Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Mario Guggenberger <> * * This file is part of AAU Studentenportal. * * AAU Studentenportal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * AAU Studentenportal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AAU Studentenportal. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationManager; import; import; import; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This service manages the automute feature that mutes the phone while a course is ongoing. * TODO The code is a total mess and needs some serious refactoring. * * cases: * - SERVICE TURN ON: * - take a currently running or the next upcoming event and schedule it * - if there are more events at the same time, take any one * - MUTE: * - mute the phone if prerequisites are satisfied (location, preferences, etc...) * and schedule unmute at the end of the event * - if prerequisites aren't satisfied, schedule next upcoming event * - UNMUTE: * - look at other currently running but not yet finished events and schedule mute * - if no other running events found, unmute phone and schedule next upcoming event * - SERVICE TURN OFF: * - if phone is muted by the service, unmute it * - if an upcoming alarm is scheduled, cancel it */ public class MutingService extends IntentService { public static final String ACTION = "mutingservice.action"; public static final int ACTION_NONE = 0; public static final int ACTION_TURN_ON = 1; public static final int ACTION_TURN_OFF = 2; public static final int ACTION_MUTE = 3; public static final int ACTION_UNMUTE = 4; public static final int ACTION_SCHEDULE = 5; public static final int ACTION_REQUEST_ISRUNNING = 20; public static final String ACTION_RESPONSE_ISRUNNING = "response_running"; public static final String ACTION_RESPONSE_SHUTDOWN = "response_shutdown"; public static final int ACTION_RESPONSE_SHUTDOWN_NO_UPCOMING_DATES = 1; public static final String ACTION_RESPONSE_MESSAGE = "response_message"; private static final String TAG = "MutingService"; private static final boolean DEBUG_WITH_FAKE_ALARMS = false; public static final String EXTRA_ALARM_ID = "mutingservice.extraalarmid"; public MutingService() { super("MutingService"); } @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { try { Analytics.onServiceStart(this); switch (intent.getExtras().getInt(ACTION, ACTION_NONE)) { case ACTION_TURN_ON: turnOn(); break; case ACTION_TURN_OFF: turnOff(); break; case ACTION_MUTE: mute(intent.getExtras().getInt(EXTRA_ALARM_ID)); break; case ACTION_UNMUTE: unmute(); break; case ACTION_SCHEDULE: if (isRunning()) scheduleMute(); break; case ACTION_REQUEST_ISRUNNING: ServiceToActivityBroadcastReceiver.sendBroadcast(this, new Intent().putExtra(ACTION_RESPONSE_ISRUNNING, isRunning())); break; } Analytics.onServiceStop(this); } finally { MutingServiceWakeLock.releaseWakeLock(); } } /** * Turns ON automatic ringtone muting during courses. */ private void turnOn() { Log.d(TAG, "turnOn()"); if (isRunning()) { Log.d(TAG, "service is already running, cancelling TURN ON"); return; } Analytics.onEvent(Analytics.EVENT_MUTINGSERVICE_ON); SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); if (!Preferences.isAutomuteEnabled(this, preferences)) { Log.d(TAG, "Cancelling automute turn on. User wants it to be off."); return; } // reset the preference for the case of a crash where unmute() or turnOff() has never been called if (Preferences.isMutingPeriod(preferences)) { Preferences.setMutingPeriod(preferences, false); } scheduleMute(); } /** * Determines if the muting service is running (ON) or stopped (OFF). * The muting service is defined as running if there is an alarm scheduled that will either mute or unmute * the phone at a specific time. It is stopped if no alarm is scheduled. * * * @return true if the muting service is running or false if it is stopped */ private boolean isRunning() { Intent alarmIntent = new Intent(this, OnAlarmReceiver.class).putExtra(ACTION, ACTION_NONE); boolean isRunning = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, alarmIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE) != null; Log.d(TAG, "isRunning(): " + isRunning); return isRunning; } /** * Turns OFF automatic ringtone muting during courses. */ private void turnOff() { Log.d(TAG, "turnOff()"); Analytics.onEvent(Analytics.EVENT_MUTINGSERVICE_OFF); // if