Java tutorial
/* * Labdoo API Copyright (C) 2012 Labdoo team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package api.resources; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import api.APIException; public class Laptop { static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Laptop.class); public final static String ASSIGNED_S3 = "Assigned to a child, waiting to be shipped (S3)"; public final static String AVAILABLE_S8 = "(Library) Available (S8)"; public final static String CHECKED_OUT_S7 = "(Library) Checked out (S7)"; public final static String CPU_EIGHT = "8"; public final static String CPU_FIVE = "5"; public final static String CPU_FOUR = "4"; // number of cpus public final static String CPU_ONE = "1 (Single core)"; public final static String CPU_SEVEN = "7"; public final static String CPU_SIX = "6"; public final static String CPU_THREE = "3"; public final static String CPU_TWO = "2 (Duo core)"; public final static String DELIVERED_AND_BEING_USED_S4 = "Delivered and being used (S4)"; public final static String DOMAIN_CASASITO = "Casasito, Guatemala"; public final static String DOMAIN_EWB_MASSACHUSETTS = "Engineers Without Borders @ Western Massachusetts"; public final static String DOMAIN_EWB_UCI = "Engineers Without Borders @ UCI"; public final static String DOMAIN_FOXCONN = "Foxconn"; public final static String DOMAIN_I2CAT = "I2CAT, Barcelona"; // domain public final static String DOMAIN_INDIVIDUAL = "Individual volunteer (grassroots)"; public final static String DOMAIN_MERCIMED = "MerciMed, New York"; public final static String DOMAIN_SPRINGSOFT = "SpringSoft"; public final static String DOMAIN_UCI = "University of California, Irvine"; public final static String DOMAIN_UCLA = "University of California, Los Angeles"; public final static String DOMAIN_WCE = "World Computer Exchange, Boston"; public final static String DONATED_S1 = "Donated, in quality assurance process (S1)"; public final static String FROM_CONFERENCE_OR_EVENT = "From a conference or Labdoo event"; // HOW DID YOU LEARN public final static String FROM_FRIEND = "From a friend"; public final static String FROM_HUB = "I belong to a Labdoo hub"; public final static String FROM_INTERNET = "From the Internet"; public final static String FROM_UCI_BOOKSTORE = "From the UCI bookstore"; public final static String NULL = "null"; public final static String PASSED_QUALITY_ASSURANCE_S2 = "Passed quality assurance (S2)"; public final static String RECIP_EWB_ORANGE_COUNTY = "EWB Orange County"; public final static String RECIP_EWB_UCI = "EWB UCI"; public final static String RECIP_EWB_UCLA = "EWB UCLA"; public final static String RECIP_EWB_WESTERN_MA = "EWB Western MA"; // a501 public final static String RECIP_NOT_KNOW = "Not known yet"; public final static String RECIP_WCE = "World Computer Exchange"; public final static String RECYCLED_S6 = "Recycled (S6)"; // STATUS public final static String TAGGED_S0 = "Tagged with a Labdoo ID (S0)"; public final static String TYPE_DESKTOP = "Desktop"; public final static String TYPE_GOOGLE_PHONE = "Google phone"; public final static String TYPE_INTERNET_TABLET = "Internet tablet"; public final static String TYPE_IPAD = "iPad"; public final static String TYPE_IPHONE = "iPhone"; // devType public final static String TYPE_LAPTOP = "Laptop"; public final static String WAITING_TO_BE_RECYCLED_S5 = "Waiting to be recycled (S5)"; private static String dateToString(Date dateToFormat) { // 2010-08-20T00:00:00 SimpleDateFormat dateFormater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); return dateFormater.format(dateToFormat); } private static Object getUIDParam(Object param) { Object[] arrayParam = (Object[]) param; Map hashParam = (Map) arrayParam[0]; return hashParam.get("uid"); } private static Object hashValueToParam(Object drupalParam) throws APIException { if (drupalParam instanceof Object[] && ((Object[]) drupalParam).length > 0) { Object arrayParam = ((Object[]) drupalParam)[0]; if (arrayParam instanceof Map && ((Map) arrayParam).get("value") != null) { return ((Map) arrayParam).get("value"); } } return drupalParam; } public static Laptop newInstance(Map<String, Object> params) throws APIException { Laptop laptop = new Laptop(); Set<String> keys = params.keySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = keys.