Java tutorial
package; import applango.common.SeleniumTestBase; import; import com.mongodb.*; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import static java.lang.Thread.sleep; public class mongoDB extends SeleniumTestBase { public static int countFailureLogins(Applango applango, DBCollection collection) {"Count how many failure logins for userId : " + applango.getUsername()); String jsonCustomer = " {$and : [{'userId' : '" + applango.getUsername() + "'} , {'status':'failure'} ] }"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); return (int) collection.count(dbObjectRecordQuery); } public static int countSuccessfulLogins(Applango applango, DBCollection collection) {"Count how many successful logins for userId : " + applango.getUsername()); String jsonCustomer = " {$and : [{'userId' : '" + applango.getUsername() + "'} , {'status':'success'} ] }"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); return (int) collection.count(dbObjectRecordQuery); } public static int loginsThisMonth(Applango applango, DBCollection collection) { //"Count how many successful logins for userId : " + applango.getUsername()); String jsonCustomer = " {$or : [{'customerId' : 'fff'}, {'loginTime' : {$gte : '(\"2014-01-01 08:15:04.000Z\")'}} ] }"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); return (int) collection.count(dbObjectRecordQuery); } public static DBObject removeRecordsFromDB(Applango applango, DBCollection coll) {"Remove all records with customerId : " + applango.getUsername()); String jsonCustomer = "{'customerId' : '" + applango.getCustomerForoAuth() + "'}"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); if (!(coll.count(dbObjectRecordQuery) == 0)) { coll.remove(dbObjectRecordQuery, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); } return dbObjectRecordQuery; } public static String getSpecialToken(Applango applango, DBCollection coll) {"Get the email token of : " + applango.getUsername()); String token; int maxWait = 10; try { String jsonCustomer = "{'userId' : '" + applango.getUsername() + "'}"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); while ((coll.count(dbObjectRecordQuery) == 0) && maxWait > 0) { sleep(1000); maxWait--; } token = coll.find(dbObjectRecordQuery).next().get("specialToken").toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { token = null; logger.error(ex.getMessage()); } return token; } public static String encodeToken(String token) { String encodedToken = token.replace("/", "%20"); encodedToken = encodedToken.replace("+", "%2B"); encodedToken = encodedToken.replace("=", "%3D"); return encodedToken; } public static void checkRecordCreatedInDB(Applango applango, String connection, DBCollection coll, DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery) {"Check that record created in DB table : " + connection); Assert.assertTrue(coll.getCount(dbObjectRecordQuery) == 1); } protected static void checkNRecordsCreatedInDB(Applango applango, String connection, DBCollection coll, DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery, int n) {"Check that record created in DB table : " + connection); Assert.assertTrue(coll.getCount(dbObjectRecordQuery) == n); } public static int getNumberOfUsersWithoutEndDate(DBCollection appInfoConnection, Applango applango) { String jsonCustomerWithoutEndDate = "{$and : [{'customerId' : '" + applango.getUserForoAuth() + "'}, {endDate : null}, {beginDate : {$ne:null} }] }"; DBObject query = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomerWithoutEndDate); return (int) appInfoConnection.count(query); } public static int getNumberOfLoginUsersInLastWeek(DBCollection appInfoConnection, Applango applango) { String loginOverTheLastWeek = "( { distinct :\"loginInfo\"" + ",key: \"externalId\"" + ", query : { $and: [ {loginTime: {gte: new Date(ISODate().getTime()-1000*60*60*24*7)}}, {customerId : \"automationCustomer\"" + "}] } })"; DBObject query = (DBObject) JSON.parse(loginOverTheLastWeek); return (int) appInfoConnection.count(query); } public static int getPriceByLicenseType(DBCollection appInfoConnection) { return getPriceByLicenseType(appInfoConnection, "PID_CHATTER"); } public static int getPriceByLicenseType(DBCollection appInfoConnection, String licenseType) { String jsonCustomer = "{$and : [{'licenseType' : '" + licenseType + "'}, {'customerId': 'automationCustomer'} ]}"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); Object strPrice = appInfoConnection.find(dbObjectRecordQuery).next().get("price"); System.out.println("The price for " + licenseType + " is " + strPrice); return (Integer) strPrice; } public static void updateLicensePrice(DBCollection appInfoConnection, int newPrice) { updateLicensePrice(appInfoConnection, "PID_CHATTER", newPrice); } public static void updateLicensePrice(DBCollection appInfoConnection, String licenseType, int newPrice) { System.out.println("Updating license price of " + licenseType + " to " + newPrice); String jsonCustomer = "{$and : [{'licenseType' : '" + licenseType + "'}, {'customerId': 'automationCustomer'} ]}"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); BasicDBObject set = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("price", newPrice)); appInfoConnection.update(dbObjectRecordQuery, set); System.out.println("The new price for " + licenseType + " is " + newPrice); } public static void updateCustomerAppRankWeightSet(DBCollection appInfoConnection, String weightName, boolean defaultWeightSet) { System.out.println("Updating " + weightName + " to " + defaultWeightSet); String jsonCustomer = "{$and : [{'weightName' : '" + weightName + "'}, {'customerId': 'automationCustomer'} ]}"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); BasicDBObject set = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("defaultWeightSet", defaultWeightSet)); appInfoConnection.update(dbObjectRecordQuery, set); System.out.println("CustomerAppRankWeightSet for " + weightName + " is " + defaultWeightSet); } public static String getActivityWeight(DBCollection coll, String weightName) { String activityWeight; int maxWait = 10; try { String jsonCustomer = "{$and : [{'weightName' : '" + weightName + "'}, {'customerId': 'automationCustomer'} ]}"; DBObject dbObjectRecordQuery = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonCustomer); while ((coll.count(dbObjectRecordQuery) == 0) && maxWait > 0) { sleep(1000); maxWait--; } activityWeight = coll.find(dbObjectRecordQuery).next().get("activityWeight").toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { activityWeight = null; logger.error(ex.getMessage()); } return activityWeight; } public static DBObject getRollupValue(DBCollection coll, String userId) {"Getting today's rollup record for user " + userId); DBCursor cursor; int maxWait = 10; try { DateTime jsonToday = new DateTime(); DateTime yesterday = new DateTime().minusDays(1); Date yesterdayDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS").parse(yesterday.toString()); BasicDBObject dateQueryObj = new BasicDBObject("beginDate", new BasicDBObject("$gt", yesterdayDate)); dateQueryObj.append("userId", userId); dateQueryObj.append("customerId", "automationCustomer"); dateQueryObj.append("appName", "salesforce"); cursor = coll.find(dateQueryObj); while ((cursor.count() == 0) && maxWait > 0) { sleep(1000); maxWait--; } } catch (Exception ex) { cursor = null; logger.error(ex.getMessage()); } return; } public static int parseAppRankValueFromRollupRecord( DBObject rollupRecordAfterRollupActivitiesBeforeSettingNewWeight) { return Integer.parseInt(rollupRecordAfterRollupActivitiesBeforeSettingNewWeight.get("appRank").toString() .substring(0, rollupRecordAfterRollupActivitiesBeforeSettingNewWeight.get("appRank").toString() .indexOf("."))); } }