Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 by the Trustees of Dartmouth College and Clemson University, and
 * distributed under the terms of the "Dartmouth College Non-Exclusive Research Use
 * Source Code License Agreement" (for NON-COMMERCIAL research purposes only), as
 * detailed in a file named LICENSE.pdf within this repository.

package amulet.resourceprofiler;

import java.util.Vector;

import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

import amulet.resourceprofiler.JSONResourceReader.DeviceInfo;
import amulet.resourceprofiler.JSONResourceReader.EnergyParam;
import amulet.resourceprofiler.JSONResourceReader.SteadyStateInfo;
import amulet.resourceprofiler.Resource.ComputationType;
import amulet.resourceprofiler.Resource.QmStateMachineContext;
import amulet.resourceprofiler.Resource.ResourceType;


public class ResourceProfiler {

     * This is the basic internal structure for a QM file and its resources.
    public class QMApp {
        public String filename; // Each QMApp record has an original filename.
        public Vector<Resource> resources; // A list of Resource objects belonging to the QMApp (QMFile).
        public HashMap<String, Double> operationCostMap; // A map of names/estimated costs for functions defined by the application.
        public HashMap<String, Double> operationTimeMap; // A map of names/estimated execution times for functions defined by the application.

        public QMApp(String filename) {
            this.filename = filename;
            this.resources = new Vector<Resource>();
            this.operationCostMap = new HashMap<String, Double>();
            this.operationTimeMap = new HashMap<String, Double>();

        public void addOperationRecord(String name, Double cost, Double time) {
            operationCostMap.put(name, cost);
            operationTimeMap.put(name, time);

        public String debugPrintOperationMap() {
            String str = "\nOperations::\n";
            for (String key : operationCostMap.keySet()) {
                str += " + Operation:: name=" + key + ", cost=" + operationCostMap.get(key) + ", time="
                        + operationTimeMap.get(key) + "\n";
            return str;

    /* ********************************************************************* *
     *            v  Resource Profiler state & helper methods                *
     * ********************************************************************* */

     * Resource Profiler objects.
    private Vector<QMApp> m_qmapps; // A collection of QMApps (see: private class definition above)
    private QMApp m_currentQMApp; // Keep track of the current QMApp
    private JSONResourceReader m_jsonResourceReader; // An object that holds parsed energy data from amulet hardware instrumentation/evaluation.
    private Vector<String> m_resourceProfilerWarnings; // Aggregate warnings from the Resource Profiler.

     * Resource Profiler state variables.
    private boolean resourceProfilerEnabled = true; // Maintain the state of the Profiler (enabled/disabled) -- while disabled, the Profiler will not update internal structures.
    private HashMap<String, String> intVariableResolver; // HACK: keep track of integer-valued variables that may be used for for-loops, etc -- this can be used to resolve values used for conditional execution.
    public ProfilerContext profilerContext; // The ResourceProfiler maintains "context" for some of its operations
    public LoopContext loopContext; // The ResourceProfiler maintains a "loop context"

    public ResourceProfiler() {
        m_qmapps = new Vector<QMApp>();
        m_jsonResourceReader = new JSONResourceReader();
        m_resourceProfilerWarnings = new Vector<String>();
        profilerContext = new ProfilerContext();
        loopContext = new LoopContext();
        intVariableResolver = new HashMap<String, String>();

    public QMApp getCurrentQMAppObj() {
        return m_currentQMApp;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return resourceProfilerEnabled;

    public void disableResourceProfiler() {
        resourceProfilerEnabled = false;

    public void enableResourceProfiler() {
        resourceProfilerEnabled = true;

    public Vector<String> getRPWarnings() {
        return m_resourceProfilerWarnings;

    /* ********************************************************************* *
     *                           Convenience Methods                         *
     * ********************************************************************* */

     * Create a new QMApp object for the given filename.
     * NOTE: This operation sets the "state" of the Resource Profiler to 
     * track the newly added application as the "current QM application."
     * @param filename The name of the QM file. 
    public void add(String filename) {
        QMApp qmapp = new QMApp(filename);
        m_currentQMApp = qmapp;

     * Convenience wrapper for adding a Resource object directly to a ResourceProfiler object. 
     * Other overloaded methods could be implemented, but for now this one simply assumes that 
     * before calling add(), the caller uses the Profiler Context handling methods (below) 
     * to set contextual information before adding certain types of resources. 
     * Example: In, there is a large for-loop which goes over each QMClass in 
     *          a QMFile. Within each QMClass are a collection of states, transitions, guards, etc., 
     *          which are represented as XML "Node" objects for the most part. There are various classes/methods 
     *          which are invoked to check the source code that exists within each of those XML Node objects. 
     *          Since there are various classes/methods which handle the XML Nodes in a similar "context", 
     *          the ResourceProfiler allows a context to be set, and then *ANY* resources that are added after 
     *          that point will share some over-arching context. You can either call another set*Context() method 
     *          to change the context information that is used when adding new resources to the ResourceProfiler, 
     *          or you can simply "clear" the context by calling clearProfilerContext().
     * @param record The Resource object to add.
    public void add(Resource record) {
        // Update the resource record based on the Resource Profiler context objects.
        record.updateInfoFromResourceProfilerContext(profilerContext, loopContext);

        // Finally, record the resource in the app's list of resource records.

