Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package app.bean; import app.dao.NodeRepository; import app.dao.PlayerRepository; import app.dao.SettingsRepository; import app.entity.Settings; import app.ui.Log; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import app.dao.RoundRepository; import app.dto.RegisterCredentials; import app.entity.Player; import app.entity.Round; import app.entity.RoundMap; import app.ui.TableActiveMatches; import java.awt.Point; /** * * @author Dion */ @Configuration public class AdminPanelHandler { public static boolean RESET_ALL_GAME_DATA = false; public static boolean READY_TO_CLEAR_GAME_DATA = false; public static boolean SAVE_NEW_SETTINGS = false; public static boolean STOP_ALL_ROUNDS = false; public static boolean STOP_SELECTED_ROUND = false; public static Settings SETTINGS_TO_BE_SET; public static boolean ADD_MOCKED_ROUND = false; @Inject private RoundRepository roundRep; private static RoundRepository roundRepository; @Inject private PlayerRepository playerRep; private static PlayerRepository playerRepository; @Inject private NodeRepository nodeRep; private static NodeRepository nodeRepository; @Inject private SettingsRepository settingsRep; private static SettingsRepository settingsRepository; @Bean public CommandLineRunner adminPanelHandlerStaticInjects() { return (args) -> { settingsRepository = settingsRep; nodeRepository = nodeRep; playerRepository = playerRep; roundRepository = roundRep; }; } public static void run() { new Thread() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { if (STOP_ALL_ROUNDS) { HostGame.stopRounds(); STOP_ALL_ROUNDS = false; Log.write("--ALL CURRENT ROUNDS STOPPED!"); } if (RESET_ALL_GAME_DATA) { HostGame.stopRounds(); while (!READY_TO_CLEAR_GAME_DATA) { } roundRepository.deleteAll(); playerRepository.deleteAll(); nodeRepository.deleteAll(); settingsRepository.deleteAll(); RESET_ALL_GAME_DATA = false; READY_TO_CLEAR_GAME_DATA = false; Log.write("--ALL GAME DATA CLEARED!"); } else { READY_TO_CLEAR_GAME_DATA = false; } if (SAVE_NEW_SETTINGS) { SETTINGS_TO_BE_SET.setId(1L);; SAVE_NEW_SETTINGS = false; Log.write("--NEW SETTINGS SAVED!"); } if (ADD_MOCKED_ROUND) { Settings settings = settingsRepository.findOne(1L); Round round = new Round(settings);; RoundMap map = new RoundMap(new Point(10, 10), round.getId()); round.setMap(map); round.getPlayerIds().add(1L); round.getPlayerIds().add(2L); round.getMap().generate(round.getPlayerIds());; HostGame.storeRound(round); ADD_MOCKED_ROUND = false; Log.write("Game " + round.getId() + " initiated manually."); } if (STOP_SELECTED_ROUND) { int selected = TableActiveMatches.self.getSelectedRow(); HostGame.stopRound(selected); STOP_SELECTED_ROUND = false; } try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(AdminPanelHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } }.start(); } }