Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2011 Collaborative Research Centre SFB 632 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis.visualizers.iframe; import annis.CommonHelper; import annis.libgui.MatchedNodeColors; import annis.libgui.visualizers.VisualizerInput; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.SaltFactory; import; import; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sCorpusStructure.SDocument; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sDocumentStructure.SDocumentGraph; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sDocumentStructure.SPointingRelation; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sDocumentStructure.SStructuredNode; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sDocumentStructure.SToken; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCore.SAnnotation; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCore.SRelation; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.graph.Edge; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sDocumentStructure.SDataSourceSequence; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sDocumentStructure.STextualDS; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCore.SNode; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.xeoh.plugins.base.annotations.PluginImplementation; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * A view of the entire text of a document, possibly with interactive * coreference links. * <p> * It is possible to use this visualization to view entire texts * even if you do not have coreference annotations. * </p> * <p> * <strong>Mappings</strong>:<br/> * <ul> * <li>hide_empty: if set to "true" only texts that have annotations are shown</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * <b>Implementation notes</b>: This code relies heavily on HTML-tables and * has some logic that is difficult to * understand. A GWT-based rewrite would be a good alternative. * </p> * @author Thomas Krause * @author Christian Schulz-Hanke */ @PluginImplementation public class CorefVisualizer extends WriterVisualizer { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CorefVisualizer.class); long globalIndex; List<TReferent> referentList; List<TComponent> komponent; HashMap<String, List<Long>> componentOfToken; HashMap<String, List<String>> tokensOfNode; //ReferentOfToken HashMap<String, HashMap<Long, Integer>> referentOfToken; // the Long ist the Referend, the Integer means: { 0=incoming P-Edge, 1=outgoing P-Edge, 2=both(not used anymore)} List<String> visitedNodes; LinkedList<TComponenttype> componenttype; //used to save which Node (with outgoing "P"-Edge) gelongs to which component private HashMap<Integer, Integer> colorlist; static class TComponenttype { String type; List<String> nodeList; TComponenttype() { type = ""; nodeList = new LinkedList<String>(); } } static class TComponent { List<String> tokenList; String type; TComponent() { tokenList = new LinkedList<String>(); type = ""; } TComponent(List<String> ll, String t) { tokenList = ll; type = t; } } static class TReferent { Set<SAnnotation> annotations; long component; TReferent() { component = -1; annotations = new HashSet<SAnnotation>(); } } @Override public String getShortName() { return "discourse"; } @Override public boolean isUsingText() { return true; } /** * writes Output for the CorefVisualizer * @param writer writer to write with */ @Override public void writeOutput(VisualizerInput input, Writer w) { // root html element Html html = new Html(); Head head = new Head(); Body body = new Body(); html.removeXmlns(); html.appendChild(head); html.appendChild(body); try { LinkedList<String> fonts = new LinkedList<String>(); if (input.getFont() != null) { Link linkFont = new Link(); linkFont.setHref(input.getFont().getUrl()); head.appendChild(linkFont); fonts.add(input.getFont().getName()); } fonts.add("serif"); Link linkTooltip = new Link(); linkTooltip.setHref(input.getResourcePath("coref/jquery.tooltip.css")); linkTooltip.setRel("stylesheet"); linkTooltip.setType("text/css"); head.appendChild(linkTooltip); Script scriptJquery = new Script("text/javascript"); scriptJquery.setSrc(input.getResourcePath("coref/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")); head.appendChild(scriptJquery); Script scriptTooltip = new