Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Corpuslinguistic working group Humboldt University Berlin. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis.libgui; import static annis.model.AnnisConstants.ANNIS_NS; import static annis.model.AnnisConstants.FEAT_MATCHEDNODE; import static annis.model.AnnisConstants.FEAT_RELANNIS_NODE; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDocument; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDocumentGraph; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDominanceRelation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SSpanningRelation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SToken; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.GraphTraverseHandler; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SAnnotation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SFeature; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SGraph.GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNode; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SRelation; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.AsyncWebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.client.apache4.ApacheHttpClient4; import com.sun.jersey.client.apache4.config.ApacheHttpClient4Config; import com.sun.jersey.client.apache4.config.DefaultApacheHttpClient4Config; import com.vaadin.server.JsonCodec; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinService; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.server.WrappedSession; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import annis.model.Annotation; import annis.model.RelannisNodeFeature; import annis.provider.SaltProjectProvider; import annis.service.objects.CorpusConfig; import annis.service.objects.CorpusConfigMap; import annis.service.objects.DocumentBrowserConfig; import annis.service.objects.OrderType; import annis.service.objects.RawTextWrapper; import elemental.json.JsonValue; /** * * @author thomas */ public class Helper { public final static String KEY_WEB_SERVICE_URL = "AnnisWebService.URL"; public final static String DEFAULT_CONFIG = "default-config"; // the name of the web font class, the css class contains !important. public final static String CORPUS_FONT_FORCE = "corpus-font-force"; // the name of the web font class. public final static String CORPUS_FONT = "corpus-font"; private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Helper.class); private static final ThreadLocal<Client> anonymousClient = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS_HEADER = "Corpus properties does not exist"; private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS = "<div><p><strong>ANNIS can not access the corpus properties</strong></p>" + "<h2>possible reasons are:</h2>" + "<ul>" + "<li>the ANNIS service is not running</li>" + "<li>the corpus properties are not well defined</li></ul>" + "<p>Please ask the responsible admin or consult the ANNIS " + "<a href=\"\">Documentation</a>.</p></div>"; private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_BROWSER_HEADER = "Problems with parsing the document browser configuration."; private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_BROWSER_BODY = "<div><p>Maybe there is a syntax error in the json file.</p></div>"; private final static Escaper urlPathEscape = UrlEscapers.urlPathSegmentEscaper(); private final static Escaper jerseyExtraEscape = Escapers.builder().addEscape('{', "%7B").addEscape('}', "%7D") .addEscape('%', "%25").build(); /** * Creates an authentificiated REST client * * @param userName * @param password * @return A newly created client. */ public static Client createRESTClient(String userName, String password) { DefaultApacheHttpClient4Config rc = new DefaultApacheHttpClient4Config(); rc.getClasses().add(SaltProjectProvider.class); ThreadSafeClientConnManager clientConnMgr = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(); clientConnMgr.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(10); rc.getProperties().put(ApacheHttpClient4Config.PROPERTY_CONNECTION_MANAGER, clientConnMgr); if (userName != null && password != null) { CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, password)); rc.getProperties().put(ApacheHttpClient4Config.PROPERTY_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER, credentialsProvider); rc.getProperties().put(ApacheHttpClient4Config.PROPERTY_PREEMPTIVE_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION, true); } Client c = ApacheHttpClient4.create(rc); return c; } /** * Create a REST web service client which is not authentificated. * * @return A newly created client. */ public static Client createRESTClient() { return createRESTClient(null, null); } public static AnnisUser getUser() { VaadinSession vSession = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); WrappedSession wrappedSession = null; if (vSession != null) { wrappedSession = vSession.getSession(); } if (wrappedSession != null) { Object o = VaadinSession.getCurrent().getSession().getAttribute(AnnisBaseUI.USER_KEY); if (o != null && o instanceof AnnisUser) { return (AnnisUser) o; } } return