Java tutorial
/* * tigase-xmpp4gwt * Copyright (C) 2007 "Bartosz Makowski" <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. Look for COPYING file in the top folder. * If not, see * * $Rev$ * Last modified by $Author$ * $Date$ */ package anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client.packet.Packet; import anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client.packet.PacketImp; import anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client.packet.PacketREXMLImpl; import anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client.packet.PacketRenderer; import anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client.packet.REXML; import anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client.stanzas.IQ; import anzsoft.xmpp4gwt.client.xmpp.ErrorCondition; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Bosh2Connector implements Connector { enum State { connected, connecting, disconnected } protected static final int MAX_ERRORS = 3; public static ErrorCondition getCondition(String name, int httpResult) { ErrorCondition result = null; if (name != null) { try { result = ErrorCondition.valueOf(name.replaceAll("-", "_")); } catch (Exception e) { result = null; } } if (result == null && httpResult != 200) { switch (httpResult) { case 400: result = ErrorCondition.bad_request; break; case 403: result = ErrorCondition.forbidden; break; case 404: result = ErrorCondition.item_not_found; break; case 405: result = ErrorCondition.not_allowed; break; default: result = ErrorCondition.undefined_condition; break; } } return result == null ? ErrorCondition.undefined_condition : result; } private Map<Request, String> activeRequests = new HashMap<Request, String>(); private RequestBuilder builder; //added by to support javascript cross domain private ScriptSyntaxRequestBuilder scriptBuilder; private boolean crossDomain = false; private ScriptSyntaxRequestCallback scriptHandler; private Map<String, String> activeScriptRequests = new HashMap<String, String>(); private int defaultTimeout = 30; private int errorCounter = 0; private String domain; private String host = null; int port = 5222; private List<ConnectorListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ConnectorListener>(); private PacketRenderer renderer = new PacketRenderer() { public String render(Packet packet) { return packet.getAsString(); } }; private long rid; private String sid; private RequestCallback standardHandler; private State state = State.disconnected; private User user; public Bosh2Connector(final User user) { this.setUser(user); standardHandler = new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { final String lastSendedBody = activeRequests.remove(request); if (exception instanceof RequestTimeoutException) { GWT.log("Request too old. Trying again.", null); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { if (lastSendedBody != null && state == State.connected && sid != null && sid.length() > 0) send(lastSendedBody, standardHandler); else continuousConnection(null); } }); } else if (exception.getMessage().startsWith("Unable to read XmlHttpRequest.status;")) { GWT.log("Lost request. Ignored. Resend.", null); if (lastSendedBody != null) { DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { if (state == State.connected && sid != null && sid.length() > 0) { send(lastSendedBody, standardHandler); } } }); } } else { state = State.disconnected; GWT.log("Connection error", exception); exception.printStackTrace(); fireEventError(BoshErrorCondition.remote_connection_failed, null, "Response error: " + exception.getMessage()); } } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (state == State.disconnected) return; final String httpResponse = response.getText(); final int httpStatusCode = response.getStatusCode(); final String lastSendedBody = activeRequests.remove(request); System.out.println(" IN (" + httpStatusCode + "): " + httpResponse); fireOnBodyReceive(response, httpResponse); final Packet body = parse2(response.getText().replaceAll(";", ";")); final String type = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("type"); final String receivedSid = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("sid"); String $tmp = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("rid"); //final Long rid = $tmp == null ? null : Long.valueOf($tmp); final String ack = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("ack"); $tmp = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("condition"); if ($tmp != null) $tmp = $tmp.replace("-", "_"); final BoshErrorCondition boshCondition = $tmp == null ? null : BoshErrorCondition.valueOf($tmp); final String wait = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("wait"); final String inactivity = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("inactivity"); if (wait != null && inactivity != null) { try { int w = Integer.parseInt(wait); int i = Integer.parseInt(inactivity); int t = (w + i / 2) * 