Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
 * available at
 * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
 * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.


import alluxio.AlluxioURI;
import alluxio.Constants;
import alluxio.client.file.FileInStream;
import alluxio.client.file.FileSystem;
import alluxio.client.file.URIStatus;
import alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException;
import alluxio.master.file.FileSystemMaster;
import alluxio.master.file.options.CreateDirectoryOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.CreateFileOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.GetStatusOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.ListStatusOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.MountOptions;
import alluxio.proxy.s3.CompleteMultipartUploadResult;
import alluxio.proxy.s3.InitiateMultipartUploadResult;
import alluxio.proxy.s3.ListBucketOptions;
import alluxio.proxy.s3.ListBucketResult;
import alluxio.proxy.s3.ListPartsResult;
import alluxio.proxy.s3.S3Constants;
import alluxio.proxy.s3.S3RestUtils;
import alluxio.util.CommonUtils;
import alluxio.wire.FileInfo;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;


 * Test cases for {@link S3RestServiceHandler}.
public final class S3ClientRestApiTest extends RestApiTest {
    private static final alluxio.master.file.options.GetStatusOptions GET_STATUS_OPTIONS = alluxio.master.file.options.GetStatusOptions
    private static final Map<String, String> NO_PARAMS = new HashMap<>();
    private static final XmlMapper XML_MAPPER = new XmlMapper();

    private static final String S3_SERVICE_PREFIX = "s3";
    private static final String BUCKET_SEPARATOR = ":";

    private FileSystem mFileSystem;
    private FileSystemMaster mFileSystemMaster;

    public TemporaryFolder mFolder = new TemporaryFolder();

    public void before() throws Exception {
        mHostname = mResource.get().getHostname();
        mPort = mResource.get().getProxyProcess().getWebLocalPort();
        mFileSystemMaster = mResource.get().getLocalAlluxioMaster().getMasterProcess()
        mFileSystem = mResource.get().getClient();

    public void putBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket";
        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket);
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

    public void putBucketUnderMountPoint() throws Exception {
        final String mountPoint = "s3";
        final String bucketName = "bucket";
        final String s3Path = mountPoint + BUCKET_SEPARATOR + bucketName;

        AlluxioURI mountPointPath = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + mountPoint);
        mFileSystemMaster.mount(mountPointPath, new AlluxioURI(mFolder.newFolder().getAbsolutePath()),

        // Create a new bucket under an existing mount point.

        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket, under the mount point.
        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + mountPoint + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName);
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

    public void putBucketUnderNestedMountPoint() throws Exception {
        final String mountPointParent = "mounts";
        final String mountPointName = "s3";
        final String bucketName = "bucket";
        final String s3Path = mountPointParent + BUCKET_SEPARATOR + mountPointName + BUCKET_SEPARATOR + bucketName;

        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + mountPointParent),
        AlluxioURI mountPointPath = new AlluxioURI(
                AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + mountPointParent + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + mountPointName);
        mFileSystemMaster.mount(mountPointPath, new AlluxioURI(mFolder.newFolder().getAbsolutePath()),

        // Create a new bucket under an existing nested mount point.

        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket, under the mount point.
        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + mountPointParent + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR
                + mountPointName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName);
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

    public void putBucketUnderNonExistingMountPoint() throws Exception {
        final String mountPoint = "s3";
        final String bucketName = "bucket";
        final String s3Path = mountPoint + BUCKET_SEPARATOR + bucketName;

        try {
            // Create a new bucket under a non-existing mount point should fail.
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"create bucket under non-existing mount point should fail");

    public void putBucketUnderNonMountPointDirectory() throws Exception {
        final String dirName = "dir";
        final String bucketName = "bucket";
        final String s3Path = dirName + BUCKET_SEPARATOR + bucketName;

        AlluxioURI dirPath = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + dirName);
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(dirPath, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());

        try {
            // Create a new bucket under a non-mount-point directory should fail.
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"create bucket under non-mount-point directory should fail");

    public void deleteBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket-to-delete";

