Java tutorial
/* * asmlib: a toolkit based on ASM for working with java bytecode * Copyright (C) 2015 Ivo Anjo <> * * This file is part of asmlib. * * asmlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * asmlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with asmlib. If not, see <>. */ package asmlib; import java.util.*; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import util.StringList; import util.UtilList; import asmlib.extra.InvokedMethod; public class InfoMethod implements Comparable<InfoMethod> { /** Comparador que ignora a classe a qual o mtodo pertence **/ public final static class InfoMethodNameDescOnlyComparator implements Comparator<InfoMethod> { @Override public int compare(InfoMethod m1, InfoMethod m2) { return ( + m1.desc()).compareTo( + m2.desc()); } } private final int _access; private final String _name; private final String _desc; private final String _signature; private final String[] _exceptions; private final List<InfoAnnotation> _annotations = new ArrayList<InfoAnnotation>(); private final InfoClass _definedInfoClass; // Classe onde o mtodo est realmente definido private InfoClass _infoClass; // Classe a partir de onde o mtodo est a ser visto private boolean _accessesOutsideFields = false; private int _maxLocals; public InfoMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions, InfoClass infoClass) { _access = access; _name = name; _desc = desc; _signature = signature; _exceptions = exceptions; _definedInfoClass = infoClass; _infoClass = infoClass; } public InfoMethod(InfoMethod other, InfoClass infoClass) { this(other.access(),, other.desc(), other.signature(), other.exceptions(), other.infoClass()); _infoClass = infoClass; addInvokedMethod(new InvokedMethod(other.infoClass().type(), name(), desc(), other)); } public int access() { return _access; } public String name() { return _name; } public String fullName() { return infoClass().type() + "." + name() + desc(); } public String desc() { return _desc; } public String signature() { return _signature; } public String[] exceptions() { return _exceptions; } public InfoClass definedInfoClass() { return _definedInfoClass; } public InfoClass infoClass() { return _infoClass; } public String fullJavaName() { Type t = returnType(); return (t.isPrimitive() ? t.primitiveTypeName() : t.commonName()) + " " + infoClass().type() + "." + name() + javaDesc(); } public int maxLocals() { return _maxLocals; } public void setMaxLocals(int maxLocals) { _maxLocals = maxLocals; } public void addAnnotation(InfoAnnotation annot) { _annotations.add(annot); } public List<InfoAnnotation> annotations() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(_annotations); } public boolean hasAnnotation(Type annotClass) { return _annotations.contains(new InfoAnnotation(annotClass)); } public InfoAnnotation getAnnotation(Type annotClass) { InfoAnnotation target = new InfoAnnotation(annotClass); for (InfoAnnotation annot : _annotations) { if (annot.equals(target)) return annot; } return null; } @Override public String toString() { return "InfoMethod (name=" + name() + " desc=" + desc() /*+ " signature=" + signature()*/ /*+ " annotations=" + annotations()*/ + " class=" + (infoClass() != null ? infoClass().type() : null) + " native=" + isNative() + ")"; } public void setAccessesOutsideFields(boolean b) { _accessesOutsideFields = b; } public boolean accessesOutsideFields() { return _accessesOutsideFields; } public boolean isNative() { return (access() & Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE) != 0; } public boolean isAbstract() { return (access() & Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0; } public boolean isFinal() { // Mtodo final se for declarado final, ou se a classe onde est declarado for final return ((access() & Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) != 0) || infoClass().isFinal(); } public boolean isPrivate() { return (access() & Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0; } public boolean isSynchronized() { return (access() & Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (infoClass().type() + name() + desc()).hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof InfoMethod) { InfoMethod other = (InfoMethod) o; return compareTo(other) == 0; } return false; } public int compareTo(InfoMethod other) { return (infoClass().type() + "." + name() + desc()) .compareTo(other.infoClass().type() + "." + + other.desc()); } private Set<InvokedMethod> _invokedMethods = new HashSet<InvokedMethod>(); private List<InvokedMethod> _invokedMethodsList = new ArrayList<InvokedMethod>(); public void addInvokedMethod(InvokedMethod