Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of * * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with If not, see <>. */ package alfio.util; import alfio.config.WebSecurityConfig; import alfio.manager.UploadedResourceManager; import alfio.model.Event; import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache; import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache.Compiler; import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache.Formatter; import com.samskivert.mustache.Template; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.MustacheLocalizationMessageInterceptor; import; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.mustache.jmustache.JMustacheTemplateLoader; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * For hiding the uglyness :) * */ public class TemplateManager { private final MessageSource messageSource; public enum TemplateOutput { TEXT, HTML } private final Map<TemplateOutput, Compiler> compilers; private final UploadedResourceManager uploadedResourceManager; @Autowired public TemplateManager(JMustacheTemplateLoader templateLoader, MessageSource messageSource, UploadedResourceManager uploadedResourceManager) { this.messageSource = messageSource; this.uploadedResourceManager = uploadedResourceManager; Formatter dateFormatter = (o) -> { return (o instanceof ZonedDateTime) ? DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME.format((ZonedDateTime) o) : String.valueOf(o); }; this.compilers = new EnumMap<>(TemplateOutput.class); this.compilers.put(TemplateOutput.TEXT, Mustache.compiler().escapeHTML(false).standardsMode(false) .defaultValue("").nullValue("").withFormatter(dateFormatter).withLoader(templateLoader)); this.compilers.put(TemplateOutput.HTML, Mustache.compiler().escapeHTML(true).standardsMode(false) .defaultValue("").nullValue("").withFormatter(dateFormatter).withLoader(templateLoader)); } public String renderTemplate(TemplateResource templateResource, Map<String, Object> model, Locale locale) { return render(new ClassPathResource(templateResource.classPath()), model, locale, templateResource.getTemplateOutput()); } public String renderTemplate(Event event, TemplateResource templateResource, Map<String, Object> model, Locale locale) { return uploadedResourceManager .findCascading(event.getOrganizationId(), event.getId(), templateResource.getSavedName(locale)) .map(resource -> render(new ByteArrayResource(resource), model, locale, templateResource.getTemplateOutput())) .orElseGet(() -> renderTemplate(templateResource, model, locale)); } public String renderString(String template, Map<String, Object> model, Locale locale, TemplateOutput templateOutput) { return render(new ByteArrayResource(template.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), model, locale, templateOutput); } //TODO: to be removed when only the rest api will be exposed public String renderServletContextResource(String servletContextResource, Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request, TemplateOutput templateOutput) { model.put("request", request); model.put(WebSecurityConfig.CSRF_PARAM_NAME, request.getAttribute(CsrfToken.class.getName())); return render(new ServletContextResource(request.getServletContext(), servletContextResource), model, RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request), templateOutput); } private String render(AbstractResource resource, Map<String, Object> model, Locale locale, TemplateOutput templateOutput) { try { ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView((String) null, model); mv.addObject("format-date", MustacheCustomTagInterceptor.FORMAT_DATE); mv.addObject(MustacheLocalizationMessageInterceptor.DEFAULT_MODEL_KEY, new CustomLocalizationMessageInterceptor(locale, messageSource).createTranslator()); return compile(resource, templateOutput).execute(mv.getModel()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private Template compile(AbstractResource resource, TemplateOutput templateOutput) { try (InputStreamReader tmpl = new InputStreamReader(resource.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { return compilers.get(templateOutput).compile(tmpl); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalStateException(ioe); } } private static final Pattern KEY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.*?)[\\s\\[]"); private static final Pattern ARGS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[(.*?)