     * Add the cost of memory, parsed from the code, taking into account the type
     * Check the types length here:
     * @param type The type of the variable (for arrays, the actual type)
     * @param name The name of the variable
     * @param length The length of the array
    public void addMemoryResource(String requestor, String type, String name, String length, ResourceType rtype) {
        // Assume char, so 1byte
        int multi = 0;
        switch (type) {
        case "uint16_t":
        case "int16_t":
        case "int":
            multi = 2;
        case "uint32_t":
        case "int32_t":
        case "long":
        case "float":
            multi = 4;
        case "long long":
        case "uint64_t":
        case "int64_t":
        case "double":
            multi = 8;
            multi = 1;

        Resource memory_array = new Resource(name + ":" + type, requestor, rtype, Integer.parseInt(length) * multi);

     * Get a collection of only the resources which belong to the specified 
     * QM state machine context from the entire collection of Resource objects.
     * @param resVector A collection of Resource objects ("records").
     * @param resContext A context of interest (i.e., the query selector for identifying the context of resources). 
     * @return A collection of Resources that belong to the given resource context.
    public Vector<Resource> getResourcesByContext(Vector<Resource> resVector,
            Resource.QmStateMachineContext desiredResourceCtx) {
        Vector<Resource> resSubsetVector = new Vector<Resource>();
        for (Resource resource : resVector) {
            if (resource.context == desiredResourceCtx) {
        return resSubsetVector;

     * Get a collection of applicatio
     * @param desiredMemoryResourceType
     * @return
    public HashMap<String, Integer> getMemoryCosts(Resource.ResourceType desiredMemoryResourceType) {
        // Check: is desiredMemoryResourceType a valid memory type?
        if (desiredMemoryResourceType != ResourceType.MEMORY
                && desiredMemoryResourceType != ResourceType.GLOBAL_MEMORY) {
            return null;

        HashMap<String, Integer> memCostMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        // For each of the QM applications...
        for (QMApp qmapp : m_qmapps) {
            // For each of the Resources in this QM application...
            int sum = 0;
            for (Resource res : qmapp.resources) {
                // Keep a running sum of the "cost" of the desired memory type.
                if (res.type == desiredMemoryResourceType) {
                    sum += res.cost;
            memCostMap.put(qmapp.filename, sum);
        return memCostMap;

    /* ********************************************************************* *
     *                    ResourceProfiler Calculation Methods               *
     * ********************************************************************* */

     * Create a "cost profiler" object from a JSON formatted file which contains 
     * a mapping of RESOURCE<-->ENERGY_COST which can be used by the ResourceProfiler 
     * to compute "cost scores" that can be used to give application developers 
     * feedback about their application's runtime/energy consumption behavior.
     * @param filename Name of the JSON file with energy cost information.
     * @warning There are typing issues with the parameterization of JSONObjects 
     * in the `org.json.simple.*` package which require us to 'SupressWarnings' manually. 
     * In the future we can implement a wrapper class or find a new JSON library to 
     * solve this issue. 
     * TODO: each state here should have a JSON object written for stateEntryCost & stateExitCost.
     *   --> this may mean we need to modify how we account for resources when "walking" the code. (state context variable for "entry" vs. "exit")
    public String calculateCost(String filename) {
         * 0. Load the lookup table
        BufferedReader br = null;
        String line = "";
        String dataFile = "AppBuildTool/src/amulet/resourceprofiler/clear_fill_pixel_lookup.csv";
        double[][] fill_rect_lookup = new double[128][128];
        double[][] clear_rect_lookup = new double[128][128];
        int line_counter = 0;
        try {
            br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dataFile));
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

                // use comma as separator
                String[] table_entry = line.split(",");
                if (line_counter++ % 2 == 1) { // Odd is Clear
                            .parseInt(table_entry[3].trim())] = Double.parseDouble(table_entry[0].trim());
                } else {
                    // Even is Fill
                            .parseInt(table_entry[3].trim())] = Double.parseDouble(table_entry[0].trim());

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            if (br != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

         * 1. Load energy data from the input JSON file.

         * 2. Update the resource records for the QM Apps known to the ResourceProfiler.
         *  --> Use the JSON model file supplied by the device manufacturer.

