Java tutorial
/* This class describes the properties used to access a SPARQL 1.1 Protocol Service * * Author: Luca Roffia ( This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package arces.unibo.SEPA.commons.protocol; import; import; import; import; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; /** {"parameters":{ "host":"localhost", "port":9999, "scheme":"http", "path":"/blazegraph/namespace/kb/sparql", "query":{"method":"POST","format":"JSON"}, "update":{"method":"URL_ENCODED_POST","format":"HTML"}}} */ public class SPARQL11Properties { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger("SPARQL11ProtocolProperties"); public enum SPARQLPrimitive { QUERY, UPDATE }; public enum HTTPMethod { GET, POST, URL_ENCODED_POST }; public enum QueryResultsFormat { JSON, XML, CSV }; public enum UpdateResultsFormat { HTML, JSON }; //Properties file protected String defaultsFileName = "endpoint.defaults"; protected String propertiesFile = "endpoint.jpar"; protected JsonObject parameters = new JsonObject(); protected JsonObject doc = new JsonObject(); public SPARQL11Properties(String propertiesFile) throws FileNotFoundException, NoSuchElementException, IOException { this.propertiesFile = propertiesFile; loadProperties(); } public String toString() { return doc.toString(); } protected void defaults() { parameters.add("host", new JsonPrimitive("localhost")); parameters.add("port", new JsonPrimitive(9999)); parameters.add("scheme", new JsonPrimitive("http")); parameters.add("path", new JsonPrimitive("/blazegraph/namespace/kb/sparql")); JsonObject query = new JsonObject(); query.add("method", new JsonPrimitive("POST")); query.add("format", new JsonPrimitive("JSON")); parameters.add("query", query); JsonObject update = new JsonObject(); update.add("method", new JsonPrimitive("URL_ENCODED_POST")); update.add("format", new JsonPrimitive("HTML")); parameters.add("update", update); doc.add("parameters", parameters); } protected void loadProperties() throws FileNotFoundException, NoSuchElementException, IOException { FileReader in = null; try { in = new FileReader(propertiesFile); if (in != null) { doc = new JsonParser().parse(in).getAsJsonObject(); if (doc.get("parameters") == null) { logger.warn("parameters key is missing"); throw new NoSuchElementException("parameters key is missing"); } parameters = doc.get("parameters").getAsJsonObject(); } if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); defaults(); storeProperties(defaultsFileName); logger.warn("USING DEFAULTS. Edit \"" + defaultsFileName + "\" and rename it to \"" + propertiesFile + "\""); throw new FileNotFoundException("USING DEFAULTS. Edit \"" + defaultsFileName + "\" and rename it to \"" + propertiesFile + "\""); } } protected void storeProperties(String propertiesFile) throws IOException { FileWriter out = new FileWriter(propertiesFile); out.write(doc.toString()); out.close(); } protected int getParameter(String rootKey, String nestedKey, int def) { if (rootKey == null) { if (parameters.get(nestedKey) != null) return parameters.get(nestedKey).getAsInt(); return -1; } if (parameters.get(rootKey) != null) { if (parameters.get(rootKey).getAsJsonObject().get(nestedKey) != null) return parameters.get(rootKey).getAsJsonObject().get(nestedKey).getAsInt(); } if (parameters.get(nestedKey) != null) return parameters.get(nestedKey).getAsInt(); logger.warn(rootKey + " or " + nestedKey + " keys not found"); return def; } protected String getParameter(String rootKey, String nestedKey, String def) { if (rootKey == null) { if (parameters.get(nestedKey) != null) return parameters.get(nestedKey).getAsString(); return ""; } if (parameters.get(rootKey) != null) { if (parameters.get(rootKey).getAsJsonObject().get(nestedKey) != null) return parameters.get(rootKey).getAsJsonObject().get(nestedKey).getAsString(); } if (parameters.get(nestedKey) != null) return parameters.get(nestedKey).getAsString(); logger.warn(rootKey + " or " + nestedKey + " keys not found"); return def; } public String getHost() { return getParameter(null, "host", "localhost"); } public String getUpdateScheme() { return getParameter("update", "scheme", "http"); } public int getUpdatePort() { return getParameter("update", "port", 9999); } public String getUpdatePath() { return getParameter("update", "path", "/blazegraph/namespace/kb/sparql"); } public HTTPMethod getUpdateMethod() { switch (getParameter("update", "method", "URL_ENCODED_POST")) { case "POST": return HTTPMethod.POST; case "URL_ENCODED_POST": return HTTPMethod.URL_ENCODED_POST; default: return HTTPMethod.POST; } } public UpdateResultsFormat getUpdateResultsFormat() { switch (getParameter("update", "format", "JSON")) { case "JSON": return UpdateResultsFormat.JSON; case "HTML": return UpdateResultsFormat.HTML; default: return UpdateResultsFormat.JSON; } } public String getQueryScheme() { return getParameter("query", "scheme", "http"); } public int getQueryPort() { return getParameter("query", "port", 9999); } public String getQueryPath() { return getParameter("query", "path", "/blazegraph/namespace/kb/sparql"); } public HTTPMethod getQueryMethod() { switch (getParameter("query", "method", "POST")) { case "POST": return HTTPMethod.POST; case "GET": return HTTPMethod.GET; case "URL_ENCODED_POST": return HTTPMethod.URL_ENCODED_POST; default: return HTTPMethod.POST; } } public QueryResultsFormat getQueryResultsFormat() { switch (getParameter("query", "format", "JSON")) { case "JSON": return QueryResultsFormat.JSON; case "XML": return QueryResultsFormat.XML; case "CSV": return QueryResultsFormat.CSV; default: return QueryResultsFormat.JSON; } } }