Java tutorial
package argendata.web.controller; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField.Count; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import argendata.model.FacetAppResponse; import argendata.model.FacetCount; import argendata.model.FacetDatasetResponse; import argendata.model.FacetPair; import argendata.model.OrderType; import argendata.model.dcat.Dataset; import argendata.service.AppService; import argendata.service.DatasetService; import argendata.util.Messages; import argendata.util.Parsing; import argendata.util.Properties; @Controller public class SearchController { private AppService appService; private DatasetService datasetService; private Properties properties; private Messages messages; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SearchController.class); @Autowired public SearchController(AppService appService, DatasetService datasetService, Properties properties, Messages messages) { = properties; this.appService = appService; this.datasetService = datasetService; this.messages = messages; } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView searchAppMain() { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(); List<FacetPair> resp = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); List<FacetCount> solrKeywords = appService.getIndexAllAppKeywords(); for (FacetCount c : solrKeywords) { resp.add(new FacetPair(c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), null, null)); } mav.addObject("myapps", resp); return mav; } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView searchDataHome() { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(); List<FacetPair> respKw = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); List<FacetPair> respFormat = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); List<FacetPair> respRt = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); List<Count> solrKeywords = null; List<Count> solrFormats = null; List<Count> solrLocations = null; try { solrKeywords = datasetService.getAllIndexKeywords(); solrFormats = datasetService.getAllIndexFormats(); solrLocations = datasetService.getIndexAllLocations(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("No se han podido obtener datos del servicio. " + e.getMessage()); mav.setViewName("redirect:../main/home"); return mav; } catch (SolrServerException e) { logger.error("No se han podido obtener datos del servicio. " + e.getMessage()); mav.setViewName("redirect:../main/home"); return mav; } if (solrKeywords != null) { for (Count c : solrKeywords) { respKw.add(new FacetPair(c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), null, null)); } } if (solrFormats != null) { for (Count c : solrFormats) { respFormat.add(new FacetPair(c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), null, null)); } } if (solrLocations != null) { for (Count c : solrLocations) { respRt.add(new FacetPair(c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), null, null)); } } mav.addObject("listKeywords", respKw); mav.addObject("listFormats", respFormat); mav.addObject("listLocations", respRt); return mav; } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView search(@RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) String type, @RequestParam(value = "terms", required = false) String terms, @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false) String page, @RequestParam(value = "sortBy", required = false) String sortBy, @RequestParam(value = "resPerPage", required = false) String resPerPage, @RequestParam(value = "keyword", required = false) String keyword, @RequestParam(value = "filters", required = false) String filters) { String[] queryFacetsFields = { "dataQuality", "license", "modified", "spatial", "temporal", "keyword", "publisher", "resourceType", "format", "size", "location" }; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(); /* Parsing things */ if (!