        // Get primary data objects from the JSON resource reader.
        LinkedHashMap<String, EnergyParam> api_energy_lookup = m_jsonResourceReader.getEnergyParams();
        DeviceInfo deviceInfo = m_jsonResourceReader.getDeviceInfo();
        SteadyStateInfo steadyStateInfo = m_jsonResourceReader.getSteadyStateInfo();

        // Update 1:: Resolve variables used in iterative blocks (e.g., for-loops).
        for (QMApp qmapp : m_qmapps) {
            for (Resource resource : qmapp.resources) {
                String strStopVal = resource.extras.get(Resource.EXTRA_LOOP_END_VALUE);
                if (strStopVal == null)

                // If the current "stop value" is an integer, it will be parsed successfully
                // and no update is necessary; if, however, a NumberFormatException is raised, 
                // attempt to look up the string (a variable name) in the simple intVariableResolver.
                try {
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    String resolvedValue = getResolverIntVar(strStopVal);
                    if (resolvedValue != null) {
                        // Resolved integer value found -- update the extra's value. 
                        resource.extras.put(Resource.EXTRA_LOOP_END_VALUE, resolvedValue);

        // Update 2:: Update "cost" values for each operation defined in each QM application.
        for (QMApp qmapp : m_qmapps) {
            for (String currentOp : qmapp.operationCostMap.keySet()) {
                 * NOTE--this only computes an ENERGY cost and EXECUTION TIME of calling some operation--no memory costs are calculated.
                 * This seems permissible since the memory is only used when the function is called and is "released" as 
                 * soon as the function returns; also, we have no intension of attributing "memory" costs to a state/transition 
                 * when it calls some Amulet API call or a non-Amulet API call. 

                // Compute the cost of all resources used in the current operation.
                double updatedOpCost = 0.0;
                double updatedOpTime = 0.0;
                for (Resource opResource : getResourcesByContext(qmapp.resources,
                        QmStateMachineContext.OPERATION)) {
                    if (opResource.getStringExtra(Resource.EXTRA_QM_OPERATION_NAME).equals(currentOp)) {
                        updatedOpCost += getCostHelper(opResource, qmapp, deviceInfo, steadyStateInfo,
                                api_energy_lookup, fill_rect_lookup, clear_rect_lookup);
                        updatedOpTime += getTimeHelper(opResource, qmapp, deviceInfo, steadyStateInfo,
                                api_energy_lookup, fill_rect_lookup, clear_rect_lookup);

                // Update the record in the operation map.
                qmapp.operationCostMap.put(currentOp, updatedOpCost);
                qmapp.operationTimeMap.put(currentOp, updatedOpTime);

        // Update 3:: Update "cost" values for each resource record with real power/time measurements from JSON file.
        for (QMApp qmapp : m_qmapps) {
            for (Resource resource : qmapp.resources) {
                //            if("Amulet")) {
                //               System.out.println("2 (before)************************" + resource);
                //            }
                resource.cost = getCostHelper(resource, qmapp, deviceInfo, steadyStateInfo, api_energy_lookup,
                        fill_rect_lookup, clear_rect_lookup);
                resource.time = getTimeHelper(resource, qmapp, deviceInfo, steadyStateInfo, api_energy_lookup,
                        fill_rect_lookup, clear_rect_lookup);
                //            if("Amulet")) {
                //               System.out.println("2 (after)************************" + resource);
                //            }

         * 3. Compute sums, and provide feedback in the form of a JSON file for later use by any program. 
         *  --> Currently the output file is used by our web application.
        JSONArray appJSONlist = new JSONArray();
        for (QMApp qmapp : m_qmapps) {
             *  Record costs for energy, memory, and global memory resources across various application "contexts". 
            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> stateEnergySums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> transitionEnergySums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
            //LinkedHashMap<String, Double> guardEnergySums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();

            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> stateExecutionTimeSums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> transitionExecutionTimeSums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
            //LinkedHashMap<String, Double> guardExecutionTimeSums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();

            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> sensorSubscriptions = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();

            LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> timerSubscriptions = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();

            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> stateLocalMemorySums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> transitionLocalMemorySums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
            //LinkedHashMap<String, Double> guardLocalMemorySums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();

            //LinkedHashMap<String, Double> globalMemorySums = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();

            // Iterate over each resource, summing costs along the way. 
            for (Resource resource : qmapp.resources) {
                // A temp holder for the current map to add resource to.
                LinkedHashMap<String, Double> currentCostSumMap = null;
                LinkedHashMap<String, Double> currentTimeSumMap = null;

                // High-level resource information.
                String name = null;
                Double cost = null;
                Double time = null;

                // Use information about the *CONTEXT* of the resource to determine where cost 
                // is incurred in the application/model.
                if (resource.isQmStateResource()) {
                    // State.
                    currentCostSumMap = stateEnergySums;
                    currentTimeSumMap = stateExecutionTimeSums;

