Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.underfs.s3a; import alluxio.AlluxioURI; import alluxio.Configuration; import alluxio.Constants; import alluxio.PropertyKey; import alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem; import alluxio.underfs.options.CreateOptions; import alluxio.underfs.options.MkdirsOptions; import alluxio.util.CommonUtils; import; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.Protocol; import com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain; import com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.util.Base64; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; /** * S3 {@link alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem} implementation based on the aws-java-sdk-s3 library. */ @ThreadSafe public class S3AUnderFileSystem extends UnderFileSystem { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Constants.LOGGER_TYPE); /** Suffix for an empty file to flag it as a directory. */ private static final String FOLDER_SUFFIX = "_$folder$"; /** Value used to indicate folder structure in S3. */ private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/"; /** Static hash for a directory's empty contents. */ private static final String DIR_HASH; /** Length of each list request in S3. */ private static final int LISTING_LENGTH = 1000; /** Threshold to do multipart copy. */ private static final long MULTIPART_COPY_THRESHOLD = 100 * Constants.MB; /** AWS-SDK S3 client. */ private final AmazonS3Client mClient; /** Bucket name of user's configured Alluxio bucket. */ private final String mBucketName; /** Prefix of the bucket, for example s3a://my-bucket-name/. */ private final String mBucketPrefix; /** Transfer Manager for efficient I/O to s3. */ private final TransferManager mManager; /** The owner name of the account. */ private final String mAccountOwner; /** The AWS canonical user id of the account owner. */ private final String mAccountOwnerId; /** The permission mode that the account owner has to the bucket. */ private final short mBucketMode; static { byte[] dirByteHash = DigestUtils.md5(new byte[0]); DIR_HASH = new String(Base64.encode(dirByteHash)); } /** * Constructs a new instance of {@link S3AUnderFileSystem}. * * @param uri the {@link AlluxioURI} for this UFS */ public S3AUnderFileSystem(AlluxioURI uri) { super(uri); mBucketName = uri.getHost(); mBucketPrefix = PathUtils.normalizePath(Constants.HEADER_S3A + mBucketName, PATH_SEPARATOR); // Set the aws credential system properties based on Alluxio properties, if they are set if (Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.S3A_ACCESS_KEY)) { System.setProperty(SDKGlobalConfiguration.ACCESS_KEY_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, Configuration.get(PropertyKey.S3A_ACCESS_KEY)); } if (Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.S3A_SECRET_KEY)) { System.setProperty(SDKGlobalConfiguration.SECRET_KEY_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, Configuration.get(PropertyKey.S3A_SECRET_KEY)); } // Checks, in order, env variables, system properties, profile file, and instance profile AWSCredentialsProvider credentials = new AWSCredentialsProviderChain( new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain()); // Set the client configuration based on Alluxio configuration values ClientConfiguration clientConf = new ClientConfiguration(); // Socket timeout clientConf.setSocketTimeout(Configuration.getInt(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3A_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS)); // HTTP protocol if (Configuration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3A_SECURE_HTTP_ENABLED)) { clientConf.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTPS); } else { clientConf.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTP); } // Proxy host if (Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_PROXY_HOST)) { clientConf.setProxyHost(Configuration.get(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_PROXY_HOST)); } // Proxy port if (Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_PROXY_PORT)) { clientConf.setProxyPort(Configuration.getInt(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_PROXY_PORT)); } mClient = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, clientConf); if (Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_ENDPOINT)) { mClient.setEndpoint(Configuration.get(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_ENDPOINT)); } mManager = new TransferManager(mClient); TransferManagerConfiguration transferConf = new TransferManagerConfiguration(); transferConf.setMultipartCopyThreshold(MULTIPART_COPY_THRESHOLD); mManager.setConfiguration(transferConf); mAccountOwnerId = mClient.getS3AccountOwner().getId(); // Gets the owner from user-defined static mapping from S3 canonical user id to Alluxio // user name. String owner = CommonUtils.getValueFromStaticMapping( Configuration.get(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_OWNER_ID_TO_USERNAME_MAPPING), mAccountOwnerId); // If there is no user-defined mapping, use the display name. if (owner == null) { owner = mClient.getS3AccountOwner().getDisplayName(); } mAccountOwner = owner == null ? mAccountOwnerId : owner; AccessControlList acl = mClient.getBucketAcl(mBucketName); mBucketMode = S3AUtils.translateBucketAcl(acl, mAccountOwnerId); } @Override public UnderFSType getUnderFSType() { return UnderFSType.S3; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } @Override public void connectFromMaster(String hostname) { // Authentication is taken care of in the constructor } @Override public void connectFromWorker(String hostname) { // Authentication is taken care of in the constructor } @Override public OutputStream create(String path) throws IOException { return create(path, new CreateOptions()); } @Override public OutputStream create(String path, CreateOptions options) throws IOException { if (mkdirs(getParentKey(path), true)) { return new S3AOutputStream(mBucketName, stripPrefixIfPresent(path), mManager); } return null; } @Override public boolean delete(String path, boolean recursive) throws IOException { if (!recursive) { if (isFolder(path) && listInternal(path, false).length != 0) { LOG.error("Unable to delete " + path + " because it is a non empty directory. Specify " + "recursive as true in order to delete non empty directories."); return false; } return deleteInternal(path); } // Get all relevant files String[] pathsToDelete = listInternal(path, true); for (String pathToDelete : pathsToDelete) { // If we fail to deleteInternal one file, stop if (!deleteInternal(PathUtils.concatPath(path, pathToDelete))) { LOG.error("Failed to delete path {}, aborting delete.", pathToDelete); return false; } } return deleteInternal(path); } @Override public boolean exists(String path) throws IOException { // Root path always exists. return isRoot(path) || getObjectDetails(path) != null; } /** * Gets the block size in bytes. There is no concept of a block in S3 and the maximum size of * one put is 5 GB, and the max size of a multi-part upload is 5 TB. This method defaults to the * default user block size in Alluxio. * * @param path the file name * @return the default Alluxio user block size * @throws IOException this implementation will not throw this exception, but subclasses may */ @Override public long getBlockSizeByte(String path) throws IOException { return Configuration.getBytes(PropertyKey.USER_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES_DEFAULT); } // Not supported @Override public Object getConf() { LOG.warn("getConf is not supported when using S3UnderFileSystem, returning null."); return null; } // Not supported @Override public List<String> getFileLocations(String path) throws IOException { LOG.warn("getFileLocations is not supported when using S3UnderFileSystem, returning null."); return null; } // Not supported @Override public List<String> getFileLocations(String path, long offset) throws IOException { LOG.warn("getFileLocations is not supported when using S3UnderFileSystem, returning null."); return null; } @Override public long getFileSize(String path) throws IOException { ObjectMetadata details = getObjectDetails(path); if (details != null) { return details.getContentLength(); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(path); } } @Override public long getModificationTimeMs(String path) throws IOException { ObjectMetadata details = getObjectDetails(path); if (details != null) { return details.getLastModified().getTime(); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(path); } } // This call is currently only used for the web ui, where a negative value implies unknown. @Override public long getSpace(String path, SpaceType type) throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public boolean isFile(String path) throws IOException { // Directly try to get the file metadata, if we fail it either is a folder or does not exist try { mClient.getObjectMetadata(mBucketName, stripPrefixIfPresent(path)); return true; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { return false; } } @Override public String[] list(String path) throws IOException { // if the path not exists, or it is a file, then should return null if (!exists(path) || isFile(path)) { return null; } // Non recursive list path = PathUtils.normalizePath(path, PATH_SEPARATOR); return listInternal(path, false); } @Override public boolean mkdirs(String path, boolean createParent) throws IOException { return mkdirs(path, new MkdirsOptions().setCreateParent(createParent)); } @Override public boolean mkdirs(String path, MkdirsOptions options) throws IOException { if (path == null) { return false; } if (isFolder(path)) { return true; } if (exists(path)) { LOG.error("Cannot create directory {} because it is already a file.", path); return false; } if (!options.getCreateParent()) { if (parentExists(path)) { // Parent directory exists return mkdirsInternal(path); } else { LOG.error("Cannot create directory {} because parent does not exist", path); return false; } } // Parent directories should be created if (parentExists(path)) { // Parent directory exists return mkdirsInternal(path); } else { String parentKey = getParentKey(path); // Recursively make the parent folders return mkdirs(parentKey, true) && mkdirsInternal(path); } } @Override public InputStream open(String path) throws IOException { try { path = stripPrefixIfPresent(path); return new S3AInputStream(mBucketName, path, mClient); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { LOG.error("Failed to open file: {}", path, e); return null; } } /** * Opens a S3 object at given position and returns the opened input stream. * * @param path the S3 object path * @param pos the position to open at * @return the opened input stream * @throws if failed to open file at position */ public InputStream openAtPosition(String path, long pos) throws IOException { try { path = stripPrefixIfPresent(path); return new S3AInputStream(mBucketName, path, mClient, pos); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { LOG.error("Failed to open file {} at position {}:", path, pos, e); return null; } } @Override public boolean rename(String src, String dst) throws IOException { if (!exists(src)) { LOG.error("Unable to rename {} to {} because source does not exist.", src, dst); return false; } if (exists(dst)) { LOG.error("Unable to rename {} to {} because destination already exists.", src, dst); return false; } // Source exists and destination does not exist if (isFolder(src)) { // Rename the source folder first if (!copy(convertToFolderName(src), convertToFolderName(dst))) { return false; } // Rename each child in the src folder to destination/child String[] children = list(src); for (String child : children) { if (!rename(PathUtils.concatPath(src, child), PathUtils.concatPath(dst, child))) { return false; } } // Delete src and everything under src return delete(src, true); } // Source is a file and Destination does not exist return copy(src, dst) && deleteInternal(src); } // This UFS does not provide a mechanism for updating the configuration, no-op @Override public void setConf(Object conf) { } // Setting S3 owner via Alluxio is not supported yet. This is a no-op. @Override public void setOwner(String path, String user, String group) { } // Setting S3 mode via Alluxio is not supported yet. This is a no-op. @Override public void setMode(String path, short mode) throws IOException { } // Returns the bucket owner. @Override public String getOwner(String path) throws IOException { return mAccountOwner; } // No group in S3 ACL, returns the bucket owner. @Override public String getGroup(String path) throws IOException { return mAccountOwner; } // Returns the translated mode by the owner of the bucket. @Override public short getMode(String path) throws IOException { return mBucketMode; } /** * Appends the directory suffix to the key. * * @param key the key to convert * @return key as a directory path */ private String convertToFolderName(String key) { // Strips the slash if it is the end of the key string. This is because the slash at // the end of the string is not part of the Object key in S3. key = CommonUtils.stripSuffixIfPresent(key, PATH_SEPARATOR); return key + FOLDER_SUFFIX; } /** * Copies an object to another key. * * @param src the source key to copy * @param dst the destination key to copy to * @return true if the operation was successful, false otherwise */ private boolean copy(String src, String dst) { src = stripPrefixIfPresent(src); dst = stripPrefixIfPresent(dst); LOG.debug("Copying {} to {}", src, dst); // Retry copy for a few times, in case some AWS internal errors happened during copy. int retries = 3; for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++) { try { CopyObjectRequest request = new CopyObjectRequest(mBucketName, src, mBucketName, dst); if (Configuration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3A_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED)) { ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata(); meta.setSSEAlgorithm(ObjectMetadata.AES_256_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION); request.setNewObjectMetadata(meta); } mManager.copy(request).waitForCopyResult(); return true; } catch (AmazonClientException | InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Failed to copy file {} to {}", src, dst, e); if (i != retries - 1) { LOG.error("Retrying copying file {} to {}", src, dst); } } } LOG.error("Failed to copy file {} to {}, after {} retries", src, dst, retries); return false; } /** * Internal function to delete a key in S3. * * @param key the key to delete * @return true if successful, false if an exception is thrown */ private boolean deleteInternal(String key) { try { if (isFolder(key)) { String keyAsFolder = convertToFolderName(stripPrefixIfPresent(key)); mClient.deleteObject(mBucketName, keyAsFolder); } else { mClient.deleteObject(mBucketName, stripPrefixIfPresent(key)); } } catch (AmazonClientException e) { LOG.error("Failed to delete {}", key, e); return false; } return true; } /** * Gets the child name based on the parent name. * * @param child the key of the child * @param parent the key of the parent * @return the child key with the parent prefix removed, null if the parent prefix is invalid */ private String getChildName(String child, String parent) { if (child.startsWith(parent)) { return child.substring(parent.length()); } LOG.error("Attempted to get childname with an invalid parent argument. Parent: {} Child: {}", parent, child); return null; } /** * Gets the metadata associated with a non-root key if it represents a folder. This method will * return null if the key is not a folder. If the key exists as a prefix but does not have the * folder dummy file, a folder dummy file will be created. * * @param key the key to get the metadata for * @return the metadata of the folder, or null if the key does not represent a folder */ private ObjectMetadata getFolderMetadata(String key) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!isRoot(key)); String keyAsFolder = convertToFolderName(stripPrefixIfPresent(key)); ObjectMetadata meta = null; try { meta = mClient.getObjectMetadata(mBucketName, keyAsFolder); // If no exception is thrown, the key exists as a folder } catch (AmazonClientException e) { // It is possible that the folder has not been encoded as a _$folder$ file try { String dir = stripPrefixIfPresent(key); String dirPrefix = PathUtils.normalizePath(dir, PATH_SEPARATOR); // Check if anything begins with <folder_path>/ ObjectListing objs = mClient.listObjects(mBucketName, dirPrefix); // If there are, this is a folder and we can create the necessary metadata if (objs.getObjectSummaries().size() > 0) { mkdirsInternal(dir); meta = mClient.getObjectMetadata(mBucketName, keyAsFolder); } } catch (AmazonClientException ace) { return null; } } return meta; } /** * @param key the key to get the object details of * @return {@link ObjectMetadata} of the key, or null if the key does not exist */ private ObjectMetadata getObjectDetails(String key) { // We try to get the metadata as a file and then a folder without checking isFolder to reduce // the number of calls to S3. try { return mClient.getObjectMetadata(mBucketName, stripPrefixIfPresent(key)); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { // Its possible that the object is not a file but a folder return getFolderMetadata(stripPrefixIfPresent(key)); } } /** * @param key the key to get the parent of * @return the parent key, or null if the parent does not exist */ private String getParentKey(String key) { // Root does not have a parent. if (isRoot(key)) { return null; } int separatorIndex = key.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); if (separatorIndex < 0) { return null; } return key.substring(0, separatorIndex); } /** * Determines if the key represents a folder. If false is returned, it is not guaranteed that the * path exists. * * @param key the key to check * @return whether the given key identifies a folder */ private boolean isFolder(String key) { // Root is always a folder return isRoot(key) || getFolderMetadata(key) != null; } /** * Checks if the key is the root. * * @param key the key to check * @return true if the key is the root, false otherwise */ private boolean isRoot(String key) { return PathUtils.normalizePath(key, PATH_SEPARATOR) .equals(PathUtils.normalizePath(Constants.HEADER_S3A + mBucketName, PATH_SEPARATOR)); } /** * Lists the files in the given path, the paths will be their logical names and not contain the * folder suffix. Note that, the list results are unsorted. * * @param