(type == null || type.equals("dataset") || type.equals("app") || type.equals(""))) { mav.setViewName("redirect:../static/error"); return mav; } String myTerms; if (keyword == null) keyword = ""; if (type == null || type.equals("")) { type = "dataset"; } if (type.equals("dataset")) { if (terms == null) { mav.setViewName("redirect:/bin/search/searchDataHome.jsp"); return mav; } if (filters == null || filters.equals("null")) { filters = ""; } if (filters.startsWith(",")) filters = filters.substring(1); } myTerms = Parsing.parseTerms(terms, type); String myPage = Parsing.parsePage(page); List<String> mySortByFields = Parsing.parseSortBy(sortBy); String myResPerPage = Parsing.parseResultsPerPage(resPerPage); List<String> myKeywords = Parsing.parseKeyword(keyword); Map<String, String> filterValuesMap = type.equals("dataset") ? Parsing.parseDatesetFilter(filters) : null; /* The end of parsing */ String actualURL = properties.getMainURL() + "/search/search?type=" + type + "&terms=" + myTerms; Integer resultsPerPage = new Integer(myResPerPage); String actualPage = "&page=" + myPage; String actualSort = "&sortBy=" + sortBy; String actualResPerPage = "&resPerPage=" + resultsPerPage; String actualKeyword = "&keyword=" + keyword; String actualFilters = type.equals("dataset") ? "&filters=" + filters : null; /* Estas variables solo se deben usar para el caso de Dataset */ String urlWithoutTerm = "&filters=" + filters + "&page=" + page + "&sortBy=" + sortBy + "&resPerPage=" + resPerPage + "&keyword=" + keyword; try { /*----------------URL Things and some objects are push--------------------------*/ List<OrderType> orderAttributesList = this.sortByProcess(type, mySortByFields, actualResPerPage, actualKeyword, actualURL, actualFilters); mav.addObject("orderAttributesList", orderAttributesList); String urlWithoutPage; if (type.equals("dataset")) { urlWithoutPage = actualURL + actualFilters + actualSort + "&page="; } else { urlWithoutPage = actualURL + actualSort + "&page="; } /* Obtengo la respuesta de la query */ FacetAppResponse appResponse = null; FacetDatasetResponse datasetResponse = null; int objAmount; if (type.equals("dataset")) { String thePublisher = filterValuesMap.get("publisher"); mav.addObject("thePublisher", thePublisher); mav.addObject("publisherSelected", this.messages.getPublisherSelected()); } if (type.equals("app")) { /* Caso app */ appResponse = appService.searchOnIndexFacetApp(myTerms, mySortByFields, myKeywords); objAmount = appResponse.size(); } else { /* Caso dataset */ datasetResponse = datasetService.searchOnIndexFacetDataset(myTerms, queryFacetsFields, filterValuesMap, mySortByFields, myKeywords); objAmount = datasetResponse.size(); } /* Number page stuff */ List<String> numberList = new ArrayList<String>(); int pagesAmount = objAmount / resultsPerPage; int pageNumber = new Integer(myPage); /* * numberList: esta la lista de los numeros de pagina, de acuerdo a * cuantas paginas haya. Siempre va a haber al menos una. El for, * empieza desde 1, porque siempre va a haber una pgina, entonces * esa no la cuento. */ numberList.add((1) + ""); for (int i = 1; i <= pagesAmount; i++) { numberList.add((i + 1) + ""); } /* * Si por la url pusieron un numero de pgina mayor, ac me redirije * a la pagina 1 */ if (pageNumber > numberList.size()) { actualPage = "&page=1"; pageNumber = 1; } /* Esto era para un caso limite que no me acuerdo bien */ if ((pagesAmount * resultsPerPage) > (objAmount - 1)) numberList.remove(pagesAmount); /* * minIndex y maxIndex te dice los ndices de los datasets para * mostrar. O sea, si ests en la pgina 2 y mostrs 5 datasets por * pgina, el min ndex sera el 6 y el maxIndex el 10. */ int minIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * resultsPerPage; int maxIndex = minIndex + resultsPerPage; if (maxIndex > objAmount) maxIndex = objAmount; /* * Ac se usan los minIndex y maxIndex para obtener los datasets, y * adems se calcula cual es la pgina previa y siguiente */ mav.addObject("cantResults", objAmount); if (objAmount > 0) { if (type.equals("dataset")) { if (!terms.equals("*") || !(filters.equals("")) || !