Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008-2010 Austrian Institute of Technology * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they * will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent * versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * you may not use this work except in compliance with the * Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, software distributed under the Licence is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the Licence. */ package at.ait.dme.yuma.server.annotation.builder; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF; import org.openrdf.repository.Repository; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import org.openrdf.repository.sail.SailRepository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openrdf.sail.memory.MemoryStore; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.annotation.SemanticTag; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.ImageFragment; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.ImageRect; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.annotation.ImageAnnotation; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Color; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Cross; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Ellipse; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.GeoPoint; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Line; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Point; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Polygon; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Polyline; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Rectangle; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Shape; import at.ait.dme.yuma.server.util.W3CDateTimeParser; /** * converts image annotations to rdf/xml and vice versa. * * we use an Annotea ( based model to represent annotations and * mpeg21 media pointers as well as SVG ( to represent * image fragments. * * TODO should be refactored to have a common AnnotationBuilder sub classed by the * media type specific annotation builders like the ImageAnnotationBuilder. * * @author Christian Sadilek */ public class RdfXmlAnnotationBuilder { public static final String ANNOTATION_NS = ""; public static final String ANNOTATION = ANNOTATION_NS + "Annotation"; public static final String ANNOTATION_ANNOTATES = ANNOTATION_NS + "annotates"; public static final String ANNOTATION_CREATED = ANNOTATION_NS + "created"; public static final String ANNOTATION_MODIFIED = ANNOTATION_NS + "modified"; public static final String ANNOTATION_FRAGMENT = ANNOTATION_NS + "fragment"; public static final String ANNOTATION_LABEL = ANNOTATION_NS + "label"; public static final String ANNOTATION_AUTHOR = ANNOTATION_NS + "author"; public static final String ANNOTEA_ANNOTATION_NS = ""; public static final String ANNOTEA_ANNOTATION_BODY = ANNOTEA_ANNOTATION_NS + "body"; public static final String ANNOTATION_REL_NS = ""; public static final String ANNOTATION_LINKED_TO = ANNOTATION_REL_NS + "isLinkedTo"; public static final String ANNOTATION_LINKED_TO_RESOURCES = ANNOTATION_REL_NS + "isLinkedToResources"; public static final Namespace ANNOTATION_REL_NAMESPACE = Namespace.getNamespace("rel", ANNOTATION_REL_NS); public static final String ANNOTATION_TYPE_NS = ""; public static final String ANNOTATION_TYPE_COMMENT = ANNOTATION_TYPE_NS + "Comment"; public static final String ANNOTATION_IMAGE_NS = ""; public static final String ANNOTATION_IMAGE_FRAGMENT = ANNOTATION_IMAGE_NS + "svg-fragment"; public static final String ANNOTATION_SCOPE_NS = ""; public static final String ANNOTATION_SCOPE = ANNOTATION_SCOPE_NS + "scope"; public static final String REPLY_TYPE = ""; public static final String REPLY_TYPE_AGREE = REPLY_TYPE + "Agree"; public static final String THREAD_NS = ""; public static final String THREAD_REPLY = THREAD_NS + "Reply"; public static final String THREAD_IN_REPLY_TO = THREAD_NS + "inReplyTo"; public static final String THREAD_ROOT = THREAD_NS + "root"; public static final String HTTP_NS = ""; public static final String HTTP_BODY = HTTP_NS + "Body"; public static final String HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = HTTP_NS + "ContentType"; public static final String HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH = HTTP_NS + "ContentLength"; public static final String DC = "dc"; public static final String DUBLIN_CORE_NS = ""; public static final String DUBLIN_CORE_DATE = DUBLIN_CORE_NS + "date"; public static final String DUBLIN_CORE_CREATOR = DUBLIN_CORE_NS + "creator"; public static final String DUBLIN_CORE_DESCRIPTION = DUBLIN_CORE_NS + "description"; public static final String DUBLIN_CORE_TITLE = DUBLIN_CORE_NS + "title"; public static final String DUBLIN_CORE_FORMAT = DUBLIN_CORE_NS + "format"; public static final Namespace DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE = Namespace.getNamespace(DC, DUBLIN_CORE_NS); public static final String RDFS = "rdfs"; public static final String RDFS_NS = ""; public static final String RDFS_SEEALSO = RDFS_NS + "seeAlso"; public static final Namespace RDFS_NAMESPACE = Namespace.getNamespace(RDFS, RDFS_NS); public static final Namespace RDF_NAMESPACE = Namespace.getNamespace("rdf", ""); public static final String PX = "px"; public static final String SVG = "svg"; public static final String SVG_X = "x"; public static final String SVG_Y = "y"; public static final String SVG_CX = "cx"; public static final String SVG_CY = "cy"; public static final String SVG_RX = "rx"; public static final String SVG_RY = "ry"; public static final String SVG_X1 = "x1"; public static final String SVG_Y1 = "y1"; public static final String SVG_X2 = "x2"; public static final String SVG_Y2 = "y2"; public static final String LAT = "lat"; public static final String LNG = "lng"; public static final String NAME = "name"; public static final String SVG_WIDTH = "width"; public static final String SVG_HEIGHT = "height"; public static final String SVG_VIEWBOX = "viewbox"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL = "symbol"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL_ID = "id"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL_ID_ELLIPSE = "Ellipse"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL_ID_RECTANGLE = "Rectangle"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYGON = "Polygon"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYLINE = "Polyline"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL_ID_CROSS = "Cross"; public static final String SVG_SYMBOL_ID_GEOPOINT = "GeoPoint"; public static final String SVG_DEFINITIONS = "defs"; public static final String SVG_USE = "use"; public static final String SVG_IMAGE = "image"; public static final String SVG_STROKE = "stroke"; public static final String SVG_STROKE_WIDTH = "stroke-width"; public static final String SVG_RECTANGLE = "rect"; public static final String SVG_ELLIPSE = "ellipse"; public static final String SVG_POLYGON = "polygon"; public static final String SVG_POLYLINE = "polyline"; public static final String SVG_LINE = "line"; public static final String SVG_POINTS = "points"; public static final String SVG_FILL = "fill"; public static final String SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO = "preserveAspectRatio"; public static final String SVG_NONE = "none"; public static final Namespace SVG_NS = Namespace.getNamespace(SVG, ""); public static final String XLINK = "xlink"; public static final String XLINK_HREF = "href"; public static final Namespace XLINK_NS = Namespace.getNamespace(XLINK, ""); private static final String MPEG21_MEDIA_POINTER = "mp"; private static final String MPEG21_REGION_NODE = "region"; private static final String MPEG21_REGION_RECT = "rect"; private static final String MPEG21_REGION_ELLIPSE = "ellipse"; private static final String MPEG21_REGION_POLYGON = "polygon"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RdfXmlAnnotationBuilder.class); /** * create an rdf/xml representation of the given annotation * see example: . * * @param annotation * @return string representation */ public static String toRdfXml(ImageAnnotation annotation) throws RepositoryException, RDFHandlerException, IOException { annotation.setText(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(annotation.getText())); annotation.setTitle(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(annotation.getTitle())); Repository repository = new SailRepository(new MemoryStore()); repository.initialize(); RepositoryConnection con = repository.getConnection(); ValueFactory valueFactory = repository.getValueFactory(); toRdf(con, valueFactory, annotation); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); RDFXMLWriter rdfXmlWriter = new RDFXMLPrettyWriter(sw); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("a", ANNOTATION_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("ann", ANNOTEA_ANNOTATION_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("scope", ANNOTATION_SCOPE_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("image", ANNOTATION_IMAGE_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("rel", ANNOTATION_REL_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("dc", DUBLIN_CORE_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("h", HTTP_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("tr", THREAD_NS); rdfXmlWriter.handleNamespace("svg", SVG_NS.getURI()); con.export(rdfXmlWriter); return