Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.underfs.s3a; import alluxio.Constants; import alluxio.conf.PropertyKey; import alluxio.retry.CountingRetry; import alluxio.retry.RetryPolicy; import alluxio.util.CommonUtils; import; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.util.Base64; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; /** * [Experimental] A stream for writing a file into S3 using streaming upload. * The data transfer is done using S3 low-level multipart upload. * * The multipart upload is initialized in the first write() and an upload id is given * by AWS S3 to distinguish different multipart uploads. * * We upload data in partitions. When write(), the data will be persisted to * a temporary file {@link #mFile} on the local disk. When the data {@link #mPartitionOffset} * in this temporary file reaches the {@link #mPartitionSize}, the file will be submitted * to the upload executor {@link #mExecutor} and we do not wait for uploads to finish. * A new temp file will be created for the future write and the {@link #mPartitionOffset} * will be reset to zero. The process goes until all the data has been written to temp files. * * In flush(), we upload the buffered data if they are bigger than 5MB * and wait for all uploads to finish. The temp files will be deleted after uploading successfully. * * In close(), we upload the last part of data (if exists), wait for all uploads to finish, * and complete the multipart upload. * * close() will not be retried, but all the multipart upload * related operations(init, upload, complete, and abort) will be retried. * * If an error occurs and we have no way to recover, we abort the multipart uploads. * Some multipart uploads may not be completed/aborted in normal ways and need periodical cleanup * by enabling the {@link PropertyKey#UNDERFS_CLEANUP_ENABLED}. * When a leader master starts or a cleanup interval is reached, all the multipart uploads * older than {@link PropertyKey#UNDERFS_S3_INTERMEDIATE_UPLOAD_CLEAN_AGE} will be cleaned. */ @NotThreadSafe public class S3ALowLevelOutputStream extends OutputStream { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3ALowLevelOutputStream.class); private final boolean mSseEnabled; private final List<String> mTmpDirs; /** * Only parts bigger than 5MB could be uploaded through S3A low-level multipart upload, * except the last part. */ private static final long UPLOAD_THRESHOLD = 5 * Constants.MB; /** Bucket name of the Alluxio S3 bucket. */ private final String mBucketName; /** The Amazon S3 client to interact with S3. */ private final AmazonS3 mClient; /** Executing the upload tasks. */ private final ListeningExecutorService mExecutor; /** Key of the file when it is uploaded to S3. */ private final String mKey; /** The retry policy of this multipart upload. */ private final RetryPolicy mRetryPolicy = new CountingRetry(5); /** Pre-allocated byte buffer for writing single characters. */ private final byte[] mSingleCharWrite = new byte[1]; /** Tags for the uploaded part, provided by S3 after uploading. */ private final List<PartETag> mTags = new ArrayList<>(); /** The MD5 hash of the file. */ private MessageDigest mHash; /** The upload id of this multipart upload. */ private String mUploadId; /** Flag to indicate this stream has been closed, to ensure close is only done once. */ private boolean mClosed = false; /** When the offset reaches the partition size, we upload the temp file. */ private long mPartitionOffset; /** The maximum allowed size of a partition. */ private final long mPartitionSize; /** * The local temp file that will be uploaded when reaches the partition size * or when flush() is called and this file is bigger than 5MB. */ private File mFile; /** The output stream to the local temp file. */ private OutputStream mLocalOutputStream; /** * Give each upload request an unique and continuous id * so that S3 knows the part sequence to concatenate the parts to a single object. */ private AtomicInteger mPartNumber; /** Store the future of tags. */ private List<ListenableFuture<PartETag>> mTagFutures = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Constructs a new stream for writing a file. * * @param bucketName the name of the bucket * @param key the key of the file * @param s3Client the Amazon S3 client to upload the file with * @param executor a thread pool executor * @param streamingUploadPartitionSize the size in bytes for partitions of streaming uploads * @param tmpDirs a list of temporary directories * @param