Java tutorial
package analysers; import ij.IJ; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.YesNoCancelDialog; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import util.Cell; import GUI.DisplayTrackingWindow; /** * Copyright 2013 University of Warwick * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This is a plugin for exporting all lineage data to a JSON file. * * @author Peter Krusche */ public class ExportValidated extends AnalysisPlugin { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see analysers.AnalysisPlugin#setup() */ @Override public void setup() { FilterValidatedDialog fvd = new FilterValidatedDialog(); fvd.setCells(cells); fvd.setVisible(true); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see analysers.AnalysisPlugin#analyze(util.Cell) */ @Override public void analyze(Cell currentCell) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("Comma Separated Values", "csv")); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("JSON file", "json")); int rv = fc.showSaveDialog(null); if (rv == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { int b = Prefs.getInt(".TrackApp.FilterValidatedDialog.exportMean", 1); if (b != 0) { IJ.log("Exporting mean intensity values."); } else { IJ.log("Exporting sum of intensity values."); } File ff = fc.getSelectedFile(); String fn = fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (fc.getFileFilter().getDescription().contains("JSON")) { if (!fn.toLowerCase().endsWith(".json")) { fn = fn + ".json"; ff = new File(ff + ".json"); } IJ.log("Writing a JSON file."); } else { if (!fn.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv")) { fn = fn + ".csv"; ff = new File(ff + ".csv"); } IJ.log("Writing a CSV file."); } IJ.log("Writing to " + fn); if (fn.endsWith(".csv")) { writeCSV(ff); } else if (fn.endsWith(".json")) { writeJSON(ff); } else { IJ.log("Unknown output format for file name " + fn); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see analysers.AnalysisPlugin#cellClicked(util.Cell) */ @Override public void cellClicked(Cell currentCell) { Cell a = findFirstAncestor(currentCell); String question = ""; boolean stat = false; if (currentCell.isValidated()) { question = "This cell is marked as validated. Do you really want to remove validation from this lineage? [click 'redraw masks' to display the result]"; } else { stat = true; question = "Validate cell? [click 'redraw masks' to display the result]"; } YesNoCancelDialog yncd = new YesNoCancelDialog(null, "Toggle Validation", question + " " + "This cell: " + currentCell.getCellID() + ":X=" + currentCell.getX() + ",Y=" + currentCell.getY() + " " + "Ancestor : " + a.getCellID() + ":X=" + a.getX() + ",Y=" + a.getY() + " "); if (yncd.yesPressed()) { IJ.log("Changing " + a.toString()); // if we have a display window make sure the ROIs get updated too. if (screen instanceof DisplayTrackingWindow) { DisplayTrackingWindow dtw = (DisplayTrackingWindow) screen; validateCell(a, stat); // redraw dtw.updateAllDisplay(); IJ.log("Done!"); } else { validateCell(a, stat); } } } /** * Invalidate a cell * * @param a the cell * @param stat the status (true => valid) */ public void validateCell(Cell a, boolean stat) { // track back to parent if (a == null) { return; } while (a.getPreviousCell() != null) { a = a.getPreviousCell(); } while (a != null) { a.setValidated(stat); if (a.getDaughterCell() != null) { validateCell(a.getDaughterCell(), stat); } a = a.getNextCell(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see analysers.AnalysisPlugin#getName() */ @Override public String getName() { return "Export all validated Cells"; } /** * Find the first ancestor of a cell in a lineage. * @param c The cell * @return the first ancestor of c */ public static Cell findFirstAncestor(Cell c) { Cell anc = c; while (anc.getPreviousCell() != null) { anc = anc.getPreviousCell(); } return anc; } /** * Write the validated lineages as JSON files * * @param f the file name */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void writeJSON(File f) { HashMap<String, Integer> lineagesDone = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int nlin = 1; int linsWritten = 0; int cellsWritten = 0; JSONArray jsa = new JSONArray(); FilterValidatedDialog fvd = new FilterValidatedDialog(); fvd.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); fvd.setCells(cells); for (Cell c : cells) { if (c.isValidated()) { Cell a = findFirstAncestor(c); if (lineagesDone.get("" + a.getCellID()) == null) { lineagesDone.put("" + a.getCellID(), new Integer(nlin++)); if (fvd.accepts(a)) { JSONObject lino = makeLineageJSON(a, nlin); jsa.add(lino); cellsWritten += ((JSONArray) lino.get("cells")).size(); linsWritten++; } } } } IJ.log("Done, " + linsWritten + " lineages, and " + cellsWritten + " cells were exported."); fvd.dispose(); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f); jsa.writeJSONString(fw); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.log("Failed to write file!