sw.toString(); } private static void toRdf(RepositoryConnection con, ValueFactory vFactory, ImageAnnotation annotation) throws RepositoryException, RDFHandlerException, IOException { Resource annotationNode = (annotation.getId() == null) ? vFactory.createBNode() : vFactory.createURI(annotation.getId()); URI annotationType = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION); URI annotationCommentType = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_TYPE_COMMENT); URI replyType = vFactory.createURI(THREAD_REPLY); URI agreeType = vFactory.createURI(REPLY_TYPE_AGREE); URI annotatesPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_ANNOTATES); URI linkedToPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_LINKED_TO); URI annotationCreatedPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_CREATED); URI annotationModifiedPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_MODIFIED); URI annotationBodyPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTEA_ANNOTATION_BODY); URI annotationLabelPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_LABEL); URI annotationFragmentPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_FRAGMENT); URI annotationLinkedToResourcesPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_LINKED_TO_RESOURCES); URI imageFragmentPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_IMAGE_FRAGMENT); URI annotationAuthorPredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_AUTHOR); URI annotationScopePredicate = vFactory.createURI(ANNOTATION_SCOPE); URI rdfsSeeAlso = vFactory.createURI(RDFS_SEEALSO); URI dcTitlePredicate = vFactory.createURI(DUBLIN_CORE_TITLE); URI dcCreatorPredicate = vFactory.createURI(DUBLIN_CORE_CREATOR); URI dcDateTypePredicate = vFactory.createURI(DUBLIN_CORE_DATE); URI dcFormatPredicate = vFactory.createURI(DUBLIN_CORE_FORMAT); URI threadRootPredicate = vFactory.createURI(THREAD_ROOT); URI threadInReplyToPredicate = vFactory.createURI(THREAD_IN_REPLY_TO); Resource annotationBodyNode = vFactory.createBNode(); URI htmlContentTypePredicate = vFactory.createURI(HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE); URI htmlContentLengthPredicate = vFactory.createURI(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH); URI htmlBodyPredicate = vFactory.createURI(HTTP_BODY); // annotation resource con.add(annotationNode, annotatesPredicate, vFactory.createURI(annotation.getImageUrl())); // seeAlso if (annotation.hasLinks()) { for (String link : annotation.getLinks()) con.add(annotationNode, rdfsSeeAlso, vFactory.createURI(link)); } // linked to if (annotation.getExternalObjectId() != null) { con.add(annotationNode, linkedToPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotation.getExternalObjectId())); } // reply? if (annotation.getParentId() != null) { con.add(annotationNode, RDF.TYPE, replyType); con.add(annotationNode, RDF.TYPE, agreeType); con.add(annotationNode, threadInReplyToPredicate, vFactory.createURI(annotation.getParentId())); } else { con.add(annotationNode, RDF.TYPE, annotationType); con.add(annotationNode, RDF.TYPE, annotationCommentType); } // root if (annotation.getRootId() != null) con.add(annotationNode, threadRootPredicate, vFactory.createURI(annotation.getRootId())); // title if (annotation.getTitle() != null) con.add(annotationNode, dcTitlePredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotation.getTitle())); // creator and author if (annotation.getCreatedBy() != null) { con.add(annotationNode, annotationAuthorPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotation.getCreatedBy())); con.add(annotationNode, dcCreatorPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotation.getCreatedBy())); } // date String modified = W3CDateTimeParser.formatW3CDateTime(annotation.getModified()); con.add(annotationNode, annotationModifiedPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(modified)); con.add(annotationNode, dcDateTypePredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(modified)); String date = W3CDateTimeParser.formatW3CDateTime(annotation.getCreated()); con.add(annotationNode, annotationCreatedPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(date)); // format (mime type) if (annotation.getMimeType() != null) con.add(annotationNode, dcFormatPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotation.getMimeType())); // annotated image fragment if (annotation.hasFragment()) { con.add(annotationNode, annotationFragmentPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(createMpeg21FragmentURI(annotation))); con.add(annotationNode, imageFragmentPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(createSvgFragment(annotation), RDF.XMLLITERAL)); } // linked to resources if (annotation.hasSemanticTags()) { con.add(annotationNode, annotationLinkedToResourcesPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(createLinkedToResourcesFragment(annotation))); } // body and label if (annotation.getText() != null) con.add(annotationNode, annotationLabelPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotation.getText())); String annotationBody = annotation.toHtml(); con.add(annotationNode, annotationBodyPredicate, annotationBodyNode); con.add(annotationBodyNode, htmlContentTypePredicate, vFactory.createLiteral("text/html")); con.add(annotationBodyNode, htmlContentLengthPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(new Integer(annotationBody.length()).toString())); con.add(annotationBodyNode, htmlBodyPredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotationBody, RDF.XMLLITERAL)); // scope con.add(annotationNode, annotationScopePredicate, vFactory.createLiteral(annotation.getScopeAsString())); // replies if (annotation.hasReplies()) { for (ImageAnnotation reply : annotation.getReplies()) toRdf(con, vFactory, reply); } } private static String createLinkedToResourcesFragment(ImageAnnotation annotation) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(); if (annotation.hasSemanticTags()) { for (SemanticTag t : annotation.getSemanticTags()) { Element tagEl = new Element("linked-resource"); Element title = new Element("title", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE); Element type = new Element("type", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE); Element seeAlso = new Element("seeAlso", RDFS_NAMESPACE); Element language = new Element("language", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE); Element description = new Element("description", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE); title.setText(t.getTitle()); type.setText(t.getType()); seeAlso.setAttribute(new Attribute("resource", t.getURI(), RDF_NAMESPACE)); language.setText(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(t.getLang())); description.setText(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(t.getDescription())); tagEl.addContent(title); tagEl.addContent(type); tagEl.addContent(seeAlso); tagEl.addContent(language); tagEl.addContent(description); xmlOutputter.output(tagEl, sw); } } return sw.toString(); } /** * create a mpeg21 fragment URI using a media pointer * * @param annotation * @return URI */ private static String createMpeg21FragmentURI(ImageAnnotation annotation) { // TODO zoom level has still to be considered here String mpeg21URI = annotation.getImageUrl() + "#"; ImageFragment fragment = annotation.getFragment(); Shape shape = fragment.getShape(); mpeg21URI += MPEG21_MEDIA_POINTER + "(~" + MPEG21_REGION_NODE + "("; // for polygons the first pair of coordinates use absolute values, the subsequent coords // are relative to the corresponding previous coordinate if (shape instanceof Polygon) { mpeg21URI += MPEG21_REGION_POLYGON + "("; Polygon polygon = (Polygon) shape; ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(polygon.getPoints()); Point firstPoint = points.remove(0); mpeg21URI += String.valueOf(polygon.getLeft() + firstPoint.getX()) + "," + String.valueOf(polygon.getTop() + firstPoint.getY()); Point previousPoint = firstPoint; for (Point point : points) { mpeg21URI += "," + String.valueOf(point.getX() - previousPoint.getX()) + "," + String.valueOf(((Point) point).getY() - previousPoint.getY()); previousPoint = point; } mpeg21URI += ")"; } else if (shape instanceof Ellipse) { mpeg21URI += MPEG21_REGION_ELLIPSE + "("; Ellipse ellipse = (Ellipse) shape; mpeg21URI += String.valueOf(ellipse.getCx()) + "," + String.valueOf(ellipse.getCy()) + ","; mpeg21URI += String.valueOf(ellipse.getCx() + ellipse.getRx()) + "," + String.valueOf(ellipse.getRy()) + ","; mpeg21URI += String.valueOf(ellipse.getCx() + ellipse.getRx()) + "," + String.valueOf(ellipse.getCy() + ellipse.getRy()); mpeg21URI += ")"; // in case of all other shapes we use rectangles } else { mpeg21URI += MPEG21_REGION_RECT + "("; mpeg21URI += String.valueOf(shape.getLeft()) + "," + String.valueOf(shape.getTop()) + ","; mpeg21URI += String.valueOf(shape.getLeft() + shape.getWidth()) + "," + String.valueOf(shape.getTop() + shape.getHeight()); mpeg21URI += ")"; } mpeg21URI += "))"; return mpeg21URI; } /** * create a svg representation of the annotated fragment * * example of svg fragment (see also * * <svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="499px" height="223px" * viewBox="0px 0px 499px 223px"> * * <svg:defs> * <svg:symbol id="Ellipse"> * <svg:ellipse cx="50px" cy="50px" rx="50px" ry="50px" stroke="rgb(0,120,255)" * stroke-width="1" fill="none" /> * </svg:symbol> * </svg:defs> * * <svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="http://some.jpg" * x="-20px" y="-30px" width="1000px" height="700px" preserveAspectRatio="none" /> * * <svg:use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Ellipse" x="0px" y="0px" * width="100px" height="100px" /> * * </svg:svg> * * @param annotation * @return string svg representation */ private static String createSvgFragment(ImageAnnotation annotation) throws IOException { ImageFragment fragment = annotation.getFragment(); Shape shape = fragment.getShape(); ImageRect visibleRect = fragment.getVisibleRect(); /* * <svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="499px" height="223px" * viewBox="0px 0px 499px 223px"> */ Element svg = new Element(SVG, SVG_NS); svg.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_WIDTH, String.valueOf(visibleRect.getWidth()) + PX)); svg.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_HEIGHT, String.valueOf(visibleRect.getHeight()) + PX)); svg.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_VIEWBOX, String.valueOf(visibleRect.getLeft()) + PX + " " + String.valueOf(visibleRect.getTop()) + PX + " " + String.valueOf(visibleRect.getWidth()) + PX + " " + String.valueOf(visibleRect.getHeight()) + PX)); /* * <svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="http://some.jpg" * x="-20px" y="-30px" width="1000px" height="700px" preserveAspectRatio="none" /> */ ImageRect imageRect = fragment.getImageRect(); Element image = new Element(SVG_IMAGE, SVG_NS); image.setAttribute(new Attribute(XLINK_HREF, annotation.getImageUrl(), XLINK_NS)); image.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_X, String.valueOf(imageRect.getLeft()) + PX)); image.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_Y, String.valueOf(imageRect.getTop()) + PX)); image.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_WIDTH, String.valueOf(imageRect.getWidth()) + PX)); image.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_HEIGHT, String.valueOf(imageRect.getHeight()) + PX)); image.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO, SVG_NONE)); /* * <svg:defs> * <svg:symbol id="Ellipse"> * <svg:ellipse cx="50px" cy="50px" rx="50px" ry="50px" stroke="rgb(0,120,255)" * stroke-width="1" fill="none" /> * </svg:symbol> * </svg:defs> * * * <svg:use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Ellipse" x="0px" y="0px" * width="100px" height="100px" /> */ Element symbol = new Element(SVG_SYMBOL, SVG_NS); Element use = new Element(SVG_USE, SVG_NS); createSvgSymbol(symbol, use, shape); Element defs = new Element(SVG_DEFINITIONS, SVG_NS); defs.addContent(symbol); svg.addContent(defs); svg.addContent(image); svg.addContent(use); // write jdom tree to string StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutputter.output(svg, sw); return sw.toString(); } /** * creates the svg shape see . * * @param symbol * @param use * @param shape */ private static void createSvgSymbol(Element symbol, Element use, Shape shape) { // all coordinates are relative to the svg:use rect // see // NOTE: Why are we doing this ugly instanceof checks here? Instead, we could // implement shape.getSvg() and override the method for each type of shape. // The problem is the shapes are also used on the client and therefore compiled // to javascript which is not possible when using jdom. In the future we could // change that and use a client side parser. Element shapeEl = null; if (shape instanceof Rectangle) { symbol.setAttribute(SVG_SYMBOL_ID, SVG_SYMBOL_ID_RECTANGLE); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(XLINK_HREF, "#" + SVG_SYMBOL_ID_RECTANGLE, XLINK_NS)); shapeEl = new Element(SVG_RECTANGLE, SVG_NS); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_X, "0" + PX)); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_Y, "0" + PX)); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_WIDTH, String.valueOf(shape.getWidth()) + PX)); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_HEIGHT, String.valueOf(shape.getHeight()) + PX)); symbol.addContent(shapeEl); // see } else if (shape instanceof Ellipse) { symbol.setAttribute(SVG_SYMBOL_ID, SVG_SYMBOL_ID_ELLIPSE); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(XLINK_HREF, "#" + SVG_SYMBOL_ID_ELLIPSE, XLINK_NS)); Ellipse ellipse = (Ellipse) shape; shapeEl = new