Script("text/javascript"); scriptTooltip.setSrc(input.getResourcePath("coref/jquery.tooltip.min.js")); head.appendChild(scriptTooltip); Link linkCoref = new Link(); linkCoref.setHref(input.getResourcePath("coref/coref.css")); linkCoref.setRel("stylesheet"); linkCoref.setType("text/css"); head.appendChild(linkCoref); Script scriptCoref = new Script("text/javascript"); scriptCoref.setSrc(input.getResourcePath("coref/CorefVisualizer.js")); head.appendChild(scriptCoref); body.setStyle("font-family: '" + StringUtils.join(fonts, "', '") + "';"); //get Info globalIndex = 0; tokensOfNode = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); referentList = new LinkedList<TReferent>(); komponent = new LinkedList<TComponent>(); referentOfToken = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Long, Integer>>(); componentOfToken = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>(); componenttype = new LinkedList<TComponenttype>(); SDocument saltDoc = input.getDocument(); SDocumentGraph saltGraph = saltDoc.getSDocumentGraph(); if (saltGraph == null) { body.setText("An Error occured: Could not get Graph of Result (Graph == null)."); return; } List<SRelation> edgeList = saltGraph.getSRelations(); if (edgeList == null) { return; } for (SRelation rawRel : edgeList) { if (includeEdge(rawRel, input.getNamespace())) { SPointingRelation rel = (SPointingRelation) rawRel; String relType = componentNameForRelation(rel); visitedNodes = new LinkedList<String>(); //got type for this? boolean gotIt = false; int componentnr; for (componentnr = 0; componentnr < componenttype.size(); componentnr++) { if (componenttype.get(componentnr) != null && componenttype.get(componentnr).type != null && componenttype.get(componentnr).nodeList != null && componenttype.get(componentnr).type.equals(relType) && componenttype.get(componentnr).nodeList .contains(rel.getSStructuredSource().getSId())) { gotIt = true; break; } } TComponent currentComponent; TComponenttype currentComponenttype; if (gotIt) { currentComponent = komponent.get(componentnr); currentComponenttype = componenttype.get(componentnr); } else { currentComponenttype = new TComponenttype(); currentComponenttype.type = relType; componenttype.add(currentComponenttype); componentnr = komponent.size(); currentComponent = new TComponent(); currentComponent.type = relType; currentComponent.tokenList = new LinkedList<String>(); komponent.add(currentComponent); currentComponenttype.nodeList.add(rel.getSStructuredSource().getSId()); } TReferent ref = new TReferent(); ref.annotations = new HashSet<SAnnotation>(); ref.annotations.addAll(rel.getSAnnotations()); ref.component = componentnr; referentList.add(ref); List<String> currentTokens = getAllTokens(rel.getSStructuredSource(), componentNameForRelation(rel), currentComponenttype, componentnr, input.getNamespace()); setReferent(rel.getSStructuredTarget(), globalIndex, 0);//neu setReferent(rel.getSStructuredSource(), globalIndex, 1);//neu for (String s : currentTokens) { if (!currentComponent.tokenList.contains(s)) { currentComponent.tokenList.add(s); } } globalIndex++; } } colorlist = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); // A list containing all the generated HTML elements, one list entry // for each text. List<List<Node>> nodesPerText = new LinkedList<List<Node>>(); // write output for each text separatly EList<STextualDS> texts = saltGraph.getSTextualDSs(); if (texts != null && !texts.isEmpty()) { for (STextualDS t : texts) { SDataSourceSequence sequence = SaltFactory.eINSTANCE.createSDataSourceSequence(); sequence.setSSequentialDS(t); sequence.setSStart(0); sequence.setSEnd((t.getSText() != null) ? t.getSText().length() : 0); EList<SToken> token = saltGraph.getSTokensBySequence(sequence); if (token != null) { boolean validText = true; if (Boolean.parseBoolean(input.getMappings().getProperty("hide_empty", "false"))) { validText = false; // check if the text contains any matching annotations for (SToken tok : token) { /* * The token is only added to this map if an valid edge * (according to the resolver trigger) conntected to * this token was found. */ if (referentOfToken.get(tok.getSId()) != null && !referentOfToken.get(tok.getSId()).isEmpty()) { validText = true; break; } } } if (validText) { List<Node> nodes = outputSingleText(token, input); nodesPerText.add(nodes); } } } // end