(keyword.equals(""))) { mav.addObject("datasets", datasetResponse.getDatasets().subList(minIndex, maxIndex)); mav.addObject("numberList", numberList); if ((pageNumber - 1) > 0) mav.addObject("prevPage", urlWithoutPage + (pageNumber - 1) + actualResPerPage); if ((pageNumber * resultsPerPage) <= (objAmount - 1)) mav.addObject("nextPage", urlWithoutPage + (pageNumber + 1) + actualResPerPage); mav.addObject("showingMin", minIndex + 1); mav.addObject("showingMax", maxIndex); } } else { if ((pageNumber - 1) > 0) mav.addObject("prevPage", urlWithoutPage + (pageNumber - 1) + actualResPerPage); if ((pageNumber * resultsPerPage) <= (objAmount - 1)) mav.addObject("nextPage", urlWithoutPage + (pageNumber + 1) + actualResPerPage); /*-------------------------------*/ mav.addObject("apps", appResponse.getApps().subList(minIndex, maxIndex)); mav.addObject("showingMin", minIndex); mav.addObject("showingMax", maxIndex); } } List<FacetPair> currentFilters = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); // APP // if (objAmount > 0) { if (type.equals("app")) { mav.addObject("keywordsList", getKeywords(urlWithoutPage + page + "&resPerPage=" + myResPerPage + "&keyword=", myKeywords, appResponse.getKeywords(), currentFilters, keyword)); mav.addObject("currentFiltersList", currentFilters); } else { // Dataset /* Aca se arma la lista de filtros */ String[] fieldsToMap = { "dataQuality", "license", "spatial", "temporal", "publisher", "resourceType", "format", "location" }; /* * Parecido a getFacetPairs pero con los keywords. Se necesita * de una funcin especial porque el manejo de los keywords es * diferente del de los campos comunes */ mav.addObject("keywordsList", getKeywords(urlWithoutPage + page + "&resPerPage=" + myResPerPage + "&keyword=", myKeywords, datasetResponse.getFacetCountValues("keyword"), currentFilters, keyword)); StringBuffer beforeFilter = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer afterFilter = new StringBuffer(""); for (String field : fieldsToMap) { mav.addObject(field + "List", getFacetPairsList(field, datasetResponse.getFacetCountValues(field), filterValuesMap, actualFilters, actualSort, currentFilters, actualURL, actualResPerPage, actualKeyword, beforeFilter, afterFilter)); } getPublishersURL("", null, filterValuesMap, actualFilters, actualSort, currentFilters, actualURL, actualResPerPage, actualKeyword, beforeFilter, afterFilter); mav.addObject("beforeFilter", beforeFilter); mav.addObject("afterFilter", afterFilter); /* * Years which are filtered Parecido a getFacetPairs pero con * los modified. Se necesita de una funcin especial porque el * manejo de los modified (Fechas) es diferente del de los * campos comunes */ mav.addObject("modifiedList", getModifDates("modified", getYearsList(), filterValuesMap, actualFilters, actualSort, currentFilters, actualURL, actualResPerPage, actualKeyword)); mav.addObject("extentionList", getModifDates("size", getExtentionList(), filterValuesMap, actualFilters, actualSort, currentFilters, actualURL, actualResPerPage, actualKeyword)); mav.addObject("currentFiltersList", currentFilters); } mav.addObject("notFound", this.messages.getNoResults()); if (type.equals("dataset")) { mav.addObject("urlWithoutTerm", urlWithoutTerm); } mav.addObject("actualResPerPage", actualResPerPage); mav.addObject("type", type); mav.addObject("searchTerm", terms); mav.addObject("actualURL", actualURL); mav.addObject("actualPage", actualPage); mav.addObject("pageNumber", page); mav.addObject("resultsPerPage", myResPerPage); mav.addObject("urlWithoutPage", urlWithoutPage); mav.addObject("urlWithoutResPerPage", urlWithoutPage + 1 + "&resPerPage="); mav.addObject("actualKeyword", actualKeyword); mav.addObject("numberList", numberList); } catch (SolrServerException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); mav.setViewName("redirect:/bin/search/search?terms=" + terms); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); mav.setViewName("redirect:/bin/search/search?terms=" + terms); } return mav; } private List<String> getYearsList() { List<String> yearsList = new ArrayList<String>(); yearsList.add(Integer.toString(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR))); yearsList.add(Integer.toString(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1)); yearsList.add(Integer.toString(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - 7) + " hasta la actualidad"); yearsList.add("Todos los datasets"); return yearsList; } private List<String> getExtentionList() { List<String> extentionList = new ArrayList<String>(); extentionList.add("Hasta 128kb"); extentionList.add("Entre 128kb y 512kb"); extentionList.add("Mas de 512kb"); extentionList.add("Indefinido"); return extentionList; } private