Element(SVG_ELLIPSE, SVG_NS); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_CX, String.valueOf(ellipse.getCx() - shape.getLeft()) + PX)); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_CY, String.valueOf(ellipse.getCy() - shape.getTop()) + PX)); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_RX, String.valueOf(ellipse.getRx()) + PX)); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_RY, String.valueOf(ellipse.getRy()) + PX)); symbol.addContent(shapeEl); // } else if (shape instanceof Polygon) { if (shape instanceof Polyline) { symbol.setAttribute(SVG_SYMBOL_ID, SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYLINE); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(XLINK_HREF, "#" + SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYLINE, XLINK_NS)); shapeEl = new Element(SVG_POLYLINE, SVG_NS); } else { symbol.setAttribute(SVG_SYMBOL_ID, SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYGON); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(XLINK_HREF, "#" + SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYGON, XLINK_NS)); shapeEl = new Element(SVG_POLYGON, SVG_NS); } Polygon polygon = (Polygon) shape; String points = ""; for (Point point : polygon.getPoints()) { points += String.valueOf(point.getX() - polygon.getRelativeLeft()) + "," + String.valueOf(((Point) point).getY() - polygon.getRelativeTop()) + " "; } shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_POINTS, points)); symbol.addContent(shapeEl); // see // a cross is presented using 4 lines } else if (shape instanceof Cross) { symbol.setAttribute(SVG_SYMBOL_ID, SVG_SYMBOL_ID_CROSS); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(XLINK_HREF, "#" + SVG_SYMBOL_ID_CROSS, XLINK_NS)); Cross cross = (Cross) shape; for (Line line : cross.getLines()) { Element lineEl = new Element(SVG_LINE, SVG_NS); lineEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_X1, String.valueOf(line.getStart().getX()))); lineEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_Y1, String.valueOf(line.getStart().getY()))); lineEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_X2, String.valueOf(line.getEnd().getX()))); lineEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_Y2, String.valueOf(line.getEnd().getY()))); lineEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_STROKE, "rgb(" + shape.getColor().getR() + "," + shape.getColor().getG() + "," + shape.getColor().getB() + ")")); lineEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_STROKE_WIDTH, String.valueOf(shape.getStrokeWidth()))); symbol.addContent(lineEl); } // a geopoint is our own invention representing a location on a map and a pixel on an image } else if (shape instanceof GeoPoint) { symbol.setAttribute(SVG_SYMBOL_ID, SVG_SYMBOL_ID_GEOPOINT); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(XLINK_HREF, "#" + SVG_SYMBOL_ID_GEOPOINT, XLINK_NS)); GeoPoint point = (GeoPoint) shape; shapeEl = new Element(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_GEOPOINT, ANNOTATION_IMAGE_NS); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_X, new Integer(point.getX()).toString())); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_Y, new Integer(point.getY()).toString())); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(LAT, new Double(point.getLat()).toString())); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(LNG, new Double(point.getLng()).toString())); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(NAME, point.getName())); symbol.addContent(shapeEl); } // use the defined symbol use.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_X, String.valueOf(shape.getLeft()) + PX)); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_Y, String.valueOf(shape.getTop()) + PX)); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_WIDTH, String.valueOf(shape.getWidth()) + PX)); use.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_HEIGHT, String.valueOf(shape.getHeight()) + PX)); if (shapeEl != null) { shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_STROKE, "rgb(" + shape.getColor().getR() + "," + shape.getColor().getG() + "," + shape.getColor().getB() + ")")); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_STROKE_WIDTH, String.valueOf(shape.getStrokeWidth()))); shapeEl.setAttribute(new Attribute(SVG_FILL, SVG_NONE)); } } /** * parse a svg fragment representation. * * @param svgFragment * @return image fragment * @throws JDOMException * @throws IOException */ public static ImageFragment parseSvgFragment(String svgFragment) throws IOException { ImageFragment fragment = null; Document document = null; try { fragment = new ImageFragment(); document = new SAXBuilder().build(new StringReader(svgFragment)); // visible rect ImageRect visibleRect = null; Attribute viewBox = document.getRootElement().getAttribute(SVG_VIEWBOX); if (viewBox != null) { String viewBoxValue = viewBox.getValue(); String[] values = viewBoxValue.split(" "); if (values.length == 4) { int left = new Integer(values[0].replace(PX, "")); int top = new Integer(values[1].replace(PX, "")); int width = new Integer(values[2].replace(PX, "")); int height = new Integer(values[3].replace(PX, "")); visibleRect = new ImageRect(left, top, width, height); } } fragment.setVisibleRect(visibleRect); // image rect ImageRect imageRect = null; Element imageElement = document.getRootElement().getChild(SVG_IMAGE, SVG_NS); if (imageElement != null) imageRect = parseSvgRect(imageElement); fragment.setImageRect(imageRect); // shape fragment.setShape(parseSvgSymbol(document)); } catch (JDOMException e) { logger.error("invalid fragment", e); } return fragment; } /** * parse a svg rect. * * @param rectElement * @return image rect */ private static ImageRect parseSvgRect(Element rectElement) { int left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0; String leftValue = rectElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_X); if (leftValue != null) left = new Integer(leftValue.replace(PX, "")); String topValue = rectElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_Y); if (topValue != null) top = new Integer(topValue.replace(PX, "")); String widthValue = rectElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_WIDTH); if (widthValue != null) width = new Integer(widthValue.replace(PX, "")); String heightValue = rectElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_HEIGHT); if (heightValue != null) height = new Integer(heightValue.replace(PX, "")); return new ImageRect(left, top, width, height); } /** * parse a svg stroke color. * * @param stroke attribute * @return color */ private static Color parseSvgStrokeColor(Attribute stroke) { Color color = new Color(); if (stroke != null) { String strokeValue = stroke.getValue(); strokeValue = strokeValue.replace("rgb(", "").replace(")", ""); String[] values = strokeValue.split(","); if (values.length == 3) { color.setR(new Integer(values[0])); color.setG(new Integer(values[1])); color.setB(new Integer(values[2])); } } return color; } /** * parse svg stroke width. * * @param strokeWidth * @return width */ private static int parseSvgStrokeWidth(Attribute strokeWidth) { String strokeWidthValue = strokeWidth.getValue(); return new Integer(strokeWidthValue); } /** * parse svg symbol. * * @param document * @return shape * @throws JDOMException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Shape parseSvgSymbol(Document document) throws JDOMException, IOException { Shape shape = null; Element defs = document.getRootElement().getChild(SVG_DEFINITIONS, SVG_NS); if (defs == null) return null; Element symbol = defs.getChild(SVG_SYMBOL, SVG_NS); Element use = document.getRootElement().getChild(SVG_USE, SVG_NS); if (symbol == null || use == null) return null; ImageRect useRect = parseSvgRect(use); String symbolId = symbol.getAttributeValue(SVG_SYMBOL_ID); // parse rectangle if (symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_RECTANGLE)) { Element rectElement = symbol.getChild(SVG_RECTANGLE, SVG_NS); Color color = parseSvgStrokeColor(rectElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE)); int strokeWidth = parseSvgStrokeWidth(rectElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE_WIDTH)); shape = new Rectangle(useRect.getLeft(), useRect.getTop(), useRect.getWidth(), useRect.getHeight(), color, strokeWidth); // parse ellipse } else if (symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_ELLIPSE)) { Element ellipseElement = symbol.getChild(SVG_ELLIPSE, SVG_NS); Color color = parseSvgStrokeColor(ellipseElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE)); int strokeWidth = parseSvgStrokeWidth(ellipseElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE_WIDTH)); shape = new Ellipse(useRect.getLeft(), useRect.getTop(), useRect.getWidth(), useRect.getHeight(), color, strokeWidth); // parse polygon or polyline } else if (symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYGON) || symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYLINE)) { Element polyElement = null; if (symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYGON)) { polyElement = symbol.getChild(SVG_POLYGON, SVG_NS); } else { polyElement = symbol.getChild(SVG_POLYLINE, SVG_NS); } Color color = parseSvgStrokeColor(polyElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE)); int strokeWidth = parseSvgStrokeWidth(polyElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE_WIDTH)); if (symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_POLYGON)) { shape = new Polygon(useRect.getLeft(), useRect.getTop(), useRect.getWidth(), useRect.getHeight(), color, strokeWidth); } else { shape = new Polyline(useRect.getLeft(), useRect.getTop(), useRect.getWidth(), useRect.getHeight(), color, strokeWidth); } String pointsValue = polyElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_POINTS); String[] points = pointsValue.split(" "); for (String point : points) { String[] coords = point.split(","); if (coords.length == 2) { Point p = new Point(new Integer(coords[0]), new Integer(coords[1])); ((Polygon) shape).addPoint(p); } } // parse cross } else if (symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_CROSS)) { List<Element> lineElements = symbol.getChildren(SVG_LINE, SVG_NS); if (lineElements.size() != 4) return null; Element oneLineElement = lineElements.get(0); List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<Line>(); for (Element lineElement : lineElements) { int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; String x1Value = lineElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_X1); if (x1Value != null) x1 = new Integer(x1Value); String y1Value = lineElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_Y1); if (y1Value != null) y1 = new Integer(y1Value); String x2Value = lineElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_X2); if (x2Value != null) x2 = new Integer(x2Value); String y2Value = lineElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_Y2); if (y2Value != null) y2 = new Integer(y2Value); lines.add(new Line(x1, y1, x2, y2)); } Color color = parseSvgStrokeColor(oneLineElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE)); int strokeWidth = parseSvgStrokeWidth(oneLineElement.getAttribute(SVG_STROKE_WIDTH)); shape = new Cross(useRect.getLeft(), useRect.getTop(), useRect.getWidth(), useRect.getHeight(), color, strokeWidth); // parse geopoint } else if (symbolId.equals(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_GEOPOINT)) { Element pointElement = symbol.getChild(SVG_SYMBOL_ID_GEOPOINT, Namespace.getNamespace(ANNOTATION_IMAGE_NS)); int x = new Integer(pointElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_X)); int y = new Integer(pointElement.getAttributeValue(SVG_Y)); double lat = new Double(pointElement.getAttributeValue(LAT)); double lng = new Double(pointElement.getAttributeValue(LNG)); String name = pointElement.getAttributeValue(NAME); shape = new GeoPoint(useRect.getLeft(), useRect.getTop(), useRect.getWidth(), useRect.getHeight(), name, new Point(x, y), lat, lng); } return shape; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ArrayList<SemanticTag> parseLinkedResources(String linkedToResources) throws IOException { ArrayList<SemanticTag> semanticTags = null; Document document = null; try { semanticTags = new ArrayList<SemanticTag>(); document = new SAXBuilder().build(new StringReader(linkedToResources)); List<Element> resources = document.getRootElement().getChildren(); for (Element e : resources) { if (e.getName().equals("linked-resource")) { String title = e.getChildText("title", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE); String type = e.getChildText("type", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE); String seeAlso = e.getChild("seeAlso", RDFS_NAMESPACE).getAttributeValue("resource", RDF_NAMESPACE); String language = StringEscapeUtils .unescapeXml(e.getChildText("language", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE)); String description = StringEscapeUtils .unescapeXml(e.getChildText("description", DUBLIN_CORE_NAMESPACE)); semanticTags.add(new SemanticTag(title, type, language, description, seeAlso)); } } } catch (JDOMException e) { logger.error("invalid linkedToResources", e); } return semanticTags; } /** * convert a rdf/xml representation into an <code>ImageAnnotation</code>. The representation * could contain more than one annotation. That is why we return a <code>Collection</code>. * * @param rdfXml * @return collection of image annotations * @throws RDFParseException * @throws RDFHandlerException * @throws IOException */ public static Collection<ImageAnnotation> fromRdfXml(String rdfXml) throws RDFParseException, RDFHandlerException, IOException { if (rdfXml == null || rdfXml.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<ImageAnnotation>(); RdfXmlAnnotationHandler annotationRdfHandler = new RdfXmlAnnotationHandler(); RDFParser parser = new RDFXMLParser(); parser.setRDFHandler(annotationRdfHandler); parser.setVerifyData(true); parser.parse(new StringReader(rdfXml), "http://foo/bar"); return annotationRdfHandler.getAnnotations(); } }