null; } public static void setUser(AnnisUser user) { if (user == null) { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getSession().removeAttribute(AnnisBaseUI.USER_KEY); } else { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getSession().setAttribute(AnnisBaseUI.USER_KEY, user); } } /** * Gets or creates a web resource to the ANNIS service. * * @param uri The URI where the service can be found * @param user The user object or null (should be of type {@link AnnisUser}). * @return A reference to the ANNIS service root resource. */ public static WebResource getAnnisWebResource(String uri, AnnisUser user) { if (user != null) { try { return user.getClient().resource(uri); } catch (LoginDataLostException ex) { log.error("Could not restore the login-data from session, user will invalidated", ex); setUser(null); UI ui = UI.getCurrent(); if (ui instanceof AnnisBaseUI) { ((AnnisBaseUI) ui).getLoginDataLostBus().post(ex); } } } // use the anonymous client if (anonymousClient.get() == null) { // anonymous client not created yet anonymousClient.set(createRESTClient()); } return anonymousClient.get().resource(uri); } /** * Gets or creates an asynchronous web resource to the ANNIS service. * * @param uri The URI where the service can be found * @param user The user object or null (should be of type {@link AnnisUser}). * @return A reference to the ANNIS service root resource. */ public static AsyncWebResource getAnnisAsyncWebResource(String uri, AnnisUser user) { if (user != null) { try { return user.getClient().asyncResource(uri); } catch (LoginDataLostException ex) { log.error("Could not restore the login-data from session, user will invalidated", ex); setUser(null); UI ui = UI.getCurrent(); if (ui instanceof AnnisBaseUI) { ((AnnisBaseUI) ui).getLoginDataLostBus().post(ex); } } } // use the anonymous client if (anonymousClient.get() == null) { // anonymous client not created yet anonymousClient.set(createRESTClient()); } return anonymousClient.get().asyncResource(uri); } /** * Gets or creates a web resource to the ANNIS service. * * This is a convenience wrapper to {@link #getAnnisWebResource(java.lang.String, * } * that does not need any arguments * * @return A reference to the ANNIS service root resource. */ public static WebResource getAnnisWebResource() { VaadinSession vSession = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); // get URI used by the application String uri = null; if (vSession != null) { uri = (String) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(KEY_WEB_SERVICE_URL); } // if already authentificated the REST client is set as the "user" property AnnisUser user = getUser(); return getAnnisWebResource(uri, user); } /** * Gets or creates an asynchronous web resource to the ANNIS service. * * This is a convenience wrapper to {@link #getAnnisWebResource(java.lang.String, * } * that does not need any arguments * * @return A reference to the ANNIS service root resource. */ public static AsyncWebResource getAnnisAsyncWebResource() { // get URI used by the application String uri = (String) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(KEY_WEB_SERVICE_URL); // if already authentificated the REST client is set as the "user" property AnnisUser user = getUser(); return getAnnisAsyncWebResource(uri, user); } public static String getContext() { if (VaadinService.getCurrentRequest() != null) { return VaadinService.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath(); } else { return (String) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(AnnisBaseUI.CONTEXT_PATH); } } public static String encodeBase64URL(String val) { try { return Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(val.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { log.error("Java Virtual Maschine can't handle UTF-8: I'm utterly confused", ex); } return ""; } public static List<String> citationFragment(String aql, Set<String> corpora, int contextLeft, int contextRight, String segmentation, String visibleBaseText, long start, int limit, OrderType order, Set<Long> selectedMatches) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); try { result.add("_q=" + encodeBase64URL(aql)); result.add("_c=" + encodeBase64URL(StringUtils.join(corpora, ","))); result.add("cl=" + URLEncoder.encode("" + contextLeft, "UTF-8")); result.add("cr=" + URLEncoder.encode("" + contextRight, "UTF-8")); result.add("s=" + URLEncoder.encode("" + start, "UTF-8")); result.add("l=" + URLEncoder.encode("" + limit, "UTF-8")); if (segmentation != null) { result.add("_seg=" + encodeBase64URL(segmentation)); } // only output "bt" if it is not the same as the context segmentation if (!Objects.equals(visibleBaseText, segmentation)) { result.add("_bt=" + (visibleBaseText == null ? "" : encodeBase64URL(visibleBaseText))); } if (order != OrderType.ascending && order != null) { result.add("o=" + order.toString()); } if (selectedMatches != null && !selectedMatches.isEmpty()) { result.add("m=" + Joiner.on(',').join(selectedMatches)); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { log.