Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of * * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with If not, see <>. */ package alfio.plugin.mailchimp; import alfio.model.*; import alfio.model.plugin.PluginConfigOption; import alfio.model.system.ComponentType; import alfio.plugin.PluginDataStorageProvider; import alfio.plugin.PluginDataStorageProvider.PluginDataStorage; import alfio.plugin.ReservationConfirmationPlugin; import alfio.plugin.TicketAssignmentPlugin; import alfio.plugin.WaitingQueueSubscriptionPlugin; import alfio.util.Json; import com.squareup.okhttp.*; import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; @Log4j2 public class MailChimpPlugin implements ReservationConfirmationPlugin, TicketAssignmentPlugin, WaitingQueueSubscriptionPlugin { private static final String DATA_CENTER = "dataCenter"; private static final String API_KEY = "apiKey"; private static final String LIST_ID = "listId"; private static final String LIST_ADDRESS = ""; private static final String LIST_MEMBERS = "members/"; private static final String MERGE_FIELDS = "merge-fields/"; private static final String FAILURE_MSG = "cannot add user {email: %s, name:%s, language: %s} to the list (%s)"; private static final String ALFIO_EVENT_KEY = "ALFIO_EKEY"; private static final String APPLICATION_JSON = "application/json"; private final String id = "alfio.mailchimp"; private final PluginDataStorage pluginDataStorage; private final OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient(); public MailChimpPlugin(PluginDataStorageProvider pluginDataStorageProvider) { this.pluginDataStorage = pluginDataStorageProvider.getDataStorage(id); } @Override public void onTicketAssignment(Ticket ticket) { Event event = pluginDataStorage.getEventById(ticket.getEventId()); CustomerName customerName = new CustomerName(ticket.getFullName(), ticket.getFirstName(), ticket.getLastName(), event); subscribeUser(ticket.getEmail(), customerName, ticket.getUserLanguage(), ticket.getEventId(), event.getShortName()); } @Override public void onReservationConfirmation(TicketReservation ticketReservation, int eventId) { Event event = pluginDataStorage.getEventById(eventId); CustomerName customerName = new CustomerName(ticketReservation.getFullName(), ticketReservation.getFirstName(), ticketReservation.getLastName(), event); subscribeUser(ticketReservation.getEmail(), customerName, ticketReservation.getUserLanguage(), eventId, event.getShortName()); } @Override public void onWaitingQueueSubscription(WaitingQueueSubscription waitingQueueSubscription) { Event event = pluginDataStorage.getEventById(waitingQueueSubscription.getEventId()); CustomerName customerName = new CustomerName(waitingQueueSubscription.getFullName(), waitingQueueSubscription.getFirstName(), waitingQueueSubscription.getLastName(), event); subscribeUser(waitingQueueSubscription.getEmailAddress(), customerName, waitingQueueSubscription.getUserLanguage(), waitingQueueSubscription.getEventId(), event.getShortName()); } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public String getName() { return "Mailchimp newsletter subscriber"; } @Override public boolean isEnabled(int eventId) { return pluginDataStorage.getConfigValue(ENABLED_CONF_NAME, eventId).map(Boolean::parseBoolean) .orElse(false); } @Override public Collection<PluginConfigOption> getConfigOptions(int eventId) { return Arrays.asList( new PluginConfigOption(getId(), eventId, DATA_CENTER, "", "The MailChimp data center used by your account (e.g. us6)", ComponentType.TEXT), new PluginConfigOption(getId(), eventId, API_KEY, "", "the Mailchimp API Key", ComponentType.TEXT), new PluginConfigOption(getId(), eventId, LIST_ID, "", "the list ID", ComponentType.TEXT)); } @Override public void install(int eventId) { getConfigOptions(eventId).forEach(o -> pluginDataStorage.insertConfigValue(eventId, o.getOptionName(), o.getOptionValue(), o.getDescription(), o.getComponentType())); } private Optional<String> getListAddress(int eventId, String email, CustomerName name, String language) { Optional<String> dataCenter = pluginDataStorage.getConfigValue(DATA_CENTER, eventId); Optional<String> listId = pluginDataStorage.getConfigValue(LIST_ID, eventId); if (dataCenter.isPresent() && listId.isPresent()) { return Optional.of(String.format(LIST_ADDRESS, dataCenter.get(), listId.get())); } else { pluginDataStorage.registerFailure( String.format(FAILURE_MSG, email, name, language, "check listId and dataCenter"), eventId); } return