Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012, 2013 Donghyuck, Son * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.ArrayLongList; import org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.LongList; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import architecture.common.event.api.EventPublisher; import architecture.common.event.api.EventSource; import architecture.common.user.User; import architecture.common.user.UserManager; import architecture.common.user.UserNotFoundException; import architecture.common.user.authentication.UnAuthorizedException; import; import; import net.sf.ehcache.Cache; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; public class DefaultPollManager implements PollManager, EventSource { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultPollManager.class); private final LinkedList<Vote> insertQueue = new LinkedList<Vote>(); private Cache pollCache; private Cache voteCache; private EventPublisher eventPublisher; private PollDao pollDao; private UserManager userManager; public DefaultPollManager() { } public LinkedList<Vote> getVoteQueue() { return insertQueue; } public void setUserManager(UserManager userManager) { this.userManager = userManager; } public Cache getVoteCache() { return voteCache; } public void setVoteCache(Cache voteCache) { this.voteCache = voteCache; } public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher eventPublisher) { this.eventPublisher = eventPublisher; } public Cache getPollCache() { return pollCache; } /** * @param pollCache * pollCache */ public void setPollCache(Cache pollCache) { this.pollCache = pollCache; } /** * @param pollDao * pollDao */ public void setPollDao(PollDao pollDao) { this.pollDao = pollDao; } @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public Poll createPoll(int objectType, long objectId, User user, String name) { DefaultPoll poll = new DefaultPoll(objectType, objectId, user, name); poll.setMode(0L); pollDao.createPoll(poll); // insert into db pollCache.put(new Element(Long.valueOf(poll.getPollId()), poll)); // PollEvent event = new PollEvent(30, poll, poll.getJiveContainer(), // Collections.emptyMap()); // PollEventDispatcher.getInstance().dispatchEvent(event); return poll; } @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void updatePoll(Poll poll) throws NotFoundException { pollDao.updatePoll(poll); pollCache.remove(poll.getPollId()); } public List<Poll> getPolls() { List<Long> ids = pollDao.getPollIds(); List<Poll> polls = new ArrayList<Poll>(); for (Long id : ids) { try { polls.add(getPoll(id)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } return polls; } public int getPollCount() { return pollDao.getPollCount(); } public Poll getPoll(long pollId) throws UnAuthorizedException, NotFoundException { Poll poll = getPollCacheById(pollId); if (poll == null) { poll = pollDao.getPollById(pollId); setUserInPoll(poll); poll.setOptions(pollDao.getPollOptions(poll)); pollCache.put(new Element(poll.getPollId(), poll)); } return poll; } private Poll getPollCacheById(long pollId) { if (pollCache.get(pollId) != null) { return (Poll) pollCache.get(pollId).getValue(); } return null; } @Override public int getPollCount(int objectType, long objectId) { return pollDao.getPollCount(objectType, objectId); } @Override public int getPollCount(User user) { return pollDao.getPollCount(user); } @Override public List<Poll> getPolls(int objectType, long objectId) { List<Long> ids = pollDao.getPollIds(objectType, objectId); List<Poll> polls = new ArrayList<Poll>(); for (Long id : ids) { try { polls.add(getPoll(id)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } return polls; } @Override public List<Poll> getPolls(User user) { List<Long> ids = pollDao.getPollIds(user); List<Poll> polls = new ArrayList<Poll>(); for (Long id : ids) { try { polls.add(getPoll(id)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } return polls; } @Override public List<PollOption> getPollOptions(Poll poll) throws NotFoundException { Poll target = getPoll(poll.getPollId()); return target.getOptions(); } protected void setUserInPoll(Poll poll) { long userId = poll.getUser().getUserId(); try { ((DefaultPoll) poll).setUser(userManager.getUser(userId)); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { } } @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void setPollOptions(Poll poll, List<PollOption> options) { try { pollDao.updatePollOptions(poll, options); updatePoll(poll); } catch (NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void deletePollOptions(Poll poll, List<PollOption> options) { try { pollDao.deletePollOptions(poll, options); updatePoll(poll); } catch (NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public int getVoteCount(Poll poll) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); return votes.size(); } public int getVoteCount(Poll poll, long optionId) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); int count = 0; for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getOptionId() == optionId) count++; } return