for each STexutalDS /* * Append the generated output to the body, wrap in table if necessary. */ // present all texts as columns side by side if using multiple texts Table tableTexts = new Table(); Tr trTextRow = new Tr(); trTextRow.setCSSClass("textRow"); // only append wrapper table if we have multiple texts if (nodesPerText.size() > 1) { body.appendChild(tableTexts); tableTexts.appendChild(trTextRow); } for (List<Node> nodes : nodesPerText) { // multi-text mode? if (nodesPerText.size() > 1) { Td tdSingleText = new Td(); trTextRow.appendChild(tdSingleText); tdSingleText.setCSSClass("text"); tdSingleText.appendChild(nodes); } else { body.appendChild(nodes); } } } else { Text errorTxt = new Text( "Could not find any texts for the " + input.getNamespace() + " node namespace (layer)."); body.appendChild(errorTxt); } // write HTML4 transitional doctype w.append(new Doctype(DocumentType.HTMLTransitional).write()); // append the html tree w.append(html.write()); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } } private List<Node> outputSingleText(EList<SToken> token, VisualizerInput input) throws IOException { List<Node> result = new LinkedList<Node>(); List<Long> prevpositions, listpositions; List<Long> finalpositions = null; int maxlinkcount = 0; String lastId, currentId = null; for (SToken tok : token) { prevpositions = finalpositions; if (prevpositions != null && prevpositions.size() < 1) { prevpositions = null; } lastId = currentId; currentId = tok.getId(); listpositions = componentOfToken.get(currentId); List<Boolean> checklist = null; if (prevpositions == null && listpositions != null) { finalpositions = listpositions; } else if (listpositions == null) { finalpositions = new LinkedList<Long>(); } else { checklist = new LinkedList<Boolean>(); for (int i = 0; prevpositions != null && i < prevpositions.size(); i++) { if (listpositions.contains(prevpositions.get(i))) { checklist.add(true); } else { checklist.add(false); } } List<Long> remains = new LinkedList<Long>(); for (int i = 0; i < listpositions.size(); i++) { if (prevpositions != null && !prevpositions.contains(listpositions.get(i))) { remains.add(listpositions.get(i)); } } int minsize = checklist.size() + remains.size(); int number = 0; finalpositions = new LinkedList<Long>(); for (int i = 0; i < minsize; i++) { if (prevpositions != null && checklist.size() > i && checklist.get(i).booleanValue()) { finalpositions.add(prevpositions.get(i)); } else { if (remains.size() > number) { Long ll = remains.get(number); finalpositions.add(ll); number++; minsize--; } else { finalpositions.add(Long.MIN_VALUE); } } } } String onclick = ""; String style = ""; if (input.getMarkedAndCovered().containsKey(tok)) { MatchedNodeColors[] vals = MatchedNodeColors.values(); long match = Math.min(input.getMarkedAndCovered().get(tok) - 1, vals.length - 1); style += ("color: " + vals[(int) match].getHTMLColor() + ";"); } boolean underline = false; if (!finalpositions.isEmpty()) { style += "cursor:pointer;"; underline = true; onclick = "togglePRAuto(this);"; } Table tableSingleTok = new Table(); result.add(tableSingleTok); tableSingleTok.setCSSClass("token"); int currentlinkcount = 0; if (underline) { boolean firstone = true; int index = -1; String tooltip; if (!finalpositions.isEmpty()) { for (Long currentPositionComponent : finalpositions) { index++; String left = "", right = ""; TComponent currentWriteComponent = null;// == pir String currentType = ""; if (!currentPositionComponent.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE) && komponent.size() > currentPositionComponent) { currentWriteComponent = komponent.get((int) (long) currentPositionComponent); List<String> pi = currentWriteComponent.tokenList; List<String> preparedPi = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String s : pi) { preparedPi.add(prepareID(s)); } currentType = currentWriteComponent.type; left = StringUtils.join(preparedPi, ","); right = "" + currentPositionComponent + 1; } String annotations = getAnnotations(tok.getId(), currentPositionComponent); if (firstone) { firstone = false; if (currentWriteComponent == null) { String left2 = "", right2 = ""; long pr = 0; TComponent currentWriteComponent2;// == pir String currentType2 = ""; String annotations2 = ""; for (Long currentPositionComponent2 : finalpositions) { if (!currentPositionComponent2.