Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.underfs.hdfs; import alluxio.AlluxioURI; import alluxio.Configuration; import alluxio.PropertyKey; import alluxio.retry.CountingRetry; import alluxio.retry.RetryPolicy; import alluxio.underfs.AtomicFileOutputStream; import alluxio.underfs.AtomicFileOutputStreamCallback; import alluxio.underfs.BaseUnderFileSystem; import alluxio.underfs.UnderFileStatus; import alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem; import alluxio.underfs.options.CreateOptions; import alluxio.underfs.options.DeleteOptions; import alluxio.underfs.options.FileLocationOptions; import alluxio.underfs.options.MkdirsOptions; import alluxio.underfs.options.OpenOptions; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; /** * HDFS {@link UnderFileSystem} implementation. */ @ThreadSafe public class HdfsUnderFileSystem extends BaseUnderFileSystem implements AtomicFileOutputStreamCallback { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HdfsUnderFileSystem.class); private static final int MAX_TRY = 5; private FileSystem mFileSystem; /** * Constructs a new HDFS {@link UnderFileSystem}. * * @param uri the {@link AlluxioURI} for this UFS * @param conf the configuration for Hadoop */ public HdfsUnderFileSystem(AlluxioURI uri, Object conf) { super(uri); final String ufsPrefix = uri.toString(); final org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoopConf; if (conf != null && conf instanceof org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) { hadoopConf = (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) conf; } else { hadoopConf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration(); } prepareConfiguration(ufsPrefix, hadoopConf); hadoopConf.addResource(new Path(hadoopConf.get(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_HDFS_CONFIGURATION.toString()))); HdfsUnderFileSystemUtils.addS3Credentials(hadoopConf); Path path = new Path(ufsPrefix); try { mFileSystem = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Exception thrown when trying to get FileSystem for {} : {}", ufsPrefix, e.getMessage()); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public String getUnderFSType() { return "hdfs"; } /** * Prepares the Hadoop configuration necessary to successfully obtain a {@link FileSystem} * instance that can access the provided path. * <p> * Derived implementations that work with specialised Hadoop {@linkplain FileSystem} API * compatible implementations can override this method to add implementation specific * configuration necessary for obtaining a usable {@linkplain FileSystem} instance. * </p> * * @param path file system path * @param hadoopConf Hadoop configuration */ protected void prepareConfiguration(String path, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoopConf) { // On Hadoop 2.x this is strictly unnecessary since it uses ServiceLoader to automatically // discover available file system implementations. However this configuration setting is // required for earlier Hadoop versions plus it is still honoured as an override even in 2.x so // if present propagate it to the Hadoop configuration String ufsHdfsImpl = Configuration.get(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_HDFS_IMPL); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ufsHdfsImpl)) { hadoopConf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", ufsHdfsImpl); } // Disable hdfs client caching so that input configuration is respected. Configurable from // system property hadoopConf.set("fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache", System.getProperty("fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache", "true")); HdfsUnderFileSystemUtils.addKey(hadoopConf, PropertyKey.UNDERFS_HDFS_CONFIGURATION); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { // Don't close; file systems are singletons and closing it here could break other users } @Override public OutputStream create(String path, CreateOptions options) throws IOException { if (!options.isEnsureAtomic()) { return createDirect(path, options); } return new AtomicFileOutputStream(path, this, options); } @Override public OutputStream createDirect(String path, CreateOptions options) throws IOException { IOException te = null; RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new CountingRetry(MAX_TRY); while (retryPolicy.attemptRetry()) { try { // TODO(chaomin): support creating HDFS files with specified block size and replication. return FileSystem.create(mFileSystem, new Path(path), new FsPermission(options.getMode().toShort())); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Retry count {} : {} ", retryPolicy.getRetryCount(), e.getMessage()); te = e; } } throw te; } @Override public boolean deleteDirectory(String path, DeleteOptions options) throws IOException { return isDirectory(path) && delete(path, options.isRecursive()); } @Override public boolean deleteFile(String path) throws IOException { return isFile(path) && delete(path, false); } @Override public boolean exists(String path) throws IOException { return mFileSystem.exists(new Path(path)); } @Override public long getBlockSizeByte(String path) throws IOException { Path tPath = new Path(path); if (!mFileSystem.exists(tPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(path); } FileStatus fs = mFileSystem.getFileStatus(tPath); return fs.getBlockSize(); } @Override public Object getConf() { return mFileSystem.getConf(); } @Override public List<String> getFileLocations(String path) throws IOException { return getFileLocations(path, FileLocationOptions.defaults()); } @Override public List<String> getFileLocations(String path, FileLocationOptions