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String key =; if (key.equals("title")) laptop.setId((String) params.get(key)); if (key.equals("nid")) laptop.setNid((String) params.get(key)); if (key.equals("location") && params.get(key) != null) laptop.setLocation((HashMap) params.get(key)); Object param = (Object) hashValueToParam(params.get(key)); if (param == null || param.equals("")) continue; if (key.equals("field_how_did_you_learn")) laptop.setHowDidYouLearn((String) param); if (key.equals("field_current_manager")) laptop.setCurrentManager((String) getUIDParam(param)); if (key.equals("field_model")) laptop.setModel((String) param); if (key.equals("field_cpu")) laptop.setCpu(((Integer) param).intValue()); if (key.equals("field_cpu_type")) laptop.setCpuType((String) param); if (key.equals("field_memory")) laptop.setMemory(((Integer) param).intValue()); if (key.equals("field_hard_drive integer")) laptop.setHardDrive(((Integer) param).intValue()); if (key.equals("field_current_os")) laptop.setCurrentOS((String) param); if (key.equals("field_destination")) laptop.setDestination((String) param); if (key.equals("field_501c3_recipient")) laptop.setA501c3Recip((String) param); if (key.equals("field_laptop_domain")) laptop.setLaptopDomain((String) param); if (key.equals("field_status")) laptop.setStatus((String) param); if (key.equals("field_dev_type")) laptop.setDevType((String) param); if (key.equals("field_library_notification")) laptop.setLibraryNotification((String) param); if (key.equals("field_checkedout_location")) laptop.setCheckedoutLocation((String) param); if (key.equals("field_notes")) laptop.setNotes((String) param); // field_laptop_serial_number if (key.equals("field_laptop_serial_number")) laptop.setSerialNumber((String) param); if (key.equals("field_date_received")) { try { laptop.setDateReceived(stringToDate((String) param)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("It had a problem with the date received", e); } } if (key.equals("field_date_delivered")) { try { laptop.setDateDelivered(stringToDate((String) param)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("It had a problem with the date delivered", e); } } if (key.equals("field_available_day")) { try { laptop.setAvailableDay(stringToDate((String) param)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("It had a problem with the available day", e); } } if (key.equals("field_date_recycled")) { try { laptop.setDateRecycled(stringToDate((String) param)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("It had a problem with the date recycled", e); } } } return laptop; } private static Date stringToDate(String dateToParse) throws ParseException { // 2010-08-20T00:00:00 SimpleDateFormat dateFormater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); return dateFormater.parse(dateToParse); } private String a501c3Recip = ""; private Date availableDay = null; private String checkedoutLocation = ""; private int cpu = 0; private String cpuType = ""; // TODO TO TEST, It WOULD BE AN USER ACCOUNT private String currentManager = ""; private String currentOS = ""; private Date dateDelivered = null; private Date dateReceived = null; private Date dateRecycled = null; private String destination = ""; private String devType = ""; private int hardDrive = 0; private String howDidYouLearn = ""; private String id = ""; private String laptopDomain = ""; private String libraryNotification = ""; private HashMap<String, String> location = new HashMap<String, String>(); private int memory = 0; // //$newnode->field_picture->NULL; // //$newnode->field_pic_deployed->NULL; private String model = ""; private String nid = ""; private String notes = ""; private String status = ""; private String serialNumber = ""; public String getA501c3Recip() { return a501c3Recip; } public Date getAvailableDay() { return availableDay; } public String getCheckedoutLocation() { return checkedoutLocation; } public int getCpu() { return cpu; } public String getCpuType() { return cpuType; } public String getCurrentManager() { return currentManager; } public String getCurrentOS() { return currentOS; } public Date getDateDelivered() { return dateDelivered; } public Date getDateReceived() { return dateReceived; } public Date getDateRecycled() { return dateRecycled; } public String getDestination() { return destination; } public String getDevType() { return devType; } public int getHardDrive() { return hardDrive; } public String getHowDidYouLearn() { return howDidYouLearn; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getLaptopDomain() { return laptopDomain; } public String getLibraryNotification() { return libraryNotification; } public HashMap<String, String> getLocation() { return location; } public int getMemory() { return memory; } public String getModel() { return model; } public String getNid() { return nid; } public String getNotes() { return notes; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public String getSerialNumber() { return serialNumber; } public Laptop setA501c3Recip(String a501c3Recip) { this.a501c3Recip = a501c3Recip; return this; } public Laptop setAvailableDay(Date availableDay) { this.availableDay = availableDay; return this; } public Laptop setCheckedoutLocation(String checkedoutLocation) { this.checkedoutLocation = checkedoutLocation; return this; } public Laptop setCpu(int cpu) { this.cpu = cpu; return this; } public Laptop setCpuType(String cpuType) { this.cpuType = cpuType; return this; } public Laptop setCurrentManager(String currentManager) { this.currentManager = currentManager; return this; } public Laptop setCurrentOS(String currentOS) { this.currentOS = currentOS; return this; } public Laptop setDateDelivered(Date dateDelivered) { this.dateDelivered = dateDelivered; return this; } public Laptop setDateReceived(Date dateReceived) { this.dateReceived = dateReceived; return this; } public Laptop setDateRecycled(Date dateRecycled) { this.dateRecycled = dateRecycled; return this; } public Laptop setDestination(String destination) { this.destination = destination; return this; } public Laptop setDevType(String devType) { this.devType = devType; return this; } public Laptop setHardDrive(int hardDrive) { this.hardDrive = hardDrive; return this; } public Laptop setHowDidYouLearn(String howDidYouLearn) { this.howDidYouLearn = howDidYouLearn; return this; } public Laptop setId(String id) { = id; return this; } public Laptop setLaptopDomain(String laptopDomain) { this.laptopDomain = laptopDomain; return this; } public Laptop setLibraryNotification(String libraryNotification) { this.libraryNotification = libraryNotification; return this; } public Laptop setLocation(HashMap<String, String> location) { this.location = location; return this; } public Laptop setMemory(int memory) { this.memory = memory; return this; } public Laptop setModel(String model) { this.model = model; return this; } public Laptop setNid(String nid) { this.nid = nid; return this; } public Laptop setNotes(String notes) { this.notes = notes; return this; } public Laptop setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; return this; } public void setSerialNumber(String serialNumber) { this.serialNumber = serialNumber; } public Map<String, Object> toMap() { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // if (!uid.equals("")) params.put("uid",uid); if (!howDidYouLearn.equals("")) params.put("field_how_did_you_learn", howDidYouLearn); if (!currentManager.equals("")) params.put("field_current_manager", currentManager); if (!model.equals("")) params.put("field_model", model); if (cpu != 0) params.put("field_cpu", new Integer(cpu)); if (!cpuType.equals("")) params.put("field_cpu_type", cpuType); if (memory != 0) params.put("field_memory", new Integer(memory)); if (hardDrive != 0) params.put("field_hard_drive integer", new Integer(hardDrive)); if (!currentOS.equals("")) params.put("field_current_os", currentOS); if (!destination.equals("")) params.put("field_destination", destination); if (!a501c3Recip.equals("")) params.put("field_501c3_recipient", a501c3Recip); if (!laptopDomain.equals("")) params.put("field_laptop_domain", laptopDomain); if (!status.equals("")) params.put("field_status", status); if (!devType.equals("")) params.put("field_dev_type", devType); if (!libraryNotification.equals("")) params.put("field_library_notification", libraryNotification); if (!checkedoutLocation.equals("")) params.put("field_checkedout_location", checkedoutLocation); if (!notes.equals("")) params.put("field_notes", notes); if (!serialNumber.equals("")) params.put("field_laptop_serial_number", serialNumber); if (dateReceived != null) params.put("field_date_received", dateToString(dateReceived)); if (dateDelivered != null) params.put("field_date_delivered", dateToString(dateDelivered)); if (dateRecycled != null) params.put("field_date_recycled", dateToString(dateRecycled)); if (availableDay != null) params.put("field_available_day", dateToString(availableDay)); return params; } @Override public String toString() { return "Laptop [serialNumber=" + serialNumber + ", a501c3Recip=" + a501c3Recip + ", availableDay=" + availableDay + ", checkedoutLocation=" + checkedoutLocation + ", cpu=" + cpu + ", cpuType=" + cpuType + ", currentManager=" + currentManager + ", currentOS=" + currentOS + ", dateDelivered=" + dateDelivered + ", dateReceived=" + dateReceived + ", dateRecycled=" + dateRecycled + ", destination=" + destination + ", devType=" + devType + ", hardDrive=" + hardDrive + ", howDidYouLearn=" + howDidYouLearn + ", id=" + id + ", laptopDomain=" + laptopDomain + ", libraryNotification=" + libraryNotification + ", location=" + location + ", memory=" + memory + ", model=" + model + ", nid=" + nid + ", notes=" + notes + ", status=" + status + "]"; } }