Java tutorial
package; /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Lukas Eibensteiner * Copyright (c) 2015 Kristoffer Kleine * Copyright (c) 2015 Branko Majic * Copyright (c) 2015 Enri Miho * Copyright (c) 2015 David Peherstorfer * Copyright (c) 2015 Marian Stoschitzky * Copyright (c) 2015 Christoph Wasylewski * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons * to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; public class PhotoServiceImpl implements PhotoService { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); private static final int REFRESH_RATE = 5; @Autowired private PhotoDAO photoDAO; @Autowired private PollingFileWatcher watcher; @Autowired private AsyncPhotoRepository photoRepository; @Autowired private WorkspaceService workspaceService; @Autowired private ScheduledExecutorService scheduler; private Listener listener; private ScheduledFuture<?> watcherSchedule = null; private final ExecutorService operationExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); @Autowired private void initializeListeners(AsyncPhotoRepository repository) { listener = new Listener(); repository.addListener((AsyncPhotoRepository.AsyncListener) listener); repository.addListener((PhotoRepository.Listener) listener); } @Override public void initializeRepository() { LOGGER.debug("Synchronizing repository"); watcher.getExtensions().add("jpeg"); watcher.getExtensions().add("jpg"); watcher.getExtensions().add("JPEG"); watcher.getExtensions().add("JPG"); // schedule the update in a separate thread with a little delay scheduler.schedule(this::synchronizeAndSchedule, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } private void synchronizeAndSchedule() { // register saved directories try { workspaceService.getDirectories().forEach(watcher::register); } catch (ServiceException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to register directory", ex); } // refresh the watcher and synchronize the repository watcher.refresh(); photoRepository.clearQueue(); try { photoRepository.synchronize(); } catch (DAOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to synchronize files", ex); } // schedule watcher to notify about future changes watcherSchedule = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(watcher::refresh, REFRESH_RATE, REFRESH_RATE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public void close() { if (watcherSchedule != null) { watcherSchedule.cancel(true); } operationExecutor.shutdown(); } @Override public void deletePhotos(Collection<Photo> photos) throws ServiceException { if (photos == null) { throw new ServiceException("List<Photo> photos is null"); } for (Photo p : photos) { LOGGER.debug("Deleting photo {}", p); try { photoRepository.delete(p.getFile()); } catch (DAOException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } } @Override public List<Photo> getAllPhotos() throws ServiceException { LOGGER.debug("Retrieving all photos..."); try { return photoDAO.readAll(); } catch (DAOException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } @Override public List<Photo> getAllPhotos(Predicate<Photo> filter) throws ServiceException { LOGGER.debug("Entering getAllPhotos with {}", filter); return getAllPhotos().stream().filter(filter).collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Override public void editPhoto(Photo photo) throws ServiceException { LOGGER.debug("Entering editPhoto with {}", photo); try { photoRepository.update(photo);"Successfully updated {}", photo); } catch (DAOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Updating {} failed due to DAOException", photo); throw new ServiceException("Could update photo.", ex); } LOGGER.debug("Leaving editPhoto with {}", photo); } @Override public void subscribeCreate(Consumer<Photo> callback) { photoRepository.addListener(new PhotoRepository.Listener() { @Override public void onCreate(PhotoRepository repository, Path file) {"created {}", file); try { Photo photo =; callback.accept(photo); } catch (DAOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to read photo {}", file); } } }); } @Override public void subscribeUpdate(Consumer<Photo> callback) { photoRepository.addListener(new PhotoRepository.Listener() { @Override public void onUpdate(PhotoRepository repository, Path file) {"updated {}", file); try { Photo photo =; callback.accept(photo); } catch (DAOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to read photo {}", file); } } }); } @Override public void subscribeDelete(Consumer<Path> callback) { photoRepository.addListener(new PhotoRepository.Listener() { @Override public void onDelete(PhotoRepository repository, Path file) {"deleted {}", file); callback.accept(file); } }); } private class Listener implements AsyncPhotoRepository.AsyncListener, PhotoRepository.Listener { @Override public void onError(PhotoRepository repository, DAOException error) { LOGGER.error("repository error {}", error); } @Override public void onError(AsyncPhotoRepository repository, Operation operation, DAOException error) { LOGGER.warn("failed operation {}", operation); LOGGER.error("operation error {}", error); } @Override public void onQueue(AsyncPhotoRepository repository, Operation operation) {"queued {}", operation);"queue length {}", repository.getQueue().size()); operationExecutor.execute(repository::completeNext); } } }