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Write the validated lineages as CSV files * * @param f the file name */ private void writeCSV(File f) { HashMap<String, Integer> lineagesDone = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int nlin = 1; int linsWritten = 0; int cellsWritten = 0; String sep = ", "; double dt = exp.getFrameInterval(); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); int maxframe = 1; for (Cell c : cells) { if (c.getFrame() > maxframe) { maxframe = c.getFrame(); } } // 1. write time axis bw.write("Lineage" + sep + "Cell" + sep + "First Frame" + sep + "Last Frame" + sep + "FirstX" + sep + "FirstY" + sep + "Area" + sep + "Start Time" + sep + "End Time" + sep); bw.write("Time"); for (int fr = 1; fr <= maxframe; ++fr) { bw.write(sep + ((fr - 1) * dt)); } bw.write("\n"); FilterValidatedDialog fvd = new FilterValidatedDialog(); fvd.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); fvd.setCells(cells); boolean doExportPositions = Prefs.get("TrackApp.FilterValidatedDialog.exportPositions", false); for (Cell c : cells) { if (c.isValidated()) { Cell a = findFirstAncestor(c); if (lineagesDone.get("" + a.getCellID()) == null) { lineagesDone.put("" + a.getCellID(), new Integer(nlin++)); if (fvd.accepts(a)) { JSONObject lino = makeLineageJSON(a, nlin); JSONArray cells = (JSONArray) lino.get("cells"); for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator cit = cells.iterator(); cit.hasNext();) { JSONObject co = (JSONObject); String name = co.get("name").toString(); String firstx = co.get("first_x").toString(); String firsty = co.get("first_y").toString(); String carea = co.get("area").toString(); int start = ((Integer) co.get("start_index")).intValue(); String prefix = ""; for (int i = 1; i < start; ++i) { prefix += sep + "0"; } JSONArray ad = (JSONArray) co.get("data"); int i = 1; for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator itad = ad.iterator(); itad.hasNext();) { JSONArray da = (JSONArray); int end = start + da.size() - 1; bw.write("" + nlin); bw.write(sep + name); bw.write(sep + start); bw.write(sep + end); bw.write(sep + firstx); bw.write(sep + firsty); bw.write(sep + carea); bw.write(sep + ((start - 1) * dt)); bw.write(sep + ((end - 1) * dt)); bw.write(sep + "Channel " + i + prefix); i++; for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator itda = da.iterator(); itda.hasNext();) { bw.write(sep +; } for (int k = end + 1; k <= maxframe; ++k) { bw.write(sep + "0"); } bw.write("\n"); } if (doExportPositions) { ad = (JSONArray) co.get("frame_position"); i = 1; for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator itad = ad.iterator(); itad.hasNext();) { JSONArray da = (JSONArray); int end = start + da.size() - 1; bw.write("" + nlin); bw.write(sep + name); bw.write(sep + start); bw.write(sep + end); bw.write(sep + firstx); bw.write(sep + firsty); bw.write(sep + carea); bw.write(sep + ((start - 1) * dt)); bw.write(sep + ((end - 1) * dt)); bw.write(sep + "Position " + i + prefix); i++; for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator itda = da.iterator(); itda.hasNext();) { bw.write(sep +; } for (int k = end + 1; k <= maxframe; ++k) { bw.write(sep + "0"); } bw.write("\n"); } /** write areas too */ JSONArray da = (JSONArray) co.get("frame_area"); int end = start + da.size() - 1; bw.write("" + nlin); bw.write(sep + name); bw.write(sep + start); bw.write(sep + end); bw.write(sep + firstx); bw.write(sep + firsty); bw.write(sep + carea); bw.write(sep + ((start - 1) * dt)); bw.write(sep + ((end - 1) * dt)); bw.write(sep + "Area" + prefix); i++; for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator itda = da.iterator(); itda.hasNext();) { bw.write(sep +; } for (int k = end + 1; k <= maxframe; ++k) { bw.write(sep + "0"); } bw.write("\n"); } ++cellsWritten; } ++linsWritten; } } } } fvd.dispose(); bw.close(); fw.close(); IJ.log("Done, " + linsWritten + " lineages, and " + cellsWritten + " cells were exported."); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.log("Failed to write file!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Make JSON Object for a lineage * @param a the ancestral cell of the lineage * @param nlin the lineage number * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONObject makeLineageJSON(Cell a, int nlin) { double dt = exp.getFrameInterval(); JSONArray cs = new JSONArray(); JSONObject l = new JSONObject(); l.put("dt", dt); // also remember the intensity value type l.put("mean_intensities", Prefs.getInt(".TrackApp.FilterValidatedDialog.exportMean", 1)); ArrayList<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(); HashMap<Integer, String> cellNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); JSONArray divns = new JSONArray(); cells.add(a); getAllDaughters(a, cells, cellNames, null, divns); l.put("divisions", divns); int cellid = 1; HashMap<String, Integer> cellsToCellsInLin = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int minframe = -1; int maxframe = -1; for (Iterator<Cell> i = cells.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Cell cell = (Cell); if (minframe < 0 || cell.getFrame() < minframe) { minframe = cell.getFrame(); } int clf = findLastFrame(cell); if (maxframe < 0 || clf > maxframe) { maxframe = clf; } cellsToCellsInLin.put("" + cell.getCellID(), new Integer(cellid)); ++cellid; } // make lineage time axis (minframe -> maxframe) JSONArray lintime = new JSONArray(); for (int f = minframe; f <= maxframe; ++f) { lintime.add(new Double((f - 1) * dt)); } l.put("time", lintime); cellid = 1; for (Iterator<Cell> i = cells.