options) throws IOException { // If the user has hinted the underlying storage nodes are not co-located with Alluxio // workers, short circuit without querying the locations if (Configuration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_HDFS_REMOTE)) { return null; } List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); try { FileStatus fStatus = mFileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(path)); BlockLocation[] bLocations = mFileSystem.getFileBlockLocations(fStatus, options.getOffset(), 1); if (bLocations.length > 0) { String[] names = bLocations[0].getHosts(); Collections.addAll(ret, names); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to get file location for {} : {}", path, e.getMessage()); } return ret; } @Override public long getFileSize(String path) throws IOException { Path tPath = new Path(path); RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new CountingRetry(MAX_TRY); while (retryPolicy.attemptRetry()) { try { FileStatus fs = mFileSystem.getFileStatus(tPath); return fs.getLen(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("{} try to get file size for {} : {}", retryPolicy.getRetryCount(), path, e.getMessage()); } } return -1; } @Override public long getModificationTimeMs(String path) throws IOException { Path tPath = new Path(path); if (!mFileSystem.exists(tPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(path); } FileStatus fs = mFileSystem.getFileStatus(tPath); return fs.getModificationTime(); } @Override public long getSpace(String path, SpaceType type) throws IOException { // Ignoring the path given, will give information for entire cluster // as Alluxio can load/store data out of entire HDFS cluster if (mFileSystem instanceof DistributedFileSystem) { switch (type) { case SPACE_TOTAL: // Due to Hadoop 1 support we stick with the deprecated version. If we drop support for it // FileSystem.getStatus().getCapacity() will be the new one. return ((DistributedFileSystem) mFileSystem).getDiskStatus().getCapacity(); case SPACE_USED: // Due to Hadoop 1 support we stick with the deprecated version. If we drop support for it // FileSystem.getStatus().getUsed() will be the new one. return ((DistributedFileSystem) mFileSystem).getDiskStatus().getDfsUsed(); case SPACE_FREE: // Due to Hadoop 1 support we stick with the deprecated version. If we drop support for it // FileSystem.getStatus().getRemaining() will be the new one. return ((DistributedFileSystem) mFileSystem).getDiskStatus().getRemaining(); default: throw new IOException("Unknown space type: " + type); } } return -1; } @Override public boolean isDirectory(String path) throws IOException { return mFileSystem.isDirectory(new Path(path)); } @Override public boolean isFile(String path) throws IOException { return mFileSystem.isFile(new Path(path)); } @Override public UnderFileStatus[] listStatus(String path) throws IOException { FileStatus[] files = listStatusInternal(path); if (files == null) { return null; } UnderFileStatus[] rtn = new UnderFileStatus[files.length]; int i = 0; for (FileStatus status : files) { // only return the relative path, to keep consistent with rtn[i++] = new UnderFileStatus(status.getPath().getName(), status.isDir()); } return rtn; } @Override public void connectFromMaster(String host) throws IOException { if (!Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.MASTER_KEYTAB_KEY_FILE) || !Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.MASTER_PRINCIPAL)) { return; } String masterKeytab = Configuration.get(PropertyKey.MASTER_KEYTAB_KEY_FILE); String masterPrincipal = Configuration.get(PropertyKey.MASTER_PRINCIPAL); login(PropertyKey.MASTER_KEYTAB_KEY_FILE, masterKeytab, PropertyKey.MASTER_PRINCIPAL, masterPrincipal, host); } @Override public void connectFromWorker(String host) throws IOException { if (!Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.WORKER_KEYTAB_FILE) || !Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.WORKER_PRINCIPAL)) { return; } String workerKeytab = Configuration.get(PropertyKey.WORKER_KEYTAB_FILE); String workerPrincipal = Configuration.get(PropertyKey.WORKER_PRINCIPAL); login(PropertyKey.WORKER_KEYTAB_FILE, workerKeytab, PropertyKey.WORKER_PRINCIPAL, workerPrincipal, host); } private void login(PropertyKey keytabFileKey, String keytabFile, PropertyKey principalKey, String principal, String hostname) throws IOException { org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration(); conf.set(keytabFileKey.toString(), keytabFile); conf.set(principalKey.toString(), principal); SecurityUtil.login(conf, keytabFileKey.toString(), principalKey.toString(), hostname); } @Override public boolean mkdirs(String path, MkdirsOptions options) throws IOException { IOException te = null; RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new CountingRetry(MAX_TRY); while (retryPolicy.attemptRetry()) { try { Path hdfsPath = new Path(path); if (mFileSystem.exists(hdfsPath)) { LOG.debug("Trying to create existing directory at {}", path); return false; } // Create directories one by one with explicit permissions to ensure no umask is applied, // using mkdirs will apply the permission only to the last directory Stack<Path> dirsToMake = new Stack<>(); dirsToMake.push(hdfsPath); Path parent = hdfsPath.getParent(); while (!mFileSystem.exists(parent)) { dirsToMake.push(parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } while (!dirsToMake.empty()) { Path dirToMake = dirsToMake.pop(); if (!FileSystem.mkdirs(mFileSystem, dirToMake, new FsPermission(options.getMode().toShort()))) { return false; } // Set the owner to the Alluxio client user to achieve permission delegation. // Alluxio