the phone is currently in a muting period, turn the ringtone back on before turning off the service SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); if (Preferences.isMutingPeriod(preferences)) { MutingUtils.ringtoneTurnOn(this); Preferences.setMutingPeriod(preferences, false); } // remove eventually existing user notification removeNotification(Studentportal.NOTIFICATION_MS_INFO); // cancel an eventually existing pending alarm and the beloging intent as well (otherwise isRunning would always return true) AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE); Intent alarmIntent = new Intent(this, OnAlarmReceiver.class).putExtra(ACTION, ACTION_NONE); PendingIntent pendingAlarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, alarmIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); alarmManager.cancel(pendingAlarmIntent); pendingAlarmIntent.cancel(); // cancel an eventually exisiting location broadcast receiver LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE); Intent locationIntent = new Intent(""); PendingIntent pendingLocationIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, locationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); locationManager.removeUpdates(pendingLocationIntent); pendingLocationIntent.cancel(); if (isRunning()) { Log.e(TAG, "COULD NOT TURN OFF"); } } /** * Schedules an alarm through the AlarmManager. Alarms are typically scheduled at time when courses begin or end. * @param time the time at which the alarm will go off * @param action the action that will be called when the alarm goes off */ private void scheduleAlarm(long time, int action, int alarmId) { Log.d(TAG, "scheduling alarm action " + action + " @ " + new Date(time).toLocaleString() + " (aID:" + alarmId + ")"); AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE); Intent alarmIntent = new Intent(this, OnAlarmReceiver.class).putExtra(ACTION, action) .putExtra(EXTRA_ALARM_ID, alarmId); PendingIntent pendingAlarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, alarmIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + (time - System.currentTimeMillis()); // convert unixtime to system runtime alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, time, pendingAlarmIntent); } private void scheduleMute() { scheduleMute(false); } private void scheduleMute(boolean next) { Log.d(TAG, "scheduleMute(next:" + next + ")"); Analytics.onEvent(Analytics.EVENT_MUTINGSERVICE_MUTE_SCHEDULE); SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); // determine next muting time MutingPeriod mutingPeriod; if (DEBUG_WITH_FAKE_ALARMS) { mutingPeriod = new MutingPeriod(); mutingPeriod.setId(-1); mutingPeriod.setBegin(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000); mutingPeriod.setEnd(mutingPeriod.getBegin() + 10000); mutingPeriod.setName("Fakeevent"); } else { StudentPortalDB db = Studentportal.getStudentPortalDB(); if (Preferences.isMutingPeriod(preferences) || next) { // we are currently in a muting period, so schedule the next period mutingPeriod = db.mutingPeriods_getNextPeriod(); } else { mutingPeriod = db.mutingPeriods_getCurrentPeriod(); if (mutingPeriod == null) mutingPeriod = db.mutingPeriods_getNextPeriod(); } if (mutingPeriod == null) { // no upcoming alarm stored in the DB, try to fetch new ones from the server Log.d(TAG, "muting DB empty, fetching new ones from the server..."); try { if (!Studentportal.getSportalClient().login().isLoggedIn()) { Studentportal.getSportalClient().login(Preferences.getUsername(preferences), Preferences.getPassword(preferences), null); } db.mutingPeriods_insertNew(Studentportal.getSportalClient().getTermine(null, null, 10, null)); db.mutingPeriods_cleanup(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); Analytics.onError(Analytics.ERROR_MUTINGSERVICE_ONLINEUPDATE, e); // notify user that there's a server connection problem notifyUser(Studentportal.NOTIFICATION_MS_ERROR, false, getString(R.string.app_name), getString(R.string.app_name), getString(R.string.automute_notification_onlineupdate_failed), android.R.drawable.stat_notify_error, new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class)); } if (!