Java tutorial
/* * This project has received funding from the European Unions Seventh * Framework Programme for research, technological development and * demonstration under grant agreement no FP7-601138 PERICLES. * * Copyright 2015 Anna Eggers, State- and Univeristy Library Goettingen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package algorithm; import static model.Criterion.CARRIER_PROCESSABILITY; import static model.Criterion.CARRIER_RESTORABILITY; import static model.Criterion.COMPRESSION; import static model.Criterion.DETECTABILITY; import static model.Criterion.ENCAPSULATION_METHOD; import static model.Criterion.ENCRYPTION; import static model.Criterion.PAYLOAD_ACCESSIBILITY; import static model.Criterion.PAYLOAD_RESTORABILITY; import static model.Criterion.STANDARDS; import static model.Criterion.VELOCITY; import static model.Criterion.VISIBILITY; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import; import; import org.dspace.foresite.Agent; import org.dspace.foresite.Aggregation; import org.dspace.foresite.OREException; import org.dspace.foresite.OREFactory; import org.dspace.foresite.ORESerialiser; import org.dspace.foresite.ORESerialiserException; import org.dspace.foresite.ORESerialiserFactory; import org.dspace.foresite.ResourceMap; import org.dspace.foresite.ResourceMapDocument; import model.RestoredFile; import model.Scenario; import view.GUIPanel; /** * This plug-In uses the DSPACE implementation of OAI-ORE to create a simple package of this format. */ public class OaiOreSubmissionInformationPackage extends AbstractAlgorithm { private final JRadioButton tarButton = new JRadioButton("tar"); private final JRadioButton zipButton = new JRadioButton("zip"); public OaiOreSubmissionInformationPackage() { createConfigurationPanel(); } private void createConfigurationPanel() { panel = new GUIPanel(); panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.gridx = 0; constraints.gridy = 0; constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; panel.add(new JLabel("Choose archiving technique:"), constraints); constraints.gridx++; ButtonGroup archivingGroup = new ButtonGroup(); archivingGroup.add(tarButton); archivingGroup.add(zipButton); zipButton.setSelected(true); panel.add(zipButton, constraints); constraints.gridy++; panel.add(tarButton, constraints); constraints.gridx = 0; constraints.gridy++; } @Override public File encapsulate(File carrier, List<File> userPayloadList) throws IOException { List<File> payloadList = new ArrayList<File>(); payloadList.addAll(userPayloadList); String mapName = ""; mapName = getOutputFileName(carrier); try { Aggregation informationPackage = OREFactory .createAggregation(new URI("")); informationPackage.addTitle( "PeriCAT - PERICLES Content Aggregation Tool created Oai-Ore sumbission information package"); informationPackage.createAggregatedResource(new URI( "" + carrier.getName())); for (File payload : payloadList) { informationPackage.createAggregatedResource( new URI("" + payload.getName())); } ResourceMap resourceMap = informationPackage.createResourceMap( new URI("" + mapName + ".map.rdf.xml")); Agent creator = OREFactory.createAgent(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); names.add("PeriCAT"); creator.setNames(names); informationPackage.addCreator(creator); resourceMap.addCreator(creator); // serialising: ORESerialiser serialiser = ORESerialiserFactory.getInstance("RDF/XML"); ResourceMapDocument doc = serialiser.serialise(resourceMap); String serialisedMap = doc.toString(); File resourceMapFile = new File(mapName + ".map.rdf.xml"); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(resourceMapFile, serialisedMap.getBytes()); payloadList.add(resourceMapFile); File outputFile = null; if (zipButton.isSelected()) { outputFile = new ZipPackaging().encapsulate(carrier, payloadList); } else if (tarButton.isSelected()) { outputFile = new TarPackaging().encapsulate(carrier, payloadList); } resourceMapFile.delete(); // was temporary return outputFile; } catch (OREException | URISyntaxException | ORESerialiserException e) { } return null; } @Override protected List<RestoredFile> restore(File outputFile) throws IOException { List<RestoredFile> restoredFiles = new ArrayList<RestoredFile>(); List<String> zipExtension = new ArrayList<String>(); zipExtension.add("zip"); SuffixFileFilter zipFilter = new SuffixFileFilter(zipExtension); List<String> tarExtension = new ArrayList<String>(); tarExtension.add("tar"); SuffixFileFilter tarFilter = new SuffixFileFilter(tarExtension); if (zipFilter.accept(outputFile)) { restoredFiles = new ZipPackaging().restore(outputFile); } else if (tarFilter.accept(outputFile)) { restoredFiles = new TarPackaging().restore(outputFile); } for (RestoredFile file : restoredFiles) { file.algorithm = this; } return restoredFiles; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Creates an OAI-ORE SIP (Submission Information Package).\n" + "The package files are encapsulated in a zip or tar archive file.\n\n" + "This is a very basic OAI-ORE wrapper around the carrier and payload files. Note that" + " the OAI-ORE standard provides a lot more configuration possibilities than used for " + "the PeriCAT created packages. We suggest to use a more specialised tool, if you need" + " more complex OAI-ORE files.\n\n" + "For more information about OAI-ORE see: : \n" + "Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) defines standards " + "for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources. These " + "aggregations, sometimes called compound digital objects, may combine distributed " + "resources with multiple media types including text, images, data, and video. The " + "goal of these standards is to expose the rich content in these aggregations to " + "applications that support authoring, deposit, exchange, visualization, reuse, and " + "preservation. Although a motivating use case for the work is the changing nature " + "of scholarship and scholarly communication, and the need for cyberinfrastructure " + "to support that scholarship, the intent of the effort is to develop standards that " + "generalize across all web-based information including the increasing popular social " + "networks of \"web 2.0\"."; } @Override Scenario defineScenario() { Scenario scenario = new Scenario("Oai Ore packaging scenario"); scenario.description = "This is the ideal scenario for creating an OAI-ORE Submission Information Package."; scenario.setCriterionValue(ENCAPSULATION_METHOD, PACKAGING); scenario.setCriterionValue(VISIBILITY, VISIBLE); scenario.setCriterionValue(DETECTABILITY, DETECTABLE); scenario.setCriterionValue(CARRIER_RESTORABILITY, YES); scenario.setCriterionValue(PAYLOAD_RESTORABILITY, YES); scenario.setCriterionValue(CARRIER_PROCESSABILITY, NO); scenario.setCriterionValue(PAYLOAD_ACCESSIBILITY, NO); scenario.setCriterionValue(ENCRYPTION, NO); scenario.setCriterionValue(COMPRESSION, YES); scenario.setCriterionValue(VELOCITY, NO); scenario.setCriterionValue(STANDARDS, YES); return scenario; } @Override SuffixFileFilter configureCarrierFileFilter() { return new AcceptAllFilter(); } @Override SuffixFileFilter configurePayloadFileFilter() { return new AcceptAllFilter(); } @Override SuffixFileFilter configureDecapsulationFileFilter() { List<String> supportedFileFormats = new ArrayList<String>(); supportedFileFormats.add("zip"); supportedFileFormats.add("tar"); return new SuffixFileFilter(supportedFileFormats); } @Override public String getName() { return "OAI-ORE SIP"; } @Override public boolean fulfilledTechnicalCriteria(File carrier, List<File> payloadList) { return true; } }