                    // Use state name as "key".
                    name = resource.getStringExtra(Resource.EXTRA_QM_STATE_NAME);
                    cost = resource.cost;
                    time = resource.time;
                } else if (resource.isQmActionResource()) {
                    // Transition.
                    currentCostSumMap = transitionEnergySums;
                    currentTimeSumMap = transitionExecutionTimeSums;

                    // Use SRC->TRAN->DEST as "key".
                    String currentState = resource.getStringExtra(Resource.EXTRA_QM_ACTION_CURRENT_STATE_NAME);
                    String trigger = resource.getStringExtra(Resource.EXTRA_QM_ACTION_TRIGGER_NAME);
                    String targetState = resource.getStringExtra(Resource.EXTRA_QM_ACTION_TARGET_STATE_NAME);
                    name = currentState + "->" + trigger + "->" + targetState;
                    cost = resource.cost;
                    time = resource.time;
                } else if (resource.isQmGuardResource()) {
                    // Guard. IGNORE FOR NOW -- NO APPLICATIONS USE THESE (ANYMORE).
                } else if (resource.isQmOperationResource()) {

                // Use information about the *TYPE* of resource (in combination with information from above) 
                // to compute energy/memory costs for relevant areas of the application.
                switch (resource.type) {
                case MEMORY:
                    if (resource.isQmStateResource()) {
                        // Local State Memory.
                        currentCostSumMap = stateLocalMemorySums;
                    } else if (resource.isQmActionResource()) {
                        // Local Transition Memory.
                        currentCostSumMap = transitionLocalMemorySums;
                case GLOBAL_MEMORY:
                    //currentSumMap = globalMemorySums;
                case SENSOR_SUBSCRIPTION:
                    name =;
                    currentCostSumMap = sensorSubscriptions;
                    currentTimeSumMap = null;
                case TIMER_SUBSCRIPTION:
                    //               timerSubscriptions.put("AmuletTimer", resource.getIntExtra(Resource.EXTRA_TIMER_DELAY_IN_SECONDS));
                    timerSubscriptions.put("Timer", resource.getIntExtra(Resource.EXTRA_TIMER_DELAY_IN_SECONDS));
                case AMULET_API_FUNCTION_CALL:
                case NON_AMULET_API_FUNCTION_CALL:
                case COMPUTATION:
                case UNKNOWN:
                    // Do nothing (at least for now).

                // If an appropriate "cost sum" map has been set, add to it. 
                if (currentCostSumMap != null && name != null & cost != null) {
                    sumMapHelper(currentCostSumMap, name, cost);

                // If an appropriate "time sum" map has been set, add to it. 
                if (currentTimeSumMap != null && name != null & time != null) {
                    sumMapHelper(currentTimeSumMap, name, time);

            // Slightly easier to read DEBUG output...
            //         System.out.println("=======> DEBUG stateEnergySums::" + stateEnergySums);
            //         System.out.println("=======> DEBUG transitionEnergySums::" + transitionEnergySums);
            //         System.out.println("=======> DEBUG localMemorySums::" + localMemorySums);
            //         System.out.println("=======> DEBUG globalMemorySums::" + globalMemorySums);

             * 4. Make JSON object(s) and return string representation that will be written out. 
            JSONObject appCostJSONObject = new JSONObject();

            JSONObject stateEnergyCostJSON = new JSONObject(stateEnergySums);
            JSONObject transitionEnergyCostJSON = new JSONObject(transitionEnergySums);
            //JSONObject guardEnergyCostJSON = new JSONObject(guardEnergySums);

            JSONObject stateExecutionTimesJSON = new JSONObject(stateExecutionTimeSums);
            JSONObject transitionExecutionTimesJSON = new JSONObject(transitionExecutionTimeSums);
            //JSONObject guardExecutionTimesJSON = new JSONObject(guardExecutionTimeSums);

            JSONObject sensorSubscriptionsJSON = new JSONObject(sensorSubscriptions);

            JSONObject timerSubscriptionsJSON = new JSONObject(timerSubscriptions);

            JSONObject stateLocalMemoryCostJSON = new JSONObject(stateLocalMemorySums);
            JSONObject transitionLocalMemoryCostJSON = new JSONObject(transitionLocalMemorySums);
            //JSONObject guardLocalMemoryCostJSON = new JSONObject(guardLocalMemorySums);

            //         int globalMemoryCost = getGlobalMemoryCosts().get(qmapp.filename);
            int globalMemoryCost = getMemoryCosts(ResourceType.GLOBAL_MEMORY).get(qmapp.filename);

