Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.master.backcompat; import alluxio.AlluxioURI; import alluxio.Constants; import alluxio.ProjectConstants; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.AsyncPersist; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.CreateDirectory; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.CreateFile; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.Delete; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.Mount; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.PersistDirectory; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.PersistFile; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.Rename; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.SetAcl; import alluxio.master.backcompat.ops.UpdateUfsMode; import alluxio.multi.process.MultiProcessCluster; import alluxio.multi.process.PortCoordination; import; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Generates journals for consumption by the BackwardsCompatibilityIntegrationTest. * * This class * 1. starts a new cluster * 2. runs all the test operations listed in OPS * 3. takes a journal backup at stores it to src/test/resources/old_journals * 4. stops the cluster * 5. copies the journal to src/test/resources/old_journals * * Later, BackwardsCompatibilityIntegrationTest will start clusters from the backups and copies * in old_journals, and validate that the operations' checks pass. */ public final class BackwardsCompatibilityJournalGenerator { // Path relative to tests/src/test public static final String OLD_JOURNALS_RESOURCE = "src/test/resources/old_journals"; public static final List<TestOp> OPS = ImmutableList.<TestOp>builder() .add(new CreateDirectory(), new CreateFile(), new Mount(), new AsyncPersist(), new Delete(), new PersistFile(), new PersistDirectory(), new Rename(), new SetAcl(), new UpdateUfsMode()) .build(); @Parameter(required = true, names = { "-o", "--outputDirectory" }, description = "The directory to write generated journal artifacts to") private String mOutputDirectory; /** * @return the output directory */ public String getOutputDirectory() { return mOutputDirectory; } /** * Generates journal files to be used by the backwards compatibility test. The files are named * based on the current version defined in ProjectConstants.VERSION. Run this with each release, * and commit the created journal and snapshot into the git repository. * * @param args no args expected */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BackwardsCompatibilityJournalGenerator generator = new BackwardsCompatibilityJournalGenerator(); new JCommander(generator, args); if (!LoginUser.get().getName().equals("root")) { System.err.printf("Journals must be generated as root so that they can be replayed by root%n"); System.exit(-1); } File journalDst = new File(generator.getOutputDirectory(), String.format("journal-%s", ProjectConstants.VERSION)); if (journalDst.exists()) { System.err.printf("%s already exists, delete it first%n", journalDst.getAbsolutePath()); System.exit(-1); } File backupDst = new File(generator.getOutputDirectory(), String.format("backup-%s", ProjectConstants.VERSION)); if (backupDst.exists()) { System.err.printf("%s already exists, delete it first%n", backupDst.getAbsolutePath()); System.exit(-1); } MultiProcessCluster cluster = MultiProcessCluster.newBuilder(PortCoordination.BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY) .setClusterName("BackwardsCompatibility").setNumMasters(1).setNumWorkers(1).build(); try { cluster.start(); cluster.notifySuccess(); cluster.waitForAllNodesRegistered(10 * Constants.SECOND_MS); for (TestOp op : OPS) { op.apply(cluster.getClients()); } AlluxioURI backup = cluster.getMetaMasterClient() .backup(new File(generator.getOutputDirectory()).getAbsolutePath(), true).getBackupUri(); FileUtils.moveFile(new File(backup.getPath()), backupDst); cluster.stopMasters(); FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(cluster.getJournalDir()), journalDst); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { cluster.destroy(); } System.out.printf("Artifacts successfully generated at %s and %s%n", journalDst.getAbsolutePath(), backupDst.getAbsolutePath()); } }