        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket);
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        HttpURLConnection connection = deleteBucketRestCall(bucket);
        Assert.assertEquals(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode(), connection.getResponseCode());

        try {
            mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(uri, GET_STATUS_OPTIONS);
        } catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
            // expected
        }"bucket should have been removed");

    public void deleteNonExistingBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "non-existing-bucket";

        try {
            // Delete a non-existing bucket should fail.
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"delete a non-existing bucket should fail");

    public void deleteNonEmptyBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "non-empty-bucket";


        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName);
        AlluxioURI fileUri = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(fileUri, CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket, and file is created under it.
        Assert.assertFalse(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        try {
            // Delete a non-empty bucket should fail.
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"delete a non-empty bucket should fail");

    private void createObject(String objectKey, byte[] object, Long uploadId, Integer partNumber) throws Exception {
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        if (uploadId != null) {
            params.put("uploadId", uploadId.toString());
        if (partNumber != null) {
            params.put("partNumber", partNumber.toString());
        createObjectRestCall(objectKey, object, null, params);

    private void putObjectTest(String bucket, String objectKey, byte[] object, Long uploadId, Integer partNumber)
            throws Exception {
        final String fullObjectKey = bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        createObject(fullObjectKey, object, uploadId, partNumber);

        // Verify the object is created for the new bucket.
        AlluxioURI bucketURI = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket);
        AlluxioURI objectURI = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + fullObjectKey);
        if (uploadId != null) {
            String tmpDir = S3RestUtils.getMultipartTemporaryDirForObject(bucketURI.getPath(), objectKey);
            bucketURI = new AlluxioURI(tmpDir);
            objectURI = new AlluxioURI(tmpDir + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + partNumber.toString());
        List<FileInfo> fileInfos = mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(bucketURI, ListStatusOptions.defaults());
        Assert.assertEquals(1, fileInfos.size());
        Assert.assertEquals(objectURI.getPath(), fileInfos.get(0).getPath());

        // Verify the object's content.
        FileInStream is = mFileSystem.openFile(objectURI);
        byte[] writtenObjectContent = IOUtils.toString(is).getBytes();
        Assert.assertArrayEquals(object, writtenObjectContent);

    public void putSmallObject() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        putObjectTest(bucketName, objectName, "Hello World!".getBytes(), null, null);

    public void putLargeObject() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        final byte[] object = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB).getBytes();
        putObjectTest(bucketName, objectName, object, null, null);

    public void putObjectUnderNonExistentBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "non-existent-bucket";

        final String objectKey = bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + "object.txt";
        String message = "hello world";
        try {
            createObjectRestCall(objectKey, message.getBytes(), null, NO_PARAMS);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"create object under non-existent bucket should fail");

    public void putObjectWithWrongMD5() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket";

        final String objectKey = bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + "object.txt";
        String objectContent = "hello world";
        try {
            String wrongMD5 = BaseEncoding.base64().encode(objectContent.getBytes());
            createObjectRestCall(objectKey, objectContent.getBytes(), wrongMD5, NO_PARAMS);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"create object with wrong Content-MD5 should fail");

    public void putObjectWithNoMD5() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket";

        final String objectKey = bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + "object.txt";
        String objectContent = "no md5 set";
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        TestCaseOptions options = TestCaseOptions.defaults();
        options.setInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(objectContent.getBytes()));
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.PUT, null, options).run();

    public void getBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket-to-get";

        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR);
        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        // Prepare a bucket with direct child objects and objects within sub directories:
        // - /file1
        // - /file2
        // - /dir1/subdir1/file3
        // - /dir2/
        AlluxioURI file1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file1, CreateFileOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI file2 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file2");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file2, CreateFileOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI dir1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/dir1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(dir1, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI dir2 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/dir2");
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(dir2, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI subdir1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/dir1/subdir1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(subdir1, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI file3 = new AlluxioURI(subdir1.getPath() + "/file3");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file3, CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        // Expected result.
        List<URIStatus> objectsList = new ArrayList<>();
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file1, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file2, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file3, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(dir2, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        ListBucketResult expected = new ListBucketResult(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, objectsList,

