Java tutorial
/* * TACO: Translation of Annotated COde * Copyright (c) 2010 Universidad de Buenos Aires * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, * 02110-1301, USA */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import; import; import; import; import; import; /**<p>Handles TACO analysis configuration information.</p> * <h3>Integers</h3> * <p>TACO can analyse code using Alloy integers or Java-like Integers. * In either case, the meaning of the bitwidth value is the same: a bound * in the count of numbers TACO will deal with. In particular, it states that * the range of integers used in the analysis include from -2^{bitwidth-1} * to 2^{bitwidth-1}-1.</p> * <p>Besides that, TACO can try to infer the value of the scopes to be used * for the analysis. If the custom bitwidth is a non positive integer * <b>and</b> the scope inferring feature is activated, the bitwidth is also * inferred. Otherwise, the bitwidth value setted is used.</p> * * @author elgaby * */ public class TacoConfigurator extends PropertiesConfiguration implements IJDynAlloyConfig { private static final String ABSTRACT_SIGNATURE_OBJECT_FIELD = "abstractSignatureObject"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_SIGNATURE_OBJECT = true; public static final String USE_CUSTOM_RELATIONAL_OVERRIDE = "useCustomRelationalOverride"; public static final String CLASSES_FIELD = "classes"; public static final String RELEVANT_CLASSES = "relevantClasses"; public static final String DYNAMIC_JAVA_LANG_FIELDS = "dynamicJavaLangFields"; public static final String ASSERT_IS_ASSUME = "assertIsAssume"; public static final String USE_CLASS_SINGLETONS_FIELD = "useClassSingletons"; public static final String CLASS_EXTENDS_OBJECT_FIELD = "classExtendsObject"; public static final String TYPE_SAFETY_FIELD = "typeSafety"; public static final String CLASS_TO_CHECK_FIELD = "classToCheck"; public static final String METHOD_TO_CHECK_FIELD = "methodToCheck"; public static final String CHECK_NULL_DE_REFERENCE_FIELD = "checkNullDereference"; public static final String CHECK_ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION = "checkArithmeticException"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_CHECK_ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION = true; public static final String QUALIFIERS_INCLUDES_NULL = "quantifierIncludesNull"; public static final String SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_INVARIANT = "skolemizeInstanceInvariant";// (boolean) private static final boolean SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_INVARIANT_DEFAULT = false; public static final String SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_ABSTRACTION = "skolemizeInstanceAbstraction";// (boolean) private static final boolean SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_ABSTRACTION_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BUILTIN_MODULES_FIELD = "builtInModules"; public static final String DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_ENABLE = "dynalloy.toAlloy.enable"; public static final String DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_LOOP_UNROLL = "dynalloy.toAlloy.loopUnroll";// (int) public static final int DEFAULT_DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_LOOP_UNROLL = 3; public static final String DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_STRICT_UNROLLING = "dynalloy.toAlloy.strictUnrolling";// (boolean) public static final String DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_REMOVE_QUANTIFIERS = "dynalloy.toAlloy.removeQuantifiers";// (bool) public static final String DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_APPLY_SIMPLIFICATIONS = "dynalloy.toAlloy.applySimplifications";// (bool) public static final String JMLPARSER_ENABLED = "jmlParser.enabled"; public static final boolean JMLPARSER_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; public static final String JMLPARSER_APP_CLASS_PATH = "jmlParser.appClassPath"; public static final String JMLPARSER_SOURCE_PATH_STR = "jmlParser.sourcePathStr"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_JML_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_TO_ALLOY_SEQUENCE = false; private static final String JML_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_TO_ALLOY_SEQUENCE = "JMLObjectSequenceToAlloySequence"; private static final String NEW_EXCEPTIONS_ARE_LITERALS = "newExceptionsAreLiterals"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_NEW_EXCEPTIONS_ARE_LITERALS = false; private static final String JML_OBJECT_SET_TO_ALLOY_SET = "JMLObjectSetToAlloySet"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_JML_OBJECT_SET_TO_ALLOY_SET = false; public static final String JDYNALLOY_PARSER_ENABLED = "jdynalloy.parser.enabled"; public static final boolean JDYNALLOY_PARSER_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; public static final String JDYNALLOY_PARSER_INPUT_FILES = "jdynalloy.parser.inputFiles"; public static final String JDYNALLOY_PARSER_INPUT_RESOURCES = "jdynalloy.parser.inputResources"; public Set<String> dynAlloyParserInputResourcesExtra = new HashSet<String>(); private static final String BUILD_JAVA_TRACE = "buildJavaTrace"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_BUILD_JAVA_TRACE = false; private TacoCustomScope tacoScope; public TacoCustomScope getTacoCustomScope() { return tacoScope; } public static final String ASSERTION_ARGUMENTS = "assertionArguments"; public static final String GENERATE_CHECK = "generateCheck"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_GENERATE_CHECK = true; public static final String GENERATE_RUN = "generateRun"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_GENERATE_RUN = false; public static final String BITWIDTH = "int.bitwidth"; private static final int DEFAULT_BITWIDTH = 4; private static final String STRING_BITWIDTH = "string.bitwidth"; private static final int DEFAULT_STRING_BITWIDTH = 3; private static final String LOOP_RESOLUTION = "loopResolution"; private static final String LOOP_RESOLUTION_DEFAULT = "AnnotatedLoop"; private static final String ARRAY_IS_INT = "arrayIsInt"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_ARRAY_IS_INT = false; public static final String OBJECT_SCOPE = "objectScope"; private static final int OBJECT_SCOPE_DEFAULT = 3; public static final String MODULAR_REASONING = "modular_reasoning"; private static final boolean MODULAR_REASONING_DEFAULT = false; public static final String INCLUDE_SIMULATION_PROGRAM_DECLARATION = "include_simulation_program_declaration"; private static final boolean INCLUDE_SIMULATION_PROGRAM_DECLARATION_DEFAULT = false; private static final String OUTPUT_MODULAR_JDYNALLOY = "output_modular_JDynAlloy"; private static final String OUTPUT_MODULAR_JDYNALLOY_DEFAULT = null; private static final String INCLUDE_BRANCH_LABELS = "include_branch_labels"; private static final boolean INCLUDE_BRANCH_LABELS_DEFAULT = false; public static final String RELEVANCY_ANALYSIS = "relevancyAnalisys"; private static final boolean RELEVANCY_ANALYSIS_DEFAULT = false; private static final String DISABLE_INTEGER_LITERAL_REDUCTION = "disableIntegerLiteralReduction"; private static final boolean DISABLE_INTEGER_LITERAL_REDUCTION_DEFAULT = false; private static final String USE_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = "useMaxSequenceLength"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = true; private static final String NO_VERIFY = "noVerify"; private static final boolean NO_VERIFY_DEFAULT = false; private static final String INCREASE_BITWIDTH_USING_LITERALS = "increaseBitwidthUsingLiterals"; private static final boolean INCREASE_BITWIDTH_USING_LITERALS_DEFAULT = false; public static final String USE_JAVA_ARITHMETIC = "useJavaArithmetic"; private static final boolean USE_JAVA_ARITHMETIC_DEFAULT = false; public static final String GENERATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE = "generateUnitTestCase"; private static final boolean GENERATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE_DEFAULT = false; public static final String USE_JAVA_SBP = "useJavaSBP"; private static final boolean USE_JAVA_SBP_DEFAULT = false; public static final String USE_TIGHT_UPPER_BOUNDS = "useTightUpperBounds"; private static final boolean USE_TIGHT_UPPER_BOUNDS_DEFAULT = false; private static final String OUTPUT_DIR = "output_dir"; private static final String OUTPUT_DIR_DEFAULT = "output"; private static final String TYPE_SCOPES = "type_scopes"; private static final String INFER_SCOPE = "inferScope"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_INFER_SCOPE = false; private static final String REMOVE_EXIT_WHILE_GUARD = "removeExitWhileGuard"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_REMOVE_EXIT_WHILE_GUARD = false; private static final String NESTED_LOOP_UNROLL = "nestedLoopUnroll"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_NESTED_LOOP_UNROLL = true; public static final String ATTEMPT_TO_CORRECT_BUG = "attemptToCorrectBug"; private static final boolean ATTEMPT_TO_CORRECT_BUG_DEFAULT = false; public static final String MAX_STRYKER_METHODS_FOR_FILE = "maxStrykerMethodForFile"; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_STRYKER_METHODS_FOR_FILE = 50; public static final String[] aux_classes = new String[] { "java.util.Set" }; private static TacoConfigurator