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex); } return result; } public static URI generateCitation(String aql, Set<String> corpora, int contextLeft, int contextRight, String segmentation, String visibleBaseText, long start, int limit, OrderType order, Set<Long> selectedMatches) { try { URI appURI = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation(); return new URI(appURI.getScheme(), null, appURI.getHost(), appURI.getPort(), appURI.getPath(), null, StringUtils.join(citationFragment(aql, corpora, contextLeft, contextRight, segmentation, visibleBaseText, start, limit, order, selectedMatches), "&")); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } return null; } public static String generateCorpusLink(Set<String> corpora) { try { URI appURI = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation(); String fragment = "_c=" + encodeBase64URL(StringUtils.join(corpora, ",")); return new URI(appURI.getScheme(), null, appURI.getHost(), appURI.getPort(), appURI.getPath(), null, fragment).toASCIIString(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } return "ERROR"; } public static String generateClassicCitation(String aql, List<String> corpora, int contextLeft, int contextRight) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); URI appURI = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation(); sb.append(getContext()); sb.append("/Cite/AQL("); sb.append(aql); sb.append("),CIDS("); sb.append(StringUtils.join(corpora, ",")); sb.append("),CLEFT("); sb.append(contextLeft); sb.append("),CRIGHT("); sb.append(contextRight); sb.append(")"); try { return new URI(appURI.getScheme(), null, appURI.getHost(), appURI.getPort(), sb.toString(), null, null) .toASCIIString(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } return "ERROR"; } /** * Retrieve the meta data for a given document of a corpus. * * @param toplevelCorpusName specifies the toplevel corpus * @param documentName specifies the document. * @return returns only the meta data for a single document. */ public static List<Annotation> getMetaDataDoc(String toplevelCorpusName, String documentName) { List<Annotation> result = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); WebResource res = Helper.getAnnisWebResource(); try { res = res.path("meta").path("doc").path(urlPathEscape.escape(toplevelCorpusName)); res = res.path(urlPathEscape.escape(documentName)); result = res.get(new GenericType<List<Annotation>>() { }); } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { log.error(null, ex);"Remote exception: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { log.error(null, ex);"Remote exception: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); } return result; } /** * Retrieve all the meta data for a given document of a corpus including the * metadata of all corora in the path to the document. * * @param toplevelCorpusName Specifies the the toplevel corpus * @param documentName Specifies the document * @return Returns also the metada of the all parent corpora. There must be at * least one of them. */ public static List<Annotation> getMetaData(String toplevelCorpusName, String documentName) { List<Annotation> result = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); WebResource res = Helper.getAnnisWebResource(); try { res = res.path("meta").path("doc").path(urlPathEscape.escape(toplevelCorpusName)); if (documentName != null) { res = res.path(urlPathEscape.escape(documentName)); } if (documentName != null && !toplevelCorpusName.equals(documentName)) { res = res.path("path"); } result = res.get(new GenericType<List<Annotation>>() { }); } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { log.error(null, ex);"Remote exception: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { log.error(null, ex);"Remote exception: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); } return result; } public static DocumentBrowserConfig getDocBrowserConfig(String corpus) { try { DocumentBrowserConfig docBrowserConfig = Helper.getAnnisWebResource().path("query").path("corpora") .path("doc_browser_config").path(urlPathEscape.escape(corpus)).get(DocumentBrowserConfig.class); return docBrowserConfig; } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { new Notification(ERROR_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_BROWSER_HEADER, ERROR_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_BROWSER_BODY, Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true).show(Page.getCurrent()); log.error("problems with fetching document browsing", ex); } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { new Notification(ERROR_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_BROWSER_HEADER, ERROR_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_BROWSER_BODY, Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true).show(Page.getCurrent()); log.error("problems with fetching document browsing", ex); } return null; } /** * Loads the corpus config of a specific corpus. * * @param corpus The name of the corpus, for which the config is fetched. * @return A {@link CorpusConfig} object, which wraps a {@link Properties} * object. This Properties object stores