count; } public int getUserVoteCount(Poll poll) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); int count = 0; for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getUserId() > 0) count++; } return count; } public int getUserVoteCount(Poll poll, long optionId) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); int count = 0; for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getOptionId() == optionId && vote.getUserId() > 0) count++; } return count; } public int getAnomymousVoteCount(Poll poll) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); int count = 0; for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getUserId() == -1L) count++; } return count; } public int getAnomymousVoteCount(Poll poll, long optionId) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); int count = 0; for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getOptionId() == optionId && vote.getUserId() == -1L) count++; } return count; } private List<Vote> getVotesFromCache(Poll poll) { if (voteCache.get(poll.getPollId()) != null) { return (List<Vote>) voteCache.get(poll.getPollId()).getValue(); } else { return null; } } private List<Vote> loadVotes(Poll poll) { List<Vote> votes = pollDao.getVotes(poll); voteCache.put(new Element(poll.getPollId(), votes)); return votes; } public List<Vote> getVotes(Poll poll) { List<Vote> votes = getVotesFromCache(poll); if (votes == null) votes = loadVotes(poll); return votes; } public List<User> getUserVotes(Poll poll) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); LongList list = new ArrayLongList(); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getUserId() != -1L) list.add(vote.getUserId()); } return toUserList(list); } private List<User> toUserList(LongList userIds) { List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); for (long userId : userIds.toArray()) { try { users.add(userManager.getUser(userId)); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { } } return users; } public List<String> getAnomymousVotes(Poll poll) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getUserId() == -1L) list.add(vote.getUniqueId()); } return list; } public List<User> getUserVotes(Poll poll, long optionId) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); LongList list = new ArrayLongList(); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (optionId == vote.getOptionId() && vote.getUserId() != -1L) list.add(vote.getUserId()); } return toUserList(list); } public List<String> getAnomymousVotes(Poll poll, long optionId) { List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (optionId == vote.getOptionId() && vote.getUserId() == -1L) list.add(vote.getUniqueId()); } return list; } public void addUserVote(Poll poll, long optionId, User user, String IPAddress) throws PollException { boolean optionExist = false; for (PollOption option : poll.getOptions()) { if (option.getOptionId() == optionId) { optionExist = true; break; } } if (!optionExist) throw new IllegalArgumentException("option is not valid."); if (user == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("user cannot be null."); Date now = new Date(); if (poll.getStartDate().compareTo(now) > 0 || poll.getEndDate().compareTo(now) < 0) { throw new PollException("Cannot add vote : Poll is not active"); } Vote vote = new Vote(optionId, user.getUserId(), null, IPAddress, new Date()); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); if ((poll.getMode() & Poll.MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED) == 0L) { for (Vote v : votes) { if (v.getUserId() == user.getUserId()) { throw new PollException("Cannot not add vote : MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED is not enabled"); } } } for (Vote v : votes) { if (v.getUserId() == user.getUserId() && now.getTime() - v.getVoteDate().getTime() <= 2000L) { throw new PollException("Cannot not add vote : Existing votes are older then 2 seconds"); } } votes.add(vote); voteCache.put(new Element(poll.getPollId(), votes)); getVoteQueue().add(vote); } public void addUserVote(Poll poll, long optionId, User user, String IPAddress, Date voteDate) throws PollException { boolean optionExist = false; for (PollOption option : poll.getOptions()) { if (option.getOptionId() == optionId) { optionExist = true; break; } } if (!optionExist) throw new IllegalArgumentException("option is not valid."); if (user == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("user cannot be null."); Date now = new Date(); if (poll.getStartDate().compareTo(now) > 0 || poll.getEndDate().compareTo(now) < 0) { throw new PollException("Cannot add vote : Poll is not active"); } Vote vote = new Vote(optionId, user.getUserId(), null, IPAddress, voteDate); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); if ((poll.getMode() & Poll.MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED) == 0L) { for (Vote v : votes) { if (v.getUserId() == user.getUserId()) { throw new PollException("Cannot not add vote : MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED is not