path the key to list * @param recursive if true will list children directories as well * @return an array of the file and folder names in this directory * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ private String[] listInternal(String path, boolean recursive) throws IOException { path = stripPrefixIfPresent(path); path = PathUtils.normalizePath(path, PATH_SEPARATOR); path = path.equals(PATH_SEPARATOR) ? "" : path; String delimiter = recursive ? "" : PATH_SEPARATOR; Set<String> children = new HashSet<>(); try { ListObjectsV2Request request = new ListObjectsV2Request().withBucketName(mBucketName).withPrefix(path) .withDelimiter(delimiter).withMaxKeys(LISTING_LENGTH); ListObjectsV2Result result = null; while (result == null || result.isTruncated()) { // Query S3 for the next batch of objects result = mClient.listObjectsV2(request); // Advance the request continuation token to the next set of objects request.setContinuationToken(result.getNextContinuationToken()); // Directories in S3 UFS can be possibly encoded in two different ways: // (1) as file objects with FOLDER_SUFFIX for directories created through Alluxio or // (2) as "common prefixes" of other files objects for directories not created through // Alluxio // // Case (1) (and file objects) is accounted for by iterating over chunk.getObjects() while // case (2) is accounted for by iterating over chunk.getCommonPrefixes(). // // An example, with prefix="ufs" and delimiter="/" and LISTING_LENGTH=5 // - objects.key = ufs/, child = // - objects.key = ufs/dir1_$folder$, child = dir1 // - objects.key = ufs/file, child = file // - commonPrefix = ufs/dir1/, child = dir1 // - commonPrefix = ufs/dir2/, child = dir2 // Handle case (1) for (S3ObjectSummary obj : result.getObjectSummaries()) { // Remove parent portion of the key String child = getChildName(obj.getKey(), path); // Prune the special folder suffix child = CommonUtils.stripSuffixIfPresent(child, FOLDER_SUFFIX); // Only add if the path is not empty (removes results equal to the path) if (!child.isEmpty()) { children.add(child); } } // Handle case (2) for (String commonPrefix : result.getCommonPrefixes()) { // Remove parent portion of the key String child = getChildName(commonPrefix, path); // Remove any portion after the last path delimiter int childNameIndex = child.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); child = childNameIndex != -1 ? child.substring(0, childNameIndex) : child; if (!child.isEmpty() && !children.contains(child)) { // This directory has not been created through Alluxio. mkdirsInternal(commonPrefix); children.add(child); } } } return children.toArray(new String[children.size()]); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { LOG.error("Failed to list path {}", path, e); return null; } } /** * Creates a directory flagged file with the key and folder suffix. * * @param key the key to create a folder * @return true if the operation was successful, false otherwise */ private boolean mkdirsInternal(String key) { try { String keyAsFolder = convertToFolderName(stripPrefixIfPresent(key)); ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata(); meta.setContentLength(0); meta.setContentMD5(DIR_HASH); meta.setContentType(Mimetypes.MIMETYPE_OCTET_STREAM); mClient.putObject( new PutObjectRequest(mBucketName, keyAsFolder, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), meta)); return true; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { LOG.error("Failed to create directory: {}", key, e); return false; } } /** * Treating S3 as a file system, checks if the parent directory exists. * * @param key the key to check * @return true if the parent exists or if the key is root, false otherwise */ private boolean parentExists(String key) { // Assume root always has a parent if (isRoot(key)) { return true; } String parentKey = getParentKey(key); return parentKey != null && isFolder(parentKey); } /** * Strips the s3 bucket prefix or the preceding path separator from the key if it is present. For * example, for input key s3a://my-bucket-name/my-path/file, the output would be my-path/file. If * key is an absolute path like /my-path/file, the output would be my-path/file. This method will * leave keys without a prefix unaltered, ie. my-path/file returns my-path/file. * * @param key the key to strip * @return the key without the s3 bucket prefix */ private String stripPrefixIfPresent(String key) { String stripedKey = CommonUtils.stripPrefixIfPresent(key, mBucketPrefix); if (!stripedKey.equals(key)) { return stripedKey; } return CommonUtils.stripPrefixIfPresent(key, PATH_SEPARATOR); } @Override public boolean supportsFlush() { return false; } }