Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Aritzh (Aritz Lopez) * * This game is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This game is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this * game. If not, see */ package aritzh.waywia.universe; import aritzh.waywia.blocks.BackgroundBlock; import aritzh.waywia.blocks.Block; import aritzh.waywia.core.Game; import aritzh.waywia.entity.Entity; import aritzh.waywia.entity.player.Player; import; import; import; import; import io.github.aritzhack.util.bds.BDSCompound; import io.github.aritzhack.util.bds.BDSInt; import io.github.aritzhack.util.bds.BDSStorable; import io.github.aritzhack.util.bds.BDSString; import io.github.aritzhack.util.collections.Matrix; import io.github.aritzhack.util.collections.ParametrizedFunction; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Rectangle; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * @author Aritz Lopez */ public class World implements BDSStorable { private static final ParametrizedFunction<Block, Object> blockUpdate = (input, args) -> { input.update((int) args[0], (int) args[1], (int) args[2], (World) args[3]); return null; }; private static final ParametrizedFunction<Block, BDSCompound> blockSave = (input, args) -> { BDSCompound ret = input.toBDS(); ret.add(new BDSInt((int) args[0], "x")); ret.add(new BDSInt((int) args[1], "y")); return ret; }; private static final ParametrizedFunction<Block, Object> blockRender = (input, args) -> { input.render((int) args[0], (int) args[1], (Graphics) args[2], (World) args[3]); return null; }; private final File root; private final Multimap<String, Entity> entities; private final HashMap<String, Player> players; private final Matrix<Block> blocks; private final BDSCompound customData; private final String worldName; private Player player; private World(String name, File root, BDSCompound customData, Multimap<String, Entity> entities, HashMap<String, Player> players, Matrix<Block> blocks) { this.worldName = name; this.root = root; this.customData = customData; this.entities = entities; this.players = players; this.blocks = blocks; } public static World newWorld(String name, File universeFolder) throws IOException { String folderName =, name); File root = new File(universeFolder, folderName); if (!root.exists() && !root.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("Could not create folder for new world at: " + root.getAbsolutePath()); BDSCompound customData = new BDSCompound("CustomData"); Multimap<String, Entity> entities = ArrayListMultimap.create(); HashMap<String, Player> player = Maps.newHashMap(); Matrix<Block> blocks = new Matrix<>(50, 38, new BackgroundBlock()); return new World(name, root, customData, entities, player, blocks); } public static Set<World> listWorldsInFolder(File root) { Set<World> ret = new HashSet<>(); for (File folder : root.listFiles(Universe.onlyFolders)) { World w = World.loadWorld(folder); if (w == null) { try { Game.logger.w("Folder {} is not a valid world folder", folder.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { Game.logger.w("Folder {} is not a valid world folder", folder.getAbsolutePath()); } continue; } ret.add(w); } return ret; } public static World loadWorld(File root) { BDSCompound worldComp = World.getCompoundFromFolder(root); if (worldComp == null) return null; try { String name = worldComp.getString("Name", 0).getData(); BDSCompound data = worldComp.getComp("CustomData", 0); Matrix<Block> blocks = World.readBlocks(worldComp.getComp("Blocks", 0)); Multimap<String, Entity> entities = World.readEntities(worldComp.getComp("Entities", 0)); HashMap<String, Player> players = World.readPlayers(worldComp.getComp("Players", 0)); return new World(name, root, data, entities, players, blocks); } catch (NullPointerException ignored) { } return null; } private static BDSCompound getCompoundFromFolder(File folder) { File f; if (folder.exists() && (f = new File(folder, "world.dat")).exists()) { try { return new BDSCompound(f); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } return null; } private static Matrix<Block> readBlocks(BDSCompound blockComp) { Matrix<Block> blocks = new Matrix<>(25, 19, new BackgroundBlock()); for (BDSCompound comp : blockComp.getAllCompounds()) { if (!comp.getName().equals("Block")) continue; int x = comp.getInt("x", 0).getData(); int y = comp.getInt("y", 0).getData(); Block b = Block.fromBDS(comp); if (b != null) blocks.set(b, x, y); } return blocks; } private static Multimap<String, Entity> readEntities(BDSCompound entitiesComp) { Multimap<String, Entity> entities = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (BDSCompound comp : entitiesComp.getAllCompounds()) { if (!comp.getName().equals("Entity")) continue; try { Entity e = Entity.fromBDS(comp); if (e != null) entities.put(e.getName(), e); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } return entities; } private static HashMap<String, Player> readPlayers(BDSCompound playersComp) { HashMap<String, Player> players = Maps.newHashMap(); for (BDSCompound comp : playersComp.getAllCompounds()) { if (!comp.getName().equals("Player")) continue; Player p = Player.fromBDS(comp); if (p != null) players.put(p.getUsername(), p); } return players; } public void spanwEntity(Entity e) { this.entities.put(e.getName(), e); } public void removeEntity(Entity e) { this.entities.remove(e.getName(), e); } public void update(int delta) { this.blocks.runForEach(World.blockUpdate, delta, this); for (Entity e : this.entities.values()) { e.update(delta, this); } for (Player p : this.players.values()) { p.update(delta, this); } } public void render(Graphics g) { this.blocks.runForEach(World.blockRender, g, this); for (Entity e : entities.values()) { e.render(g); } for (Player p : this.players.values()) { p.render(g); } } public String getName() { return worldName; } public void save() throws IOException { this.toBDS().writeToFile(new File(this.root, "world.dat")); } @Override public BDSCompound toBDS() { BDSCompound ret = new BDSCompound("World"); ret.add(new BDSString(this.worldName, "Name")); if (this.customData != null) ret.add(this.customData); BDSCompound entities = new BDSCompound("Entities"); for (Entity e : this.entities.values()) { if (e instanceof Player) continue; entities.add(e.toBDS()); } ret.add(entities); BDSCompound players = new BDSCompound("Players"); for (Player p : this.players.values()) { players.add(p.toBDS()); } ret.add(players); BDSCompound blocks = new BDSCompound("Blocks"); blocks.addAll(this.blocks.runForEach(blockSave).toFlatArrayList()); ret.add(blocks); return ret; } public void clicked(int x, int y) { float cx = x / (float) Block.SIZE; float cy = y / (float) Block.SIZE; this.blocks.get((int) cx, (int) cy).clicked(cx, cy, this); } public Player getPlayer() { return this.player; } public void setPlayer(Player player) { this.player = player; if (!this.entities.containsValue(this.player)) this.entities.put(this.player.getUsername(), this.player); if (!this.players.containsValue(this.player)) this.players.put(this.player.getUsername(), this.player); } public <R> Matrix<R> runForEachBlock(ParametrizedFunction<Block, R> function, Object... args) { return this.blocks.runForEach(function, args); } public boolean anyEntityCollides(Rectangle rect) { for (Entity e : this.entities.values()) { if (e.getBoundingBox().intersects(rect)) return true; } return false; } public void setBlock(int x, int y, int id) { this.blocks.set(Block.getBlock(id), x, y); } }