instance; public TacoConfigurator(String configurationFile, Properties overridingProperties) { super(); try { super.load(configurationFile); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : overridingProperties.entrySet()) { this.setProperty((String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } TacoCustomScope tacoScope = buildTacoScope(); this.tacoScope = tacoScope; instance = this; } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new TacoException(e); } } public static Set<String> get_aux_classes_set() { Set<String> ss = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : aux_classes) { ss.add(s); } return ss; } private TacoCustomScope buildTacoScope() { TacoCustomScope taco_scope = new TacoCustomScope(); taco_scope.setAlloyBitwidth(this.getBitwidth()); taco_scope.setTopLevelScope(this.getObjectScope()); taco_scope.setUnroll(this.getDynAlloyToAlloyLoopUnroll()); if (this.getUseMaxSequenceLength()) { int max_alloy_seq_length = (int) Math.pow(2, taco_scope.getAlloyBitwidth() - 1) - 1; taco_scope.setMaxAlloySequenceLength(Math.max(0, max_alloy_seq_length)); } String[] typeScopes = this.getTypeScopes(); if (typeScopes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < typeScopes.length; i++) { String[] pair = typeScopes[i].split(":"); String typename = pair[0].trim(); String scope_str = pair[1]; int scope = new Integer(scope_str); taco_scope.setTypeScope(typename, scope); } } return taco_scope; } public static TacoConfigurator getInstance() { if (instance == null) { // instance = new DynJML4AlloyConfigurator(); throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration has not been set"); } return instance; } @Override public boolean getAbstractSignatureObject() { return this.getBoolean(ABSTRACT_SIGNATURE_OBJECT_FIELD, DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_SIGNATURE_OBJECT); } @Override public boolean getAssertIsAssume() { return this.getBoolean(ASSERT_IS_ASSUME); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<String> getBuiltInModules() { return (List<String>) this.getList(BUILTIN_MODULES_FIELD); } @Override public boolean getCheckNullDereference() { return this.getBoolean(CHECK_NULL_DE_REFERENCE_FIELD); } @Override public boolean getCheckDivisionByZero() { return this.getBoolean(CHECK_ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION, DEFAULT_CHECK_ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION); } @Override public boolean getClassExtendsObject() { return this.getBoolean(CLASS_EXTENDS_OBJECT_FIELD); } @Override public String getClassToCheck() { if (this.getString(CLASS_TO_CHECK_FIELD) == null) { throw new TacoException("Config key 'CLASS_TO_CHECK_FIELD' is mandatory"); } JavaClassNameNormalizer classToCheckNormalizer = new JavaClassNameNormalizer( this.getString(CLASS_TO_CHECK_FIELD)); return classToCheckNormalizer.getQualifiedClassName(); } @Override public String[] getClasses() { Object[] classes; if (this.containsKey(CLASSES_FIELD)) { classes = this.getList(CLASSES_FIELD).toArray(); } else { classes = this.getList(RELEVANT_CLASSES).toArray(); } String[] returnValue = new String[classes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { String elem = (String) classes[i]; returnValue[i] = elem; } return returnValue; } @Override public boolean getDynJAlloyAnnotations() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public boolean getDynamicJavaLangFields() { return this.getBoolean(DYNAMIC_JAVA_LANG_FIELDS); } @Override public boolean getIgnoreJmlAnnotations() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public boolean getIgnoreJsflAnnotations() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public LoopResolutionEnum getLoopResolution() { String value = this.getString(LOOP_RESOLUTION, LOOP_RESOLUTION_DEFAULT); if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("AnnotatedLoop")) { return LoopResolutionEnum.AnnotatedLoop; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("Invariant")) { return LoopResolutionEnum.Invariant; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("InvariantWithValidation")) { return LoopResolutionEnum.InvariantWithValidation; } throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public String getMethodToCheck() { return getClassToCheck() + "_" + this.getString(METHOD_TO_CHECK_FIELD); } @Override public String getOutput() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public String getOutputDynJAlloy() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public String getProject() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public boolean getQuantifierIncludesNull() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<String> getRelevantClasses() { List<String> returnList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String