Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.worker.netty; import alluxio.Configuration; import alluxio.PropertyKey; import; import; import; import alluxio.proto.dataserver.Protocol; import alluxio.resource.LockResource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; /** * This class handles {@link alluxio.proto.dataserver.Protocol.ReadRequest}s. * * Protocol: Check {@link} for additional information. * 1. Once a read request is received, the handler creates a {@link PacketReader} which reads * packets from the block worker and pushes them to the buffer. * 2. The {@link PacketReader} pauses if there are too many packets in flight, and resumes if there * is room available. * 3. The channel is closed if there is any exception during the packet read/write. * * Threading model: * Only two threads are involved at a given point of time: netty I/O thread, packet reader thread. * 1. The netty I/O thread accepts the read request, handles write callbacks. If any exception * occurs (e.g. failed to read from netty or write to netty) or the read request is cancelled by * the client, the netty I/O thread notifies the packet reader thread. * 2. The packet reader thread keeps reading from the file and writes to netty. Before reading a * new packet, it checks whether there are notifications (e.g. cancel, error), if * there is, handle them properly. See more information about the notifications in the javadoc * of {@link DataServerReadHandler#mCancel#mEof#mError}. */ @NotThreadSafe abstract class DataServerReadHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataServerReadHandler.class); private static final long PACKET_SIZE = Configuration .getBytes(PropertyKey.WORKER_NETWORK_NETTY_READER_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES); private static final long MAX_PACKETS_IN_FLIGHT = Configuration .getInt(PropertyKey.WORKER_NETWORK_NETTY_READER_BUFFER_SIZE_PACKETS); /** The executor to run {@link PacketReader}. */ private final ExecutorService mPacketReaderExecutor; private final ReentrantLock mLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** * Set to true if the packet reader is active. The following invariants must be maintained: * 1. If true, there will be at least one more packet (data, eof or error) to be sent to netty. * 2. If false, there will be no more packets sent to netty until it is set to true again. */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mPacketReaderActive; /** * The next pos to queue to the netty buffer. mPosToQueue - mPosToWrite is the bytes that are * in netty buffer. */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private long mPosToQueue; /** The next pos to write to the channel. */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private long mPosToWrite; /** * mEof, mCancel and mError are the notifications processed by the packet reader thread. They can * be set by either the netty I/O thread or the packet reader thread. mError overrides mCancel * and mEof, mEof overrides mCancel. * * These notifications determine 3 ways to complete a read request. * 1. mEof: The read request is fulfilled. All the data requested by the client or all the data in * the block/file has been read. The packet reader replies a SUCCESS response when processing * mEof. * 2. mCancel: The read request is cancelled by the client. A cancel request is ignored if mEof * is set. The packet reader replies a CANCEL response when processing mCancel. * Note: The client can send a cancel request after the server has sent a SUCCESS response. But * it is not possible for the client to send a CANCEL request after the channel has been * released. So it is impossible for a CANCEL request from one read request to cancel * another read request. * 3. mError: mError is set whenever an error occurs. It can be from an exception when reading * packet, or writing packet to netty or the client closes the channel etc. An ERROR response * is optionally sent to the client when packet reader thread process mError. The channel * is closed after this error response is sent. * * Note: it is guaranteed that only one of SUCCESS and CANCEL responses is sent at most once * because the packet reader thread won't be restarted as long as mCancel or mEof is set except * when error happens (mError overrides mCancel and mEof). */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mEof; @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mCancel; @GuardedBy("mLock") private Error mError; /** This is set when the SUCCESS or CANCEL response is sent. This is only for sanity check. */ private volatile boolean mDone; /** * A wrapper on an error used to pass error information from the netty I/O thread to the packet * reader thread. */ private class Error { final Throwable mCause; final boolean mNotifyClient; final Protocol.Status.Code