sseEnabled whether or not server side encryption is enabled */ public S3ALowLevelOutputStream(String bucketName, String key, AmazonS3 s3Client, ListeningExecutorService executor, long streamingUploadPartitionSize, List<String> tmpDirs, boolean sseEnabled) { Preconditions.checkArgument(bucketName != null && !bucketName.isEmpty(), "Bucket name must " + "not be null or empty."); mBucketName = bucketName; mClient = s3Client; mExecutor = executor; mTmpDirs = tmpDirs; mSseEnabled = sseEnabled; try { mHash = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOG.warn("Algorithm not available for MD5 hash.", e); mHash = null; } mKey = key; // Partition size should be at least 5 MB, since S3 low-level multipart upload does not // accept intermediate part smaller than 5 MB. mPartitionSize = Math.max(UPLOAD_THRESHOLD, streamingUploadPartitionSize); mPartNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { mSingleCharWrite[0] = (byte) b; write(mSingleCharWrite); } @Override public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { write(b, 0, b.length); } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (b == null || len == 0) { return; } validateWriteArgs(b, off, len); if (mUploadId == null) { initMultiPartUpload(); } if (mFile == null) { initNewFile(); } if (mPartitionOffset + len < mPartitionSize) { mLocalOutputStream.write(b, off, len); mPartitionOffset += len; } else { int firstLen = (int) (mPartitionSize - mPartitionOffset); mLocalOutputStream.write(b, off, firstLen); mPartitionOffset += firstLen; uploadPart(); write(b, off + firstLen, len - firstLen); } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { if (mUploadId == null) { return; } // We try to minimize the time use to close() // because Fuse release() method which calls close() is async. // In flush(), we upload the current writing file if it is bigger than 5 MB, // and wait for all current upload to complete. if (mLocalOutputStream != null) { mLocalOutputStream.flush(); } if (mPartitionOffset > UPLOAD_THRESHOLD) { uploadPart(); } waitForAllPartsUpload(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (mClosed) { return; } // Set the closed flag, we never retry close() even if exception occurs mClosed = true; // Multi-part upload has not been initialized if (mUploadId == null) { LOG.debug("S3A Streaming upload output stream closed without uploading any data."); return; } try { if (mFile != null) { mLocalOutputStream.close(); int partNumber = mPartNumber.getAndIncrement(); final UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest().withBucketName(mBucketName) .withKey(mKey).withUploadId(mUploadId).withPartNumber(partNumber).withFile(mFile) .withPartSize(mFile.length()); uploadRequest.setLastPart(true); execUpload(uploadRequest); } waitForAllPartsUpload(); completeMultiPartUpload(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to upload {}: {}", mKey, e.toString()); throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Initializes multipart upload. */ private void initMultiPartUpload() throws IOException { // Generate the object metadata by setting server side encryption, md5 checksum, // and encoding as octet stream since no assumptions are made about the file type ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata(); if (mSseEnabled) { meta.setSSEAlgorithm(ObjectMetadata.AES_256_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION); } if (mHash != null) { meta.setContentMD5(Base64.encodeAsString(mHash.digest())); } meta.setContentType(Mimetypes.MIMETYPE_OCTET_STREAM); AmazonClientException lastException; InitiateMultipartUploadRequest initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(mBucketName, mKey) .withObjectMetadata(meta); do { try { mUploadId = mClient.initiateMultipartUpload(initRequest).getUploadId(); return; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { lastException = e; } } while (mRetryPolicy.attempt()); // This point is only reached if the operation failed more // than the allowed retry count throw new IOException("Unable to init multipart upload to " + mKey, lastException); } /** * Creates a new temp file to write to. */ private void initNewFile() throws IOException { mFile = new File(PathUtils.concatPath(CommonUtils.getTmpDir(mTmpDirs), UUID.randomUUID())); if (mHash != null) { mLocalOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream( new DigestOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(mFile), mHash)); } else { mLocalOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(mFile)); } mPartitionOffset = 0; LOG.debug("Init new temp file @ {}", mFile.getPath()); } /** * Uploads part async. */ private void uploadPart() throws IOException { if (mFile == null) { return; } mLocalOutputStream.close(); int partNumber = mPartNumber.getAndIncrement(); File newFileToUpload = new File(mFile.getPath()); mFile = null; mLocalOutputStream = null; UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest().withBucketName(mBucketName).withKey(mKey) .withUploadId(mUploadId).withPartNumber(partNumber).withFile(newFileToUpload) .withPartSize(newFileToUpload.length()); execUpload(uploadRequest); } /** * Executes the upload part request. * * @param request the upload part request */ private void execUpload(UploadPartRequest request) { File file = request.getFile(); ListenableFuture<PartETag> futureTag = mExecutor.submit((Callable) () -> { PartETag partETag; AmazonClientException lastException; try { do { try { partETag = mClient.uploadPart(request).getPartETag(); return partETag; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { lastException = e; } } while (mRetryPolicy.attempt()); } finally { // Delete the uploaded or failed to upload file if (!file.delete()) { LOG.error("Failed to delete temporary file @ {}", file.getPath()); } } throw new IOException("Fail to upload part " + request.getPartNumber() + " to " + request.getKey(), lastException); }); mTagFutures.add(futureTag); LOG.debug("Submit upload part request. key={}, partNum={}, file={}, fileSize={}, lastPart={}.", mKey, request.getPartNumber(), file.getPath(), file.length(), request.isLastPart()); } /** * Waits for the submitted upload tasks to finish. */ private void waitForAllPartsUpload() throws IOException { int beforeSize = mTags.size(); try { for (ListenableFuture<PartETag> future : mTagFutures) { mTags.add(future.get()); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { // No recover ways so that we need to cancel all the upload tasks // and abort the multipart upload Futures.allAsList(mTagFutures).cancel(true); abortMultiPartUpload(); throw new IOException( "Part upload failed in multipart upload with " + "id '" + mUploadId + "' to " + mKey, e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted object upload.", e); Futures.allAsList(mTagFutures).cancel(true); abortMultiPartUpload(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } mTagFutures = new ArrayList<>(); if (mTags.size() != beforeSize) { LOG.debug("Uploaded {} partitions of id '{}' to {}.", mTags.size(), mUploadId, mKey); } } /** * Completes multipart upload. */ private void completeMultiPartUpload() throws IOException { AmazonClientException lastException; CompleteMultipartUploadRequest completeRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(mBucketName, mKey, mUploadId, mTags); do { try { mClient.completeMultipartUpload(completeRequest); LOG.debug("Completed multipart upload for key {} and id '{}' with {} partitions.", mKey, mUploadId, mTags.size()); return; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { lastException = e; } } while (mRetryPolicy.attempt()); // This point is only reached if the operation failed more // than the allowed retry count throw new IOException("Unable to complete multipart upload with id '" + mUploadId + "' to " + mKey, lastException); } /** * Aborts multipart upload. */ private void abortMultiPartUpload() { AmazonClientException lastException; do { try { mClient.abortMultipartUpload(new AbortMultipartUploadRequest(mBucketName, mKey, mUploadId)); LOG.warn("Aborted multipart upload for key {} and id '{}' to bucket {}", mKey, mUploadId, mBucketName); return; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { lastException = e; } } while (mRetryPolicy.attempt()); // This point is only reached if the operation failed more // than the allowed retry count LOG.warn( "Unable to abort multipart upload for key '{}' and id '{}' to bucket {}. " + "You may need to enable the periodical cleanup by setting property {}" + "to be true.", mKey, mUploadId, mBucketName, PropertyKey.UNDERFS_CLEANUP_ENABLED.getName(), lastException); } /** * Validates the arguments of write operation. * * @param b the data * @param off the start offset in the data * @param len the number of bytes to write */ private void validateWriteArgs(byte[] b, int off, int len) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(b); if (off < 0 || off > b.length || len < 0 || (off + len) > b.length || (off + len) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("write(b[" + b.length + "], " + off + ", " + len + ")"); } } }