(Preferences.isMutingPeriod(preferences) || next)) { mutingPeriod = db.mutingPeriods_getCurrentPeriod(); } if (mutingPeriod == null) { mutingPeriod = db.mutingPeriods_getNextPeriod(); } } } boolean isUpcomingMutingDateExisting = (mutingPeriod != null); if (isUpcomingMutingDateExisting) { scheduleAlarm(mutingPeriod.getBegin(), ACTION_MUTE, mutingPeriod.getId()); Log.d(TAG, "scheduled: " + mutingPeriod.getName() + " @ " + new Date(mutingPeriod.getBegin()).toLocaleString() + " (until " + new Date(mutingPeriod.getEnd()).toLocaleString() + " / id: " + mutingPeriod.getId() + ")"); // TODO notify user about next scheduled muting } else { // inform user via a notification that no upcoming dates were found to be muted and turn OFF // notifyUser(NOTIFICATION_ERROR, Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL, getString(R.string.app_name), getString(R.string.app_name), // getString(R.string.automute_notification_disabled_no_courses)); // set the automute preference to false so that the automute indicator corresponds with the preferences screen Preferences.setAutomuteEnabled(this, preferences, false); // notify listening activities about the shutdown ServiceToActivityBroadcastReceiver.sendBroadcast(this, new Intent().putExtra(ACTION_RESPONSE_SHUTDOWN, ACTION_RESPONSE_SHUTDOWN_NO_UPCOMING_DATES) .putExtra(ACTION_RESPONSE_MESSAGE, getString(R.string.automute_notification_disabled_no_courses))); } } private void scheduleUnmute(long time) { Log.d(TAG, "scheduleUnmute()"); Analytics.onEvent(Analytics.EVENT_MUTINGSERVICE_UNMUTE_SCHEDULE); if (DEBUG_WITH_FAKE_ALARMS) { scheduleAlarm(time, ACTION_UNMUTE, -1); } else { // determine next unmuting time // if there's another course starting before the current one is finished, schedule another mute instead StudentPortalDB db = Studentportal.getStudentPortalDB(); MutingPeriod nextMutingPeriod = db.mutingPeriods_getNextPeriod(); if (!DEBUG_WITH_FAKE_ALARMS && nextMutingPeriod != null && time > nextMutingPeriod.getBegin()) { Log.d(TAG, "overlap detected, turning unmute into another mute (" + new Date(time).toLocaleString() + " overlaps with begin time " + new Date(nextMutingPeriod.getBegin()).toLocaleString() + " / id: " + nextMutingPeriod.getId() + ")"); scheduleMute(); } else { scheduleAlarm(time, ACTION_UNMUTE, -1); } } } private void mute(int alarmId) { Log.d(TAG, "mute()"); SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); if (Preferences.getLocationStatus(preferences) == Preferences.LOCATION_STATUS_WAITING) { Log.d(TAG, "mute() blocked - waiting for a location update"); return; } // check if phone is already muted by the user AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE); boolean isPhoneAlreadyMuted = audioManager.getRingerMode() != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL && !Preferences.isMutingPeriod(preferences); if (isPhoneAlreadyMuted) { Log.d(TAG, "phone is already muted, scheduling next mute"); scheduleMute(true); return; } // load the current period from the db MutingPeriod mutingPeriod = null; Log.d(TAG, "muting period id: " + alarmId); if (DEBUG_WITH_FAKE_ALARMS) { mutingPeriod = new MutingPeriod(); mutingPeriod.setId(-1); mutingPeriod.setBegin(System.currentTimeMillis()); mutingPeriod.setEnd(mutingPeriod.getBegin() + 10000); mutingPeriod.setName("Fakeevent"); } else { mutingPeriod = Studentportal.getStudentPortalDB().mutingPeriods_getPeriod(alarmId); } // check if phone is located at university notifyUser(Studentportal.NOTIFICATION_MS_INFO, true, mutingPeriod.getName(), mutingPeriod.getName(), getString(R.string.automute_notification_course_started_locating)); boolean isPhoneLocationKnown = false; boolean isPhoneLocatedAtUniversity = false; String locationSource = null; WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(WIFI_SERVICE); if (wifiManager.isWifiEnabled()) { ScanResult scanResult = MutingUtils.findMutingWifiNetwork(wifiManager.getScanResults()); if (scanResult != null) { Log.d(TAG, "phone located by wifi: " + scanResult.SSID); isPhoneLocationKnown = true; isPhoneLocatedAtUniversity = true; locationSource = "wifi (" + scanResult.SSID + ")"; } } if (!isPhoneLocationKnown) { // phone location could not be determined by wifi, trying network location instead... LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE); if (locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER)) { Intent locationIntent = new Intent("") .putExtra(EXTRA_ALARM_ID, alarmId); PendingIntent pendingLocationIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, locationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); // remove