            // Write data to JSON "App Costs" object.
            appCostJSONObject.put("filename", qmapp.filename);
            appCostJSONObject.put("device_info", deviceInfo.jsonDeviceInfo); // hack: add to each app
            appCostJSONObject.put("steady_state_info", steadyStateInfo.jsonSteadyStateInfo); // hack: add to each app
            appCostJSONObject.put("state_energy_costs", stateEnergyCostJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("transition_energy_costs", transitionEnergyCostJSON);
            //appCostJSONObject.put("guard_energy_costs", guardEnergyCostJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("state_execution_times", stateExecutionTimesJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("transition_execution_times", transitionExecutionTimesJSON);
            //appCostJSONObject.put("guard_execution_times", guardExecutionTimesJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("app_sensor_subscriptions", sensorSubscriptionsJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("app_timer_subscriptions", timerSubscriptionsJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("state_sram_costs", stateLocalMemoryCostJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("transition_sram_costs", transitionLocalMemoryCostJSON);
            //appCostJSONObject.put("guard_sram_costs", guardLocalMemoryCostJSON);
            appCostJSONObject.put("app_fram_costs", globalMemoryCost);


        JSONObject costsJSONObject = new JSONObject();
        costsJSONObject.put("applications", appJSONlist);
        costsJSONObject.put("device_info", deviceInfo.jsonDeviceInfo);
        costsJSONObject.put("steady_state_info", steadyStateInfo.jsonSteadyStateInfo);
        costsJSONObject.put("api_calls", m_jsonResourceReader.getApiInfo());

        return JSONValue.toJSONString(costsJSONObject);

    private void sumMapHelper(HashMap<String, Double> sums, String name, double value) {
        if (sums.containsKey(name)) {
            sums.put(name, value + sums.get(name));
        } else {
            sums.put(name, value);

     * TODO: [UPDATE ME AS NEEDED] -- Used for providing dummy data when nothing better can be done.
    private int UNKNOWN_QUANTITY_SCALAR = 2;

     * Helper function for getting the AVG. EXECUTION TIME for a particular resource.
     * @param resource
     * @param qmapp
     * @param deviceInfo
     * @param steadyStateInfo
     * @param api_energy_lookup
     * @return
    private double getTimeHelper(Resource resource, QMApp qmapp, DeviceInfo deviceInfo,
            SteadyStateInfo steadyStateInfo, LinkedHashMap<String, EnergyParam> api_energy_lookup,
            double[][] fill_rect_lookup, double[][] clear_rect_lookup) {
        // Compute the avg. time to execute a line of code (LoC).
        double AVG_LOC_TIME = deviceInfo.avgNumInstructionsPerLoC * deviceInfo.avgBasicInstructionTime;

        // Define an arbitrary time to give to un-recognized function calls/operations. 

        // A time variable for keeping track of the time value to be returned to the caller. 
        double time = resource.time;

        switch (resource.type) {
            if (api_energy_lookup.containsKey( {
                // If the Amulet API call is recognized, then we just assign the real measurement value.
                EnergyParam energyparam = api_energy_lookup.get(;
                time = energyparam.avgTime;

                if ("ClearRect")) {
                    // MAGIC NUMBERS!!! Gawd this whole thing is a bit hacky for the special lookup functions
                    int w = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("width"), 127);
                    int h = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("height"), 114);
                    time = clear_rect_lookup[w][h];

                if ("FillRect")) {
                    int w = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("width"), 127);
                    int h = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("height"), 114);
                    time = fill_rect_lookup[w][h];

            } else {
                // If the Amulet API call is *not* recognized, then we just assign a fixed time.
                m_resourceProfilerWarnings.add("  + (!) LOOK-UP WARNING:: Time for Amulet API function '"
                        + + "' not found in api_energy_lookup table; assigning UNKNOWN_TIME="
                        + UNKNOWN_TIME + ".");
                time = UNKNOWN_TIME;

            // If this call is nested within a loop, the time of this function call (really, the 
            // resource record) needs to be multiplied by the number of times this call is actually made.
            if (resource.isContainedInLoop()) {
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " time was = " + time);
                time *= resource.getNumLoopIterations();
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " is now = " + time + " (orignal-time x " + resource.getNumLoopIterations() + ")");

            if (qmapp.operationTimeMap.containsKey( {
                // This is a function defined within the QM application (i.e., an "operation" by QM's definition). 
                time = qmapp.operationTimeMap.get(;
            } else {
                // If the Non-Amulet API call is *not* recognized, then we just assign a fixed cost.
                m_resourceProfilerWarnings.add("  + (!) LOOK-UP WARNING:: Time for Non-Amulet API function '"
                        + + "' not found; assigning UNKNOWN_TIME=" + UNKNOWN_TIME + ".");
                time = UNKNOWN_TIME;