aClassName : (List<String>) this.getList(RELEVANT_CLASSES)) { JavaClassNameNormalizer normalizer = new JavaClassNameNormalizer(aClassName); returnList.add(normalizer.getQualifiedClassName()); } returnList.add(JExpressionFactory.CLASS_FIELDS.getConstantId()); return returnList; } @Override public boolean getSimPredicates() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public boolean getTypeSafety() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public boolean getUseClassSingletons() { return this.getBoolean(USE_CLASS_SINGLETONS_FIELD); } @Override public boolean getUseCustomRelationalOverride() { return this.getBoolean(USE_CUSTOM_RELATIONAL_OVERRIDE); } @Override public boolean hasClassToCheck() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } @Override public boolean hasMethodToCheck() { throw new TacoNotImplementedYetException(); } /** * Use "java_lang_Object" instead of "Object" and so. */ @Override public boolean getUseQualifiedNamesForJTypes() { return true; } @Override public boolean getSkolemizeInstanceAbstraction() { return this.getBoolean(SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_ABSTRACTION, SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_ABSTRACTION_DEFAULT); } @Override public boolean getSkolemizeInstanceInvariant() { return this.getBoolean(SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_INVARIANT, SKOLEMIZE_INSTANCE_INVARIANT_DEFAULT); } @Override public boolean getJMLObjectSequenceToAlloySequence() { return this.getBoolean(JML_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_TO_ALLOY_SEQUENCE, DEFAULT_JML_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_TO_ALLOY_SEQUENCE); } @Override public boolean getNewExceptionsAreLiterals() { return this.getBoolean(NEW_EXCEPTIONS_ARE_LITERALS, DEFAULT_NEW_EXCEPTIONS_ARE_LITERALS); } @Override public boolean getJMLObjectSetToAlloySet() { return this.getBoolean(JML_OBJECT_SET_TO_ALLOY_SET, DEFAULT_JML_OBJECT_SET_TO_ALLOY_SET); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public String getAssertionArguments() { String assertionArguments; if (this.getInferScope() == true) { assertionArguments = build_inferred_scope(); } else { assertionArguments = build_custom_scope(); } return assertionArguments; } private final List<String> IGNORE_LIST = Arrays.<String>asList("$Root$", "java_lang_Throwable", "ClassFields"); /**<p>Builds the scope specification string using inferred information.</p> * <p>Regarding integers, the inferred bitwidth will be used only if * the custom bitwidth value is a non positive integer. Otherwise, the custom * value is used instead.</p> * @return */ private String build_inferred_scope() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(" for 0 but "); InferredScope inferred_scope = InferredScope.getInstance(); TacoCustomScope taco_custom_scope = TacoConfigurator.getInstance().getTacoCustomScope(); AlloyCustomScope alloyScope = new AlloyCustomScope(taco_custom_scope); boolean first_elem = true; for (String signature_id : inferred_scope.inferred_signature_set()) { if (!IGNORE_LIST.contains(signature_id)) { if (!first_elem) { result.append(","); } int scope_of; if (alloyScope.getCustomAlloyTypes().contains(signature_id)) { scope_of = alloyScope.getScopeForAlloySig(signature_id); } else { scope_of = inferred_scope.getInferredScope(signature_id); } result.append(" exactly " + scope_of); result.append(" "); result.append(signature_id); first_elem = false; } } if (!first_elem) { result.append(","); } if (alloyScope.getAlloyBitwidth() <= 0) { // mfrias: here we choose the inferred bitwidth (in case the custom // bitwidth == 0), or otherwise we keep the custom bitwidth. result.append(String.format("%s int", inferred_scope.getInferredAlloyBitwidth())); } else { result.append(String.format("%s int", alloyScope.getAlloyBitwidth())); } return result.toString(); } private String build_custom_scope() { String assertionArguments; AlloyCustomScope alloy_scope = new AlloyCustomScope(this.tacoScope); assertionArguments = "for " + alloy_scope.getTopLevelScope(); assertionArguments += " but"; if (alloy_scope.getAlloyBitwidth() <= 0) { assertionArguments += String.format(" %s int", DEFAULT_BITWIDTH); //mfrias: this allows us to use 0 as a valid bitwidth in the config file in order to signal the preference for the inferred bitwidth if scope inference is chosen. } else { assertionArguments += String.format(" %s int", alloy_scope.getAlloyBitwidth()); } assertionArguments += String.format(", %s seq", alloy_scope.getAlloyMaxSequenceLength()); for (String alloy_signature : alloy_scope.getCustomAlloyTypes()) { int