Java tutorial
/* * asmlib: a toolkit based on ASM for working with java bytecode * Copyright (C) 2015 Ivo Anjo <> * * This file is part of asmlib. * * asmlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * asmlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with asmlib. If not, see <>. */ package asmlib; import util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; /** * Classe que representa um tipo em Java/na JVM. * A ideia desta classe isolar os diferentes "formatos" em que o nome de uma classe pode estar: * filePath: java/lang/String.class * simple: String * package: java.lang * bytecode: Ljava/lang/String; * asm: java/lang/String * common: java.lang.String * opcode: Tipos primitivos, em que o opcode o utilizado nos classfiles do java para os representar * class: Instncia de java/lang/Class **/ /* Nota: Numa classe como public class GenTest<Xpto extends String> { Xpto field; GenTest(Xpto arg) { field = arg; } } field vai ter o description Ljava/lang/Object; e vai ter a signature TXpto; . Pelos vistos os nomes dos placeholders so guardados nos generics, prefixados com T e terminados com ; . (Da o T...; que esta classe suporta) */ public class Type implements Comparable<Type> { // Alguns tipos j pr-gerados, para mais fcil acesso public static final Type OBJECT = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Object"); public static final Type STRING = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.String"); public static final Type PRIM_BOOLEAN = Type.fromBytecode('Z'); public static final Type PRIM_BYTE = Type.fromBytecode('B'); public static final Type PRIM_CHAR = Type.fromBytecode('C'); public static final Type PRIM_SHORT = Type.fromBytecode('S'); public static final Type PRIM_INT = Type.fromBytecode('I'); public static final Type PRIM_LONG = Type.fromBytecode('J'); public static final Type PRIM_FLOAT = Type.fromBytecode('F'); public static final Type PRIM_DOUBLE = Type.fromBytecode('D'); public static final Type PRIM_VOID = Type.fromBytecode('V'); public static final Type OBJECT_BOOLEAN = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Boolean"); public static final Type OBJECT_BYTE = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Byte"); public static final Type OBJECT_CHARACTER = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Character"); public static final Type OBJECT_SHORT = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Short"); public static final Type OBJECT_INTEGER = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Integer"); public static final Type OBJECT_LONG = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Long"); public static final Type OBJECT_FLOAT = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Float"); public static final Type OBJECT_DOUBLE = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Double"); public static final Type OBJECT_VOID = Type.fromCommon("java.lang.Void"); /** Nome da classe no formato bytecode **/ private final String _bytecodeName; private Type(String bytecodeName) { _bytecodeName = bytecodeName; if (bytecodeName.isEmpty()) throw new AssertionError("Empty bytecodeName"); if (bytecodeName.length() == 1 && !isPrimitive()) throw new Error("Invalid bytecodeName"); } public static Type fromCommon(String common) { String bytecode = "L" + common.replace(".", "/").replace("[]", "") + ";"; if (common.endsWith("[]")) { String prefix = common.substring(common.indexOf('['), common.lastIndexOf(']') + 1).replace(']', '['); bytecode = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() / 2) + bytecode; } return Type.fromBytecode(bytecode); } public static Type fromFilePath(String path) { return Type.fromCommon(path.replace("/", ".").replace(".class", "")); } public static Type fromAsm(String asm) { if (asm.startsWith("[")) { // Caso especial, parece que o "formato asm" passa a "formato bytecode" quando um array // Por exemplo o formato asm para array de object "[Ljava/lang/Object;" return Type.fromBytecode(asm); } return Type.fromBytecode("L" + asm + ";"); } public static Type fromBytecode(char c) { return Type.fromBytecode(String.valueOf(c)); } public static Type fromBytecode(String bytecode) { assert (bytecode.indexOf('.') == -1 || bytecode.indexOf('<') >= 0); return new Type(bytecode); } public static Type fromOpcode(int opcode) { char type; switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN: type = 'Z'; break; case Opcodes.T_BYTE: type = 'B'; break; case Opcodes.T_CHAR: type = 'C'; break; case Opcodes.T_SHORT: type = 'S'; break; case Opcodes.T_INT: type = 'I'; break; case Opcodes.T_LONG: type = 'J'; break; case Opcodes.T_FLOAT: type = 'F'; break; case Opcodes.T_DOUBLE: type = 'D'; break; default: throw new InstrumentationException("Unknown or invalid bytecode type"); } return Type.fromBytecode(type); } public static Type fromLoadOpcode(int opcode) { char type; switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.ILOAD: type = 'I'; break; case Opcodes.LLOAD: type = 'J'; break; case Opcodes.FLOAD: type = 'F'; break; case Opcodes.DLOAD: type = 'D'; break; case Opcodes.ALOAD: return Type.OBJECT; default: throw new InstrumentationException("Unknown or invalid bytecode type"); } return Type.fromBytecode(type); } public static Type fromClass(Class<?