Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; /** * * @author Jun */ public class DaaSGenerator { QoRModel qoRModel; String rootPath; public DaaSGenerator() { } public DaaSGenerator(QoRModel qoRModel) { this.qoRModel = qoRModel; configureProjectPath(); generateProjectTemplate(); } public void generateDaaS() { generateMetricConstraintClass(); generateConstraintConverterClass(); generateConsumerRequirementClass(); } private void generateProjectTemplate() { ZipUtils zipUtils = new ZipUtils(); zipUtils.unZipIt(rootPath + "/classes/"); } private void generateMetricConstraintClass() { String packageName = ""; List<QoRMetric> listOfMetrics = qoRModel.getListOfMetrics(); String templateConstraintClass = loadTemplateClass("MetricConstraint"); for (QoRMetric metric : listOfMetrics) { String metricName = metric.getName(); metricName = WordUtils.capitalize(metricName); metricName = metricName.trim(); String className = metricName + "Constraint"; String classContent = templateConstraintClass.replaceAll("Template", metricName); classContent = classContent.replaceAll("template_metric_name", metric.getName()); writeClass(className, packageName, classContent); } } private void generateConstraintConverterClass() { String packageName = ""; String packageMetric = ""; List<QoRMetric> listOfMetrics = qoRModel.getListOfMetrics(); String templateConstraintClass = loadTemplateClass("ConstraintConverter"); Logger.logInfo("class: " + templateConstraintClass); String importContent = ""; String conversionContent = ""; int metricCounter = 0; for (QoRMetric metric : listOfMetrics) { String metricName = metric.getName(); metricName = WordUtils.capitalize(metricName); metricName = metricName.trim(); String className = metricName + "Constraint"; importContent = importContent + "\n" + "import " + packageMetric + "." + className + ";"; String c_line1 = className + " c" + String.valueOf(metricCounter) + " = consumerRequirement.get" + className + "();"; String c_line2 = "TemplateConstraint c" + String.valueOf(metricCounter) + "_t = new TemplateConstraint(c" + String.valueOf(metricCounter) + ".getConstraintName(), c" + String.valueOf(metricCounter) + ".getMinValue(), c" + String.valueOf(metricCounter) + ".getMaxValue());"; String c_line3 = "listOfConstraints.add(c" + String.valueOf(metricCounter) + "_t);"; conversionContent = conversionContent + "\n" + c_line1 + "\n" + c_line2 + "\n" + c_line3; metricCounter++; } String classContent = templateConstraintClass.replaceAll("#import_content#", importContent); classContent = classContent.replaceAll("#conversion_content#", conversionContent); writeClass("ConstraintConverter", packageName, classContent); } private void generateConsumerRequirementClass() { String packageName = ""; List<QoRMetric> listOfMetrics = qoRModel.getListOfMetrics(); String templateConstraintClass = loadTemplateClass("ConsumerRequirement"); System.out.println("class: " + templateConstraintClass); String declarationContent = ""; String getContent = ""; String setContent = ""; for (QoRMetric metric : listOfMetrics) { String metricName = metric.getName(); metricName = WordUtils.capitalize(metricName); metricName = metricName.trim(); String className = metricName + "Constraint"; String declaration_line1 = "@XmlElement(name = \"" + className + "\", required = true)"; String declaration_line2 = className + " " + className.toLowerCase() + ";"; declarationContent = declarationContent + "\n" + declaration_line1 + "\n" + declaration_line2; String get_line1 = "public " + className + " get" + className + "() {"; String get_line2 = "return " + className.toLowerCase() + ";"; String get_line3 = "}"; getContent = getContent + "\n" + get_line1 + "\n" + get_line2 + "\n" + get_line3; String set_line1 = "public void set" + className + "(" + className + " " + className.toLowerCase() + ") {"; String set_line2 = "this." + className.toLowerCase() + " = " + className.toLowerCase() + ";"; String set_line3 = "}"; setContent = setContent + "\n" + set_line1 + "\n" + set_line2 + "\n" + set_line3; } String classContent = templateConstraintClass.replaceAll("#declaration_content#", declarationContent); classContent = classContent.replaceAll("#get_content#", getContent); classContent = classContent.replaceAll("#set_content#", setContent); writeClass("ConsumerRequirement", packageName, classContent); } private void writeClass(String className, String packageName, String classContent) { String filePath = packageToPath(className, packageName); FileWriter fstream; try { fstream = new FileWriter(filePath, false); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write(classContent); out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } private String packageToPath(String className, String packageName) { String filePath = ""; packageName = packageName.replaceAll("\\.", "/"); filePath = rootPath + "/classes/project/eDaaS/src/main/java/" + packageName + "/" + className + ".java"; return filePath; } private String loadTemplateClass(String templateName) { String templateConstraintClass = ""; String filePath = ""; if (templateName.equals("MetricConstraint")) { filePath = rootPath + "/classes/templateclass/" + "TemplateConstraint.tpl"; } else if (templateName.equals("ConstraintConverter")) { filePath = rootPath + "/classes/templateclass/" + "ConstraintConverter.tpl"; } else if (templateName.equals("ConsumerRequirement")) { filePath = rootPath + "/classes/templateclass/" + "ConsumerRequirement.tpl"; } FileInputStream fstream = null; try { fstream = new FileInputStream(filePath); // FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("covertype.csv"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.logInfo(ex.toString()); } DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine = ""; try { while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { templateConstraintClass = templateConstraintClass + strLine + "\n"; } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.logInfo(ex.toString()); } return templateConstraintClass; } private void configureProjectPath() { String path = DaaSGenerator.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); int index = path.indexOf("/classes/at/ac"); path = path.substring(0, index); try { path = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Logger.logInfo(ex.toString()); } System.out.println("Project Path: -" + path + "-"); rootPath = path; } }