Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Corpuslinguistic working group Humboldt University Berlin. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis.gui.components; import annis.gui.AnnisUI; import annis.libgui.Helper; import; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.BaseTheme; /** * A dialog that displays the message of an exception and allows to show * the stack trace if requested. * * @author Thomas Krause <> */ public class ExceptionDialog extends Window implements Button.ClickListener { private Panel detailsPanel; private Label lblStacktrace; private Button btDetails; private Button btClose; private Button btReportBug; private Throwable cause; private VerticalLayout layout; private HorizontalLayout actionsLayout; public ExceptionDialog(Throwable ex) { this(ex, null); } public ExceptionDialog(Throwable ex, String caption) { this.cause = ex; Preconditions.checkNotNull(ex); layout = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(layout); layout.setWidth("100%"); layout.setHeight("-1"); if (caption == null) { setCaption("Unexpected error"); } else { setCaption(caption); } Label lblInfo = new Label("An unexpected error occured.<br />The error message was:", ContentMode.HTML); lblInfo.setHeight("-1px"); lblInfo.setWidth("100%"); layout.addComponent(lblInfo); lblInfo.addStyleName("exception-message-caption"); String message = ex.getMessage(); if (message == null || message.isEmpty()) { message = "<no message>"; } Label lblMessage = new Label(message); lblMessage.addStyleName("exception-message-content"); lblMessage.setHeight("-1px"); lblMessage.setWidth("100%"); layout.addComponent(lblMessage); actionsLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); actionsLayout.addStyleName("exception-dlg-details"); actionsLayout.setWidth("100%"); actionsLayout.setHeight("-1px"); layout.addComponent(actionsLayout); btDetails = new Button("Show Details", this); btDetails.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); actionsLayout.addComponent(btDetails); btReportBug = new Button("Report Problem", this); btReportBug.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); btReportBug.setVisible(false); btReportBug.setIcon(FontAwesome.ENVELOPE_O); UI ui = UI.getCurrent(); if (ui instanceof AnnisUI) { btReportBug.setVisible(((AnnisUI) ui).canReportBugs()); } actionsLayout.addComponent(btReportBug); actionsLayout.setComponentAlignment(btDetails, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); actionsLayout.setComponentAlignment(btReportBug, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); lblStacktrace = new Label(Helper.convertExceptionToMessage(ex), ContentMode.PREFORMATTED); detailsPanel = new Panel(lblStacktrace); detailsPanel.setWidth("100%"); detailsPanel.setHeight("300px"); detailsPanel.setVisible(false); lblStacktrace.setSizeUndefined(); lblStacktrace.setVisible(true); layout.addComponent(detailsPanel); btClose = new Button("OK", this); layout.addComponent(btClose); layout.setComponentAlignment(btClose, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); layout.setExpandRatio(detailsPanel, 0.0f); layout.setExpandRatio(actionsLayout, 1.0f); } @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (event.getButton() == btDetails) { if (detailsPanel.isVisible()) { detailsPanel.setVisible(false); btDetails.setCaption("Show Details"); layout.setExpandRatio(detailsPanel, 0.0f); layout.setExpandRatio(actionsLayout, 1.0f); } else { detailsPanel.setVisible(true); btDetails.setCaption("Hide Details"); layout.setExpandRatio(detailsPanel, 1.0f); layout.setExpandRatio(actionsLayout, 0.0f); } } else if (event.getButton() == btClose) { this.close(); } else if (event.getButton() == btReportBug) { this.close(); UI ui = UI.getCurrent(); if (ui instanceof AnnisUI) { ((AnnisUI) ui).reportBug(cause); } } } public static void show(Throwable ex) { show(ex, null); } public static void show(Throwable ex, String caption) { ExceptionDialog dlg = new ExceptionDialog(ex); dlg.setClosable(true); dlg.setModal(true); dlg.setResizable(true); dlg.setWidth("500px"); dlg.setHeight("-1"); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(dlg);; } }