mErrorCode; Error(Throwable cause, boolean notifyClient, Protocol.Status.Code code) { mCause = cause; mNotifyClient = notifyClient; mErrorCode = code; } } /** * This is only created in the netty I/O thread when a read request is received, reset when * another request is received. */ protected volatile ReadRequestInternal mRequest; abstract class ReadRequestInternal implements Closeable { final long mId; final long mStart; final long mEnd; ReadRequestInternal(long id, long start, long end) { mId = id; mStart = start; mEnd = end; } } /** * Creates an instance of {@link DataServerReadHandler}. * * @param executorService the executor service to run {@link PacketReader}s */ DataServerReadHandler(ExecutorService executorService) { mPacketReaderExecutor = executorService; } @Override public void channelUnregistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { setError(, new Error(null, false, Protocol.Status.Code.INTERNAL)); ctx.fireChannelUnregistered(); } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object object) throws Exception { if (!acceptMessage(object)) { ctx.fireChannelRead(object); return; } Protocol.ReadRequest msg = ((RPCProtoMessage) object).getMessage().getMessage(); if (msg.getCancel()) { setCancel(; return; } reset(); String error = validateReadRequest(msg); if (!error.isEmpty()) { setError(, new Error(new IllegalArgumentException(error), true, Protocol.Status.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return; } initializeRequest(msg); try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { mPosToQueue = mRequest.mStart; mPosToWrite = mRequest.mStart; mPacketReaderExecutor.submit(new PacketReader(; mPacketReaderActive = true; } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { LOG.error("Exception caught {} in BlockReadDataServerHandler.", cause); setError(, new Error(cause, true, Protocol.Status.Code.INTERNAL)); } /** * @return true if there are too many packets in-flight */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean tooManyPendingPackets() { return mPosToQueue - mPosToWrite >= MAX_PACKETS_IN_FLIGHT * PACKET_SIZE; } /** * Returns true if the block read request is valid. * * @param request the block read request * @return the error message (empty string indicates success) */ private String validateReadRequest(Protocol.ReadRequest request) { if (request.getId() < 0) { return String.format("Invalid blockId (%d) in read request.", request.getId()); } if (!request.getCancel() && (request.getOffset() < 0 || request.getLength() <= 0)) { return String.format("Invalid read bounds in read request %s.", request.toString()); } return ""; } /** * @param channel the channel * @param error the error */ private void setError(Channel channel, Error error) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(error); try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { if (mError != null) { return; } mError = error; if (!mPacketReaderActive) { mPacketReaderActive = true; mPacketReaderExecutor.submit(new PacketReader(channel)); } } } /** * @param channel the channel */ private void setEof(Channel channel) { try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { if (mError != null || mCancel || mEof) { return; } mEof = true; if (!mPacketReaderActive) { mPacketReaderActive = true; mPacketReaderExecutor.submit(new PacketReader(channel)); } } } /** * @param channel the channel */ private void setCancel(Channel channel) { try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { if (mError != null || mEof || mCancel) { return; } mCancel = true; if (!mPacketReaderActive) { mPacketReaderActive = true; mPacketReaderExecutor.submit(new PacketReader(channel)); } } } /** * Resets all the states. */ private void reset() { try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { Preconditions.checkState(mPacketReaderActive == false); mPosToQueue = 0; mPosToWrite = 0; mEof = false; mCancel = false; mError = null; mRequest = null; mDone = false; } } /** * Checks whether this object should be processed by this handler. * * @param object the object * @return true if this object should be processed */ protected boolean acceptMessage(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof RPCProtoMessage)) { return false; } RPCProtoMessage message = (RPCProtoMessage) object; return message.getType() == RPCMessage.Type.RPC_READ_REQUEST; } /** * Initializes the handler for the given block read request. * * @param request the block read request * @throws Exception if it fails to initialize */ protected abstract void initializeRequest(Protocol.ReadRequest request) throws Exception; /** * Returns the appropriate {@link DataBuffer} representing the data to send, depending on the * configurable transfer type. * * @param channel the netty channel * @param len The length, in bytes, of the data to read from the block * @return a {@link