Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 SFB 632. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis.service.internal; import annis.CommonHelper; import annis.GraphHelper; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import annis.WekaHelper; import annis.dao.AnnisDao; import annis.examplequeries.ExampleQuery; import annis.service.objects.Match; import annis.model.QueryNode; import annis.ql.parser.QueryData; import annis.resolver.ResolverEntry; import annis.resolver.SingleResolverRequest; import annis.service.QueryService; import annis.service.objects.AnnisAttribute; import annis.service.objects.AnnisBinaryMetaData; import annis.service.objects.AnnisCorpus; import annis.service.objects.CorpusConfig; import annis.service.objects.FrequencyTable; import annis.service.objects.FrequencyTableEntry; import annis.service.objects.FrequencyTableEntryType; import annis.service.objects.CorpusConfigMap; import annis.service.objects.DocumentBrowserConfig; import annis.service.objects.MatchAndDocumentCount; import annis.service.objects.MatchGroup; import annis.service.objects.RawTextWrapper; import annis.service.objects.SegmentationList; import annis.service.objects.SubgraphFilter; import annis.sqlgen.MatrixQueryData; import annis.sqlgen.extensions.AnnotateQueryData; import annis.service.objects.FrequencyTableQuery; import annis.service.objects.OrderType; import annis.sqlgen.extensions.LimitOffsetQueryData; import; import; import; import; import com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceConfig; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.SaltProject; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils; import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Methods for querying the database. * * @author Thomas Krause <> * @author Benjamin Weienfels <> */ @Component @Path("annis/query") public class QueryServiceImpl implements QueryService { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryServiceImpl.class); private final static Logger queryLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("QueryLog"); private AnnisDao annisDao; private WekaHelper wekaHelper; private int port = 5711; private CorpusConfig defaultCorpusConfig; @Context private UriInfo uriInfo; @Context private HttpServletRequest request; @Context private ResourceConfig rc; /** * Log the successful initialization of this bean. * * <p> XXX: This should be a private method annotated with * <tt>@PostConstruct</tt>, but that doesn't seem to work. As a work-around, * the method is called by Spring as an init-method. */ public void init() { // check version of PostgreSQL annisDao.checkDatabaseVersion(); // log a message after successful startup"ANNIS QueryService loaded."); } @GET @Path("search/count") @Produces("application/xml") @Override public Response count(@QueryParam("q") String query, @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames) { requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query"); requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names"); Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames); for (String c : corpusNames) { user.checkPermission("query:count:" + c); } QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames); long start = new Date().getTime(); MatchAndDocumentCount count = annisDao.countMatchesAndDocuments(data); long end = new Date().getTime(); logQuery("COUNT", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start); return Response.ok(count).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE).build(); } private StreamingOutput findRaw(final QueryData data, final String rawCorpusNames, final String query) throws IOException { return new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { long start = new Date().getTime(); annisDao.find(data, output); long end = new Date().getTime(); logQuery("FIND", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start); } }; } private List<Match> findXml(QueryData data, final String rawCorpusNames, final String query) throws IOException { long start = new Date().getTime(); List<Match> result = annisDao.find(data); long end = new Date().getTime(); logQuery("FIND", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start); return result; } @GET @Path("search/find") @Produces({ "application/xml", "text/plain" }) @Override public Response find(@QueryParam("q") String query, @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("offset") String offsetRaw, @DefaultValue("-1") @QueryParam("limit") String limitRaw, @DefaultValue("ascending") @QueryParam("order") String orderRaw) throws IOException { requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query"); requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names"); Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames); for (String c : corpusNames) { user.checkPermission("query:find:" + c); } int offset = Integer.parseInt(offsetRaw); int limit = Integer.parseInt(limitRaw); OrderType order; try { order = OrderType.valueOf(orderRaw.toLowerCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST) .type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("parameter 'order' has the invalid value '" + orderRaw + "'. It should be one of" + " 'ascending', 'random' or 'descending") .build()); } final QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames); data.setCorpusConfiguration(annisDao.getCorpusConfiguration()); data.addExtension(new LimitOffsetQueryData(offset, limit, order)); String acceptHeader = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT); if (acceptHeader == null || acceptHeader.trim().isEmpty()) { acceptHeader = "*/*"; } List<String> knownTypes = Lists.newArrayList("text/plain", "application/xml"); // find the best matching mime type String bestMediaTypeMatch = MIMEParse.bestMatch(knownTypes, acceptHeader); if ("text/plain".equals(bestMediaTypeMatch)) { return Response.ok(findRaw(data, rawCorpusNames, query), "text/plain").build(); } else { List<Match> result = findXml(data, rawCorpusNames, query); return Response.ok().type("application/xml") .entity(new GenericEntity<MatchGroup>(new MatchGroup(result)) { }).build(); } } /** * Get result as matrix in WEKA (ARFF) format. * @param query * @param rawCorpusNames * @param rawMetaKeys * @param rawCsv * @return */ @GET @Path("search/matrix") @Produces("text/plain") public StreamingOutput matrix(final @QueryParam("q") String query, final @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames, @QueryParam("metakeys") String rawMetaKeys, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("csv") String rawCsv) { requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query"); requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names"); final boolean outputCsv = Boolean.parseBoolean(rawCsv); Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames); for (String c : corpusNames) { user.checkPermission("query:matrix:" + c); } final QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames); MatrixQueryData ext = new MatrixQueryData(); if (rawMetaKeys != null) { ext.setMetaKeys(splitMatrixKeysFromRaw(rawMetaKeys)); } if (ext.getMetaKeys() != null && ext.getMetaKeys().isEmpty()) { ext.setMetaKeys(null); } data.addExtension(ext); StreamingOutput result = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { long start = new Date().getTime(); annisDao.matrix(data, outputCsv, output); long end = new Date().getTime(); logQuery("MATRIX", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start); } }; return result; } /** * Frequency analysis. * * @param rawFields Comma seperated list of result vector elements. * Each element has the form <node-nr>:<anno-name>. The * annotation name can be set to "tok" to indicate that the * span should be used instead of an annotation. */ @GET @Path("search/frequency") @Produces("application/xml") public FrequencyTable frequency(@QueryParam("q") String query, @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames, @QueryParam("fields") String rawFields) { requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query"); requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names"); requiredParameter(rawFields, "fields", "Comma seperated list of result vector elements."); Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames); for (String c : corpusNames) { user.checkPermission("query:matrix:" + c); } QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames); FrequencyTableQuery ext = FrequencyTableQuery.parse(rawFields); data.addExtension(ext); long start = new Date().getTime(); FrequencyTable freqTable = annisDao.frequency(data); long end = new Date().getTime(); logQuery("FREQUENCY", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start); return freqTable; } @POST @Path("search/subgraph") @Consumes({ "application/xml", "text/plain" }) @Produces({ "application/xml", "application/xmi+xml", "application/xmi+binary" }) @Override public SaltProject subgraph(MatchGroup matches, @QueryParam("segmentation") String segmentation, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("left") String leftRaw, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("right") String rightRaw, @DefaultValue("all") @QueryParam("filter") String filterRaw) { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); // some robustness stuff if (matches == null) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST) .type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("missing required request body").build()); } int left = Integer.parseInt(leftRaw); int right = Integer.parseInt(rightRaw); SubgraphFilter filter = SubgraphFilter.valueOf(filterRaw); QueryData data = GraphHelper.createQueryData(matches, annisDao); data.addExtension(new AnnotateQueryData(left, right, segmentation, filter)); Set<String> corpusNames = new TreeSet<>(); for (Match singleMatch : matches.getMatches()) { // collect list of used corpora for ( u : singleMatch.getSaltIDs()) { corpusNames.add(CommonHelper.getCorpusPath(u).get(0)); } } for (String c : corpusNames) { user.checkPermission("query:subgraph:" + c); } List<String> corpusNamesList = new LinkedList<>(corpusNames); if (data.getCorpusList() == null || data.getCorpusList().isEmpty()) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode()); } long start = new Date().getTime(); SaltProject p = annisDao.graph(data); long end = new Date().getTime(); String options = "matches: " + matches.toString() + ", seg: " + segmentation + ", left: " + left + ", right: " + right + ", filter: " + filter; logQuery("SUBGRAPH", "", corpusNamesList, end - start, options); return p; } @GET @Path("graph/{top}/{doc}") @Produces({ "application/xml", "application/xmi+xml", "application/xmi+binary" }) @Override public SaltProject graph(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName, @PathParam("doc") String documentName, @QueryParam("filternodeanno") String filternodeanno) { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); user.checkPermission("query:subgraph:" + toplevelCorpusName); List<String> nodeAnnotationFilter = null; if (filternodeanno != null) { nodeAnnotationFilter = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(filternodeanno); } try { long start = new Date().getTime(); SaltProject p = annisDao.retrieveAnnotationGraph(toplevelCorpusName, documentName, nodeAnnotationFilter); long end = new Date().getTime(); logQuery("GRAPH", toplevelCorpusName, documentName, end - start); return p; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("error when accessing graph " + toplevelCorpusName + "/" + documentName, ex); throw new WebApplicationException(ex, 500); } } @GET @Path("resolver/{corpusName}/{namespace}/{type}") @Produces("application/xml") public List<ResolverEntry> resolver(@PathParam("corpusName") String corpusName, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace, @PathParam("type") String type) { ResolverEntry.ElementType enumType = ResolverEntry.ElementType.valueOf(type); SingleResolverRequest r = new SingleResolverRequest(corpusName, namespace, enumType); return annisDao.getResolverEntries(r); } @GET @Path("corpora") @Produces("application/xml") public List<AnnisCorpus> corpora() { List<AnnisCorpus> allCorpora = annisDao.listCorpora(); List<AnnisCorpus> allowedCorpora = new LinkedList<>(); // filter by which corpora the user is allowed to access Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); for (AnnisCorpus c : allCorpora) { if (user.isPermitted("query:*:" + c.getName())) { allowedCorpora.add(c); } } return allowedCorpora; } @GET @Path("corpora/config") @Produces("application/xml") public CorpusConfigMap corpusConfigs() { CorpusConfigMap corpusConfigs = annisDao.getCorpusConfigurations(); CorpusConfigMap result = new CorpusConfigMap(); Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); if (corpusConfigs != null) { for (String c : corpusConfigs.getCorpusConfigs().keySet()) { if (user.isPermitted("query:*:" + c)) { result.put(c, corpusConfigs.get(c)); } } } return result; } @GET @Path("corpora/default-config") @Produces("application/xml") public CorpusConfig corpusDefaultConfig() { return defaultCorpusConfig; } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}") @Produces("application/xml") public List<AnnisCorpus> singleCorpus(@PathParam("top") String toplevelName) { List<AnnisCorpus> result = new ArrayList<>(); Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); LinkedList<String> originalCorpusNames = new LinkedList<>(); originalCorpusNames.add(toplevelName); List<Long> ids = annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(originalCorpusNames); // also add all corpora that match the alias name ids.addAll(annisDao.mapCorpusAliasToIds(toplevelName)); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { List<AnnisCorpus> allCorpora = annisDao.listCorpora(ids); for (AnnisCorpus c : allCorpora) { if (user.isPermitted("query:*:" + c.getName())) { result.add(c); } } } return result; } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}/config") @Produces("application/xml") public CorpusConfig