Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Unit tests for {@link RPCBlockReadRequest}. */ public class RPCBlockReadRequestTest { private static final long BLOCK_ID = 11; private static final long OFFSET = 22; private static final long LENGTH = 33; private static final long LOCK_ID = 44; private static final long SESSION_ID = 55; private ByteBuf mBuffer = null; private void assertValid(long blockId, long offset, long length, long lockId, long sessionId, RPCBlockReadRequest req) { Assert.assertEquals(RPCMessage.Type.RPC_BLOCK_READ_REQUEST, req.getType()); Assert.assertEquals(blockId, req.getBlockId()); Assert.assertEquals(offset, req.getOffset()); Assert.assertEquals(length, req.getLength()); Assert.assertEquals(lockId, req.getLockId()); Assert.assertEquals(sessionId, req.getSessionId()); } private void assertValid(RPCBlockReadRequest req) { try { req.validate(); } catch (Exception e) {"request should be valid."); } } private void assertInvalid(RPCBlockReadRequest req) { try { req.validate();"request should be invalid."); } catch (Exception e) { return; } } /** * Sets up the buffer before a test runs. */ @Before public final void before() { mBuffer = Unpooled.buffer(); } /** * Tests the {@link RPCBlockReadRequest#getEncodedLength()} method. */ @Test public void encodedLength() { RPCBlockReadRequest req = new RPCBlockReadRequest(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, LENGTH, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID); int encodedLength = req.getEncodedLength(); req.encode(mBuffer); Assert.assertEquals(encodedLength, mBuffer.readableBytes()); } /** * Tests the {@link RPCBlockReadRequest#encode(ByteBuf)} and * {@link RPCBlockReadRequest#decode(ByteBuf)} methods. */ @Test public void encodeDecode() { RPCBlockReadRequest req = new RPCBlockReadRequest(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, LENGTH, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID); req.encode(mBuffer); RPCBlockReadRequest req2 = RPCBlockReadRequest.decode(mBuffer); assertValid(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, LENGTH, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID, req); assertValid(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, LENGTH, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID, req2); } /** * Tests the {@link RPCBlockReadRequest#validate()} method. */ @Test public void validate() { RPCBlockReadRequest req = new RPCBlockReadRequest(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, LENGTH, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID); assertValid(req); } /** * Tests the {@link RPCBlockReadRequest#RPCBlockReadRequest(long, long, long, long, long)} * constructor with a valid length. */ @Test public void validLength() { RPCBlockReadRequest req = new RPCBlockReadRequest(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, -1, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID); assertValid(req); req = new RPCBlockReadRequest(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, 0, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID); assertValid(req); } /** * Tests the {@link RPCBlockReadRequest#RPCBlockReadRequest(long, long, long, long, long)} * constructor with a negative offset. */ @Test public void negativeOffset() { RPCBlockReadRequest req = new RPCBlockReadRequest(BLOCK_ID, -1, LENGTH, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID); assertInvalid(req); } /** * Tests the {@link RPCBlockReadRequest#RPCBlockReadRequest(long, long, long, long, long)} * constructor with an invalid length. */ @Test public void invalidLength() { RPCBlockReadRequest req = new RPCBlockReadRequest(BLOCK_ID, OFFSET, -100, LOCK_ID, SESSION_ID); assertInvalid(req); } }