Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Mario Guggenberger <> * * This file is part of AAU Studentenportal. * * AAU Studentenportal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * AAU Studentenportal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AAU Studentenportal. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import android.content.Context; import; public class UnikluSportalApiClient extends UnikluApiClient { private static final String URL_API_AGENDA = "/api/sportal/agenda"; private static final String URL_API_AGENDA_TERMINE = "/api/sportal/agenda/termine"; private static final String URL_API_AGENDA_TERMINE_TERMIN = "/api/sportal/agenda/termine/"; private static final String URL_API_STUDENT = "/api/sportal/student"; private static final String URL_API_STUDENT_SEMESTERLIST = "/api/sportal/student/semester"; private static final String URL_API_STUDENT_SEMESTER = "/api/sportal/student/semester/"; private static final String URL_API_STUDENT_CURRENTSEMESTER = "/api/sportal/student/semester/aktuell"; private static final String URL_API_STUDENT_STUDIEN = "/api/sportal/student/studien"; private static final String URL_API_STUDENT_STUDIUM = "/api/sportal/student/studien/"; private static final String URL_API_STUDENT_EINSTELLUNGEN = "/api/sportal/student/einstellungen"; private static final String URL_API_LVS = "/api/sportal/lvs"; private static final String URL_API_LV = "/api/sportal/lvs/"; private static final String URL_API_LV_KREUZELLISTEN = "/api/sportal/lvs/%d/kreuzellisten"; private static final String URL_API_LV_KREUZELLISTE = "/api/sportal/lvs/%d/kreuzellisten/%d"; private static final String URL_API_LV_TEILNEHMER = "/api/sportal/lvs/%d/teilnehmer"; private static final String URL_API_PRUEFUNGEN = "/api/sportal/pruefungen"; private static final String URL_API_NOTEN = "/api/sportal/noten"; private static final String URL_API_NOTIFICATIONS = "/api/sportal/notifications"; private static final String URL_API_GCM_REGISTER = "/api/sportal/gcm"; private static final String URL_API_GCM_UNREGISTER = "/api/sportal/gcm/%s"; public UnikluSportalApiClient(String clientVersionInfo, boolean debug) { super(clientVersionInfo, debug); } public UnikluSportalApiClient(String clientVersionInfo, boolean debug, Context applicationContext, boolean useCache) { super(clientVersionInfo, debug, applicationContext, useCache); } public Agenda getAgenda() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_AGENDA, Agenda.class); } public List<Termin> getTermine(Date von, Date bis, Integer anzahl, Integer[] lvkeys) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); if (von != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("von", von.getTime() + "")); } if (bis != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("bis", bis.getTime() + "")); } if (anzahl != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("anzahl", anzahl.toString())); } if (lvkeys != null && lvkeys.length > 0) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("lvs", buildArrayParamValue(lvkeys))); } return get(URL_API_AGENDA_TERMINE, new TypeToken<List<Termin>>() { }.getType(), params.toArray(new NameValuePair[0])); } public List<Termin> getTermine(Integer[] lvkeys) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return getTermine(null, null, null, lvkeys); } public List<Termin> getTermineHeute(Integer[] lvkeys) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(new Date()); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); Date todayBegin = calendar.getTime(); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); Date todayEnd = calendar.getTime(); return getTermine(todayBegin, todayEnd, null, lvkeys); } public void clearTermine() { clearCache(URL_API_AGENDA_TERMINE); } public Termin getTermin(int key) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_AGENDA_TERMINE_TERMIN + key, Termin.class); } public Student getStudent() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_STUDENT, Student.class); } public List<Semester> getSemester() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_STUDENT_SEMESTERLIST, new TypeToken<List<Semester>>() { }.getType()); } public Semester getSemester(int key) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_STUDENT_SEMESTER + key, Semester.class); } public Semester getSemesterAktuell() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_STUDENT_CURRENTSEMESTER, Semester.class); } public List<Studium> getStudien() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_STUDENT_STUDIEN, new TypeToken<List<Studium>>() { }.getType()); } public Studium getStudium(int key) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_STUDENT_STUDIUM + key, Studium.class); } public Einstellungen getEinstellungen() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_STUDENT_EINSTELLUNGEN, false, Einstellungen.class); } public void postEinstellungen(Einstellungen einstellungen) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { post(URL_API_STUDENT_EINSTELLUNGEN, einstellungen, true); } public List<Lehrveranstaltung> getLehrveranstaltungen(String semester) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { NameValuePair[] params = null; if (semester != null) { params = new BasicNameValuePair[] { new BasicNameValuePair("semester", semester) }; } return get(URL_API_LVS, new TypeToken<List<Lehrveranstaltung>>() { }.getType(), params); } public List<Lehrveranstaltung> getLehrveranstaltungen() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return getLehrveranstaltungen(null); } public void clearLehrveranstaltungen() { clearCache(URL_API_LVS); } public Lehrveranstaltung getLehrveranstaltung(int key) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_LV + key, Lehrveranstaltung.class); } public List<Kreuzelliste> getKreuzellisten(int lvkey) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(String.format(URL_API_LV_KREUZELLISTEN, lvkey), false, new TypeToken<List<Kreuzelliste>>() { }.getType()); } public Kreuzelliste getKreuzelliste(int lvkey, int klkey) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(String.format(URL_API_LV_KREUZELLISTE, lvkey, klkey), false, Kreuzelliste.class); } public void postKreuzelliste(int lvkey, Kreuzelliste kl) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { post(String.format(URL_API_LV_KREUZELLISTE, lvkey, kl.getKey()), kl, true); } public List<Student> getTeilnehmer(int lvkey) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(String.format(URL_API_LV_TEILNEHMER, lvkey), new TypeToken<List<Student>>() { }.getType()); } public List<Pruefung> getPruefungen(String semester) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { NameValuePair[] params = null; if (semester != null) { params = new BasicNameValuePair[] { new BasicNameValuePair("semester", semester) }; } return get(URL_API_PRUEFUNGEN, new TypeToken<List<Pruefung>>() { }.getType(), params); } public List<Pruefung> getPruefungen() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return getPruefungen(null); } public void clearPruefungen() { clearCache(URL_API_PRUEFUNGEN); } public List<Note> getNoten() throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_NOTEN, new TypeToken<List<Note>>() { }.getType()); } public void clearNoten() { clearCache(URL_API_NOTEN); } public List<Notification> getNotifications(Date von) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { return get(URL_API_NOTIFICATIONS, false, new TypeToken<List<Notification>>() { }.getType(), new BasicNameValuePair("von", von.getTime() + "")); } public void postGCMRegistrationId(String regId) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { post(URL_API_GCM_REGISTER, regId, true); } public void deleteGCMRegistrationId(String regId) throws ApiClientException, ApiServerException { delete(String.format(URL_API_GCM_UNREGISTER, regId), true); } }