m) { _invokedMethods.add(m); _invokedMethodsList.add(m); } public List<InvokedMethod> invokedMethodsSet() { return new ArrayList<InvokedMethod>(_invokedMethods); } public List<InvokedMethod> invokedMethodsList() { return new ArrayList<InvokedMethod>(_invokedMethodsList); } /** Se uma UnwindException est a ser leaked para o exterior, significa que h bug no mtodo chamado * pois estas nunca devem sair desta classe, portanto esta excepo serve apenas para detectar bugs * no InfoMethod, no algum erro da parte de quem o chama. **/ static class UnwindException extends Error { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } private boolean _invokesNativeWorking = false; /** ATENO: TOTALMENTE NO THREAD-SAFE. **/ // Nota: Este mtodo no tem em conta subclasses (overrides), logo invokesNative == false no // implica que uma chamada pelo mtodo no seja native, porque pode ir parar a uma subclasse. // Ver canInvokeNative() public boolean invokesNative() { if (isNative()) return true; // Ter cuidado com isto, porque pode causar ciclos if (_invokesNativeWorking) throw new UnwindException(); _invokesNativeWorking = true; for (InvokedMethod im : _invokedMethods) { try { if (im.method().invokesNative()) { _invokesNativeWorking = false; return true; } } catch (UnwindException e) { } } _invokesNativeWorking = false; return false; } /** ATENO: TOTALMENTE NO THREAD-SAFE. **/ // Considera tambm subclasses que estejam no reachableMap, ou todas as subclasses caso // reachableMap esteja a null, na sua resposta. public boolean canInvokeNative(Map<Type, InfoClass> reachableMap) { if (isNative()) return true; // Ter cuidado com isto, porque pode causar ciclos if (_invokesNativeWorking) throw new UnwindException(); _invokesNativeWorking = true; for (InvokedMethod im : _invokedMethods) try { if (im.method().canInvokeNative(reachableMap)) { _invokesNativeWorking = false; return true; } } catch (UnwindException e) { } // Constructores no podem ser overridden if (name().equals("<init>")) { _invokesNativeWorking = false; return false; } for (InfoMethod m : subclassOverrides(reachableMap)) try { if (m.canInvokeNative(reachableMap)) { _invokesNativeWorking = false; return true; } } catch (UnwindException e) { } _invokesNativeWorking = false; return false; } public boolean isInherited() { return !infoClass().equals(definedInfoClass()); } public InvokedMethod getParentMethod() { if (isInherited()) { return _invokedMethods.iterator().next(); } throw new InstrumentationException( "getParentMethod() should not be called on a method where isInherited() is false"); } public boolean isLeaf() { // Mtodo leaf se no invocar mtodos ou se s se invocar a si mesmo recursivamente if (_invokedMethods.size() == 0) return true; if (_invokedMethods.size() == 1) { InvokedMethod m = _invokedMethods.iterator().next(); return (m.owner().equals(infoClass().type()) && && m.desc().equals(desc())); } return false; } public List<InfoMethod> subclassOverrides(Map<Type, InfoClass> reachableMap) { // Constructores no podem ser overridden if (name().equals("<init>")) return new ArrayList<InfoMethod>(); // Mtodos finais no podem ser overridden if (isFinal()) return new ArrayList<InfoMethod>(); NavigableSet<InfoClass> processingSet = new TreeSet<InfoClass>(infoClass().subclasses()); List<InfoMethod> lst = new ArrayList<InfoMethod>(); while (!processingSet.isEmpty()) { InfoClass ic = processingSet.pollFirst(); if ((reachableMap == null) || reachableMap.containsKey(ic.type())) { InfoMethod m = ic.getMethod(name(), desc()); if (m != null) lst.add(m); processingSet.addAll(ic.subclasses()); } } return lst; } public Type returnType() { return Type.fromBytecode(desc().substring(desc().indexOf(")") + 1)); } public Type genericReturnType() { if (signature() == null) return null; return Type.fromBytecode(signature().substring(signature().indexOf(")") + 1)); } public UtilList<Type> argumentTypes() { return Type.getArgumentTypes(desc()); } public UtilList<Type> genericArgumentTypes() { if (signature() == null) return null; return Type.getArgumentTypes(signature()); } public String genericConstraints() { if (signature() == null) return null; return signature().substring(0, signature().indexOf("(")); } public String javaDesc() { String output = " ("; StringList sl = new StringList(); for (Type t : argumentTypes()) { sl.add(t.isPrimitive() ? t.primitiveTypeName() : t.commonName()); } output += sl.join(", ") + ")"; return output; } public boolean isStatic() { return (access() & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0; } public boolean isCtor() { return (name().equals("<init>")); } public boolean isStaticCtor() { return (name().equals("<clinit>")); } }