> c) { if (c.isPrimitive()) { String name = c.getName().toLowerCase(); for (String[] typeMapping : primitiveTypeNames) { if (typeMapping[0].equals(name)) return Type.fromBytecode(typeMapping[1]); } throw new AssertionError("This should never happen"); } String s = c.getName(); if (s.charAt(0) == '[') { // Java troca para um misto entre bytecodeName e commonName para arrays return Type.fromBytecode(s.replace('.', '/')); } return Type.fromCommon(s); } public static Type fromType(org.objectweb.asm.Type t) { return Type.fromBytecode(t.getDescriptor()); } public static UtilList<Type> getArgumentTypes(String methodDescriptor) { String input = methodDescriptor; UtilList<Type> outList = new UtilArrayList<Type>(); char c; int array = 0; Type t; // Exemplo descrio com "constraints" de generics // <T:Ljava/lang/Object;>([TT;)[TT; if ((input.charAt(0) != '(') && (input.charAt(0) == '<')) { input = input.substring(input.indexOf('(')); } while (input.length() > 0) { c = input.charAt(0); input = input.substring(1); if (c == '[') { array++; } else if ((c == 'L') || (c == 'T')) { int pos = input.indexOf(';') + 1; String s = input.substring(0, pos); // Handling generics int genCount = StringUtils.countMatches(s, "<"); if (genCount > 0) { while (genCount > 0) { pos = input.indexOf('>', pos); genCount--; } pos = input.indexOf(';', pos) + 1; s = input.substring(0, pos); } input = input.substring(pos); t = Type.fromBytecode(c + s); if (array > 0) { t = t.toArray(array); array = 0; } outList.add(t); } else if (c == '(') { // do nothing } else if (c == 'V') { throw new AssertionError("Invalid type in methodDescriptor"); } else if (c == ')') { return outList; } else { t = Type.fromBytecode(Character.valueOf(c).toString()); if (!t.isPrimitive()) throw new AssertionError("Invalid type in methodDescriptor"); if (array > 0) { t = t.toArray(array); array = 0; } outList.add(t); } } throw new Error("Malformed methodDescriptor"); } @Override public String toString() { return commonName(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o instanceof Type) { Type other = (Type) o; return compareTo(other) == 0; } return false; } public int compareTo(Type other) { return bytecodeName().compareTo(other.bytecodeName()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return bytecodeName().hashCode(); } public String simpleName() { return StringList.split(commonName(), ".").last(); } public String commonName() { if (isPrimitive()) return primitiveTypeName(); String bytecode = bytecodeName(); String suffix = ""; // Transformar arrays if (isArray()) { int dimensions = arrayDimensions(); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) suffix += "[]"; bytecode = bytecode.substring(dimensions, bytecode.length()); } if (bytecode.charAt(0) == 'L') { bytecode = bytecode.substring(1, bytecode.length() - 1); } else if (bytecode.charAt(0) == 'T') { // FIXME: No tenho bem a certeza quanto a este bytecode = bytecode.substring(1, bytecode.length() - 1); } else { // array de tipo primitivo } bytecode = bytecode.replace('/', '.'); if (!suffix.isEmpty()) bytecode += suffix; return bytecode; } public String bytecodeName() { return _bytecodeName; } public String asmName() { String type = bytecodeName(); // O asmName de um array aparentemente o seu bytecodeName sem alteraes if (isArray()) return type; if (isPrimitive()) throw new Error("Cannot represent primitive types using asmName"); return type.substring(1, type.length() - 1); } public org.objectweb.asm.Type toType() { return org.objectweb.asm.Type.getObjectType(asmName()); } /** Converte arrays na sua classe original: Object[][][] passa a Object **/ public Type stripArray() { String strip = bytecodeName(); return Type.fromBytecode(strip.replace("[", "")); } public int arrayDimensions() { String bytecodeName = bytecodeName(); int pos = 0; while (pos < bytecodeName.length() && (bytecodeName.charAt(pos) == '[')) pos++; return pos; } public boolean isPrimitive() { String name = bytecodeName(); if (name.length() != 1) return false; char c = name.charAt(0); return ((c == 'Z') || (c == 'B') || (c == 'C') || (c == 'S') || (c == 'I') || (c == 'J') || (c == 'F') || (c == 'D')) || (c == 'V'); } public boolean isArray() { return bytecodeName().charAt(0) == '['; } public Type toArray() { return toArray(1); } public Type toArray(int dimensions) { if (dimensions <= 0) throw new AssertionError("Dimensions cannot be <= 0"); String