1000; builder.setTimeoutMillis(t); GWT.log("New timeout: " + t + "ms", null); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Error in wait and inactivity attributes", e); } } if (httpStatusCode != 200 || body == null || type != null && ("terminate".equals(type) || "error".equals(type))) { GWT.log("ERROR (" + httpStatusCode + "): " + httpResponse, null); ErrorCondition condition = body == null ? ErrorCondition.bad_request : ErrorCondition.undefined_condition; String msg = null; Packet error = body == null ? null : body.getFirstChild("error"); if (error != null) { for (Packet c : error.getChildren()) { String xmlns = c.getAtribute("xmlns"); if ("text".equals(c.getName())) { msg = c.getCData(); break; } else if (xmlns != null && "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas".equals(xmlns)) { condition = getCondition(c.getName(), httpStatusCode); } } } if (condition == ErrorCondition.item_not_found) { state = State.disconnected; fireEventError(boshCondition, condition, msg); } else if (errorCounter < MAX_ERRORS) { errorCounter++; send(lastSendedBody, standardHandler); } else if (type != null && "terminate".equals(type)) { GWT.log("Disconnected by server", null); state = State.disconnected; fireDisconnectByServer(boshCondition, condition, msg); } else { state = State.disconnected; if (msg == null) { msg = "[" + httpStatusCode + "] " +'_', '-'); } fireEventError(boshCondition, condition, msg); } } else { errorCounter = 0; if (receivedSid != null && sid != null && !receivedSid.equals(sid)) { state = State.disconnected; fireEventError(BoshErrorCondition.policy_violation, ErrorCondition.unexpected_request, "Unexpected session initialisation."); } else if (receivedSid != null && sid == null) { sid = receivedSid; Cookies.setCookie(user.getResource() + "sid", sid, null, null, "/", false); state = State.connected; } final List<? extends Packet> children = body.getChildren(); if (children.size() > 0) { fireEventReceiveStanzas(children); } continuousConnection(ack); } System.out.println("............sid value is:" + sid); } }; //added by scriptHandler = new ScriptSyntaxRequestCallback() { public void onError(String callbackID) { state = State.disconnected; GWT.log("Connection error", null); fireEventError(BoshErrorCondition.remote_connection_failed, null, "Response error: request timeout or 404!"); } public void onResponseReceived(String callbackID, String responseText) { if (state == State.disconnected) return; final String httpResponse = responseText; final String lastSendedBody = activeScriptRequests.remove(callbackID); System.out.println(" IN:" + httpResponse); fireOnBodyReceive(null, httpResponse); final Packet body = parse2(responseText.replaceAll(";", ";")); final String type = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("type"); final String receivedSid = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("sid"); String $tmp = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("rid"); //final Long rid = $tmp == null ? null : Long.valueOf($tmp); final String ack = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("ack"); $tmp = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("condition"); if ($tmp != null) $tmp = $tmp.replace("-", "_"); final BoshErrorCondition boshCondition = $tmp == null ? null : BoshErrorCondition.valueOf($tmp); final String wait = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("wait"); final String inactivity = body == null ? null : body.getAtribute("inactivity"); if (wait != null && inactivity != null) { try { int w = Integer.parseInt(wait); int i = Integer.parseInt(inactivity); int t = (w + i / 2) * 1000; scriptBuilder.setTimeoutMillis(t); GWT.log("New timeout: " + t + "ms", null); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Error in wait and inactivity attributes", e); } } if (body == null || type != null && ("terminate".equals(type) || "error".equals(type))) { GWT.log("ERROR : " + httpResponse, null); ErrorCondition condition = body == null ? ErrorCondition.bad_request : ErrorCondition.undefined_condition; String msg = null; Packet error = body == null ? null : body.getFirstChild("error"); if (error != null) { for (Packet c : error.getChildren()) { String xmlns = c.getAtribute("xmlns"); if ("text".equals(c.getName())) { msg = c.getCData(); break; } else if (xmlns != null && "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas".equals(xmlns)) { condition = getCondition(c.getName(), -1); } } } if (condition == ErrorCondition.item_not_found) { state = State.disconnected; fireEventError(boshCondition, condition, msg); } else if (errorCounter < MAX_ERRORS) { errorCounter++; send(lastSendedBody, scriptHandler); } else if (type != null && "terminate".equals(type)) { GWT.log("Disconnected by server", null); state = State.disconnected; fireDisconnectByServer(boshCondition, condition, msg); } else { state = State.disconnected; if (msg == null) { msg ='_', '-'); } fireEventError(boshCondition, condition, msg); } } else { errorCounter = 0; if (receivedSid != null && sid != null && !receivedSid.equals(sid)) { state = State.disconnected; fireEventError(BoshErrorCondition.policy_violation, ErrorCondition.unexpected_request, "Unexpected session initialisation."); } else if (receivedSid != null && sid == null) { sid = receivedSid; Cookies.setCookie(user.getResource() + "sid", sid, null, null, "/", false); state = State.connected; } List<? extends Packet> children = body.getChildren(); if (children.size() > 0) { fireEventReceiveStanzas(children); } continuousConnection(ack); } } }; //end added } public void addListener(ConnectorListener listener) { this.listeners.add(listener); } public void connect() { makeNewRequestBuilder(defaultTimeout + 7); this.rid = (long) (Math.random() * 10000000); Packet e = new PacketImp("body"); e.setAttribute("content", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"); e.setAttribute("hold", "1"); e.setAttribute("requests", "2"); e.setAttribute("rid", getNextRid()); e.setAttribute("to", domain); e.setAttribute("ver", "1.6"); e.setAttribute("cache", "on"); e.setAttribute("wait", String.valueOf(defaultTimeout)); e.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e.setAttribute("xmlns:xmpp", "urn:xmpp:xbosh"); e.setAttribute("secure", "false"); e.setAttribute("xmpp:version", "1.0"); if (host != null && !(host.length() == 0)) { final String value = "xmpp:" + host + ":" + String.valueOf(port); e.setAttribute("route", value); } state = State.connecting; if (crossDomain) send(renderer.render(e), scriptHandler); else send(renderer.render(e), standardHandler); } private int getActivesRequestCount() { if (crossDomain) return this.activeScriptRequests.size(); else return this.activeRequests.size(); } public void continuousConnection(String ack) { if (state != State.connected || getActivesRequestCount() > 0) return; Packet e = new PacketImp("body"); e.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e.setAttribute("rid", getNextRid()); if (sid != null) e.setAttribute("sid", sid); if (ack != null) { e.setAttribute("ack", ack); } if (crossDomain) send(renderer.render(e), scriptHandler); else send(renderer.render(e), standardHandler); } public void disconnect(Packet packetToSend) { PacketImp e = new PacketImp("body"); e.setAttribute("rid", getNextRid()); if (sid != null) e.setAttribute("sid", sid); e.setAttribute("to", domain); e.setAttribute("type", "terminate"); e.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e.setAttribute("xmlns:xmpp", "urn:xmpp:xbosh"); e.setAttribute("secure", "false"); e.setAttribute("xmpp:version", "1.0"); if (host != null && !(host.length() == 0)) { final String value = "xmpp:" + host + ":" + String.valueOf(port); e.setAttribute("route", value); } if (packetToSend != null) { e.addChild(packetToSend); } if (state == State.connected) { if (crossDomain) send(renderer.render(e), scriptHandler); else send(renderer.render(e), standardHandler); } state = State.disconnected; reset(); } private void fireDisconnectByServer(BoshErrorCondition boshCondition, ErrorCondition xmppCondition, String msg) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listeners.size(); i++) { ConnectorListener l = this.listeners.get(i); l.onBoshTerminate(this, boshCondition); } } private void fireEventError(BoshErrorCondition boshErrorCondition, ErrorCondition xmppErrorCondition, String message) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listeners.size(); i++) { ConnectorListener l = this.listeners.get(i); l.onBoshError(xmppErrorCondition, boshErrorCondition, message); } } private void fireEventReceiveStanzas(List<? extends Packet> nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listeners.size(); i++) { ConnectorListener l = this.listeners.get(i); l.onStanzaReceived(nodes); } } private void fireOnBodyReceive(Response response, String body) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listeners.size(); i++) { ConnectorListener l = this.listeners.get(i); l.onBodyReceive(response, body); } } private void fireOnBodySend(String body) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listeners.size(); i++) { ConnectorListener l = this.listeners.get(i); l.onBodySend(body); } } private String getNextRid() { this.rid++; String tmp = String.valueOf(this.rid); final Date expire = new Date(39 * 1000 + (new Date()).getTime()); Cookies.setCookie(user.getResource() + "rid", tmp, expire, null, "/", false); return tmp; } public boolean isCacheAvailable() { return Cookies.getCookie(user.getResource() + "sid") != null && Cookies.getCookie(user.getResource() + "rid") != null; } public boolean isConnected() { return state == State.connected; } public boolean isDisconnected() { return state == State.disconnected; } private void makeNewRequestBuilder(int timeOut) { if (crossDomain) scriptBuilder.setTimeoutMillis(timeOut * 2000); else builder.setTimeoutMillis(timeOut * 2000); GWT.log("timeout==" + (timeOut * 2000), null); } private Packet parse2(final String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return