corpusConfig(@PathParam("top") String toplevelName) { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); user.checkPermission("query:config:" + toplevelName); try { Properties tmp = annisDao.getCorpusConfigurationSave(toplevelName); CorpusConfig corpusConfig = new CorpusConfig(); corpusConfig.setConfig(tmp); return corpusConfig; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("problems with reading config", ex); throw new WebApplicationException(ex, 500); } } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}/annotations") @Produces("application/xml") public List<AnnisAttribute> annotations(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpus, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("fetchvalues") String fetchValues, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("onlymostfrequentvalues") String onlyMostFrequentValues) throws WebApplicationException { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); user.checkPermission("query:annotations:" + toplevelCorpus); List<Long> corpusList = new ArrayList<>(); corpusList.add(annisDao.mapCorpusNameToId(toplevelCorpus)); return annisDao.listAnnotations(corpusList, Boolean.parseBoolean(fetchValues), Boolean.parseBoolean(onlyMostFrequentValues)); } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}/segmentation-names") @Produces("application/xml") public SegmentationList segmentationNames(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpus) throws WebApplicationException { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); user.checkPermission("query:annotations:" + toplevelCorpus); List<Long> corpusList = new ArrayList<>(); corpusList.add(annisDao.mapCorpusNameToId(toplevelCorpus)); return new SegmentationList(annisDao.listSegmentationNames(corpusList)); } /** * Return true if this is a valid query or throw exception when invalid * * @param query Query to check for validity * @return Either "ok" or an error message. */ @GET @Produces("text/plain") @Path("check") public String check(@QueryParam("q") String query) { annisDao.parseAQL(query, new LinkedList<Long>()); return "ok"; } /** * Return the list of the query nodes if this is a valid query * or throw exception when invalid * * @param query Query to get the query nodes for * @return */ @GET @Path("parse/nodes") @Produces("application/xml") public Response parseNodes(@QueryParam("q") String query) { QueryData data = annisDao.parseAQL(query, new LinkedList<Long>()); List<QueryNode> nodes = new LinkedList<>(); int i = 0; for (List<QueryNode> alternative : data.getAlternatives()) { for (QueryNode n : alternative) { n.setAlternativeNumber(i); nodes.add(n); } i++; } return Response.ok(new GenericEntity<List<QueryNode>>(nodes) { }).build(); } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}/{document}/binary/{offset}/{length}") public Response binary1(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName, @PathParam("document") String corpusName, @PathParam("offset") String rawOffset, @PathParam("length") String rawLength) { return binary(toplevelCorpusName, corpusName, rawOffset, rawLength, null); } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}/{document}/binary") public Response binary2(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName, @PathParam("document") String corpusName) { return binary(toplevelCorpusName, corpusName, null, null, null); } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}/{document}/binary/{file}/{offset}/{length}") public Response binary3(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName, @PathParam("document") String corpusName, @PathParam("file") String file, @PathParam("offset") String rawOffset, @PathParam("length") String rawLength) { return binary(toplevelCorpusName, corpusName, rawOffset, rawLength, file); } @GET @Path("corpora/{top}/{document}/binary/{file}") public Response binary4(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName, @PathParam("document") String corpusName, @PathParam("file") String file) { return binary(toplevelCorpusName, corpusName, null, null, file); } /** * Get an Annis Binary object identified by its id. * * @param id * @param rawOffset the part we want to start from, we start from 0 * @param rawLength how many bytes we take * @return AnnisBinary */ @Override public Response binary(String toplevelCorpusName, String corpusName, String rawOffset, String rawLength, String fileName) { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); user.checkPermission("query:binary:" + toplevelCorpusName); String acceptHeader = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT); if (acceptHeader == null || acceptHeader.trim().isEmpty()) { acceptHeader = "*/*"; } List<AnnisBinaryMetaData> meta = annisDao.getBinaryMeta(toplevelCorpusName, corpusName); HashMap<String, AnnisBinaryMetaData> matchedMetaByType = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (AnnisBinaryMetaData m : meta) { if (fileName == null) { // just add all available media types if (!matchedMetaByType.containsKey(m.getMimeType())) { matchedMetaByType.put(m.getMimeType(), m); } } else { // check if this binary has the right title/file name if (fileName.equals(m.getFileName())) { matchedMetaByType.put(m.getMimeType(), m); } } } if (matchedMetaByType.isEmpty()) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity("Requested binary not found").build(); } // find the best matching mime type String bestMediaTypeMatch = MIMEParse.bestMatch(matchedMetaByType.keySet(), acceptHeader); if (bestMediaTypeMatch.isEmpty()) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE) .entity("Client must accept one of the following media types: " + StringUtils.join(matchedMetaByType.keySet(), ", ")) .build(); } MediaType mediaType = MediaType.valueOf(bestMediaTypeMatch); int offset = 0; int length = 0; if (rawLength == null || rawOffset == null) { // use matched binary meta data to get the complete file size AnnisBinaryMetaData matchedBinary = matchedMetaByType.get(mediaType.toString()); if (matchedBinary != null) { length = matchedBinary.getLength(); } } else { // use the provided information offset = Integer.parseInt(rawOffset); length = Integer.parseInt(rawLength); } log.debug("fetching " + (length / 1024) + "kb (" + offset + "-" + (offset + length) + ") from binary " + toplevelCorpusName + "/" + corpusName + (fileName == null ? "" : fileName) + " " + mediaType.toString()); final InputStream stream = annisDao.getBinary(toplevelCorpusName, corpusName, mediaType.toString(), fileName, offset, length); log.debug("fetch successfully"); StreamingOutput result = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { try { ByteStreams.copy(stream, output); output.close(); } finally { stream.close(); } } }; return Response.ok(result, mediaType).build(); } /** * Fetches the example queries for a specific corpus. * * @param rawCorpusNames specifies the corpora the examples are fetched from. * */ @GET @Path("corpora/example-queries/") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) public List<ExampleQuery> getExampleQueries(@QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames) throws WebApplicationException { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); try { String[] corpusNames; if (rawCorpusNames != null) { corpusNames = rawCorpusNames.split(","); } else { List<AnnisCorpus> allCorpora = annisDao.listCorpora(); corpusNames = new String[allCorpora.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < corpusNames.length; i++) { corpusNames[i] = allCorpora.get(i).getName(); } } List<String> allowedCorpora = new ArrayList<>(); // filter by which corpora the user is allowed to access for (String c : corpusNames) { if (user.isPermitted("query:*:" + c)) { allowedCorpora.add(c); } } List<Long> corpusIDs = annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(allowedCorpora); return annisDao.getExampleQueries(corpusIDs); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Problem accessing example queries", ex); throw new WebApplicationException(ex, 500); } } private void logQuery(String queryFunction, String toplevelCorpus, String documentName, long runtime) { logQuery(queryFunction, null, asList(toplevelCorpus), runtime, "document: " + documentName); } private void logQuery(String queryFunction, String annisQuery, List<String> corpusNames, long runtime) { logQuery(queryFunction, annisQuery, corpusNames, runtime, null); } private void logQuery(String queryFunction, String annisQuery, List<String> corpusNames, long runtime, String options) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("function: "); sb.append(queryFunction); sb.append(", "); if (annisQuery != null && !annisQuery.isEmpty()) { sb.append("query: "); sb.append(annisQuery); sb.append(", "); } sb.append("corpus: "); sb.append(corpusNames); sb.append(", "); sb.append("runtime: "); sb.append(runtime); sb.append(" ms"); if (options != null && !options.isEmpty()) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(options); } String message = sb.toString();; } /** * Throw an exception if the parameter is missing. * * @param value Value which is checked for null. * @param name The short name of parameter. * @param description A one line description of the meaing of the parameter. */ private void requiredParameter(String value, String name, String description) throws WebApplicationException { if (value == null) { throw new