DataBuffer} representing the data * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs when reading the data */ protected abstract DataBuffer getDataBuffer(Channel channel, long offset, int len) throws IOException; /** * @param bytesRead bytes read */ protected abstract void incrementMetrics(long bytesRead); /** * The channel handler listener that runs after a packet write is flushed. */ private final class WriteListener implements ChannelFutureListener { private final long mPosToWriteUncommitted; /** * Creates an instance of the {@link WriteListener}. * * @param posToWriteUncommitted the position to commit (i.e. update mPosToWrite) */ WriteListener(long posToWriteUncommitted) { mPosToWriteUncommitted = posToWriteUncommitted; } @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) { if (!future.isSuccess()) { LOG.error("Failed to send packet.", future.cause()); setError(, new Error(future.cause(), true, Protocol.Status.Code.INTERNAL)); return; } try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { Preconditions.checkState(mPosToWriteUncommitted - mPosToWrite <= PACKET_SIZE, "Some packet is not acked."); incrementMetrics(mPosToWriteUncommitted - mPosToWrite); mPosToWrite = mPosToWriteUncommitted; if (shouldRestartPacketReader()) { mPacketReaderExecutor.submit(new PacketReader(; mPacketReaderActive = true; } } } /** * @return true if we should restart the packet reader */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean shouldRestartPacketReader() { return !mPacketReaderActive && !tooManyPendingPackets() && mPosToQueue < mRequest.mEnd && mError == null && !mCancel && !mEof; } } /** * A runnable that reads packets and writes them to the channel. */ private class PacketReader implements Runnable { private Channel mChannel; /** * Creates an instance of the {@link PacketReader}. * * @param channel the channel */ PacketReader(Channel channel) { mChannel = channel; } @Override public void run() { try { runInternal(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Failed to run PacketReader.", e); throw e; } } private void runInternal() { boolean eof; // End of file. Everything requested has been read. boolean cancel; Error error; // error occured, abort requested. while (true) { final long start; final int packetSize; try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { start = mPosToQueue; eof = mEof; cancel = mCancel; error = mError; if (eof || cancel || error != null || tooManyPendingPackets()) { mPacketReaderActive = false; break; } packetSize = (int) Math.min(mRequest.mEnd - mPosToQueue, PACKET_SIZE); // packetSize should always be > 0 here when reaches here. Preconditions.checkState(packetSize > 0); } DataBuffer packet; try { packet = getDataBuffer(mChannel, start, packetSize); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to read data.", e); setError(mChannel, new Error(e, true, Protocol.Status.Code.INTERNAL)); continue; } if (packet != null) { try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { mPosToQueue += packet.getLength(); } } if (packet == null || packet.getLength() < packetSize || start + packetSize == mRequest.mEnd) { // This can happen if the requested read length is greater than the actual length of the // block or file starting from the given offset. setEof(mChannel); } if (packet != null) { RPCProtoMessage response = RPCProtoMessage.createOkResponse(packet); mChannel.writeAndFlush(response).addListener(new WriteListener(start + packetSize)); } } if (error != null) { try { // mRequest is null if an exception is thrown when initializing mRequest. if (mRequest != null) { mRequest.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to close the request.", e); } if (error.mNotifyClient) { replyError(error.mErrorCode, "", error.mCause); } } else if (eof || cancel) { try { Preconditions.checkNotNull(mRequest); mRequest.close(); } catch (IOException e) { setError(mChannel, new Error(e, true, Protocol.Status.Code.INTERNAL)); } if (eof) { replyEof(); } else if (cancel) { replyCancel(); } } } /** * Writes an error read response to the channel and closes the channel after that. */ private void replyError(Protocol.Status.Code code, String message, Throwable e) { mChannel.writeAndFlush(RPCProtoMessage.createResponse(code, message, e, null)) .addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } /** * Writes a success response. */ private void replyEof() { Preconditions.checkState(!mDone); mDone = true; mChannel.writeAndFlush(RPCProtoMessage.createOkResponse(null)) .addListeners(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE_ON_FAILURE); } /** * Writes a cancel response. */ private void replyCancel() { Preconditions.checkState(!mDone); mDone = true; mChannel.writeAndFlush(RPCProtoMessage.createCancelResponse()) .addListeners(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE_ON_FAILURE); } } }