the location receiver (so it doesn't get registered multiple times [could also happen on overlapping mute() calls) locationManager.removeUpdates(pendingLocationIntent); if (Preferences.getLocationStatus(preferences) == Preferences.LOCATION_STATUS_RECEIVED) { isPhoneLocationKnown = true; pendingLocationIntent.cancel(); Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); if (location == null) { Log.d(TAG, "location received but still null"); } else { MutingRegion mutingRegion = MutingUtils.findOverlappingMutingRegion(location); if (mutingRegion != null) { Log.d(TAG, "phone located by network @ " + mutingRegion.getName()); isPhoneLocatedAtUniversity = true; locationSource = "location (" + mutingRegion.getName() + ")"; } } } else { Log.d(TAG, "trying to locate the phone by network..."); // wait for a location update Preferences.setLocationStatus(preferences, Preferences.LOCATION_STATUS_WAITING); locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 0, 0, pendingLocationIntent); return; // exit method - it will be re-called from the location broadcast receiver on a location update } } } boolean isAlwaysMuteEnabled = Preferences.isAutomuteWithoutLocation(this, preferences); if (isPhoneLocationKnown) { if (!isPhoneLocatedAtUniversity) { Log.d(TAG, "phone is not located at university, scheduling next mute"); scheduleMute(true); removeNotification(Studentportal.NOTIFICATION_MS_INFO); return; } } else { Log.d(TAG, "phone cannot be located"); if (!isAlwaysMuteEnabled) { Log.d(TAG, "alwaysmute is disabled, scheduling next mute"); Preferences.setLocationStatus(preferences, Preferences.LOCATION_STATUS_NONE); scheduleMute(true); removeNotification(Studentportal.NOTIFICATION_MS_INFO); return; } } // only turn the ringtone off if we aren't currently in a muting period. // if we are in a muting period the ringtone is already muted and the request should be ignored, // else rintoneTurnOn() won't turn the ringtone back on because ringtone override will be set to true if (!Preferences.isMutingPeriod(preferences)) { MutingUtils.ringtoneTurnOff(this); } // persist that from now on the phone is in a muting period Preferences.setMutingPeriod(preferences, true); // inform user via a notification that a course has started and the phone has been muted notifyUser(Studentportal.NOTIFICATION_MS_INFO, true, mutingPeriod.getName(), mutingPeriod.getName(), getString(R.string.automute_notification_course_muted)); final boolean isPhoneLocationKnownAnalytics = isPhoneLocationKnown; final String locationSourceAnalytics = locationSource; Analytics.onEvent(Analytics.EVENT_MUTINGSERVICE_MUTE, "isPhoneLocationKnown", isPhoneLocationKnownAnalytics + "", "locationSource", locationSourceAnalytics); scheduleUnmute(mutingPeriod.getEnd()); } private void unmute() { Log.d(TAG, "unmute()"); Analytics.onEvent(Analytics.EVENT_MUTINGSERVICE_UNMUTE); MutingUtils.ringtoneTurnOn(this); // persist that from now on the phone is NOT in a muting period Editor preferenceEditor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit(); Preferences.setMutingPeriod(preferenceEditor, false); Preferences.setLocationStatus(preferenceEditor, Preferences.LOCATION_STATUS_NONE); preferenceEditor.commit(); // remove eventually existing user notification removeNotification(Studentportal.NOTIFICATION_MS_INFO); scheduleMute(); } private void notifyUser(int id, boolean ongoing, String tickerText, String contentTitle, String contentText, int icon, Intent intent) { NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(getApplicationContext(), 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); Notification notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this).setSmallIcon(icon).setTicker(tickerText) .setContentText(contentText).setContentTitle(contentTitle).setContentIntent(contentIntent) .setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()).setOngoing(ongoing).build(); notificationManager.notify(id, notification); } private void notifyUser(int id, boolean ongoing, String tickerText, String contentTitle, String contentText) { notifyUser(id, ongoing, tickerText, contentTitle, contentText, R.drawable.notify_course, new Intent()); } private void removeNotification(int id) { NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notificationManager.cancel(id); } }