Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package; import alluxio.Configuration; import alluxio.PropertyKey; import alluxio.client.file.FileSystemContext; import; import; import; import; import alluxio.proto.dataserver.Protocol; import alluxio.resource.LockResource; import alluxio.util.proto.ProtoMessage; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; /** * A netty packet writer that streams a full block or a UFS file to a netty data server. * * Protocol: * 1. The client streams packets (start from pos 0) to the server. The client pauses if the client * buffer is full, resumes if the buffer is not full. * 2. The server reads packets from the channel and writes them to the block worker. See the server * side implementation for details. * 3. The client can either send an EOF packet or a CANCEL packet to end the write request. The * client has to wait for the response from the data server for the EOF or CANCEL packet to make * sure that the server has cleaned its states. * 4. To make it simple to handle errors, the channel is closed if any error occurs. * * NOTE: this class is NOT threadsafe. Do not call cancel/close while some other threads are * writing. */ @NotThreadSafe public final class NettyPacketWriter implements PacketWriter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NettyPacketWriter.class); private static final long PACKET_SIZE = Configuration .getBytes(PropertyKey.USER_NETWORK_NETTY_WRITER_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES); private static final int MAX_PACKETS_IN_FLIGHT = Configuration .getInt(PropertyKey.USER_NETWORK_NETTY_WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE_PACKETS); private static final long WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS = Configuration.getLong(PropertyKey.USER_NETWORK_NETTY_TIMEOUT_MS); private final FileSystemContext mContext; private final Channel mChannel; private final InetSocketAddress mAddress; private final long mId; private final long mSessionId; private final int mTier; private final Protocol.RequestType mRequestType; private final long mLength; private boolean mClosed = false; private ReentrantLock mLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** The next pos to write to the channel. */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private long mPosToWrite = 0; /** * The next pos to queue to the netty buffer. mPosToQueue - mPosToWrite is the data sitting * in the netty buffer. */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private long mPosToQueue = 0; @GuardedBy("mLock") private Throwable mPacketWriteException = null; @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mDone = false; @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mEOFSent = false; @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mCancelSent = false; /** This condition is met if mPacketWriteException != null or mDone = true. */ private Condition mDoneOrFailed = mLock.newCondition(); /** This condition is met if mPacketWriteException != null or the buffer is not full. */ private Condition mBufferNotFullOrFailed = mLock.newCondition(); /** This condition is met if there is nothing in the netty buffer. */ private Condition mBufferEmptyOrFailed = mLock.newCondition(); /** * Creates an instance of {@link NettyPacketWriter}. * * @param context the file system context * @param address the data server network address * @param id the block ID or UFS file ID * @param length the length of the block or file to write, set to Long.MAX_VALUE if unknown * @param sessionId the session ID * @param tier the target tier * @param type the request type (block or UFS file) * @throws IOException it fails to acquire a netty channel */ public NettyPacketWriter(FileSystemContext context, final InetSocketAddress address, long id, long length, long sessionId, int tier, Protocol.RequestType type) throws IOException { mContext = context; mAddress = address; mSessionId = sessionId; mId = id; mRequestType = type; mLength = length; mTier = tier; mChannel = mContext.acquireNettyChannel(address); mChannel.pipeline().addLast(new PacketWriteHandler()); } @Override public long pos() { try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { return mPosToQueue; } } @Override public void writePacket(final ByteBuf buf) throws IOException { final long len; final long offset; try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { Preconditions.checkState(!mClosed && !mEOFSent && !mCancelSent); Preconditions.checkArgument(buf.readableBytes() <= PACKET_SIZE); while (true) { if (mPacketWriteException != null) { throw new IOException(mPacketWriteException); } if (!tooManyPacketsInFlight()) { offset = mPosToQueue; mPosToQueue += buf.readableBytes(); len = buf.readableBytes(); break; } try { if (!mBufferNotFullOrFailed.await(WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { throw new IOException(String.format("Timeout to write packet to %d @ %s.", mId, mAddress)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } } catch (Throwable e) { buf.release(); throw e; } Protocol.WriteRequest writeRequest = Protocol.WriteRequest.newBuilder().setId(mId).setOffset(offset) .setSessionId(mSessionId).setTier(mTier).setType(mRequestType).build(); DataBuffer dataBuffer = new DataNettyBufferV2(buf); mChannel.writeAndFlush(new RPCProtoMessage(new ProtoMessage(writeRequest), dataBuffer)) .addListener(new WriteListener(offset + len)); } @Override public void cancel() throws IOException { if (mClosed) { return; } sendCancel(); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { mChannel.flush(); try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { while (true) { if (mPosToWrite == mPosToQueue) { return; } if (mPacketWriteException != null) { throw new IOException(mPacketWriteException); } if (!mBufferEmptyOrFailed.await(WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { throw new IOException(String.format("Timeout to flush packets to %d @ %s.", mId, mAddress)); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (mClosed) { return; } sendEof(); mLock.lock(); try { while (true) { if (mDone) { return; } try { if (mPacketWriteException != null) { mChannel.close().sync(); throw new IOException(mPacketWriteException); } if (!mDoneOrFailed.await(WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { mChannel.close().sync(); throw new IOException(String.format( "Timeout to close the NettyPacketWriter (block: %d, address: %s).", mId, mAddress)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } } finally { mLock.unlock(); if (mChannel.isOpen()) { mChannel.pipeline().removeLast(); } mContext.releaseNettyChannel(mAddress, mChannel); mClosed = true; } } /** * @return true if there are too many bytes in flight */ private boolean tooManyPacketsInFlight() { return mPosToQueue - mPosToWrite >= MAX_PACKETS_IN_FLIGHT * PACKET_SIZE; } /** * Sends an EOF packet to end the write request if the stream. */ private void sendEof() { final long pos; try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { if (mEOFSent || mCancelSent) { return; } mEOFSent = true; pos = mPosToQueue; } // Write the EOF packet. Protocol.WriteRequest writeRequest = Protocol.WriteRequest.newBuilder().setId(mId).setOffset(pos) .setSessionId(mSessionId).setTier(mTier).setType(mRequestType).setEof(true).build(); mChannel.writeAndFlush(new RPCProtoMessage(new ProtoMessage(writeRequest), null)) .addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE_ON_FAILURE); } /** * Sends a CANCEL packet to end the write request if the stream. */ private void sendCancel() { final long pos; try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { if (mEOFSent || mCancelSent) { return; } mCancelSent = true; pos = mPosToQueue; } // Write the EOF packet. Protocol.WriteRequest writeRequest = Protocol.WriteRequest.newBuilder().setId(mId).setOffset(pos) .setSessionId(mSessionId).setTier(mTier).setType(mRequestType).setCancel(true).build(); mChannel.writeAndFlush(new RPCProtoMessage(new ProtoMessage(writeRequest), null)) .addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE_ON_FAILURE); } @Override public int packetSize() { return (int) PACKET_SIZE; } /** * The netty handler that handles netty write response. */ private final class PacketWriteHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { /** * Default constructor. */ PacketWriteHandler() { } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(acceptMessage(msg), "Incorrect response type."); RPCProtoMessage response = (RPCProtoMessage) msg; Protocol.Status status = response.getMessage().<Protocol.Response>getMessage().getStatus(); if (!Status.isOk(status) && !Status.isCancelled(status)) { throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to write block %d from %s with status %s.", mId, mAddress, status.toString())); } try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { mDone = true; mDoneOrFailed.signal(); } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { LOG.error("Exception caught while reading response from netty channel {}.", cause); try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { mPacketWriteException = cause; mBufferNotFullOrFailed.signal(); mDoneOrFailed.signal(); mBufferEmptyOrFailed.signal(); } ctx.close(); } @Override public void channelUnregistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { if (mPacketWriteException == null) { mPacketWriteException = new IOException("Channel closed."); } mBufferNotFullOrFailed.signal(); mDoneOrFailed.signal(); mBufferEmptyOrFailed.signal(); } ctx.fireChannelUnregistered(); } /** * @param msg the message received * @return true if this message should be processed */ private boolean acceptMessage(Object msg) { if (msg instanceof RPCProtoMessage) { return ((RPCProtoMessage) msg).getMessage().getType() == ProtoMessage.Type.RESPONSE; } return false; } } /** * The netty channel future listener that is called when packet write is flushed. */ private final class WriteListener implements ChannelFutureListener { private final long mPosToWriteUncommitted; /** * @param posToWriteUncommitted the pos to commit (i.e. update mPosToWrite) */ WriteListener(long posToWriteUncommitted) { mPosToWriteUncommitted = posToWriteUncommitted; } @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) { if (!future.isSuccess()) {; } boolean shouldSendEOF = false; try (LockResource lr = new LockResource(mLock)) { Preconditions.checkState(mPosToWriteUncommitted - mPosToWrite <= PACKET_SIZE, "Some packet is not acked."); Preconditions.checkState(mPosToWriteUncommitted <= mLength); mPosToWrite = mPosToWriteUncommitted; if (future.cause() != null) { mPacketWriteException = future.cause(); mDoneOrFailed.signal(); mBufferNotFullOrFailed.signal(); mBufferEmptyOrFailed.signal(); return; } if (mPosToWrite == mPosToQueue) { mBufferEmptyOrFailed.signal(); } if (!tooManyPacketsInFlight()) { mBufferNotFullOrFailed.signal(); } if (mPosToWrite == mLength) { shouldSendEOF = true; } } if (shouldSendEOF) { sendEof(); } } } }