enabled"); } } } for (Vote v : votes) { if (v.getUserId() == user.getUserId() && now.getTime() - v.getVoteDate().getTime() <= 2000L) { throw new PollException("Cannot not add vote : Existing votes are older then 2 seconds"); } } votes.add(vote); voteCache.put(new Element(poll.getPollId(), votes)); getVoteQueue().add(vote); } public boolean hasUserVoted(Poll poll, User user) { if (user == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("user cannot be null."); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getUserId() == user.getUserId()) return true; } return false; } public boolean hasAnomyouseVoted(Poll poll, String username) { if (username == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("user unique name be null."); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (username.equals(vote.getUniqueId())) return true; } return false; } public void addAnomymousVote(Poll poll, long optionId, String username, String IPAddress) throws PollException { boolean optionExist = false; for (PollOption option : poll.getOptions()) { if (option.getOptionId() == optionId) { optionExist = true; break; } } if (!optionExist) throw new IllegalArgumentException("option is not valid."); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unique Id cannot be null."); Date now = new Date(); if (poll.getStartDate().compareTo(now) > 0 || poll.getEndDate().compareTo(now) < 0) { throw new PollException("Cannot add vote : Poll is not active"); } Vote vote = new Vote(optionId, -1L, username, IPAddress, new Date()); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); if ((poll.getMode() & Poll.MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED) == 0L) { for (Vote v : votes) { if (username.equals(v.getUniqueId())) { throw new PollException("Cannot not add vote : MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED is not enabled"); } } } votes.add(vote); voteCache.put(new Element(poll.getPollId(), votes)); getVoteQueue().add(vote); } public void addAnomymousVote(Poll poll, long optionId, String username, String IPAddress, Date voteDate) throws PollException { boolean optionExist = false; for (PollOption option : poll.getOptions()) { if (option.getOptionId() == optionId) { optionExist = true; break; } } if (!optionExist) throw new IllegalArgumentException("option is not valid."); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unique Id cannot be null."); Date now = new Date(); if (poll.getStartDate().compareTo(now) > 0 || poll.getEndDate().compareTo(now) < 0) { throw new PollException("Cannot add vote : Poll is not active"); } Vote vote = new Vote(optionId, -1L, username, IPAddress, voteDate); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); if ((poll.getMode() & Poll.MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED) == 0L) { for (Vote v : votes) { if (username.equals(v.getUniqueId())) { throw new PollException("Cannot not add vote : MULTIPLE_SELECTIONS_ALLOWED is not enabled"); } } } votes.add(vote); voteCache.put(new Element(poll.getPollId(), votes)); getVoteQueue().add(vote); } public List<PollOption> getUserVotes(Poll poll, User user) { if (user == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("user cannot be null."); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); LongList list = new ArrayLongList(); List<PollOption> options = new ArrayList<PollOption>(); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (vote.getUserId() == user.getUserId() && !list.contains(vote.getOptionId())) { list.add(vote.getOptionId()); } } for (PollOption option : poll.getOptions()) { if (list.contains(option.getOptionId())) options.add(option); } return options; } public List<PollOption> getAnomymousVotes(Poll poll, String username) { if (username == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("user unique id cannot be null."); List<Vote> votes = getVotes(poll); LongList list = new ArrayLongList(); List<PollOption> options = new ArrayList<PollOption>(); for (Vote vote : votes) { if (username.equals(vote.getUniqueId()) && !list.contains(vote.getOptionId())) { list.add(vote.getOptionId()); } } for (PollOption option : poll.getOptions()) { if (list.contains(option.getOptionId())) options.add(option); } return options; } @Override public PollStats getPollStats(Poll poll, User user) { PollStats ps = new PollStats(poll); ps.setVoteCount(this.getVoteCount(poll)); if (!user.isAnonymous()) { ps.setUserVoted(this.hasUserVoted(poll, user)); ps.setUserVotes(this.getUserVotes(poll, user)); } else { ps.setUserVotes(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } List<PollOptionStats> list = new ArrayList<PollOptionStats>(ps.getPoll().getOptions().size()); int totalVoteCount = getVoteCount(poll); for (PollOption po : ps.getPoll().getOptions()) { PollOptionStats pos = new PollOptionStats(po); pos.setTotalVoteCount(totalVoteCount); pos.setPollOption(po); pos.setVoteCount(this.getVoteCount(poll, po.getOptionId())); pos.setVoteUsers(this.getUserVotes(poll, po.getOptionId())); list.add(pos); } ps.setPollOptionStats(list); return ps; } }