WebApplicationException( Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) .entity("missing required parameter '" + name + "' (" + description + ")").build()); } } /** * Get the {@link QueryData} from a query and the corpus names * * @param query The AQL query. * @param rawCorpusNames The name of the toplevel corpus names seperated by * ",". * @return calculated {@link QueryData} for the given parametes. * * @throws WebApplicationException Thrown if some corpora are unknown to the * system. */ private QueryData queryDataFromParameters(String query, String rawCorpusNames) throws WebApplicationException { List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames); // we don't care in which order the corpus list was given, we always sort the names // this ensures a stable ordering and less surprises when the UI changes it's behavior Collections.sort(corpusNames); List<Long> corpusIDs = annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(corpusNames); if (corpusIDs.size() != corpusNames.size()) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).type("text/plain") .entity("one ore more corpora are unknown to the system").build()); } return annisDao.parseAQL(query, corpusIDs); } /** * Splits a list of corpus names into a proper java list. * * @param rawCorpusNames The corpus names separated by ",". * @return */ private List<String> splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(String rawCorpusNames) { return Arrays.asList(rawCorpusNames.split(",")); } /** * Splits a list of qualified (meta-) annotation names into a proper java * list. * * @param rawCorpusNames The qualified names separated by ",". * @return */ private List<MatrixQueryData.QName> splitMatrixKeysFromRaw(String raw) { LinkedList<MatrixQueryData.QName> result = new LinkedList<>(); String[] split = raw.split(","); for (String s : split) { String[] nameSplit = s.trim().split(":", 2); MatrixQueryData.QName qname = new MatrixQueryData.QName(); if (nameSplit.length == 2) { qname.namespace = nameSplit[0].trim(); = nameSplit[1].trim(); } else { = nameSplit[0].trim(); } result.add(qname); } return result; } public AnnisDao getAnnisDao() { return annisDao; } public void setAnnisDao(AnnisDao annisDao) { this.annisDao = annisDao; } /** * Retrieves the max right context. * * @return The context is read from the file and * should be >= 0. */ public int getContextRight() { return getCorpusConfigIntValues("max-context-right"); } /** * Retrieves the max left context. * * @return The context is read from the file and * should be >= 0. */ public int getContextLeft() { return getCorpusConfigIntValues("max-context-left"); } /** * Extract corpus configurations values with numeric values. * * @param context Must be a valid key of the corpus configuration section in * the file. * @return Parses the String representation of the value to int and returns * it. * */ private int getCorpusConfigIntValues(String context) { int value = Integer.parseInt(defaultCorpusConfig.getConfig().getProperty(context)); if (value < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("the value must be > 0"); } return value; } public WekaHelper getWekaHelper() { return wekaHelper; } public void setWekaHelper(WekaHelper wekaHelper) { this.wekaHelper = wekaHelper; } public int getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; } /** * @return the defaultCorpusConfig */ public CorpusConfig getDefaultCorpusConfig() { return defaultCorpusConfig; } /** * @param defaultCorpusConfig the defaultCorpusConfig to set */ public void setDefaultCorpusConfig(CorpusConfig defaultCorpusConfig) { this.defaultCorpusConfig = defaultCorpusConfig; } /** * Fetches the raw text from the file. * * @param top the name of the top level corpus. * @param docname the name of the document. * * @return Can be empty, if the corpus only contains media data or * segmentations. */ @GET @Path("rawtext/{top}/{docname}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) public RawTextWrapper getRawText(@PathParam("top") String top, @PathParam("docname") String docname) { Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); user.checkPermission("query:raw_text:" + top); RawTextWrapper result = new RawTextWrapper(); result.setTexts(annisDao.getRawText(top, docname)); return result; } @GET @Path("corpora/doc_browser_config/{corpus}") @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON }) public DocumentBrowserConfig getDocumentBrowserConfig(@PathParam("corpus") String corpus) { DocumentBrowserConfig config = annisDao.getDocBrowserConfiguration(corpus); if (config == null) { config = annisDao.getDefaultDocBrowserConfiguration(); } return (config != null) ? config : null; } }