Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimiter Array
 * Copyright (c) European Southern Observatory, 2011 
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
package alma.acs.monitoring.blobber;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;

import alma.acs.monitoring.MonitorPointTimeSeries;
import alma.acs.monitoring.MonitorPointValue;
import alma.acs.monitoring.DAO.ComponentData;
import alma.acs.monitoring.DAO.ComponentStatistics;

 * Extends the ComponentData type to compute the {@link #statistics} field 
 * if the data type is numeric and single-valued.
 * @author hsommer
public class BlobData extends ComponentData {
    public BlobData(MonitorPointTimeSeries mpTs, Logger logger) {
        super(mpTs, logger);

     * Calculates the statistics and stores it in {@link #statistics}
     * if our monitor point data is represented as Number objects;
     * otherwise this call is ignored.
     * @param inDataList
    void calculateStatistics() {
        if (getDataSize() > 0) {

            // We trust that the data is homogeneous and check only the first MonitorPointValue

            MonitorPointValue sampleMonitorPointValue = mpTs.getDataList().get(0);

            if (sampleMonitorPointValue.getData().isEmpty()) {
                        "Ignoring calculateStatistics() call for a time series of MonitorPointValue objects that hold no data.");

            // TODO: Should we also compute statistics for multi-valued properties?
            // This was not done in the original (= pre-ACS 12.0) implementation of BlobberWorker#calculateStatistics
            // and so far we keep this behavior. 
            if (sampleMonitorPointValue.isMultiValued()) {
                        "Ignoring calculateStatistics() call for a time series of multi-valued MonitorPointValue objects.");

            // After the above checks, there should be a single data item in our sampleMonitorPointValue
            // We now verify that it has one of the expected numeric types.
            Object sampleData = sampleMonitorPointValue.getData().get(0);
            if (!(sampleData instanceof Integer || sampleData instanceof Long || sampleData instanceof Float
                    || sampleData instanceof Double)) {
                        "Ignoring calculateStatistics() call for data type " + sampleData.getClass().getName());

            // Now we calculate the statistics, 
            // using apache math lib that works only with 'double' type

            SummaryStatistics stat = new SummaryStatistics();
            for (MonitorPointValue blobData : mpTs.getDataList()) {
                Number value = (Number) blobData.getData().get(0);

            statistics = new ComponentStatistics();

            // We store the results in a ComponentStatistics object, 
            // converting to original data types where it makes sense
            if (sampleData instanceof Integer) {
                statistics.min = new Integer((int) Math.round(stat.getMin()));
                statistics.max = new Integer((int) Math.round(stat.getMax()));
                statistics.mean = new Double(stat.getMean()); // or Float, to indicate lower precision?
                statistics.stdDev = new Double(stat.getStandardDeviation()); // or Float, to indicate lower precision?
            } else if (sampleData instanceof Long) {
                statistics.min = new Long(Math.round(stat.getMin()));
                statistics.max = new Long(Math.round(stat.getMax()));
                statistics.mean = new Double(stat.getMean());
                statistics.stdDev = new Double(stat.getStandardDeviation());
            } else if (sampleData instanceof Float) {
                statistics.min = new Float(stat.getMin());
                statistics.max = new Float(stat.getMax());
                statistics.mean = new Float(stat.getMean());
                statistics.stdDev = new Float(stat.getStandardDeviation());
            } else if (sampleData instanceof Double) {
                statistics.min = new Double(stat.getMin());
                statistics.max = new Double(stat.getMax());
                statistics.mean = new Double(stat.getMean());
                statistics.stdDev = new Double(stat.getStandardDeviation());