signature_scope = alloy_scope.getScopeForAlloySig(alloy_signature); assertionArguments += String.format(", %s %s", signature_scope, alloy_signature); } return assertionArguments; } public boolean getUseMaxSequenceLength() { return this.getBoolean(USE_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH, DEFAULT_USE_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH); } public void setAssertionArguments(String value) { String v = value.replaceAll(",", "\\\\,"); this.setProperty(ASSERTION_ARGUMENTS, v); } public int getObjectScope() { return this.getInt(OBJECT_SCOPE, OBJECT_SCOPE_DEFAULT); } @Override public boolean getGenerateCheck() { return this.getBoolean(GENERATE_CHECK, DEFAULT_GENERATE_CHECK); } @Override public boolean getGenerateRun() { return this.getBoolean(GENERATE_RUN, DEFAULT_GENERATE_RUN); } /** * @return the current custom bitwidth. */ public int getBitwidth() { if (bitwidth_override == null) return this.getInt(BITWIDTH, DEFAULT_BITWIDTH); else return bitwidth_override; } public int getStringBitwidth() { return this.getInt(STRING_BITWIDTH, DEFAULT_STRING_BITWIDTH); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<String> getJDynAlloyParserInputResources() { Set<String> returnValue = new HashSet<String>(); returnValue.addAll(TacoConfigurator.getInstance().getList(TacoConfigurator.JDYNALLOY_PARSER_INPUT_RESOURCES, new ArrayList<String>())); returnValue.addAll(this.dynAlloyParserInputResourcesExtra); return returnValue; } public void addDynAlloyParserInputResources(String string) { this.dynAlloyParserInputResourcesExtra.add(string); } @Override public boolean getArrayIsInt() { return this.getBoolean(ARRAY_IS_INT, DEFAULT_ARRAY_IS_INT); } public boolean getModularReasoning() { return this.getBoolean(MODULAR_REASONING, MODULAR_REASONING_DEFAULT); } @Override public boolean getIncludeSimulationProgramDeclaration() { return this.getBoolean(INCLUDE_SIMULATION_PROGRAM_DECLARATION, INCLUDE_SIMULATION_PROGRAM_DECLARATION_DEFAULT); } @Override public boolean getIncludeBranchLabels() { return this.getBoolean(INCLUDE_BRANCH_LABELS, INCLUDE_BRANCH_LABELS_DEFAULT); } @Override public String getOutputModularJDynalloy() { return this.getString(OUTPUT_MODULAR_JDYNALLOY, OUTPUT_MODULAR_JDYNALLOY_DEFAULT); } public boolean getRelevancyAnalysis() { return this.getBoolean(RELEVANCY_ANALYSIS, RELEVANCY_ANALYSIS_DEFAULT); } @Override public boolean getDisableIntegerLiteralReduction() { return this.getBoolean(DISABLE_INTEGER_LITERAL_REDUCTION, DISABLE_INTEGER_LITERAL_REDUCTION_DEFAULT); } public boolean getNoVerify() { return this.getBoolean(NO_VERIFY, NO_VERIFY_DEFAULT); } public boolean getIncreaseBitwidthUsingLiterals() { return this.getBoolean(INCREASE_BITWIDTH_USING_LITERALS, INCREASE_BITWIDTH_USING_LITERALS_DEFAULT); } /** * */ Integer bitwidth_override = null; /**<p>Overrides the current custom bitwidth.</p> * @param bitwidth the new custom bitwidth. */ public void overrideBitwidth(int bitwidth) { bitwidth_override = bitwidth; } /** * @return true if the analysis must be done with Java arithmetic, false otherwise. */ public boolean getUseJavaArithmetic() { return this.getBoolean(USE_JAVA_ARITHMETIC, USE_JAVA_ARITHMETIC_DEFAULT); } public boolean getUseJavaSBP() { return this.getBoolean(USE_JAVA_SBP, USE_JAVA_SBP_DEFAULT); } public boolean getUseTightUpperBounds() { return this.getBoolean(USE_TIGHT_UPPER_BOUNDS, USE_TIGHT_UPPER_BOUNDS_DEFAULT); } public boolean getGenerateUnitTestCase() { return this.getBoolean(GENERATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE, GENERATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE_DEFAULT); } public String getOutputDir() { return this.getString(OUTPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR_DEFAULT); } public int getDynAlloyToAlloyLoopUnroll() { return this.getInt(DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_LOOP_UNROLL, DEFAULT_DYNALLOY_TO_ALLOY_LOOP_UNROLL); } public String[] getTypeScopes() { return this.getStringArray(TYPE_SCOPES); } public boolean getInferScope() { return this.getBoolean(INFER_SCOPE, DEFAULT_INFER_SCOPE); } public boolean getRemoveExitWhileGuard() { return this.getBoolean(REMOVE_EXIT_WHILE_GUARD, DEFAULT_REMOVE_EXIT_WHILE_GUARD); } public boolean getNestedLoopUnroll() { return this.getBoolean(NESTED_LOOP_UNROLL, DEFAULT_NESTED_LOOP_UNROLL); } public boolean getBuildJavaTrace() { return this.getBoolean(BUILD_JAVA_TRACE, DEFAULT_BUILD_JAVA_TRACE); } public boolean getAttemptToCorrectBug() { return this.getBoolean(ATTEMPT_TO_CORRECT_BUG, ATTEMPT_TO_CORRECT_BUG_DEFAULT); } public int getMaxStrykerMethodsForFile() { return this.getInt(MAX_STRYKER_METHODS_FOR_FILE, DEFAULT_MAX_STRYKER_METHODS_FOR_FILE); } }