            // If this call is nested within a loop, the time of this function call (really, the 
            // resource record) needs to be multiplied by the number of times this call is actually made.
            if (resource.isContainedInLoop()) {
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " time was = " + time);
                time *= resource.getNumLoopIterations();
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " is now = " + time + " (orignal-time x " + resource.getNumLoopIterations() + ")");

        case COMPUTATION:
            if ( {
                // Get the number of lines of code.
                double nLinesOfCode = resource.getIntExtra(Resource.EXTRA_NUM_LINES_OF_CODE);

                time = nLinesOfCode * AVG_LOC_TIME;
            } else if ( {
                try {
                    // Get number of iterations in this loop.
                    double nIterations = resource.getNumLoopIterations();

                    // Get the number of lines of code.
                    double nLinesOfCode = resource.getIntExtra(Resource.EXTRA_LOOP_NUM_STATEMENTS);

                    time = (nLinesOfCode * AVG_LOC_TIME) * nIterations;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.err.println("**FAILED RESOURCE PARSING: skipping this resource");
                    System.err.println("   RESOURCE: " + resource + "");
            if ("ACCELEROMETER")) {
                time = 0.0; // no time here exactly -- compute.js scales the subscription to be in terms of "per week"
            } else if ("HEARTRATE")) {
                time = 0.0; // no time here exactly -- compute.js scales the subscription to be in terms of "per week"
        case MEMORY:
        case GLOBAL_MEMORY:
        case UNKNOWN:

        return time;

     * Helper function for getting the AVG. ENERGY COST for a particular resource.
     * @param resource
     * @param qmapp
     * @param deviceInfo
     * @param steadyStateInfo
     * @param api_energy_lookup
     * @return
    private double getCostHelper(Resource resource, QMApp qmapp, DeviceInfo deviceInfo,
            SteadyStateInfo steadyStateInfo, LinkedHashMap<String, EnergyParam> api_energy_lookup,
            double[][] fill_rect_lookup, double[][] clear_rect_lookup) {
        // Compute the avg. energy cost to execute a line of code (LoC).
        double ENERGY_COST_PER_LOC = deviceInfo.avgNumInstructionsPerLoC
                * (deviceInfo.avgBasicInstructionPower * deviceInfo.avgBasicInstructionTime);

        // Define an arbitrary cost to give to un-recognized function calls. 

        // A cost variable for keeping track of the cost value to be returned to the caller. 
        double cost = resource.cost;

        switch (resource.type) {
            if (api_energy_lookup.containsKey( {
                // If the Amulet API call is recognized, then we just assign the real measurement value.
                EnergyParam energyparam = api_energy_lookup.get(;

                // TODO: is there a better/more correct way to do this?!
                // If cost is zero, calculate actual cost with known energy values; otherwise, leave it alone.
                double scalar = cost;
                if (cost == 0.0) {
                    scalar = 1.0;

                cost = scalar * energyparam.avgPower * energyparam.avgTime;

                if ("ClearRect")) {
                    int w = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("width"), 127);
                    int h = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("height"), 114);
                    double time_cost = clear_rect_lookup[w][h];
                    cost = scalar * energyparam.avgPower * time_cost;
                    System.out.println("In clear " + cost);

                if ("FillRect")) {
                    int w = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("width"), 127);
                    int h = Math.min(resource.getIntExtra("height"), 114);
                    double time_cost = fill_rect_lookup[w][h];
                    cost = scalar * energyparam.avgPower * time_cost;

            } else {
                // If the Amulet API call is *not* recognized, then we just assign a fixed cost.
                m_resourceProfilerWarnings.add("  + (!) LOOK-UP WARNING:: Cost for Amulet API function '"
                        + + "' not found in api_energy_lookup table; assigning UNKNOWN_COST="
                        + UNKNOWN_COST + ".");
                cost = UNKNOWN_COST;

            // If this call is nested within a loop, the cost of this function call needs to 
            // be multiplied by the number of times this call is actually made.
            if (resource.isContainedInLoop()) {
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " cost was = " + cost);
                cost *= resource.getNumLoopIterations();
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " is now = " + cost + " (orignal-cost x " + resource.getNumLoopIterations() + ")");

            if (qmapp.operationCostMap.containsKey( {
                // This is a function defined within the QM application (i.e., an "operation" by QM's definition). 
                cost = qmapp.operationCostMap.get( * qmapp.operationTimeMap.get(;
            } else {
                // If the Non-Amulet API call is *not* recognized, then we just assign a fixed cost.
                m_resourceProfilerWarnings.add("  + (!) LOOK-UP WARNING:: Cost for Non-Amulet API function '"
                        + + "' not found; assigning UNKNOWN_COST=" + UNKNOWN_COST + ".");
                cost = UNKNOWN_COST;

            // TODO: scalar handling?!