Optional.empty(); } private Optional<String> getApiKey(int eventId, String email, CustomerName name, String language) { Optional<String> apiKey = pluginDataStorage.getConfigValue(API_KEY, eventId); if (!apiKey.isPresent()) { pluginDataStorage.registerFailure(String.format(FAILURE_MSG, email, name, language, "missing API Key"), eventId); } return apiKey; } private void subscribeUser(String email, CustomerName name, String language, int eventId, String eventKey) { Optional<String> listAddress = getListAddress(eventId, email, name, language); Optional<String> apiKey = getApiKey(eventId, email, name, language); if (listAddress.isPresent() && apiKey.isPresent()) { createMergeFieldIfNotPresent(listAddress.get(), apiKey.get(), eventId, eventKey); send(eventId, listAddress.get() + LIST_MEMBERS + getMd5Email(email), apiKey.get(), email, name, language, eventKey); } } static String getMd5Email(String email) { try { return Hex.encodeHexString(MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(email.trim().getBytes("UTF-8"))); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return email;//should never happen... } } private boolean send(int eventId, String address, String apiKey, String email, CustomerName name, String language, String eventKey) { Map<String, Object> content = new HashMap<>(); content.put("email_address", email); content.put("status", "subscribed"); Map<String, String> mergeFields = new HashMap<>(); mergeFields.put("FNAME", name.isHasFirstAndLastName() ? name.getFirstName() : name.getFullName()); mergeFields.put(ALFIO_EVENT_KEY, eventKey); content.put("merge_fields", mergeFields); content.put("language", language); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(address) .header("Authorization", Credentials.basic("alfio", apiKey)) .put(RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(APPLICATION_JSON), Json.GSON.toJson(content, Map.class))) .build(); try { Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute(); if (response.isSuccessful()) { pluginDataStorage.registerSuccess(String.format("user %s has been subscribed to list", email), eventId); return true; } String responseBody = response.body().string(); if (response.code() != 400 || responseBody.contains("\"errors\"")) { pluginDataStorage.registerFailure(String.format(FAILURE_MSG, email, name, language, responseBody), eventId); return false; } else { pluginDataStorage.registerWarning(String.format(FAILURE_MSG, email, name, language, responseBody), eventId); } return true; } catch (IOException e) { pluginDataStorage.registerFailure(String.format(FAILURE_MSG, email, name, language, e.toString()), eventId); return false; } } private void createMergeFieldIfNotPresent(String listAddress, String apiKey, int eventId, String eventKey) { Request request = new Request.Builder().url(listAddress + MERGE_FIELDS) .header("Authorization", Credentials.basic("alfio", apiKey)).get().build(); try { Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute(); String responseBody = response.body().string(); if (!responseBody.contains(ALFIO_EVENT_KEY)) { log.debug("can't find ALFIO_EKEY for event " + eventKey); createMergeField(listAddress, apiKey, eventKey, eventId); } } catch (IOException e) { pluginDataStorage.registerFailure( String.format("Cannot get merge fields for %s, got: %s", eventKey, e.getMessage()), eventId); log.warn("exception while reading merge fields for event id " + eventId, e); } } private void createMergeField(String listAddress, String apiKey, String eventKey, int eventId) { Map<String, Object> mergeField = new HashMap<>(); mergeField.put("tag", ALFIO_EVENT_KEY); mergeField.put("name", "Alfio's event key"); mergeField.put("type", "text"); mergeField.put("required", false); mergeField.put("public", false); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(listAddress + MERGE_FIELDS) .header("Authorization", Credentials.basic("alfio", apiKey)).post(RequestBody .create(MediaType.parse(APPLICATION_JSON), Json.GSON.toJson(mergeField, Map.class))) .build(); try { Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute(); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { log.debug("can't create {} merge field. Got: {}", ALFIO_EVENT_KEY, response.body().string()); } } catch (IOException e) { pluginDataStorage.registerFailure( String.format("Cannot create merge field for %s, got: %s", eventKey, e.getMessage()), eventId); log.warn("exception while creating ALFIO_EKEY for event id " + eventId, e); } } }