        // Verify op with no param
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.GET,
                expected, TestCaseOptions.defaults().setContentType(TestCaseOptions.XML_CONTENT_TYPE)).run();

    public void getBucketWithPrefix() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket-to-get-with-prefix";

        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR);
        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        // Prepare a bucket with direct child objects and objects within sub directories:
        // - /file1
        // - /file2
        // - /dir1/subdir1/file3
        // - /dir2/
        AlluxioURI file1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file1, CreateFileOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI file2 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file2");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file2, CreateFileOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI dir1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/dir1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(dir1, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI dir2 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/dir2");
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(dir2, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI subdir1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/dir1/subdir1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(subdir1, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI file3 = new AlluxioURI(subdir1.getPath() + "/file3");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file3, CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        // Verify op with prefix
        final String prefix = "dir";
        Map<String, String> prefixParam = new HashMap<>();
        prefixParam.put("prefix", prefix);
        List<URIStatus> filteredObjectsList = new ArrayList<>();
        filteredObjectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file3, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        filteredObjectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(dir2, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        ListBucketResult expected = new ListBucketResult(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, filteredObjectsList,
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, prefixParam,
                HttpMethod.GET, expected,

    public void getBucketWithMaxKeys() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket-to-get-with-max-keys";

        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR);
        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        // Prepare a bucket with two objects:
        // - /file1
        // - /file2
        AlluxioURI file1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file1, CreateFileOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI file2 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file2");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file2, CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        // Expected result, with max-keys = 1.
        List<URIStatus> objectsList = new ArrayList<>();
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file1, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file2, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        ListBucketResult expected = new ListBucketResult(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, objectsList,

        // Verify
        HashMap<String, String> maxKeysParam = new HashMap<>();
        maxKeysParam.put("max-keys", "1");
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, maxKeysParam,
                HttpMethod.GET, expected,

    public void getBucketWithMaxKeysAndContinuationToken() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket-to-get-with-max-keys-and-token";

        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR);
        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        // Prepare a bucket with two objects:
        // - /file1
        // - /file2
        AlluxioURI file1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file1, CreateFileOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI file2 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file2");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file2, CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        // Expected result, with max-keys = 1.
        List<URIStatus> objectsList = new ArrayList<>();
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file1, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file2, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        String maxKeys = "1";
        String continuationToken = file1.getPath();
        ListBucketResult expected = new ListBucketResult(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, objectsList,

        // Verify
        HashMap<String, String> maxKeysParam = new HashMap<>();
        maxKeysParam.put("max-keys", maxKeys);
        maxKeysParam.put("continuation-token", continuationToken);
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, maxKeysParam,
                HttpMethod.GET, expected,

    public void getBucketWithNonExistingContinuationToken() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket-to-get-with-non-existing-token";

        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR);
        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        // Prepare a bucket with two objects:
        // - /file1
        // - /file2
        AlluxioURI file1 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file1");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file1, CreateFileOptions.defaults());
        AlluxioURI file2 = new AlluxioURI(uri.getPath() + "/file2");
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(file2, CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        // Expected result, with max-keys = 1.
        List<URIStatus> objectsList = new ArrayList<>();
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file1, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        objectsList.add(new URIStatus(mFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(file2, GetStatusOptions.defaults())));
        String continuationToken = file1.getPath() + "random-tail";
        ListBucketResult expected = new ListBucketResult(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, objectsList,

        // Verify
        HashMap<String, String> maxKeysParam = new HashMap<>();
        maxKeysParam.put("continuation-token", continuationToken);
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, maxKeysParam,
                HttpMethod.GET, expected,

    public void listEmptyBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "empty-bucket-to-list";

        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR);
        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(uri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        List<URIStatus> listStatusResult = new ArrayList<>();
        ListBucketResult expected = new ListBucketResult(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, listStatusResult,