            // If this call is nested within a loop, the cost of this function call needs to 
            // be multiplied by the number of times this call is actually made.
            if (resource.isContainedInLoop()) {
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " cost was = " + cost);
                cost *= resource.getNumLoopIterations();
                //            System.out.println("**** RESOURCE " + + " is now = " + cost + " (orignal-cost x " + resource.getNumLoopIterations() + ")");

        case COMPUTATION:
            if ( {
                // Get the number of lines of code.
                double nLinesOfCode = resource.getIntExtra(Resource.EXTRA_NUM_LINES_OF_CODE);

                // Calculate cost.
                cost = nLinesOfCode * ENERGY_COST_PER_LOC;

            } else if ( {
                // Get the number of lines of code.
                // If double for-loop, then skip
                try {
                    double nLinesOfCode = resource.getIntExtra(Resource.EXTRA_LOOP_NUM_STATEMENTS);

                    // Get number of iterations in this loop.
                    double nIterations = resource.getNumLoopIterations();

                    // Calculate cost.
                    cost = (ENERGY_COST_PER_LOC * nLinesOfCode) * nIterations;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.err.println("**FAILED RESOURCE PARSING: skipping this resource");
                    System.err.println("   RESOURCE: " + resource + "");

            if ("ACCELEROMETER")) {
                cost = steadyStateInfo.sensorAccelerometer;
            } else if ("HEARTRATE")) {
                cost = steadyStateInfo.sensorHeartRate;
        case MEMORY:
        case GLOBAL_MEMORY:
        case UNKNOWN:

        return cost;

    /* ********************************************************************* *
     *                       Profiler Context Handling                       *
     * ********************************************************************* */

     * A simple structure/class for carrying around contextual information 
     * relevant to what can be extracted from XML nodes in a QMFile (i.e., QM Application). 
     * When analyzing the application resources, there is high-level QM "state" that is
     * relevant for a collection of resources that are being recorded---this structure 
     * holds that high-level state and is used to annotate resource "records" when they 
     * are added to this profiler. 
    public class ProfilerContext {
        public QmStateMachineContext context;
        public String className;
        public String stateName;
        public String actionCurrentState;
        public String actionTriggerName;
        public String actionTargetName;
        public String operationName;
        public String operationReturnType;
        public String operationVisibility;
        public String operationProperties;
        public int nLinesOfCode;

    public int getNumLinesOfCode() {
        return profilerContext.nLinesOfCode;

    public void incNumLinesOfCode() {

     * A well-defined "context" that should be set before adding Resource Records 
     * to the ResourceProfiler in the context of a QM State in the QM Application. 
     * @param stateName The name of the current state.
    public void setStateContext(String stateName) {
        profilerContext.context = QmStateMachineContext.STATE;
        profilerContext.stateName = stateName;

     * A well-defined "context" that should be set before adding Resource Records 
     * to the ResourceProfiler in the context of a QM Action (e.g., Transitions) 
     * in the QM Application. 
     * @param triggerName Name of the trigger that invokes the transition.
     * @param targetName A reference to the state that will be transitioned to after 
     *        the transition code runs. NOTE: QM simplifies this to be a number (each 
     *        state is given a number and not referred to be name), thus, this is 
     *        not very user friendly right now -- @todo consider resolving 
     *        target # <--> target name mapping. 
    public void setActionContext(String currentState, String triggerName, String targetName) {
        profilerContext.context = QmStateMachineContext.ACTION;
        profilerContext.actionCurrentState = currentState;
        profilerContext.actionTriggerName = triggerName;
        profilerContext.actionTargetName = targetName;

     * A well-defined "context" that should be set before adding Resource Records 
     * to the ResourceProfiler in the context of a QM Guard in the QM Application. 
     * @note These appear to be very simple (no interesting context to capture...).
     * This really only exists for consistency with other "contexts" in a QM Application 
     * file.
    public void setGuardContext() {
        profilerContext.context = QmStateMachineContext.GUARD;

     * A well-defined "context" that should be set before adding Resource Records 
     * to the ResourceProfiler in the context of a QM Operation (e.g., stand-alone function) 
     * in the QM Application. 
     * @param opName The name of the function.
     * @param opReturnType The return type of the function.
     * @param opVisibility The visibility of the function (in HEX -- is this needed?).
     * @param opProperties The properties for the function (QM Specific, I think -- is this needed?).
    public void setOperationContext(String opName, String opReturnType, String opVisibility, String opProperties) {
        profilerContext.context = QmStateMachineContext.OPERATION;
        profilerContext.operationName = opName;
        profilerContext.operationReturnType = opReturnType;
        profilerContext.operationVisibility = opVisibility;
        profilerContext.operationProperties = opProperties;

