))); } else { // RSSI for Mobile response.put("signal_classification", Classification.classify( classification.THRESHOLD_SIGNAL_MOBILE, rs.getLong("signal_strength"))); } } else // RSRP for LTE response.put("signal_classification", Classification .classify(classification.THRESHOLD_SIGNAL_RSRP, rs.getLong("lte_rsrp"))); } else { // no signal available response.put("signal_classification", JSONObject.NULL); } //also load download/upload-speed-data, signal data and location data if possible JSONObject speedCurve = new JSONObject(); JSONArray downloadSpeeds = new JSONArray(); JSONArray uploadSpeeds = new JSONArray(); JSONArray locArray = new JSONArray(); JSONArray signalArray = new JSONArray(); //Load speed data from database SpeedGraph speedGraph = new SpeedGraph(rs.getLong("test_uid"), Math.max(rs.getInt("num_threads"), rs.getInt("num_threads_ul")), conn); for (SpeedGraph.SpeedGraphItem item : speedGraph.getUpload()) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("time_elapsed", item.getTimeElapsed()); obj.put("bytes_total", item.getBytesTotal()); uploadSpeeds.put(obj); } for (SpeedGraph.SpeedGraphItem item : speedGraph.getDownload()) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("time_elapsed", item.getTimeElapsed()); obj.put("bytes_total", item.getBytesTotal()); downloadSpeeds.put(obj); } //Load signal strength from database SignalGraph sigGraph = new SignalGraph(rs.getLong("test_uid"), rs.getTimestamp("client_time").getTime(), conn); for (SignalGraph.SignalGraphItem item : sigGraph.getSignalList()) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("time_elapsed", item.getTimeElapsed()); json.put("network_type", item.getNetworkType()); json.put("signal_strength", item.getSignalStrength()); json.put("lte_rsrp", item.getLteRsrp()); json.put("lte_rsrq", item.getLteRsrq()); json.put("cat_technology", item.getCatTechnology()); signalArray.put(json); } if (isPublishPublicData) { //Load gps coordinates from database LocationGraph locGraph = new LocationGraph(rs.getLong("test_uid"), rs.getTimestamp("client_time").getTime(), conn); double totalDistance = locGraph.getTotalDistance(); for (LocationGraph.LocationGraphItem item : locGraph.getLocations()) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("time_elapsed", item.getTimeElapsed()); json.put("lat", item.getLatitude()); json.put("long", item.getLongitude()); json.put("loc_accuracy", (item.getAccuracy() > 0) ? item.getAccuracy() : JSONObject.NULL); locArray.put(json); } //add total distance during test - but only if within bounds if ((totalDistance > 0) && totalDistance <= Double.parseDouble(getSetting("rmbt_geo_distance_detail_limit"))) response.put("distance", totalDistance); else response.put("distance", JSONObject.NULL); } else { response.put("distance", JSONObject.NULL); } final TestStatDao testStatDao = new TestStatDao(conn); final TestStat ts = testStatDao.getById(rs.getLong("test_uid")); if (ts != null) { response.put("extended_test_stat", ts.toJsonObject()); } speedCurve.put("upload", uploadSpeeds); speedCurve.put("download", downloadSpeeds); speedCurve.put("signal", signalArray); speedCurve.put("location", locArray); response.put("speed_curve", speedCurve); } else { //invalid open_uuid setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); response.put("error", "invalid open-uuid"); } } catch (final JSONException e) { Logger.getLogger(OpenTestResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } catch (SQLException ex) { try { setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); response.put("error", "invalid open-uuid"); } catch (JSONException ex1) { Logger.getLogger(OpenTestResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } Logger.getLogger(OpenTestResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (ps != null) ps.close(); } catch (final SQLException e) { Logger.getLogger(OpenTestResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } } return response.toString(); } /** * Calculate the rough distance in meters between two points * taken from * @param lat1 * @param lng1 * @param lat2 * @param lng2 * @return */ private static double distFrom(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2) { double earthRadius = 6371000; double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1); double dLng = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1); double sindLat = Math.sin(dLat / 2); double sindLng = Math.sin(dLng / 2); double a = Math.pow(sindLat, 2) + Math.pow(sindLng, 2) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)); double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); double dist = earthRadius * c; return dist; } public static class SpeedGraph { private ArrayList<SpeedGraphItem> upload = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<SpeedGraphItem> download = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Load download and upload speed details * @param testUID the test uid * @param threads the max number of threads used in the test * @throws SQLException */ public SpeedGraph(long testUID, int threads, java.sql.Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement psSpeed = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT upload, thread, bytes, (time::float /1000/1000) as time FROM test_speed WHERE test_id = ? ORDER BY upload, time ASC"); psSpeed.setLong(1, testUID); // Prepare arrays (bytes cumulated per thread) long bytes[] = new long[threads]; ResultSet rsSpeed = psSpeed.executeQuery(); long bytesCum = 0; boolean upload = false; double lastMs = -1; SpeedGraphItem lastObj = null; // the last object => if there are more // than one entries for one timestamp while ( { int thread = rsSpeed.getInt("thread"); double ms = rsSpeed.getDouble("time"); // if its the first time a upload => clear array if (!upload && rsSpeed.getBoolean("upload")) { for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = 0; } bytesCum = 0; upload = true; } // bytesCum = bytesCum - old + new bytesCum = bytesCum - bytes[thread]; bytes[thread] = rsSpeed.getLong("bytes"); bytesCum = bytesCum + bytes[thread]; // put the object in the json-response ArrayList<SpeedGraphItem> array = (rsSpeed.getBoolean("upload")) ? this.upload :; // if it is a new timestamp => make new array if (lastMs != ms) { SpeedGraphItem obj = new SpeedGraphItem((long) ms, bytesCum); array.add(obj); lastObj = obj; lastMs = ms; } else { // if it is the same time => update the previous timestamp lastObj.setBytesTotal(bytesCum); } } rsSpeed.close(); psSpeed.close(); } public ArrayList<SpeedGraphItem> getUpload() { return this.upload; } public ArrayList<SpeedGraphItem> getDownload() { return; } private class SpeedGraphItem { private long timeElapsed; private long bytesTotal; public SpeedGraphItem(long timeElapsed, long bytesTotal) { this.timeElapsed = timeElapsed; this.bytesTotal = bytesTotal; } /** * @return The time elapsed since the begin of the test */ public long getTimeElapsed() { return this.timeElapsed; } /** * @return The total bytes transmitted in all threads since the begin of the test */ public long getBytesTotal() { return this.bytesTotal; } public void setBytesTotal(long bytesTotal) { this.bytesTotal = bytesTotal; } } } public static class LocationGraph { private double totalDistance; private ArrayList<LocationGraphItem> locations = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Gets all distinctive locations of a client during a test * @param testUID the uid of the test * @param testTime the begin of the test * @throws SQLException */ public LocationGraph(long testUID, long testTime, java.sql.Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement psLocation = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT test_id, g.geo_lat lat, g.geo_long long, g.accuracy loc_accuracy, time " + "FROM geo_location g " + "WHERE g.test_id = ? and provider != 'network' " //do not mix with network-locations (iOS: provider = '') + "ORDER BY time;"); psLocation.setLong(1, testUID); ResultSet rsLocation = psLocation.executeQuery(); boolean first = true; boolean usedCurrentItem = false; LocationGraphItem item = null; double lastLat = 0; double lastLong = 0; double lastAcc = 0; this.totalDistance = 0; while ( { long timeElapsed = rsLocation.getTimestamp("time").getTime() - testTime; //there could be measurements taken before a test started //in this case, only return the last one if (first && timeElapsed > 0 && item != null) { this.locations.add(item); lastLat = item.getLatitude(); lastLong = item.getLongitude(); lastAcc = item.getAccuracy(); first = false; } item = new LocationGraphItem(Math.max(timeElapsed, 0), rsLocation.getDouble("long"), rsLocation.getDouble("lat"), rsLocation.getDouble("loc_accuracy")); usedCurrentItem = false; //put triplet in the array if it is not the first one if (!first) { //only put the point in the resulting array, if there is a significant //distance from the last point //therefore (difference in m) > (tolerance last point + tolerance new point) double diff = OpenTestResource.distFrom(lastLat, lastLong, item.getLatitude(), item.getLongitude()); //System.out.println("dist: " + diff); double maxDiff = item.getAccuracy() + lastAcc; //System.out.println("Distance: " + diff + "; tolTotal " + maxDiff + "; tol1 " + lastAcc + "; tol2 " + json.getDouble("loc_accuracy")); if (diff > maxDiff) { this.locations.add(item); lastLat = item.getLatitude(); lastLong = item.getLongitude(); lastAcc = item.getAccuracy(); this.totalDistance += diff; } else { //if