null; } else { try { REXML xml = new REXML(s); return new PacketREXMLImpl(xml.getJSO()); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Parsing error (\"" + s + "\")", e); return null; } } } /* private Packet parse(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return null; } else { try { Element element = XMLParser.parse(s).getDocumentElement(); return new PacketGwtImpl(element); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Parsing error (\"" + s + "\")", e); return null; } } } */ public void removeListener(ConnectorListener listener) { this.listeners.remove(listener); } public void reset() { state = State.disconnected; Cookies.removeCookie(user.getResource() + "sid"); Cookies.removeCookie(user.getResource() + "rid"); this.errorCounter = 0; this.activeRequests.clear(); this.activeScriptRequests.clear(); this.sid = null; this.rid = (long) (Math.random() * 10000000); } public void restartStream(IQ iq) { PacketImp e = new PacketImp("body"); if (sid != null) e.setAttribute("sid", sid); e.setAttribute("rid", getNextRid()); e.setAttribute("to", domain); e.setAttribute("xmpp:restart", "true"); e.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e.setAttribute("xmlns:xmpp", "urn:xmpp:xbosh"); if (iq != null) e.addChild(iq); if (crossDomain) send(renderer.render(e), scriptHandler); else send(renderer.render(e), standardHandler); } public void send(Packet stanza) { PacketImp e = new PacketImp("body"); e.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e.setAttribute("rid", getNextRid()); if (sid != null) e.setAttribute("sid", sid); e.addChild(stanza); if (crossDomain) send(renderer.render(e), scriptHandler); else send(renderer.render(e), standardHandler); } //adde by private void send(String body, ScriptSyntaxRequestCallback callback) { System.out.println("OUT (" + this.sid + "): " + body); try { // ++activeConnections; String id = scriptBuilder.sendRequest(body, callback); this.activeScriptRequests.put(id, body); fireOnBodySend(body); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //end added private void send(String body, RequestCallback callback) { // System.out.println("OUT (" + this.sid + ", " + connected + ", " + // activeConnections + "): " + body); System.out.println("OUT (" + this.sid + "): " + body); try { // ++activeConnections; Request request = builder.sendRequest(body, callback); this.activeRequests.put(request, body); fireOnBodySend(body); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void sendStanza(String stanza) { String r = "<body xmlns='' rid='" + getNextRid() + "'"; if (sid != null) r += " sid='" + sid + "'"; r += ">"; r += stanza; r += "</body>"; if (crossDomain) send(r, scriptHandler); else send(r, standardHandler); } public void setDomain(String domainname) { this.domain = domainname; } public void setHttpBase(final String boshUrl) { if (boshUrl.startsWith("http://") || boshUrl.startsWith("https://")) { setCrossDomainHttpBase(boshUrl); return; } builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, boshUrl); builder.setHeader("Connection", "close"); } public void setCrossDomainHttpBase(final String boshUrl) { crossDomain = true; scriptBuilder = new ScriptSyntaxRequestBuilder(boshUrl); } public void setHost(String host) { = host; } public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; } public void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; } public User getUser() { return user; } public boolean resume() { makeNewRequestBuilder(defaultTimeout + 7); this.sid = Cookies.getCookie(user.getResource() + "sid"); try { this.rid = Long.parseLong(Cookies.getCookie(user.getResource() + "rid")); } catch (Exception e) { this.rid = 0; } if (this.sid == null || this.rid == 0) return false; this.state = State.connected; Packet e0 = new PacketImp("body"); e0.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e0.setAttribute("sid", sid); //e0.setAttribute("rid", ""+this.rid); e0.setAttribute("rid", this.getNextRid()); /* Packet e = new PacketImp("body"); e.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e.setAttribute("rid", getNextRid()); e.setAttribute("sid", sid); e.setAttribute("cache", "get_all"); */ if (crossDomain) { send(renderer.render(e0), scriptHandler); //send(renderer.render(e),scriptHandler); } else { send(renderer.render(e0), standardHandler); //send(renderer.render(e), standardHandler); } return true; } public boolean suspend() { Packet e0 = new PacketImp("body"); e0.setAttribute("pause", "120"); e0.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); e0.setAttribute("sid", sid); e0.setAttribute("rid", this.getNextRid()); if (crossDomain) { send(renderer.render(e0), scriptHandler); //send(renderer.render(e),scriptHandler); } else { send(renderer.render(e0), standardHandler); //send(renderer.render(e), standardHandler); } return true; } public ScriptSyntaxRequestBuilder getScriptSyntaxRquestBuilder() { return this.scriptBuilder; } public boolean isCrossDomain() { return this.crossDomain; } }