List<FacetPair> getModifDates(String facet, List<String> yearsList, Map<String, String> filterValuesMap, String actualFilters, String actualSort, List<FacetPair> currentFilters, String actualURL, String actualResPerPage, String actualKeyword) { List<FacetPair> modifiedList = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); if (filterValuesMap.containsKey(facet)) { String modifiedValue = filterValuesMap.get(facet); String newFiltersURL = "&filters="; for (String c : yearsList) { if (c.equals(modifiedValue)) { /* * Armo la URL nueva sin el filtro correspondiente a este * Facet */ for (String key : filterValuesMap.keySet()) { if (!key.equals(facet)) { newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.concat(key + ":" + filterValuesMap.get(key) + ","); } } if (newFiltersURL.endsWith(",")) newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.substring(0, newFiltersURL.length() - 1); modifiedList.add(new FacetPair("(-)" + c, 0, actualURL + newFiltersURL + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c)); currentFilters.add(new FacetPair("(-)" + c, 0, actualURL + newFiltersURL + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c)); } } } else { for (String c : yearsList) { if (actualFilters.endsWith("=")) modifiedList.add(new FacetPair(">>" + c, 0, actualURL + actualFilters + facet + ":" + c + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c)); else modifiedList.add(new FacetPair(">>" + c, 0, actualURL + actualFilters + "," + facet + ":" + c + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c)); } } return modifiedList; } private List<FacetPair> getKeywords(String urlWithoutKeyword, List<String> listKeywords, List<FacetCount> list, List<FacetPair> currentFilters, String currentKeywords) { List<FacetPair> modifiedList = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); String actualKeywordURL = "&keyword=" + currentKeywords; String newKeywordURL = "&keyword="; if (list == null) return modifiedList; for (FacetCount c : list) { if (listKeywords.contains(c.getName())) { newKeywordURL = ""; /* Armo la nueva URL, sin este parmetro */ for (String str : listKeywords) { if (!(c.getName().equals(str))) newKeywordURL = newKeywordURL.concat(str + ","); } if (newKeywordURL.endsWith(",")) newKeywordURL = newKeywordURL.substring(0, newKeywordURL.length() - 1); if (c.getCount() != 0) modifiedList.add(new FacetPair("(-)" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), urlWithoutKeyword + newKeywordURL, c.getName())); currentFilters.add(new FacetPair("(-)" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), urlWithoutKeyword + newKeywordURL, c.getName())); } else { if (actualKeywordURL.endsWith("=")) { if (c.getCount() != 0) modifiedList.add(new FacetPair(">>" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), urlWithoutKeyword + c.getName(), c.getName())); } else { if (c.getCount() != 0) modifiedList.add(new FacetPair(">>" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), urlWithoutKeyword + currentKeywords + "," + c.getName(), c.getName())); } } } return modifiedList; } private void getPublishersURL(String facet, List<FacetCount> list, Map<String, String> filterValuesMap, String actualFilters, String actualSort, List<FacetPair> currentFilters, String actualURL, String actualResPerPage, String actualKeyword, StringBuffer beforeFilter, StringBuffer afterFilter) { String newFiltersURL = "&filters="; for (String key : filterValuesMap.keySet()) { newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.concat(key + ":" + filterValuesMap.get(key) + ","); } if (newFiltersURL.endsWith(",")) newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.substring(0, newFiltersURL.length() - 1); if (newFiltersURL.charAt(newFiltersURL.length() - 1) == '=') { beforeFilter.append(actualURL + newFiltersURL.concat("publisher:")); } else beforeFilter.append(actualURL + newFiltersURL.concat(",publisher:")); afterFilter.append(actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword); return; } private List<FacetPair> getFacetPairsList(String facet, List<FacetCount> list, Map<String, String> filterValuesMap, String actualFilters, String actualSort, List<FacetPair> currentFilters, String actualURL, String actualResPerPage, String