        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.GET,
                expected, TestCaseOptions.defaults().setContentType(TestCaseOptions.XML_CONTENT_TYPE)).run();

    public void getNonExistingBucket() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "non-existing-bucket";

        try {
            // Delete a non-existing bucket should fail.
            new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName, NO_PARAMS,
                    HttpMethod.GET, null,
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"get a non-existing bucket should fail");

    private void getObjectTest(byte[] expectedObject) throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket";
        final String objectKey = bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + "object.txt";
        createObjectRestCall(objectKey, expectedObject, null, NO_PARAMS);
        Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedObject, getObjectRestCall(objectKey).getBytes());

    public void getSmallObject() throws Exception {
        getObjectTest("Hello World!".getBytes());

    public void getLargeObject() throws Exception {

    public void getNonExistentObject() throws Exception {
        final String objectKey = "bucket/non-existent-object";
        try {
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"get non-existent object should fail");

    public void getObjectMetadata() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket";

        final String objectKey = bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + "object.txt";
        final byte[] objectContent = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(10).getBytes();
        createObjectRestCall(objectKey, objectContent, null, NO_PARAMS);

        HttpURLConnection connection = getObjectMetadataRestCall(objectKey);
        URIStatus status = mFileSystem.getStatus(new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey));
        // remove the milliseconds from the last modification time because the accuracy of HTTP dates
        // is up to seconds.
        long lastModified = status.getLastModificationTimeMs() / 1000 * 1000;
        Assert.assertEquals(lastModified, connection.getLastModified());

    public void getNonExistentObjectMetadata() throws Exception {
        final String objectKey = "bucket/non-existent-object";
        try {
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"get metadata of non-existent object should fail");

    public void deleteObject() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket-with-object-to-delete";

        final String objectName = "file";
        AlluxioURI bucketUri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName);
        AlluxioURI fileUri = new AlluxioURI(bucketUri.getPath() + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName);
        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(fileUri, CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket, and file is created under it.
        Assert.assertFalse(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(bucketUri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        deleteObjectRestCall(bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName);

        // Verify the object is deleted.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(bucketUri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

    public void deleteObjectAsAlluxioEmptyDir() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket-with-empty-dir-to-delete";

        String objectName = "empty-dir/";
        AlluxioURI bucketUri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName);
        AlluxioURI dirUri = new AlluxioURI(bucketUri.getPath() + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName);
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(dirUri, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());

        // Verify the directory is created for the new bucket, and empty-dir is created under it.
        Assert.assertFalse(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(bucketUri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        deleteObjectRestCall(bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName);

        // Verify the empty-dir as a valid object is deleted.
        Assert.assertTrue(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(bucketUri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

    public void deleteObjectAsAlluxioNonEmptyDir() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket-with-non-empty-dir-to-delete";

        String objectName = "non-empty-dir/";
        AlluxioURI bucketUri = new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName);
        AlluxioURI dirUri = new AlluxioURI(bucketUri.getPath() + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName);
        mFileSystemMaster.createDirectory(dirUri, CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults());

        mFileSystemMaster.createFile(new AlluxioURI(dirUri.getPath() + "/file"), CreateFileOptions.defaults());

        Assert.assertFalse(mFileSystemMaster.listStatus(dirUri, ListStatusOptions.defaults()).isEmpty());

        try {
            deleteObjectRestCall(bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"delete non-empty directory as an object should fail");

    public void deleteNonExistingObject() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket-with-nothing";

        String objectName = "non-existing-object";
        try {
            deleteObjectRestCall(bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // expected
        }"delete non-existing object should fail");

    public void initiateMultipartUpload() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        String objectKey = bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName;
        String result = initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey);

        String multipartTempDir = S3RestUtils.getMultipartTemporaryDirForObject(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName,
        URIStatus status = mFileSystem.getStatus(new AlluxioURI(multipartTempDir));
        long tempDirId = status.getFileId();
        InitiateMultipartUploadResult expected = new InitiateMultipartUploadResult(bucketName, objectName,
        String expectedResult = XML_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(expected);