the corpus configuration as simple * key-value pairs. */ public static CorpusConfig getCorpusConfig(String corpus) { if (corpus == null || corpus.isEmpty()) {"no corpus is selected", "please select at leas one corpus and execute query again", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); return null; } CorpusConfig corpusConfig = new CorpusConfig(); try { corpusConfig = Helper.getAnnisWebResource().path("query").path("corpora") .path(urlPathEscape.escape(corpus)).path("config").get(CorpusConfig.class); } catch (UniformInterfaceException | ClientHandlerException ex) { new Notification(ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS_HEADER, ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS, Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true).show(Page.getCurrent()); } return corpusConfig; } public static CorpusConfig getDefaultCorpusConfig() { CorpusConfig defaultCorpusConfig = new CorpusConfig(); try { defaultCorpusConfig = Helper.getAnnisWebResource().path("query").path("corpora").path(DEFAULT_CONFIG) .get(CorpusConfig.class); } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { new Notification(ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS_HEADER, ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS, Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true).show(Page.getCurrent()); } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { new Notification(ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS_HEADER, ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS, Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true).show(Page.getCurrent()); } return defaultCorpusConfig; } /** * Loads the all available corpus configurations. * * * @return A {@link CorpusConfigMap} object, which wraps a Map of * {@link Properties} objects. The keys to the properties are the corpus * names. A Properties object stores the corpus configuration as simple * key-value pairs. The Map includes also the default corpus configuration. */ public static CorpusConfigMap getCorpusConfigs() { CorpusConfigMap corpusConfigurations = null; try { corpusConfigurations = Helper.getAnnisWebResource().path("query").path("corpora").path("config") .get(CorpusConfigMap.class); } catch (UniformInterfaceException | ClientHandlerException ex) { UI.getCurrent().access(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new Notification(ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS_HEADER, ERROR_MESSAGE_CORPUS_PROPS, Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true).show(Page.getCurrent()); } }); } if (corpusConfigurations == null) { corpusConfigurations = new CorpusConfigMap(); } corpusConfigurations.put(DEFAULT_CONFIG, getDefaultCorpusConfig()); return corpusConfigurations; } /** * Loads the available corpus configurations for a list of specific corpora. * * * @param corpora A Set of corpora names. * @return A {@link CorpusConfigMap} object, which wraps a Map of * {@link Properties} objects. The keys to the properties are the corpus * names. A Properties object stores the corpus configuration as simple * key-value pairs. The map includes the default configuration. */ public static CorpusConfigMap getCorpusConfigs(Set<String> corpora) { CorpusConfigMap corpusConfigurations = new CorpusConfigMap(); for (String corpus : corpora) { corpusConfigurations.put(corpus, getCorpusConfig(corpus)); } corpusConfigurations.put(DEFAULT_CONFIG, getDefaultCorpusConfig()); return corpusConfigurations; } /** * Parses the fragment. * * Fragments have the form key1=value&key2=test ... * * @param fragment * @return */ public static Map<String, String> parseFragment(String fragment) { Map<String, String> result = new TreeMap<String, String>(); fragment = StringUtils.removeStart(fragment, "!"); String[] split = StringUtils.split(fragment, "&"); for (String s : split) { String[] parts = s.split("=", 2); String name = parts[0].trim(); String value = ""; if (parts.length == 2) { try { // every name that starts with "_" is base64 encoded if (name.startsWith("_")) { value = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(parts[1]), "UTF-8"); } else { value = URLDecoder.decode(parts[1], "UTF-8"); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } name = StringUtils.removeStart(name, "_"); result.put(name, value); } return result; } /** * Returns a formatted string containing the type of the exception, the * message and the stacktrace. * * @param ex * @return */ public static String convertExceptionToMessage(Throwable ex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Exception type: ").append(ex.getClass().getName()).append("\n"); sb.append("Message: ").append(ex.getLocalizedMessage()).append("\n"); sb.append("Stacktrace: \n"); StackTraceElement[] st = ex.