not, replace the old point, if the new is more accurate if (item.getAccuracy() < lastAcc) { this.locations.remove(this.locations.size() - 1); this.locations.add(item); lastLat = item.getLatitude(); lastLong = item.getLongitude(); lastAcc = item.getAccuracy(); } } usedCurrentItem = true; } } //always use the last item to connect the path with the end point if (!usedCurrentItem && this.locations.size() > 0) { //replace the last set point with it //since it is in the same inaccurracy area this.locations.remove(this.locations.size() - 1); this.locations.add(item); lastLat = item.getLatitude(); lastLong = item.getLongitude(); lastAcc = item.getAccuracy(); } //System.out.println("called w id: " + testUID + ", ct: " + testTime + ", d: " + this.totalDistance + ", " + this.getTotalDistance()); rsLocation.close(); psLocation.close(); } public double getTotalDistance() { return this.totalDistance; } public ArrayList<LocationGraphItem> getLocations() { return this.locations; } private class LocationGraphItem { private double longitude; private double latitude; private double accuracy; private long timeElapsed; public LocationGraphItem(long timeElapsed, double longitude, double latitude, double accuracy) { this.longitude = longitude; this.latitude = latitude; this.timeElapsed = timeElapsed; this.accuracy = accuracy; } /** * @return The time elapsed since the begin of the test */ public long getTimeElapsed() { return this.timeElapsed; } public double getLongitude() { return this.longitude; } public double getLatitude() { return this.latitude; } /** * @return The accuracy of the measurement in meters */ public double getAccuracy() { return this.accuracy; } } } public static class SignalGraph { private static int LOWER_BOUND = -1500; private static int MAX_TIME = 60000; private ArrayList<SignalGraphItem> signalList = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Gets all signal measurements from a test * @param testUID the test uid * @param testTime the begin of the test * @throws SQLException */ public SignalGraph(long testUID, long testTime, java.sql.Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement psSignal = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT test_id, network_type, nt.group_name cat_technology, signal_strength, lte_rsrp, lte_rsrq, wifi_rssi, time " + "FROM signal " + "JOIN network_type nt " + "ON nt.uid = network_type_id " + "WHERE test_id = ? " + "ORDER BY time;"); psSignal.setLong(1, testUID); ResultSet rsSignal = psSignal.executeQuery(); boolean first = true; SignalGraphItem item = null; while ( { long timeElapsed = rsSignal.getTimestamp("time").getTime() - testTime; //there could be measurements taken before a test started //in this case, only return the last one if (first && timeElapsed > 0 && item != null) { this.signalList.add(item); first = false; } //ignore measurements after a threshold of one minute if (timeElapsed > MAX_TIME) break; int signalStrength = rsSignal.getInt("signal_strength"); int lteRsrp = rsSignal.getInt("lte_rsrp"); int lteRsrq = rsSignal.getInt("lte_rsrq"); if (signalStrength == 0) signalStrength = rsSignal.getInt("wifi_rssi"); if (signalStrength > LOWER_BOUND) item = new SignalGraphItem(Math.max(timeElapsed, 0), rsSignal.getString("network_type"), signalStrength, lteRsrp, lteRsrq, rsSignal.getString("cat_technology")); //put 5-let in the array if it is not the first one if (!first || rsSignal.isLast()) { if (timeElapsed < 0) { item.timeElapsed = 1000; } this.signalList.add(item); } } rsSignal.close(); psSignal.close(); } public ArrayList<SignalGraphItem> getSignalList() { return this.signalList; } private class SignalGraphItem { private long timeElapsed; private String networkType; private int signalStrength; private int lteRsrp; private int lteRsrq; private String catTechnology; public SignalGraphItem(long timeElapsed, String networkType, int signalStrength, int lteRsrp, int lteRsrq, String catTechnology) { this.timeElapsed = timeElapsed; this.networkType = networkType; this.signalStrength = signalStrength; this.lteRsrp = lteRsrp; this.lteRsrq = lteRsrq; this.catTechnology = catTechnology; } /** * @return The time elapsed since the begin of the test */ public long getTimeElapsed() { return this.timeElapsed; } /** * @return The type of the network, e.g. */ public String getNetworkType() { return this.networkType; } /** * @return The signal strength RSSI in dBm */ public int getSignalStrength() { return this.signalStrength; } /** * @return The signal strength RSRP in dBm */ public int getLteRsrp() { return this.lteRsrp; } /** * @return The signal quality RSRQ in dB */ public int getLteRsrq() { return this.lteRsrq; } public String getCatTechnology() { return this.catTechnology; } } } }