        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, result);

    public void uploadPart() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        String objectKey = bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName;
        String result = initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey);
        InitiateMultipartUploadResult multipartUploadResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result,

        final long uploadId = Long.parseLong(multipartUploadResult.getUploadId());
        final byte[] object = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB).getBytes();
        putObjectTest(bucketName, objectName, object, uploadId, 1);

    public void uploadPartWithNonExistingUploadId() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        String objectKey = bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName;
        String result = initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey);
        InitiateMultipartUploadResult multipartUploadResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result,

        final long uploadId = Long.parseLong(multipartUploadResult.getUploadId());
        final byte[] object = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB).getBytes();
        try {
            putObjectTest(bucketName, objectName, object, uploadId + 1, 1);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // Expected because of the wrong upload ID.
        }"Upload part of an object with wrong upload ID should fail");

    public void uploadPartWithoutInitiation() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        try {
            final String objectName = "object";
            final byte[] object = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB).getBytes();
            putObjectTest(bucketName, objectName, object, 1L, 1);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // Expected because there is no such upload ID.
        }"Upload part of an object without multipart upload initialization should fail");

    public void listParts() throws Exception {
        final String bucket = "bucket";
        final String bucketPath = AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucket;

        final String object = "object";
        final String objectKey = bucket + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + object;

        // Initiate multipart upload to get upload ID.
        String result = initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey);
        InitiateMultipartUploadResult multipartUploadResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result,
        final long uploadId = Long.parseLong(multipartUploadResult.getUploadId());

        // No parts are uploaded yet.
        result = listPartsRestCall(objectKey, uploadId);
        ListPartsResult listPartsResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result, ListPartsResult.class);
        Assert.assertEquals(bucketPath, listPartsResult.getBucket());
        Assert.assertEquals(object, listPartsResult.getKey());
        Assert.assertEquals(Long.toString(uploadId), listPartsResult.getUploadId());
        Assert.assertEquals(0, listPartsResult.getParts().size());

        // Upload 2 parts.
        String object1 = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB);
        String object2 = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB);
        createObject(objectKey, object1.getBytes(), uploadId, 1);
        createObject(objectKey, object2.getBytes(), uploadId, 2);

        result = listPartsRestCall(objectKey, uploadId);
        listPartsResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result, ListPartsResult.class);
        Assert.assertEquals(bucketPath, listPartsResult.getBucket());
        Assert.assertEquals(object, listPartsResult.getKey());
        Assert.assertEquals(Long.toString(uploadId), listPartsResult.getUploadId());

        String tmpDir = S3RestUtils.getMultipartTemporaryDirForObject(bucketPath, object);
        List<ListPartsResult.Part> parts = listPartsResult.getParts();
        Assert.assertEquals(2, parts.size());
        for (int partNumber = 1; partNumber <= parts.size(); partNumber++) {
            ListPartsResult.Part part = parts.get(partNumber - 1);
            Assert.assertEquals(partNumber, part.getPartNumber());
            URIStatus status = mFileSystem
                    .getStatus(new AlluxioURI(tmpDir + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + Integer.toString(partNumber)));
            Assert.assertEquals(S3RestUtils.toS3Date(status.getLastModificationTimeMs()), part.getLastModified());
            Assert.assertEquals(status.getLength(), part.getSize());

    public void abortMultipartUpload() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        String objectKey = bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName;
        String result = initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey);
        InitiateMultipartUploadResult multipartUploadResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result,
        AlluxioURI tmpDir = new AlluxioURI(
                S3RestUtils.getMultipartTemporaryDirForObject(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName, objectName));

        final long uploadId = Long.parseLong(multipartUploadResult.getUploadId());
        HttpURLConnection connection = abortMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey, uploadId);
        Assert.assertEquals(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode(), connection.getResponseCode());

    public void abortMultipartUploadWithNonExistingUploadId() throws Exception {
        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        String objectKey = bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName;
        String result = initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey);
        InitiateMultipartUploadResult multipartUploadResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result,
        AlluxioURI tmpDir = new AlluxioURI(
                S3RestUtils.getMultipartTemporaryDirForObject(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName, objectName));

        final long uploadId = Long.parseLong(multipartUploadResult.getUploadId());
        try {
            abortMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey, uploadId + 1);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            // Expected since the upload ID does not exist, the temporary directory should still exist.
        }"Abort multipart upload with non-existing upload ID should fail");

    public void completeMultipartUpload() throws Exception {
        // Two temporary parts in the multipart upload, each part contains a random string,
        // after completion, the object should contain the combination of the two strings.