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE) && komponent.size() > currentPositionComponent2) { currentWriteComponent2 = komponent .get((int) (long) currentPositionComponent2); List<String> pi2 = currentWriteComponent2.tokenList; // prepare each single ID List<String> preparedPi2 = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String s : pi2) { preparedPi2.add(prepareID(s)); } currentType2 = currentWriteComponent2.type; left2 = StringUtils.join(preparedPi2, ","); right2 = "" + currentPositionComponent2 + 1; annotations2 = getAnnotations(tok.getId(), currentPositionComponent2); pr = currentPositionComponent2; break; } } tooltip = "<b>Component</b>: " + (pr + 1) + ", <b>Type</b>: " + currentType2 + annotations2; Tr trTok = new Tr(); tableSingleTok.appendChild(trTok); Td tdTok = new Td(); trTok.appendChild(tdTok); tdTok.setId("tok_" + prepareID(tok.getSId())); tdTok.setTitle(tooltip); tdTok.setStyle(style); tdTok.setAttribute("onclick", onclick); tdTok.setAttribute("annis:pr_left", left2); tdTok.setAttribute("annis:pr_right", right2); Text textTok = new Text(" " + CommonHelper.getSpannedText(tok) + " "); tdTok.appendChild(textTok); } else {//easier tooltip = "<b>Component</b>: " + (currentPositionComponent + 1) + ", <b>Type</b> " + currentType + annotations; Tr trTok = new Tr(); tableSingleTok.appendChild(trTok); Td tdTok = new Td(); trTok.appendChild(tdTok); tdTok.setId("tok_" + prepareID(tok.getSId())); tdTok.setTitle(tooltip); tdTok.setStyle(style); tdTok.setAttribute("onclick", onclick); tdTok.setAttribute("annis:pr_left", left); tdTok.setAttribute("annis:pr_right", right); Text textTok = new Text(" " + CommonHelper.getSpannedText(tok) + " "); tdTok.appendChild(textTok); } } currentlinkcount++; //while we've got underlines if (currentPositionComponent.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) { Tr trBlank = new Tr(); tableSingleTok.appendChild(trBlank); Td tdBlank = new Td(); trBlank.appendChild(tdBlank); tdBlank.setCSSClass("blank"); } else { int color; if (colorlist.containsKey((int) (long) currentPositionComponent)) { color = colorlist.get((int) (long) currentPositionComponent); } else { color = getNewColor((int) (long) currentPositionComponent); colorlist.put((int) (long) currentPositionComponent, color); } if (color > 16777215) { color = 16777215; } String addition = ";border-style: solid; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 2px; border-color: white "; if (lastId != null && currentId != null && checklist != null && checklist.size() > index && checklist.get(index).booleanValue() == true) { if (connectionOf(lastId, currentId, currentPositionComponent)) { addition = ""; } } tooltip = "<b>Component</b>: " + (currentPositionComponent + 1) + ", <b>Type</b>: " + currentType + annotations; Tr trLineContainer = new Tr(); tableSingleTok.appendChild(trLineContainer); Td tdLineContainer = new Td(); trLineContainer.appendChild(tdLineContainer); Table tableLineContainer = new Table(); tdLineContainer.appendChild(tableLineContainer); tableLineContainer.setCSSClass("linecontainer"); Tr trLine = new Tr(); tableLineContainer.appendChild(trLine); Td tdLine = new Td(); trLine.appendChild(tdLine); tdLine.setCSSClass("line"); tdLine.setStyle( "background-color: #" + Integer.toHexString(color) + "; " + style + addition); tdLine.setAttribute("onclick", onclick); tdLine.setAttribute("annis:pr_left", left); tdLine.setAttribute("annis:pr_right", right); tdLine.setTitle(tooltip); Tr trSpace = new Tr(); tableLineContainer.appendChild(trSpace); Td tdSpace = new Td(); trSpace.appendChild(tdSpace); tdSpace.setCSSClass("space"); } } } if (currentlinkcount > maxlinkcount) { maxlinkcount = currentlinkcount; } else { if (currentlinkcount < maxlinkcount) { Tr trSpace = new Tr(); tableSingleTok.appendChild(trSpace); Td tdSpace = new Td(); trSpace.appendChild(tdSpace); tdSpace.setStyle("height: " + (maxlinkcount - currentlinkcount) * 5 + "px;"); } } } else { // print a token without lines Tr trTok = new Tr(); tableSingleTok.appendChild(trTok); Td tdTok = new Td(); trTok.appendChild(tdTok); tdTok.setId("tok_" + prepareID(tok.getSId())); tdTok.setStyle(style); Text textTok = new Text(" " + CommonHelper.getSpannedText(tok) + " "); tdTok.appendChild(textTok); if (maxlinkcount > 0) { Tr trSpace = new