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 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package android.speech.tts;

import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * A callback to return speech data synthesized by a text to speech engine.
 * The engine can provide streaming audio by calling
 * {@link #start}, then {@link #audioAvailable} until all audio has been provided, then finally
 * {@link #done}.
 * {@link #error} can be called at any stage in the synthesis process to
 * indicate that an error has occurred, but if the call is made after a call
 * to {@link #done}, it might be discarded.
 * {@link #done} must be called at the end of synthesis, regardless of errors.
 * All methods can be only called on the synthesis thread.
public interface SynthesisCallback {

    /** @hide */
    @IntDef({ AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT })
    @interface SupportedAudioFormat {

     * @return the maximum number of bytes that the TTS engine can pass in a single call of {@link
     *     #audioAvailable}. Calls to {@link #audioAvailable} with data lengths larger than this
     *     value will not succeed.
    int getMaxBufferSize();

     * The service should call this when it starts to synthesize audio for this request.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
     * @param sampleRateInHz Sample rate in HZ of the generated audio.
     * @param audioFormat Audio format of the generated audio. Must be one of {@link
     *     AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_8BIT} or {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT}. Can also be
     *     {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT} when targetting Android N and above.
     * @param channelCount The number of channels. Must be {@code 1} or {@code 2}.
     * @return {@link android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#SUCCESS}, {@link
     *     android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#ERROR} or {@link android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#STOPPED}.
    int start(int sampleRateInHz, @SupportedAudioFormat int audioFormat,
            @IntRange(from = 1, to = 2) int channelCount);

     * The service should call this method when synthesized audio is ready for consumption.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
     * @param buffer The generated audio data. This method will not hold on to {@code buffer}, so the
     *     caller is free to modify it after this method returns.
     * @param offset The offset into {@code buffer} where the audio data starts.
     * @param length The number of bytes of audio data in {@code buffer}. This must be less than or
     *     equal to the return value of {@link #getMaxBufferSize}.
     * @return {@link android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#SUCCESS}, {@link
     *     android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#ERROR} or {@link android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#STOPPED}.
    int audioAvailable(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length);

     * The service should call this method when all the synthesized audio for a request has been
     * passed to {@link #audioAvailable}.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
     * <p>This method has to be called if {@link #start} and/or {@link #error} was called.
     * @return {@link android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#SUCCESS}, {@link
     *     android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#ERROR} or {@link android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech#STOPPED}.
    int done();

     * The service should call this method if the speech synthesis fails.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
    void error();

     * The service should call this method if the speech synthesis fails.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
     * @param errorCode Error code to pass to the client. One of the ERROR_ values from {@link
     *     android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech}
    void error(@TextToSpeech.Error int errorCode);

     * Check if {@link #start} was called or not.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
     * <p>Useful for checking if a fallback from network request is possible.
    boolean hasStarted();

     * Check if {@link #done} was called or not.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
     * <p>Useful for checking if a fallback from network request is possible.
    boolean hasFinished();

     * The service may call this method to provide timing information about the spoken text.
     * <p>Calling this method means that at the given audio frame, the given range of the input is
     * about to be spoken. If this method is called the client will receive a callback on the
     * listener ({@link UtteranceProgressListener#onRangeStart}) at the moment that frame has been
     * reached by the playback head.
     * <p>This information can be used by the client, for example, to highlight ranges of the text
     * while it is spoken.
     * <p>The markerInFrames is a frame index into the audio for this synthesis request, i.e. into
     * the concatenation of the audio bytes sent to audioAvailable for this synthesis request. The
     * definition of a frame depends on the format given by {@link #start}. See {@link AudioFormat}
     * for more information.
     * <p>This method should only be called on the synthesis thread, while in {@link
     * TextToSpeechService#onSynthesizeText}.
     * @param markerInFrames The position in frames in the audio where this range is spoken.
     * @param start The start index of the range in the input text.
     * @param end The end index (exclusive) of the range in the input text.
    default void rangeStart(int markerInFrames, int start, int end) {