\\]"); /** * Split key from (optional) arguments. * * @param key * @return localization key */ private static String extractKey(String key) { Matcher matcher = KEY_PATTERN.matcher(key); if (matcher.find()) { return; } return key; } /** * Split args from input string. * <p/> * localization_key [param1] [param2] [param3] * * @param key * @return List of extracted parameters */ private static List<String> extractParameters(String key) { final Matcher matcher = ARGS_PATTERN.matcher(key); final List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); while (matcher.find()) { args.add(; } return args; } private static class CustomLocalizationMessageInterceptor { private final Locale locale; private final MessageSource messageSource; private CustomLocalizationMessageInterceptor(Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) { this.locale = locale; this.messageSource = messageSource; } protected Mustache.Lambda createTranslator() { return (frag, out) -> { String template = frag.execute(); final String key = extractKey(template); final List<String> args = extractParameters(template); final String text = messageSource.getMessage(key, args.toArray(), locale); out.write(text); }; } } private static final String START_TAG = "{{#i18n}}"; private static final String END_TAG = "{{/i18n}}"; private enum ParserState { START { @Override public Pair<ParserState, Integer> next(String template, int idx, AST ast) { int startTagIdx = template.indexOf(START_TAG, idx); if (startTagIdx == -1) { ast.addText(template); return Pair.of(END, idx); } else { ast.addText(template.substring(0, startTagIdx)); ast.addI18NNode(); return Pair.of(OPEN_TAG, startTagIdx + START_TAG.length()); } } }, OPEN_TAG { @Override public Pair<ParserState, Integer> next(String template, int idx, AST ast) { int startTagIdx = template.indexOf(START_TAG, idx); int endTagIdx = template.indexOf(END_TAG, idx); if (endTagIdx != -1 && startTagIdx != -1 && startTagIdx < endTagIdx) { ast.addText(template.substring(idx, startTagIdx)); int startTagIdxBoundary = startTagIdx + START_TAG.length(); ast.addI18NNode(); return Pair.of(OPEN_TAG, startTagIdxBoundary); } else if (endTagIdx == -1 && startTagIdx == -1) { ast.addText(template.substring(idx)); return Pair.of(END, idx); } else if (endTagIdx != -1) { ast.addText(template.substring(idx, endTagIdx)); return Pair.of(CLOSE_TAG, endTagIdx); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("should not be reached"); } } }, CLOSE_TAG { @Override public Pair<ParserState, Integer> next(String template, int idx, AST ast) { // ast.focusToParent(); // return Pair.of(OPEN_TAG, idx + END_TAG.length()); } }, END { @Override public Pair<ParserState, Integer> next(String template, int idx, AST ast) { if (ast.currentLevel != ast.root) { throw new IllegalStateException("unbalanced tags"); } return Pair.of(END, idx); } }; public abstract Pair<ParserState, Integer> next(String template, int idx, AST ast); } static class AST { Node root = new Node(); Node currentLevel = root; void addChild(Node node) { node.parent = currentLevel; currentLevel.addChild(node); } void addText(String text) { if (text.length() > 0) { addChild(new TextNode(text)); } } void addI18NNode() { addChild(new I18NNode()); currentLevel = currentLevel.children.get(currentLevel.children.size() - 1); } void focusToParent() { currentLevel = currentLevel.parent; } public void visit(StringBuilder sb, Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) { root.visit(sb, locale, messageSource); } } static class Node { Node parent; List<Node> children = new ArrayList<>(1); void addChild(Node node) { children.add(node); } public void visit(StringBuilder sb, Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) { for (Node node : children) { node.visit(sb, locale, messageSource); } } } static class TextNode extends Node { String text; TextNode(String text) { this.text = text; } @Override public void visit(StringBuilder sb, Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) { sb.append(text); } } static class I18NNode extends Node { @Override public void visit(StringBuilder sb, Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) { StringBuilder internal = new StringBuilder(); for (Node node : children) { node.visit(internal, locale, messageSource); } String childTemplate = internal.toString(); String key = extractKey(childTemplate); List<String> args = extractParameters(childTemplate); String text = messageSource.getMessage(key, args.toArray(), locale); sb.append(text); } } public static String translate(String template, Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(template.length()); AST ast = new AST(); ParserState state = ParserState.START; int idx = 0; while (true) { Pair<ParserState, Integer> stateAndIdx =, idx, ast); state = stateAndIdx.getKey(); idx = stateAndIdx.getValue(); if (state == ParserState.END) { break; } } ast.visit(sb, locale, messageSource); return sb.toString(); } }