Tr(); tableSingleTok.appendChild(trSpace); Td tdSpace = new Td(); trSpace.appendChild(tdSpace); tdSpace.setStyle("height: " + maxlinkcount * 5 + "px;"); } } } // end for each token return result; } /** * collects all Tokens of the component * @param n SStructuredNode to start with * @param name String that determines which component we search for * @param c componenttype, that will include its Tokens * @param cnr Number of the component * @return List of Tokens */ private List<String> getAllTokens(SStructuredNode n, String name, TComponenttype c, long cnr, String namespace) { List<String> result = null; if (!visitedNodes.contains(n.getSId())) { result = new LinkedList<String>(); visitedNodes.add(n.getSId()); if (tokensOfNode.containsKey(n.getSId())) { for (String t : tokensOfNode.get(n.getSId())) { result.add(t); if (componentOfToken.get(t) == null) { List<Long> newlist = new LinkedList<Long>(); newlist.add(cnr); componentOfToken.put(t, newlist); } else { if (!componentOfToken.get(t).contains(cnr)) { componentOfToken.get(t).add(cnr); } } } } else { result = searchTokens(n, cnr); if (result != null) { tokensOfNode.put(n.getSId(), result); } } //get "P"-Edges! EList<Edge> outEdges = n.getSGraph().getOutEdges(n.getSId()); if (outEdges != null) { for (Edge e : outEdges) { if (includeEdge(e, namespace)) { SPointingRelation rel = (SPointingRelation) e; if (name.equals(componentNameForRelation(rel)) && !visitedNodes.contains(rel.getSStructuredTarget().getSId())) { c.nodeList.add(rel.getSStructuredTarget().getSId()); List<String> Med = getAllTokens(rel.getSStructuredTarget(), name, c, cnr, namespace); for (String l : Med) { if (result != null && !result.contains(l)) { result.add(l); } } } } } } EList<Edge> inEdges = n.getSGraph().getInEdges(n.getSId()); if (inEdges != null) { for (Edge e : inEdges) { if (includeEdge(e, namespace)) { SPointingRelation rel = (SPointingRelation) e; if (name.equals(componentNameForRelation(rel)) && !visitedNodes.contains(rel.getSStructuredSource().getSId())) { c.nodeList.add(rel.getSStructuredSource().getSId()); List<String> Med = getAllTokens(rel.getSStructuredSource(), name, c, cnr, namespace); for (String s : Med) { if (result != null && !result.contains(s)) { result.add(s); } } } } } } } return result; } /** * adds a Referent for all Nodes dominated or covered by outgoing Edges of AnnisNode a * @param n the Node * @param index index of the Referent * @param value determines wheather the refered P-Edge is incoming (1) or outgoing (0) */ private void setReferent(de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.graph.Node n, long index, int value) { if (n instanceof SToken) { SToken tok = (SToken) n; if (!referentOfToken.containsKey(tok.getSId())) { HashMap<Long, Integer> newlist = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); newlist.put(index, value);//globalindex? referentOfToken.put(tok.getSId(), newlist); } else { referentOfToken.get(tok.getSId()).put(globalIndex, value); } } else { EList<Edge> outEdges = n.getGraph().getOutEdges(n.getId()); if (outEdges != null) { for (Edge edge : outEdges) { if (!(edge instanceof SPointingRelation)) { if (edge.getSource() != null && edge.getTarget() != null) { setReferent(edge.getTarget(), index, value); } } } } } } /** * Collects all Token dominated or covered by all outgoing Edges of AnnisNode a * @param n * @param cnr ComponentNumber this tokens will be added for * @return List of Tokennumbers */ private List<String> searchTokens(SNode n, long cnr) { List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); if (n instanceof SToken) { result.add(n.getSId()); if (componentOfToken.get(n.getSId()) == null) { List<Long> newlist = new LinkedList<Long>(); newlist.add(cnr); componentOfToken.put(n.getSId(), newlist); } else { List<Long> newlist = componentOfToken.get(n.getSId()); if (!newlist.contains(cnr)) { newlist.add(cnr); } } } else { EList<Edge> outgoing = n.getSGraph().getOutEdges(n.getSId()); if (outgoing != null) { for (Edge e : outgoing) { if (!