     * A well-defined "context" that should be set before adding Resource Records to the ResourceProfiler in 
     * the context of a QM Class, but no specific QM Node (e.g., variables declared in global scope).
    public void setGlobalContext(String qmclassName) {
        profilerContext.context = QmStateMachineContext.GLOBAL;
        profilerContext.className = qmclassName;

     * Clear the ResourceProfiler's current context.
    public void clearProfilerContext() {
        profilerContext.context = QmStateMachineContext.NONE;
        profilerContext.className = null;
        profilerContext.stateName = null;
        profilerContext.actionCurrentState = null;
        profilerContext.actionTriggerName = null;
        profilerContext.actionTargetName = null;
        profilerContext.operationName = null;
        profilerContext.operationReturnType = null;
        profilerContext.operationVisibility = null;
        profilerContext.operationProperties = null;
        profilerContext.nLinesOfCode = 0;

    public void printProfilerContext() {
        String str = "ProfilerContext::";
        if (profilerContext != null) {
            str += "\n + context=" + profilerContext.context;
            str += "\n + className=" + profilerContext.className;
            str += "\n + stateName=" + profilerContext.stateName;
            str += "\n + actionCurrentState=" + profilerContext.actionCurrentState;
            str += "\n + actionTriggerName=" + profilerContext.actionTriggerName;
            str += "\n + actionTargetName=" + profilerContext.actionTargetName;
            str += "\n + operationName=" + profilerContext.operationName;
            str += "\n + operationReturnType=" + profilerContext.operationReturnType;
            str += "\n + operationVisibility=" + profilerContext.operationVisibility;
            str += "\n + operationProperties=" + profilerContext.operationProperties;
            str += "\n + nLinesOfCode=" + profilerContext.nLinesOfCode;
        } else {
            str += " null context";

    /* ********************************************************************* *
     *                         Loop Context Handling                         *
     * ********************************************************************* */

    public enum LoopContextType {
        NONE, FOR, WHILE

    public class LoopContext {
        public LoopContextType context;
        public String start;
        public String end;
        public String update;
        public int nStatements = 0;

        public boolean isForLoopContext() {
            return (context == LoopContextType.FOR);

        public int getNumStatements() {
            return nStatements;

        public void incNumStatements() {

        public void reset() {
            context = LoopContextType.NONE;
            start = null;
            end = null;
            update = null;
            nStatements = 0;

    public void enterForLoopContext(String start, String end, String update) {
        loopContext.context = LoopContextType.FOR;
        loopContext.start = start;
        loopContext.end = end;
        loopContext.update = update;

    public void incNumberStatementsInLoop() {

    public int getNumberStatementsInLoop() {
        return loopContext.getNumStatements();

    public void exitForLoopContext() {
        //      System.out.println("DEBUG::ResourceProfiler::exitForLoopContext()::nStatements="+getNumberStatementsInLoop());

    /* ********************************************************************* *
     *                          Hack-related Methods                         *
     * ********************************************************************* */

    public void setResolverIntVar(String variable, String value) {
        intVariableResolver.put(variable, value);

    public String getResolverIntVar(String variable) {
        return intVariableResolver.get(variable);

    public String debugPrintIntVariableResolver() {
        String str = "\nInteger Variable Resolver:\n";
        for (String key : intVariableResolver.keySet()) {
            str += " + Variable:: " + key + "=" + intVariableResolver.get(key) + "\n";
        return str;

    /* ********************************************************************* *
     *                         Output-related Methods                        *
     * ********************************************************************* */

     * A nice string representation of the ResourceProfilers. 
     * TODO Implement writing the ResourceProfiler contents to a file. 
    public String toString() {
        boolean showMemory = true;

        String str = "\n[Begin] ResourceProfiler ===================================\n";
        str += m_jsonResourceReader.toString();
        str += debugPrintIntVariableResolver();

        HashMap<String, Integer> localCostMap = getMemoryCosts(ResourceType.MEMORY);
        HashMap<String, Integer> globalCostMap = getMemoryCosts(ResourceType.GLOBAL_MEMORY);

        for (QMApp qmapp : m_qmapps) {
            int gcost = globalCostMap.get(qmapp.filename);
            int lcost = localCostMap.get(qmapp.filename);

            str += "\nFile::" + qmapp.filename + " | resource records=" + qmapp.resources.size()
                    + " | local (SRAM) memory cost (bytes)=" + lcost + " | global (FRAM) memory cost (bytes)="
                    + gcost + "\n";
            str += qmapp.debugPrintOperationMap();

            // Build QMClass Info. for the QMApp (QMFile).
            str += "\nResources::\n";
            for (Resource resource : qmapp.resources) {
                if (!showMemory
                        && (resource.type == ResourceType.MEMORY || resource.type == ResourceType.GLOBAL_MEMORY))

                str += " + " + resource + "\n";

        str += "\n[End] ResourceProfiler =====================================";
        return str;