actualKeyword, StringBuffer beforeFilter, StringBuffer afterFilter) { List<FacetPair> modifiedList = new ArrayList<FacetPair>(); if (list == null) return modifiedList; boolean changeFlag = false; if (filterValuesMap.containsKey(facet)) { String modifiedValue = filterValuesMap.get(facet); String newFiltersURL = "&filters="; if (facet.equals("publisher")) { /* * Armo la URL nueva sin el filtro correspondiente a este Facet */ for (String key : filterValuesMap.keySet()) { if (!key.equals(facet)) { newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.concat(key + ":" + filterValuesMap.get(key) + ","); } } if (newFiltersURL.endsWith(",")) newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.substring(0, newFiltersURL.length() - 1); modifiedList.add(new FacetPair("(-)" + filterValuesMap.get(facet), (int) list.get(0).getCount(), actualURL + newFiltersURL + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, filterValuesMap.get(facet))); currentFilters.add(new FacetPair("(-)" + filterValuesMap.get(facet), (int) list.get(0).getCount(), actualURL + newFiltersURL + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, filterValuesMap.get(facet))); } else { for (FacetCount c : list) { if (c.getName().equals(modifiedValue)) { /* * Armo la URL nueva sin el filtro correspondiente a * este Facet */ for (String key : filterValuesMap.keySet()) { if (!key.equals(facet)) { newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.concat(key + ":" + filterValuesMap.get(key) + ","); } } } if (newFiltersURL.endsWith(",")) newFiltersURL = newFiltersURL.substring(0, newFiltersURL.length() - 1); if (c.getCount() != 0) modifiedList .add(new FacetPair( "(-)" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), actualURL + newFiltersURL + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c.getName())); if (c.getName().equals(filterValuesMap.get(facet))) currentFilters .add(new FacetPair( "(-)" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), actualURL + newFiltersURL + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c.getName())); } } } else { for (FacetCount c : list) { if (actualFilters.endsWith("=")) { if (c.getCount() != 0) modifiedList.add(new FacetPair( ">>" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), actualURL + actualFilters + facet + ":" + c.getName() + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c.getName())); } else { if (c.getCount() != 0) modifiedList.add(new FacetPair(">>" + c.getName(), (int) c.getCount(), actualURL + actualFilters + "," + facet + ":" + c.getName() + actualSort + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword, c.getName())); } } } return modifiedList; } private List<OrderType> sortByProcess(String type, List<String> mySortByFields, String actualResPerPage, String actualKeyword, String actualURL, String actualFilters) { List<OrderType> orderAttributesList = new ArrayList<OrderType>(); OrderType orderType; /* * Inicio de procesamiento de sortby, se sospecha que puede llegar a * juntarse los dos casos */ if (type.equals("app")) { orderType = new OrderType(); orderType.setShowName(mySortByFields.get(0)); orderType.setName(mySortByFields.get(1)); String orderArg = mySortByFields.get(2).equals("a") ? ":desc" : ":asc"; orderType.setDestURL(actualURL + "&sortBy=" + mySortByFields.get(1) + orderArg + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword); orderAttributesList.add(orderType); } else { int cantOrders = mySortByFields.size(); for (int i = 0; i < cantOrders; i += 3) { orderType = new OrderType(); orderType.setShowName(mySortByFields.get(i)); orderType.setName(mySortByFields.get(i + 1)); String ord = mySortByFields.get(i + 2).equals("a") ? ":desc" : ":asc"; String sortFields = ""; String destUrl = actualURL + actualFilters + "&sortBy=" + mySortByFields.get(i + 1) + ord; for (int j = 0; j < mySortByFields.size(); j += 3) { if (j != i) { sortFields = sortFields.concat("," + mySortByFields.get(j + 1)); if (mySortByFields.get(j + 2).equals("a")) sortFields = sortFields.concat(":asc"); else sortFields = sortFields.concat(":desc"); } } destUrl = destUrl.concat(sortFields + "&page=1" + actualResPerPage + actualKeyword); orderType.setDestURL(destUrl); orderAttributesList.add(orderType); } } return orderAttributesList; } }