Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
 * available at
 * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
 * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.


import alluxio.util.proto.ProtoMessage;
import alluxio.proto.dataserver.Protocol;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;

import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;

 * This is the main base class for all protocol buffer based RPC messages to the DataServer.
 * Each RPC message is composed of a proto message and a data buffer.
 * Encoded format:
 * [proto message length][serialized proto message][data buffer]
 * The proto message length doesn't include the length of itself (the length field).
 * Note: The data buffer must be released when it is not used. Usually this is how it is released:
 * 1. On the consumer side, a {@link RPCProtoMessage} is decoded and the data buffer is extracted.
 *    The ownership of the data buffer is transferred from then on.
 * 2. On the producer side, a {@link RPCProtoMessage} is created. It will be sent on the wire via
 *    netty which will take ownership of the data buffer.
 * Given the above usage patterns, {@link RPCProtoMessage} doesn't provide a 'release' interface
 * to avoid confusing the user.
public final class RPCProtoMessage extends RPCMessage {
    private final ProtoMessage mMessage;
    private final byte[] mMessageEncoded;
    private final DataBuffer mData;

     * Creates an instance of {@link RPCProtoMessage}.
     * @param message the message
     * @param data the data which can be null. Ownership is taken by this class
    public RPCProtoMessage(ProtoMessage message, DataBuffer data) {
        if (data != null) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument((data instanceof DataNettyBufferV2) || (data instanceof DataFileChannel),
                    "Only DataNettyBufferV2 and DataFileChannel are allowed.");
        mMessage = message;
        mMessageEncoded = message.toByteArray();
        if (data != null && data.getLength() > 0) {
            mData = data;
        } else if (data != null) {
            mData = null;
        } else {
            mData = null;

     * Creates an instance of {@link RPCProtoMessage} without data part.
     * @param message the message
    public RPCProtoMessage(ProtoMessage message) {
        this(message, null);

     * Creates an instance of {@link RPCProtoMessage} from a serialized proto message.
     * @param serialized the serialized message
     * @param prototype the prototype of the message used to identify the type of the message
     * @param data the data which can be null
    public RPCProtoMessage(byte[] serialized, ProtoMessage.Type prototype, DataBuffer data) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument((data instanceof DataNettyBufferV2) || (data instanceof DataFileChannel),
                "Only DataNettyBufferV2 and DataFileChannel are allowed.");
        mMessage = ProtoMessage.parseFrom(prototype, serialized);
        mMessageEncoded = Arrays.copyOf(serialized, serialized.length);
        if (data != null && data.getLength() > 0) {
            mData = data;
        } else if (data != null) {
            mData = null;
        } else {
            mData = null;

    public int getEncodedLength() {
        return Ints.BYTES + mMessageEncoded.length;

    public void encode(ByteBuf out) {

     * Decodes the message from a buffer. This method increments the refcount of the bytebuf passed
     * by 1.
     * @param in the buffer
     * @param prototype a message prototype used to infer the type of the message
     * @return the message decoded
    public static RPCProtoMessage decode(ByteBuf in, ProtoMessage.Type prototype) {
        int length = in.readInt();
        byte[] serialized = new byte[length];
        return new RPCProtoMessage(serialized, prototype, new DataNettyBufferV2(in));

    public Type getType() {
        switch (mMessage.getType()) {
        case READ_REQUEST:
            return RPCMessage.Type.RPC_READ_REQUEST;
        case WRITE_REQUEST:
            return RPCMessage.Type.RPC_WRITE_REQUEST;
        case RESPONSE:
            return RPCMessage.Type.RPC_RESPONSE;
            return RPCMessage.Type.RPC_UNKNOWN;

    public void validate() {

    public boolean hasPayload() {
        return getPayloadDataBuffer() != null;

    public DataBuffer getPayloadDataBuffer() {
        return mData;

     * @return the message
    public ProtoMessage getMessage() {
        return mMessage;

     * Creates a response for a given status.
     * @param code the status code
     * @param message the user provided message
     * @param e the cause of this error
     * @param data the data buffer
     * @return the message created
    public static RPCProtoMessage createResponse(Protocol.Status.Code code, String message, Throwable e,
            DataBuffer data) {
        Protocol.Status status = Protocol.Status.newBuilder().setCode(code).setMessage(message).build();
        if (e != null) {
            Protocol.Exception.Builder builder = Protocol.Exception.newBuilder();
            String className = e.getClass().getCanonicalName();
            if (className != null) {
            if (e.getMessage() != null) {
            status = status.toBuilder().setCause(;
        Protocol.Response response = Protocol.Response.newBuilder().setStatus(status).build();
        return new RPCProtoMessage(new ProtoMessage(response), data);

     * Creates an OK response with data.
     * @param data the data
     * @return the message created
    public static RPCProtoMessage createOkResponse(DataBuffer data) {
        return createResponse(Protocol.Status.Code.OK, "", null, data);

     * Creates a response in CANCELLED state.
     * @return the message created
    public static RPCProtoMessage createCancelResponse() {
        return createResponse(Protocol.Status.Code.CANCELLED, "", null, null);

    public String toString() {
        return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("message", mMessage)
                .add("dataLength", mData == null ? 0 : mData.getLength()).toString();