dims = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) dims += "["; return Type.fromBytecode(dims + bytecodeName()); } public boolean isGeneric() { return bytecodeName().contains("<"); } private static final Type[][] primitiveWrappers = new Type[][] { { OBJECT_BOOLEAN, PRIM_BOOLEAN }, { OBJECT_BYTE, PRIM_BYTE }, { OBJECT_CHARACTER, PRIM_CHAR }, { OBJECT_SHORT, PRIM_SHORT }, { OBJECT_INTEGER, PRIM_INT }, { OBJECT_LONG, PRIM_LONG }, { OBJECT_FLOAT, PRIM_FLOAT }, { OBJECT_DOUBLE, PRIM_DOUBLE }, { OBJECT_VOID, PRIM_VOID } }; public Type toObject() { for (Type[] map : primitiveWrappers) { if (this.equals(map[1])) return map[0]; } return null; } public Type toPrimitive() { for (Type[] map : primitiveWrappers) { if (this.equals(map[0])) return map[1]; } return null; } /** Mtodo que retorna o opcode certo para o tipo de varivel que se quer fazer load. * Opcodes disponveis: * - ILOAD para boolean, byte, char, short, int * - LLOAD para long * - FLOAD para float * - DLOAD para double * - ALOAD para referncia (objecto ou array) **/ public int getLoadInsn() { char c = bytecodeName().charAt(0); switch (c) { case 'Z': // boolean case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'S': // short case 'I': // int return Opcodes.ILOAD; case 'J': // long return Opcodes.LLOAD; case 'F': // float return Opcodes.FLOAD; case 'D': // double return Opcodes.DLOAD; case '[': // Algum tipo de array case 'L': // objecto case 'T': // objecto (generics) return Opcodes.ALOAD; } throw new InstrumentationException("Unknown fieldType in getLoadInsn"); } /** Mtodo que retorna o opcode certo para o tipo de varivel que se quer fazer store. * Opcodes disponveis: * - ISTORE para boolean, byte, char, short, int * - LSTORE para long * - FSTORE para float * - DSTORE para double * - ASTORE para referncia (objecto ou array) **/ public int getStoreInsn() { char c = bytecodeName().charAt(0); switch (c) { case 'Z': // boolean case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'S': // short case 'I': // int return Opcodes.ISTORE; case 'J': // long return Opcodes.LSTORE; case 'F': // float return Opcodes.FSTORE; case 'D': // double return Opcodes.DSTORE; case '[': // Algum tipo de array case 'L': // objecto case 'T': // objecto (generics) return Opcodes.ASTORE; } throw new InstrumentationException("Unknown fieldType in getStoreInsn"); } /** Mtodo que retorna o opcode certo para o tipo de varivel que se quer fazer return. * Opcodes disponveis: * - IRETURN para boolean, byte, char, short, int * - LRETURN para long * - FRETURN para float * - DRETURN para double * - ARETURN para referncia (objecto ou array) * - RETURN para mtodos void **/ public int getReturnInsn() { char c = bytecodeName().charAt(0); switch (c) { case 'Z': // boolean case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'S': // short case 'I': // int return Opcodes.IRETURN; case 'J': // long return Opcodes.LRETURN; case 'F': // float return Opcodes.FRETURN; case 'D': // double return Opcodes.DRETURN; case '[': // Algum tipo de array case 'L': // objecto case 'T': // objecto (generics) return Opcodes.ARETURN; case 'V': // void return Opcodes.RETURN; } throw new InstrumentationException("Unknown fieldType in getReturnInsn"); } /** Mtodo que retorna o opcode certo para o tipo de varivel que se quer fazer pop na stack. * Opcodes disponveis: * - POP2 para long, double * - POP para todos os restantes **/ public int getPopInsn() { if (getNumberSlots() == 1) { return Opcodes.POP; } else { return Opcodes.POP2; } } /** Mtodo que retorna o opcode certo para o tipo de varivel que se quer fazer dup na stack. * Opcodes disponveis: * - DUP2 para long, double * - DUP para todos os restantes **/ public int getDupInsn() { if (getNumberSlots() == 1) { return Opcodes.DUP; } else { return Opcodes.DUP2; } } private static final String[][] primitiveTypeNames = new String[][] { { "boolean", "Z" }, { "byte", "B" }, { "char", "C" }, { "short", "S" }, { "int", "I" }, { "long", "J" }, { "float", "F" }, { "double", "D" }, { "void", "V" } }; /** Devolve o nome do tipo bsico (int, long, ...). * til para por exemplo chamar intValue() sobre Integer, longValue() sobre Long, ... **/ public String primitiveTypeName() { if (!isPrimitive()) throw new InstrumentationException("Type doesn't represent a Primitive Type"); String c = Character.valueOf(bytecodeName().charAt(0)).toString(); for (String[] typeMapping : primitiveTypeNames) { if (typeMapping[1].equals(c)) return typeMapping[0]; } throw new AssertionError("This should never happen"); } /** Mtodo que retorna o nmero de slots necessrios por um certo tipo na stack. * Basicamente, tudo ocupa 1 slot, excepto Long e Double, que ocupam 2. **/ public int getNumberSlots() { char c = bytecodeName().charAt(0); switch (c) { case 'J': // long case 'D': // double return 2; default: return 1; } } }