        final String bucketName = "bucket";

        final String objectName = "object";
        String objectKey = bucketName + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectName;

        // Initiate the multipart upload.
        String result = initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey);
        InitiateMultipartUploadResult multipartUploadResult = XML_MAPPER.readValue(result,
        final long uploadId = Long.parseLong(multipartUploadResult.getUploadId());

        // Upload parts.
        String object1 = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB);
        String object2 = CommonUtils.randomAlphaNumString(Constants.MB);
        createObject(objectKey, object1.getBytes(), uploadId, 1);
        createObject(objectKey, object2.getBytes(), uploadId, 2);

        // Verify that the two parts are uploaded to the temporary directory.
        AlluxioURI tmpDir = new AlluxioURI(
                S3RestUtils.getMultipartTemporaryDirForObject(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName, objectName));
        Assert.assertEquals(2, mFileSystem.listStatus(tmpDir).size());

        // Complete the multipart upload.
        result = completeMultipartUploadRestCall(objectKey, uploadId);

        // Verify that the response is expected.
        String expectedCombinedObject = object1 + object2;
        MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        byte[] digest = md5.digest(expectedCombinedObject.getBytes());
        String etag = Hex.encodeHexString(digest);
        String objectPath = AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        CompleteMultipartUploadResult completeMultipartUploadResult = new CompleteMultipartUploadResult(objectPath,
                bucketName, objectName, etag);
        Assert.assertEquals(XML_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(completeMultipartUploadResult), result);

        // Verify that the temporary directory is deleted.

        // Verify that the completed object is expected.
        try (FileInStream is = mFileSystem.openFile(new AlluxioURI(objectPath))) {
            String combinedObject = IOUtils.toString(is);
            Assert.assertEquals(expectedCombinedObject, combinedObject);

    private void createBucketRestCall(String bucketName) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName;
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.PUT, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults()).run();

    private HttpURLConnection deleteBucketRestCall(String bucketName) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + bucketName;
        return new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.DELETE, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults())

    private void createObjectRestCall(String objectKey, byte[] objectContent, String md5,
            Map<String, String> params) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        TestCaseOptions options = TestCaseOptions.defaults();
        if (md5 == null) {
            MessageDigest md5Hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            byte[] md5Digest = md5Hash.digest(objectContent);
            md5 = BaseEncoding.base64().encode(md5Digest);
        options.setInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(objectContent));
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, params, HttpMethod.PUT, null, options).run();

    private String initiateMultipartUploadRestCall(String objectKey) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("uploads", "");
        return new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, params, HttpMethod.POST, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults())

    private String completeMultipartUploadRestCall(String objectKey, long uploadId) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("uploadId", Long.toString(uploadId));
        return new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, params, HttpMethod.POST, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults())

    private HttpURLConnection abortMultipartUploadRestCall(String objectKey, long uploadId) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("uploadId", Long.toString(uploadId));
        return new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, params, HttpMethod.DELETE, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults())

    private String listPartsRestCall(String objectKey, long uploadId) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("uploadId", Long.toString(uploadId));
        return new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, params, HttpMethod.GET, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults()).call();

    private HttpURLConnection getObjectMetadataRestCall(String objectKey) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        return new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.HEAD, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults())

    private String getObjectRestCall(String objectKey) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        return new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.GET, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults())

    private void deleteObjectRestCall(String objectKey) throws Exception {
        String uri = S3_SERVICE_PREFIX + AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR + objectKey;
        new TestCase(mHostname, mPort, uri, NO_PARAMS, HttpMethod.DELETE, null, TestCaseOptions.defaults()).run();