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { sb.append(st[i].toString()); sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } public static RawTextWrapper getRawText(String corpusName, String documentName) { RawTextWrapper texts = null; try { WebResource webResource = getAnnisWebResource(); webResource = webResource.path("query").path("rawtext").path(corpusName).path(documentName); texts = webResource.get(RawTextWrapper.class); } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) {"can not retrieve raw text", ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) {"can not retrieve raw text", ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); } return texts; } /** * Get the qualified name seperated by a single ":" when a namespace exists. * * @param anno * @return */ public static String getQualifiedName(SAnnotation anno) { if (anno != null) { if (anno.getNamespace() == null || anno.getNamespace().isEmpty()) { return anno.getName(); } else { return anno.getNamespace() + ":" + anno.getName(); } } return ""; } /** * Returns true if the right-to-left heuristic should be disabled. * * @return */ public static boolean isRTLDisabled() { String disableRtl = (String) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("disable-rtl"); return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(disableRtl); } /** * This will percent encode Jersey template argument braces (enclosed in * "{...}") and the percent character. Both would not be esccaped by jersey * and/or would cause an error when this is not a valid template. * * @param v * @return */ public static String encodeJersey(String v) { String encoded = jerseyExtraEscape.escape(v); return encoded; } /** * Encodes a String so it can be used as path param. * * @param v * @return */ public static String encodePath(String v) { String encoded = urlPathEscape.escape(v); return encoded; } /** * Encodes a String so it can be used as query param. * * @param v * @return */ public static String encodeQueryParam(String v) { String encoded = UrlEscapers.urlFormParameterEscaper().escape(v); return encoded; } /** * Casts a list of Annotations to the Type <code>List<Annotation></code> */ public static class AnnotationListType extends GenericType<List<Annotation>> { public AnnotationListType() { } } public static <T> JsonValue encodeGeneric(Object v) { return JsonCodec.encode(v, null, v.getClass().getGenericSuperclass(), null).getEncodedValue(); } public static Map<String, String> calculateColorsForMarkedExact(SDocument result) { Map<String, String> markedExactMap = new HashMap<>(); if (result != null) { SDocumentGraph g = result.getDocumentGraph(); if (g != null) { for (SNode n : result.getDocumentGraph().getNodes()) { SFeature featMatched = n.getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_MATCHEDNODE); Long matchNum = featMatched == null ? null : featMatched.getValue_SNUMERIC(); if (matchNum != null) { int color = Math.max(0, Math.min((int) matchNum.longValue() - 1, MatchedNodeColors.values().length - 1)); RelannisNodeFeature feat = RelannisNodeFeature.extract(n); if (feat != null) { markedExactMap.put("" + feat.getInternalID(), MatchedNodeColors.values()[color].name()); } } } } // end if g not null } // end if result not null return markedExactMap; } public static void calulcateColorsForMarkedAndCovered(SDocument result, Map<String, Long> markedAndCovered, Map<String, String> markedCoveredMap) { if (markedAndCovered != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Long> markedEntry : markedAndCovered.entrySet()) { int color = Math.max(0, Math.min((int) markedEntry.getValue().longValue() - 1, MatchedNodeColors.values().length - 1)); SNode n = result.getDocumentGraph().getNode(markedEntry.getKey()); RelannisNodeFeature feat = RelannisNodeFeature.extract(n); if (feat != null) { markedCoveredMap.put("" + feat.getInternalID(), MatchedNodeColors.values()[color].name()); } } // end for each entry in markedAndCoverd } // end if markedAndCovered not null } public static Map<String, Long> calculateMarkedAndCoveredIDs(SDocument doc, List<SNode> segNodes, String segmentationName) { Map<String, Long> initialCovered = new HashMap<>(); // add all covered nodes for (SNode n : doc.getDocumentGraph().getNodes()) { SFeature featMatched = n.getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_MATCHEDNODE); Long match = featMatched == null ? null : featMatched.getValue_SNUMERIC(); if (match != null) { initialCovered.put(n.getId(), match); } } // calculate covered nodes CoveredMatchesCalculator cmc = new CoveredMatchesCalculator(doc.getDocumentGraph(), initialCovered); Map<String, Long> covered = cmc.getMatchedAndCovered(); if (segmentationName != null) { // filter token Map<SToken, Long> coveredToken = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> e : covered.entrySet()) { SNode n = doc.getDocumentGraph().getNode(e.getKey()); if (n instanceof SToken) { coveredToken.put((SToken) n, e.getValue()); } } for (SNode segNode : segNodes) { RelannisNodeFeature featSegNode = (RelannisNodeFeature) segNode .getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_RELANNIS_NODE).getValue(); if (!covered.containsKey(segNode.getId())) { long leftTok = featSegNode.getLeftToken(); long rightTok = featSegNode.getRightToken(); // check for each covered token if this segment is covering it for (Map.Entry<SToken, Long> e : coveredToken.entrySet()) { RelannisNodeFeature featTok = (RelannisNodeFeature) e.getKey() .getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_RELANNIS_NODE).getValue(); long entryTokenIndex = featTok.getTokenIndex(); if (entryTokenIndex <= rightTok && entryTokenIndex >= leftTok) { // add this segmentation node to the covered set covered.put(segNode.getId(), e.getValue()); break; } } // end for each covered token } // end if not already contained } // end for each segmentation node } return covered; } /** * Marks all nodes which are dominated by already marked nodes. * * 1. Sort ascending all initial marked nodes by the size of the intervall * between left and right token index. * * 2. Traverse the salt document graph with the sorted list of step 1. as root * nodes and mark all children with the same match position. Already marked * nodes are omitted. * * Note: The algorithm prevents nested marked nodes to be overwritten. Nested * nodes must have a smaller intervall from left to right by default, so this * should always work. * */ public static class CoveredMatchesCalculator implements GraphTraverseHandler { private Map<String, Long> matchedAndCovered; private final static Comparator<SNode> comp = new Comparator<SNode>() { @Override public int compare(SNode o1, SNode o2) { // generate several helper variables we want to compare RelannisNodeFeature feat1 = (RelannisNodeFeature) o1.getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_RELANNIS_NODE) .getValue(); RelannisNodeFeature feat2 = (RelannisNodeFeature) o2.getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_RELANNIS_NODE) .getValue(); long leftTokIdxO1 = feat1.getLeftToken(); long rightTokIdxO1 = feat1.getRightToken(); long leftTokIdxO2 = feat2.getLeftToken(); long rightTokIdxO2 = feat2.getRightToken(); int intervallO1 = (int) Math.abs(leftTokIdxO1 - rightTokIdxO1); int intervallO2 = (int) Math.abs(leftTokIdxO2 - rightTokIdxO2); SFeature featMatch1 = o1.getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_MATCHEDNODE); SFeature featMatch2 = o2.getFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_MATCHEDNODE); long matchNode1 = featMatch1 == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : featMatch1.getValue_SNUMERIC(); long matchNode2 = featMatch2 == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : featMatch2.getValue_SNUMERIC(); // use a comparison chain which is much less verbose and better readable return ComparisonChain.start().compare(intervallO1, intervallO2) .compare(feat1.getLeftToken(), feat2.getLeftToken()) .compare(feat1.getRightToken(), feat2.getRightToken()).compare(matchNode1, matchNode2) .compare(feat1.getInternalID(), feat2.getInternalID()).result(); } }; public CoveredMatchesCalculator(SDocumentGraph graph, Map<String, Long> initialMatches) { this.matchedAndCovered = initialMatches; Map<SNode, Long> sortedMatchedNodes = new TreeMap<>(comp); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : initialMatches.entrySet()) { SNode n = graph.getNode(entry.getKey()); sortedMatchedNodes.put(n, entry.getValue()); } if (initialMatches.size() > 0) { graph.traverse(new BasicEList<>(sortedMatchedNodes.keySet()), GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE.TOP_DOWN_DEPTH_FIRST, "CoveredMatchesCalculator", (GraphTraverseHandler) this, true); } } @Override public void nodeReached(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation edge, SNode fromNode, long order) { if (fromNode != null && matchedAndCovered.containsKey(fromNode.getId()) && currNode != null) { long currentMatchPos = matchedAndCovered.get(fromNode.getId()); // only update the map when there is no entry yet or if the new index/position is smaller Long oldMatchPos = matchedAndCovered.get(currNode.getId()); if (oldMatchPos == null) { matchedAndCovered.put(currNode.getId(), currentMatchPos); } } } @Override public void nodeLeft(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation edge, SNode fromNode, long order) { } @Override public boolean checkConstraint(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SRelation edge, SNode currNode, long order) { if (edge == null || edge instanceof SDominanceRelation || edge instanceof SSpanningRelation) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Map<String, Long> getMatchedAndCovered() { return matchedAndCovered; } } public static String shortenURL(URI original) { WebResource res = Helper.getAnnisWebResource().path("shortener"); String appContext = Helper.getContext(); String path = original.getRawPath(); if (path.startsWith(appContext)) { path = path.substring(appContext.length()); } String localURL = path; if (original.getRawQuery() != null) { localURL = localURL + "?" + original.getRawQuery(); } if (original.getRawFragment() != null) { localURL = localURL + "#" + original.getRawFragment(); } String shortID =, localURL); return UriBuilder.fromUri(original).replacePath(appContext + "/").replaceQuery("").fragment("") .queryParam("id", shortID).build().toASCIIString(); } public static boolean isKickstarter(VaadinSession session) { if (session != null) { return Boolean.parseBoolean( session.getConfiguration().getInitParameters().getProperty("kickstarterEnvironment", "false")); } else { return false; } } }