Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Educational Online Test Delivery System Copyright (c) 2014 American * Institutes for Research * * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 See accompanying * file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at * American_Institutes_for_Research_Open_Source_Software_License.pdf ******************************************************************************/ /** * */ package AIR.Common.xml; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Stack; import org.jdom2.Content; import org.jdom2.Content.CType; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair; /** * @author Shiva BEHERA [] * */ public class XmlReader { private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlReader.class); private Document _doc = null; private Stack<MutablePair<Content, Integer>> _stack = new Stack<MutablePair<Content, Integer>>(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Closeable _file = null; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Namespace _rootNameSpace = null; public XmlReader(InputStream file) throws IOException, JDOMException { this(new InputStreamReader(file)); } public XmlReader(Reader file) throws IOException, JDOMException { // Start hack! Shiva: I am not sure why this is happening. but this happened // with the earlier .NET code as well. // why am I seeing a special character if I directly pass a // InputStreamReader to SAXBuilder. I had to do the same hack in // ItemScoringHandler.ProcessRequest. // I see this message as well // "warning: line 6050: incompatible stripping characters and condition" // Further information: Elena found two additional links: // // and // BufferedReader bfr = new BufferedReader(file); StringBuilder strinBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = bfr.readLine()) != null) strinBuilder.append(line); file.close(); String fileContent = strinBuilder.toString(); int indexOfBegin = fileContent.indexOf('<'); if (indexOfBegin > 0) fileContent = fileContent.substring(indexOfBegin); file = new StringReader(fileContent); // End hack! buildDocument(file); } public static XmlReader create(URI uri) throws XmlReaderException { try { return new XmlReader(uri.toURL().openStream()); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new XmlReaderException(exp); } } public static XmlReader create(String filepath) throws XmlReaderException { try { return new XmlReader(new FileInputStream(filepath)); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new XmlReaderException(exp); } } public Document getDocument() { return _doc; } public String getAttribute(String attributeName) throws XmlReaderException { Element e = getNodeAsElement(); if (e != null) return e.getAttributeValue(attributeName); return null; } public long getAttributeAsLong(String attributeName) throws XmlReaderException { return Long.parseLong(getAttribute(attributeName)); } public boolean getAttributeAsBoolean(String attributeName) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributeName)); } public Content.CType getNodeType() throws XmlReaderException { isEmpty(); return _stack.peek().getLeft().getCType(); } public String getName() throws XmlReaderException { Element e = getNodeAsElement(); if (e != null) return e.getName(); return null; } public String readString() throws XmlReaderException { isEmpty(); return _stack.peek().getLeft().getValue(); } public String readElementContentAsString() throws XmlReaderException { return readString(); } public boolean readToDescendant() throws XmlReaderException { return getNextElement(TRAVERSE_TYPE.IMMEDIATE_CHILD_ONLY); } // TODO simplify and see if we can use another method rather than have all // this logic in here private boolean readToDescendant(String item) throws XmlReaderException, IOException { MutablePair<Content, Integer> alwaysTop = null; if (_stack.size() > 0) { alwaysTop = _stack.peek(); } while (_stack.size() != 0) { MutablePair<Content, Integer> topElement = _stack.peek(); if (topElement.getLeft().getCType() == CType.Element) { Element topElementNode = (Element) topElement.getLeft(); if (StringUtils.equals(item, topElementNode.getName())) return true; int nextChild = topElement.getRight() + 1; if (topElementNode.getChildren().size() > nextChild) { topElement.setRight(nextChild); Element nextTraversalNode = topElementNode.getChildren().get(nextChild); _stack.push(new MutablePair<Content, Integer>(nextTraversalNode, -1)); } else { // we do not want to pop the original top node (alwaysTop) as we are // only doing descendant. if (!alwaysTop.equals(topElement)) _stack.pop(); else break; } } } return false; } public boolean readToNextSibling() throws XmlReaderException { return getNextElement(TRAVERSE_TYPE.NEXT_SIBLING); } public boolean readToNextSibling(String item) throws XmlReaderException, IOException { while (this.traverseNextSibling()) { if (StringUtils.equals(item, getName())) return true; } return false; } public boolean read() throws XmlReaderException { // if either the InputStream is empty or our stack is empty, we do not have // any more elements. return getNextElement(TRAVERSE_TYPE.ANY); } public boolean readToFollowing(String item) throws XmlReaderException, IOException { if (StringUtils.equals(item, getName())) return true; while (read()) { if (StringUtils.equals(item, getName())) return true; } return false; } public void moveToElement() { // Shiva: No need to do anything here. we are already in the node unlike in // .NET when // the pointer shifts to an attribute. } public void close() { try { if (_file != null) { _file.close(); _file = null; } } catch (IOException exp) { _logger.error(exp.getMessage()); } } @Override public void finalize() { close(); } public boolean isEmptyElement() { Content thisNode = _stack.peek().getLeft(); switch (thisNode.getCType()) { case CDATA: case Text: case Comment: return true; case Element: Element thisElement = getNodeAsElement(); return thisElement.getChildren().size() > 0; } return true; } private boolean getNextElement(TRAVERSE_TYPE type) { try { switch (type) { case ANY: return traverseAny(); case IMMEDIATE_CHILD_ONLY: return traverseImmediateChild(true); case NEXT_SIBLING: return traverseNextSibling(); } } catch (IOException exp) { throw new XmlReaderException(exp); } return true; } private boolean traverseNextSibling() throws IOException { /* * if (_file.available () == 0) { return false; } */ if (_stack.size() == 0) return false; MutablePair<Content, Integer> currentTop = _stack.pop(); if (_stack.size() != 0) { MutablePair<Content, Integer> topElement = _stack.peek(); // We already went into topElement's children and so there is no // need to check if it of type element. Element topElementNode = (Element) topElement.getLeft(); int nextChild = topElement.getRight() + 1; if (topElementNode.getChildren().size() > nextChild) { topElement.setRight(nextChild); Element nextTraversalNode = topElementNode.getChildren().get(nextChild); _stack.push(new MutablePair<Content, Integer>(nextTraversalNode, -1)); return true; } } // else put the previous top back on the top. _stack.push(currentTop); return false; } private boolean traverseAny() throws IOException { /* * if (_file.available () == 0) { return false; } */ if (_stack.size() == 0) return false; // if we have a next child then we will go to that. // else we will back up to the parent and find its next child. if (traverseImmediateChild(false)) return true; else { // so, the current top of stack has no/more children. so we will pop it // and back up the stack until we find one while (_stack.size() > 0) { _stack.pop(); if (traverseImmediateChild(false)) return true; } } // no more nodes; return false; } private boolean traverseImmediateChild(boolean firstOnly) throws IOException { /* * if (_file.available () == 0) { return false; } */ if (_stack.size() == 0) return false; MutablePair<Content, Integer> topElement = _stack.peek(); Content node = topElement.getLeft(); if (node.getCType() == CType.Element) { Element topElementNode = (Element) node; int nextChild = 0; if (!firstOnly) nextChild = topElement.getRight() + 1; // if we have a next child then we will go to that. if (topElementNode.getChildren().size() > nextChild) { topElement.setRight(nextChild); Element nextTraversalNode = topElementNode.getChildren().get(nextChild); _stack.push(new MutablePair<Content, Integer>(nextTraversalNode, -1)); return true; } } return false; } private boolean isEmpty() { if (_stack.size() == 0) throw new XmlReaderException("No more content"); return true; } private enum TRAVERSE_TYPE { ANY, IMMEDIATE_CHILD_ONLY, NEXT_SIBLING }; private Element getNodeAsElement() { isEmpty(); Content node = _stack.peek().getLeft(); if (node.getCType() == CType.Element) return (Element) node; return null; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { InputStream input = new FileInputStream( "C:/WorkSpace/TDSCore/AppsCurrent/Student/XmlReaderApplication/books3.xml"); XmlReader reader = new XmlReader(input);;; reader.readToDescendant(); System.err.println(reader.getName()); System.err.println(reader.readString()); reader.readToDescendant("y"); System.err.println(reader.getName()); System.err.println(reader.readString()); } catch (Exception exp) { exp.printStackTrace(); } System.err.println(""); } private void buildDocument(Closeable file) throws JDOMException, IOException { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); if (file instanceof InputStream) _doc = file); else if (file instanceof Reader) _doc = file); _stack.push(new MutablePair<Content, Integer>(_doc.getRootElement(), -1)); _rootNameSpace = _doc.getRootElement().getNamespace(); _file = file; } }