server-side user is required to be a HDFS superuser. If it fails to set owner, // proceeds with mkdirs and print out an warning message. try { setOwner(dirToMake.toString(), options.getOwner(), options.getGroup()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to update the ufs dir ownership, default values will be used. " + e); } } return true; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("{} try to make directory for {} : {}", retryPolicy.getRetryCount(), path, e.getMessage()); te = e; } } throw te; } @Override public InputStream open(String path, OpenOptions options) throws IOException { IOException te = null; RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new CountingRetry(MAX_TRY); while (retryPolicy.attemptRetry()) { try { FSDataInputStream inputStream = Path(path)); try {; } catch (IOException e) { inputStream.close(); throw e; } return new HdfsUnderFileInputStream(inputStream); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("{} try to open {} : {}", retryPolicy.getRetryCount(), path, e.getMessage()); te = e; } } throw te; } @Override public boolean renameDirectory(String src, String dst) throws IOException { if (!isDirectory(src)) { LOG.warn("Unable to rename {} to {} because source does not exist or is a file", src, dst); return false; } return rename(src, dst); } @Override public boolean renameFile(String src, String dst) throws IOException { if (!isFile(src)) { LOG.warn("Unable to rename {} to {} because source does not exist or is a directory", src, dst); return false; } return rename(src, dst); } @Override public void setConf(Object conf) { mFileSystem.setConf((org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) conf); } @Override public void setOwner(String path, String user, String group) throws IOException { try { FileStatus fileStatus = mFileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(path)); mFileSystem.setOwner(fileStatus.getPath(), user, group); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to set owner for {} with user: {}, group: {}", path, user, group); LOG.debug("Exception : ", e); LOG.warn("In order for Alluxio to modify ownership of local files, " + "Alluxio should be the local file system superuser."); if (!Configuration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_ALLOW_SET_OWNER_FAILURE)) { throw e; } else { LOG.warn("Failure is ignored, which may cause permission inconsistency between " + "Alluxio and HDFS."); } } } @Override public void setMode(String path, short mode) throws IOException { try { FileStatus fileStatus = mFileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(path)); mFileSystem.setPermission(fileStatus.getPath(), new FsPermission(mode)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Fail to set permission for {} with perm {} : {}", path, mode, e.getMessage()); throw e; } } @Override public String getOwner(String path) throws IOException { try { return mFileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(path)).getOwner(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Fail to get owner for {} : {}", path, e.getMessage()); throw e; } } @Override public String getGroup(String path) throws IOException { try { return mFileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(path)).getGroup(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Fail to get group for {} : {}", path, e.getMessage()); throw e; } } @Override public short getMode(String path) throws IOException { try { return mFileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(path)).getPermission().toShort(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Fail to get permission for {} : {}", path, e.getMessage()); throw e; } } @Override public boolean supportsFlush() { return true; } /** * Delete a file or directory at path. * * @param path file or directory path * @param recursive whether to delete path recursively * @return true, if succeed * @throws IOException when a non-alluxio error occurs */ private boolean delete(String path, boolean recursive) throws IOException { IOException te = null; RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new CountingRetry(MAX_TRY); while (retryPolicy.attemptRetry()) { try { return mFileSystem.delete(new Path(path), recursive); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Retry count {} : {}", retryPolicy.getRetryCount(), e.getMessage()); te = e; } } throw te; } /** * List status for given path. Returns an array of {@link FileStatus} with an entry for each file * and directory in the directory denoted by this path. * * @param path the pathname to list * @return {@code null} if the path is not a directory * @throws IOException */ private FileStatus[] listStatusInternal(String path) throws IOException { FileStatus[] files; try { files = mFileSystem.listStatus(new Path(path)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } // Check if path is a file if (files != null && files.length == 1 && files[0].getPath().toString().equals(path)) { return null; } return files; } /** * Rename a file or folder to a file or folder. * * @param src path of source file or directory * @param dst path of destination file or directory * @return true if rename succeeds * @throws IOException */ private boolean rename(String src, String dst) throws IOException { IOException te = null; RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new CountingRetry(MAX_TRY); while (retryPolicy.attemptRetry()) { try { return mFileSystem.rename(new Path(src), new Path(dst)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("{} try to rename {} to {} : {}", retryPolicy.getRetryCount(), src, dst, e.getMessage()); te = e; } } throw te; } }