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Cell cell = (Cell); JSONObject co = makeCellJSON(cell); co.put("lineage", new Integer(nlin)); int parent = 0; // parent is first cell back for which we have an id, or 0 Cell pcell = cell.getPreviousCell(); Cell ppcell = pcell; int f = 0; while (pcell != null) { int id = pcell.getCellID(); Integer pi = cellsToCellsInLin.get("" + id); if (pi != null) { parent = pi.intValue(); break; } ppcell = pcell; pcell = pcell.getPreviousCell(); if (f++ > maxframe) { IJ.log("Failed to find parent for cell " + cell.getCellID()); break; } } if (cellid != 1 && parent == 0) { IJ.log("Error: parent is null within lineage!" + ppcell.toString()); } co.put("parent", new Integer(parent)); co.put("parent_in_lineage", new Integer(parent)); co.put("lineage_id", new Integer(cellid)); co.put("name", cellNames.get(cell.getCellID())); cs.add(co); ++cellid; } JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); o.put("lin", l); o.put("cells", cs); return o; } /** * Make the time axis for a given cell * @param c * @return a JSON array containing all time values */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONArray makeCellTimeAxis(Cell c) { JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); while (c != null) { double t = (c.getFrame() - 1) * exp.getFrameInterval(); a.add(t); c = c.getNextCell(); } return a; } /** * Collect frame positions for a cell into a 2D-array * @param c * @return 2-D array with x and y positions */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONArray makeCellPositions(Cell c) { JSONArray[] pos = new JSONArray[2]; pos[0] = new JSONArray(); pos[1] = new JSONArray(); while (c != null) { double xx = c.getX(); double yy = c.getY(); pos[0].add(new Double(xx)); pos[1].add(new Double(yy)); c = c.getNextCell(); } JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) { a.add(pos[i]); } return a; } /** * Collect areas for cell in each frame * @param c * @return 1-D array with areas */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONArray makeCellAreas(Cell c) { JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); while (c != null) { double ar = c.getArea(); a.add(new Double(ar)); c = c.getNextCell(); } return a; } /** * Make the data array for a given cell * @param c * @return a JSON array containing all time values */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONArray makeCellData(Cell c) { boolean meanInt = true; if (screen instanceof DisplayTrackingWindow) { int b = Prefs.getInt(".TrackApp.FilterValidatedDialog.exportMean", 1); meanInt = b != 0; } JSONArray[] q = new JSONArray[c.getIntensity().length]; for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) { q[i] = new JSONArray(); } while (c != null) { double[] ints = c.getIntensity(); double ar = c.getArea(); int lm = Math.min(q.length, ints.length); if (lm != ints.length) { IJ.log("Warning : number of channels varies, inconsistent cell dataset."); } for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) { if (meanInt) { q[i].add(new Double(ints[i] / ar)); } else { q[i].add(new Double(ints[i])); } } c = c.getNextCell(); } JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) { a.add(q[i]); } return a; } /** * Make JSON object for a given cell * @param c the first cell * @return the JSON object for this cell */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONObject makeCellJSON(Cell c) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); o.put("dt", new Double(exp.getFrameInterval())); o.put("time", makeCellTimeAxis(c)); o.put("start_index", c.getFrame()); o.put("nseries", new Integer(c.getIntensity().length)); o.put("data", makeCellData(c)); o.put("frame_position", makeCellPositions(c)); o.put("frame_area", makeCellAreas(c)); o.put("description", c.toString()); o.put("first_x", c.getX()); o.put("first_y", c.getY()); o.put("area", c.getArea()); return o; } /** * Make a list of all daughter cells. * * Also fix the lineage links. * * @param a The ancestral cell * @param l a list of all daughter cells * @param names a map of cell names * @param pname the name prefix * @param divns JSONArray of division frames */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void getAllDaughters(Cell a, List<Cell> l, Map<Integer, String> names, String pname, JSONArray divns) { int k = 1; if (pname == null) { pname = "Cell 1"; } names.put(new Integer(a.getCellID()), pname); Cell p = null; while (a != null) { // fix links if (p != null) { a.setPreviousCell(p); p.setNextCell(a); } Cell d = a.getDaughterCell(); if (d != null) { // fix, just in case. d.setPreviousCell(a); divns.add(new Integer(a.getFrame() + 1)); l.add(d); getAllDaughters(d, l, names, pname + "-" + k, divns); k++; } p = a; a = a.getNextCell(); } } /** * Find the last frame for a cell * @param c * @return the last frame for this cell */ public static int findLastFrame(Cell c) { int f = 1; while (c != null) { f = c.getFrame(); c = c.getNextCell(); } return f; } }