(e instanceof SPointingRelation) && e.getSource() instanceof SNode && e.getTarget() instanceof SNode) { List<String> Med = searchTokens((SNode) e.getTarget(), cnr); for (String s : Med) { if (!result.contains(s)) { result.add(s); } } } } } } return result; } /** * Collects fitting annotations of an Token * @param id id of the given Token * @param component componentnumber of the line we need the annotations of * @return annotations as a String */ private String getAnnotations(String id, long component) { String result = ""; String incoming = "", outgoing = ""; int nri = 1, nro = 1; if (referentOfToken.get(id) != null) { for (long l : referentOfToken.get(id).keySet()) { if (referentList.get((int) l) != null && referentList.get((int) l).component == component && referentList.get((int) l).annotations != null && referentList.get((int) l).annotations.size() > 0) { int num = referentOfToken.get(id).get(l); if (num == 0 || num == 2) { for (SAnnotation an : referentList.get((int) l).annotations) { if (nri == 1) { incoming = ", <b>incoming Annotations</b>: " + an.getName() + "=" + an.getValue(); nri--; } else { incoming += ", " + an.getName() + "=" + an.getValue(); } } } if (num == 1 || num == 2) { for (SAnnotation an : referentList.get((int) (long) l).annotations) { if (nro == 1) { outgoing = ", <b>outgoing Annotations</b>: " + an.getSName() + "=" + an.getValueString(); nro--; // remove l+"- "+ } else { outgoing += ", " + an.getSName() + "=" + an.getValueString(); } } } } } } if (nro < 1) { result += outgoing; } if (nri < 1) { result += incoming; } return result; } /** * Calculates wheather a line determinded by its component should be discontinous * @param pre Id of the left token * @param now Id of the right token * @param currentComponent Number of the component, number of variable "komponent" * @return Should the line be continued? */ private boolean connectionOf(String pre, String now, long currentComponent) { List<Long> prel = new LinkedList<Long>(), nowl = new LinkedList<Long>(); if (!pre.equals(now) && referentOfToken.get(pre) != null && referentOfToken.get(now) != null) { for (long l : referentOfToken.get(pre).keySet()) { if (referentList.get((int) l) != null && referentList.get((int) l).component == currentComponent && referentOfToken.get(pre).get(l).equals(0)) { prel.add(l); } } for (long l : referentOfToken.get(now).keySet()) { if (referentList.get((int) l) != null && referentList.get((int) l).component == currentComponent && referentOfToken.get(now).get(l).equals(0)) { nowl.add(l); } } for (long l : nowl) { if (prel.contains(l)) { return true; } } } prel = new LinkedList<Long>(); nowl = new LinkedList<Long>(); if (!pre.equals(now) && referentOfToken.get(pre) != null && referentOfToken.get(now) != null) { for (long l : referentOfToken.get(pre).keySet()) { if (referentList.get((int) l) != null && referentList.get((int) l).component == currentComponent && referentOfToken.get(pre).get(l).equals(1)) { prel.add(l); } } for (long l : referentOfToken.get(now).keySet()) { if (referentList.get((int) l) != null && referentList.get((int) l).component == currentComponent && referentOfToken.get(now).get(l).equals(1)) { nowl.add(l); } } for (long l : nowl) { if (prel.contains(l)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns a unique color-value for a given number * @param i identifer of an unique color * @return color-value */ private int getNewColor(int i) { int r = (((i) * 224) % 255); int g = (((i + 197) * 1034345) % 255); int b = (((i + 23) * 74353) % 255); // too dark or too bright? if (((r + b + g) / 3) < 100) { r = 255 - r; g = 255 - g; b = 255 - b; } else if (((r + b + g) / 3) > 192) { r = 1 * (r / 2); g = 1 * (g / 2); b = 1 * (b / 2); } if (r == 255 && g == 255 && b == 255) { r = 255; g = 255; b = 0; } return (r * 65536 + g * 256 + b); } private boolean includeEdge(Edge e, String namespace) { if (e instanceof SPointingRelation) { SPointingRelation rel = (SPointingRelation) e; if (componentNameForRelation(rel) != null && rel.getSSource() != null && rel.getSTarget() != null && rel.getSLayers() != null && namespace.equals(rel.getSLayers().get(0).getSName())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * replaces all unwanted characters from the ID with "_" * @param orig * @return */ private String prepareID(String orig) { return DigestUtils.md5Hex(orig); // return StringUtils.replaceChars(orig, "#:/.", "____"); // Matcher m = patternIrregualIDChar.matcher(orig); // return m.replaceAll("_"); } private static String componentNameForRelation(SRelation rel) { return (rel.getSTypes() != null && rel.getSTypes().size() > 0) ? rel.getSTypes().get(0) : null; } }