Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Corpuslinguistic working group Humboldt University Berlin. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis.gui.querybuilder; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect.NewItemHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractTextField; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * * @author thomas */ public class NodeWindow extends Panel implements Button.ClickListener { public static final int HEIGHT = 100; public static final int WIDTH = 275; private static final String[] NODE_OPERATORS = new String[] { "=", "~", "!=", "!~" }; private final Set<String> annoNames; private final TigerQueryBuilderCanvas parent; private final Button btEdge; private final Button btAdd; private final Button btClear; private final Button btClose; private final Button btMove; private final HorizontalLayout toolbar; private final List<ConstraintLayout> constraints; private boolean prepareEdgeDock; private final int id; private final VerticalLayout vLayout; public NodeWindow(int id, TigerQueryBuilderCanvas parent) { this.parent = parent; = id; this.annoNames = new TreeSet<>(); for (String a : parent.getAvailableAnnotationNames()) { annoNames.add(a.replaceFirst("^[^:]*:", "")); } constraints = new ArrayList<>(); setSizeFull(); // HACK: use our own border since the one from chameleon does not really work addStyleName(ValoTheme.PANEL_WELL); //addStyleName("border-layout"); prepareEdgeDock = false; vLayout = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(vLayout); vLayout.setWidth("100%"); vLayout.setHeight("-1px"); vLayout.setMargin(false); vLayout.setSpacing(true); toolbar = new HorizontalLayout(); toolbar.addStyleName("toolbar"); toolbar.setWidth("100%"); toolbar.setHeight("-1px"); toolbar.setMargin(false); toolbar.setSpacing(false); vLayout.addComponent(toolbar); btMove = new Button(); btMove.setWidth("100%"); btMove.setIcon(FontAwesome.ARROWS); btMove.setDescription("<strong>Move node</strong><br />Click, hold and move mouse to move the node."); btMove.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_SMALL); btMove.addStyleName("drag-source-enabled"); toolbar.addComponent(btMove); btEdge = new Button("Edge"); btEdge.setIcon(FontAwesome.EXTERNAL_LINK); btEdge.addClickListener((Button.ClickListener) this); btEdge.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_SMALL); //btEdge.addStyleName(ChameleonTheme.BUTTON_LINK); btEdge.setDescription("<strong>Add Edge</strong><br />" + "To create a new edge between " + "two nodes click this button first. " + "Then define a destination node by clicking its \"Dock\" " + "button.<br>You can cancel the action by clicking this button " + "(\"Cancel\") again."); btEdge.setImmediate(true); toolbar.addComponent(btEdge); btAdd = new Button("Add"); btAdd.setIcon(FontAwesome.PLUS); btAdd.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_SMALL); //btAdd.addStyleName(ChameleonTheme.BUTTON_LINK); btAdd.addClickListener((Button.ClickListener) this); btAdd.setDescription("<strong>Add Node Condition</strong><br />" + "Every condition will constraint the node described by this window. " + "Most conditions limit the node by defining which annotations and which " + "values of the annotation a node needs to have."); toolbar.addComponent(btAdd); btClear = new Button("Clear"); btClear.setIcon(FontAwesome.TRASH_O); btClear.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_SMALL); //btClear.addStyleName(ChameleonTheme.BUTTON_LINK); btClear.addClickListener((Button.ClickListener) this); btClear.setDescription("<strong>Clear All Node Conditions</strong>"); toolbar.addComponent(btClear); btClose = new Button(); btClose.setIcon(FontAwesome.TIMES_CIRCLE); btClose.setDescription("<strong>Close</strong><br />Close this node description window"); btClose.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_SMALL); btClose.addClickListener((Button.ClickListener) this); toolbar.addComponent(btClose); toolbar.setComponentAlignment(btMove, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); toolbar.setExpandRatio(btMove, 1.0f); toolbar.setComponentAlignment(btEdge, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); toolbar.setComponentAlignment(btAdd, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); toolbar.setComponentAlignment(btClear, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); toolbar.setComponentAlignment(btClose, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); } public void setPrepareEdgeDock(boolean prepare) { this.prepareEdgeDock = prepare; btClear.setVisible(!prepare); btClose.setVisible(!prepare); btAdd.setVisible(!prepare); btMove.setVisible(!prepare); if (prepare) { btEdge.setCaption("Dock"); btEdge.setIcon(new ThemeResource("images/pixel.png")); } else { btEdge.setIcon(FontAwesome.EXTERNAL_LINK); btEdge.setCaption("Edge"); } } @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getButton() == btEdge) { if (prepareEdgeDock) { setPrepareEdgeDock(false); parent.addEdge(this); } else { parent.prepareAddingEdge(this); setPrepareEdgeDock(true); btEdge.setIcon(new ThemeResource("images/pixel.png")); btEdge.setCaption("Cancel"); } } else if (event.getButton() == btClose) { parent.deleteNode(this); } else if (event.getButton() == btAdd) { ConstraintLayout c = new ConstraintLayout(parent, annoNames); c.setWidth("100%"); c.setHeight("-1px"); constraints.add(c); vLayout.addComponent(c); if (parent != null) { parent.updateQuery(); } } else if (event.getButton() == btClear) { for (ConstraintLayout c : constraints) { vLayout.removeComponent(c); } constraints.clear(); if (parent != null) { parent.updateQuery(); } } } public Button getBtMove() { return btMove; } public int getID() { return id; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final NodeWindow other = (NodeWindow) obj; return other.getID() == getID(); } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 5; hash = 41 * hash +; return hash; } public List<ConstraintLayout> getConstraints() { return constraints; } public class ConstraintLayout extends HorizontalLayout implements LayoutClickListener, ValueChangeListener { private final TigerQueryBuilderCanvas parent; private final ComboBox cbName; private final ComboBox cbOperator; private final TextField txtValue; private final Button btDelete; public ConstraintLayout(TigerQueryBuilderCanvas parent, Set<String> annoNames) { this.parent = parent; setWidth("100%"); cbName = new ComboBox(); cbName.setNewItemsAllowed(true); cbName.setNewItemHandler(new SimpleNewItemHandler(cbName)); cbName.setImmediate(true); cbName.setNullSelectionAllowed(true); cbName.setNullSelectionItemId("tok"); cbName.addItem("tok"); for (String n : annoNames) { cbName.addItem(n); } cbName.setValue("tok"); cbName.addListener((ValueChangeListener) this); cbOperator = new ComboBox(); cbOperator.setNewItemsAllowed(false); cbOperator.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); cbOperator.setImmediate(true); for (String o : NODE_OPERATORS) { cbOperator.addItem(o); } cbOperator.setValue(NODE_OPERATORS[0]); cbOperator.addListener((ValueChangeListener) this); txtValue = new TextField(); txtValue.setImmediate(true); txtValue.addListener((ValueChangeListener) this); cbOperator.setWidth("4em"); cbName.setWidth("100%"); txtValue.setWidth("100%"); btDelete = new Button("X"); btDelete.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_LINK); btDelete.setDescription("Remove node condition"); btDelete.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { vLayout.removeComponent(ConstraintLayout.this); constraints.remove(ConstraintLayout.this); } }); addComponent(cbName); addComponent(cbOperator); addComponent(txtValue); addComponent(btDelete); setExpandRatio(cbName, 0.8f); setExpandRatio(txtValue, 1.0f); setExpandRatio(btDelete, 0.0f); setComponentAlignment(btDelete, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); addLayoutClickListener((LayoutClickListener) this); } @Override public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) { Component c = event.getClickedComponent(); if (c != null && c instanceof AbstractField) { AbstractField f = (AbstractField) c; f.focus(); if (event.isDoubleClick()) { if (f instanceof AbstractTextField) { ((AbstractTextField) f).selectAll(); } } } } public String getOperator() { if (cbOperator.getValue() == null) { return ""; } else { return (String) cbOperator.getValue(); } } public String getName() { if (cbName.getValue() == null) { return "tok"; } else { return (String) cbName.getValue(); } } public String getValue() { if (txtValue.getValue() == null) { return ""; } else { return (String) txtValue.getValue(); } } @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (parent != null) { parent.updateQuery(); } } } public static class SimpleNewItemHandler implements NewItemHandler { private ComboBox comboBox; public SimpleNewItemHandler(ComboBox comboBox) { this.comboBox = comboBox; } @Override public void addNewItem(String newItemCaption) { if (comboBox != null) { comboBox.addItem(newItemCaption); comboBox.setValue(newItemCaption); } } } }