Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Educational Online Test Delivery System * Copyright (c) 2014 American Institutes for Research * * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 * See accompanying file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at * ******************************************************************************/ package AIR.Common.Web.Session; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import AIR.Common.Utilities.UrlEncoderDecoderUtils; public class MultiValueCookie { private String _encodedValue = null; private String _name = null; private Integer _maxAge = null; private String _path = "/"; private String _comment = null; private String _domain = null; private Boolean _isSecure = null; private Integer _version = 1; private Cookie _cookie = null; private Map<String, String> _valuesMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); public MultiValueCookie(Cookie cookie) { this._name = cookie.getName(); //Shiva: we can limit the code to the else part rather than have //the "if" part as well. The if part is there just for safety. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cookie.getPath())) this._path = Server.getContextPath(); else this._path = cookie.getPath(); this._comment = cookie.getComment(); this._domain = cookie.getDomain(); this._isSecure = cookie.getSecure(); this._encodedValue = cookie.getValue(); this._cookie = cookie; deserializeCookieValue(); } public MultiValueCookie(String name, String value) { //set the cookie path to the context path: we only need to do it in this constructor. this._path = Server.getContextPath(); this._name = name; setValue(value); } public MultiValueCookie(String name) { this(name, ""); } public MultiValueCookie(String name, Map<String, String> values) { this(name, ""); this._valuesMap.putAll(values); } public String getName() { return _name; } // Gets a value indicating whether a cookie has subkeys. public boolean hasKeys() { return _valuesMap.keySet().size() > 1; } // Should we return _cookie.getValue(_cookie.getName()) instead? public String getValue() { return _valuesMap.get(_name); } public String getValue(String name) { return _valuesMap.get(name); } public void setValue(String value) { setValue(_name, value); } public void setValue(String name, String value) { _valuesMap.put(name, value); } // start wrapper methods for the Cookie class public String getComment() { return _comment; } public String getDomain() { return _domain; } public Integer getMaxAge() { return _maxAge; } public String getPath() { return _path; } public boolean getSecure() { return _isSecure; } public Integer getVersion() { return _version; } public void setComment(String comment) { this._comment = comment; } public void setDomain(String domain) { this._domain = domain; } public void setMaxAge(int expiry) { this._maxAge = new Integer(expiry); } public void setPath(String path) { this._path = path; } public void setSecure(boolean flag) { this._isSecure = flag; } public void setVersion(int version) { this._version = version; } // end wrapper methods for the Cookie class @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof MultiValueCookie) { MultiValueCookie cookieObject = (MultiValueCookie) o; return StringUtils.equals(this.getName(), cookieObject.getName()); } else return false; } public Cookie getUnderlyingWebCookie() { serializeCookieValue(); if (_cookie == null) { _cookie = new Cookie(this._name, this._encodedValue); } else _cookie.setValue(_encodedValue); if (_maxAge != null) _cookie.setMaxAge(_maxAge); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(_path)) _cookie.setPath(_path); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(_comment)) _cookie.setComment(_comment); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(_domain)) _cookie.setDomain(_domain); if (_isSecure != null) _cookie.setSecure(_isSecure); if (_version != null) _cookie.setVersion(_version); return _cookie; } public void copyValuesFromAnotherCookie(MultiValueCookie cookie) { this._encodedValue = cookie._encodedValue; this._maxAge = cookie._maxAge; this._path = cookie._path; this._comment = cookie._comment; this._domain = cookie._domain; this._isSecure = cookie._isSecure; this._version = cookie._version; } public boolean isCookieExists(String name) { if (name == null) { return false; } return (this._name.equals(name) || this._valuesMap.containsKey(name)); } public void clear() { _valuesMap.clear(); this._encodedValue = ""; setValue(_name, ""); } private void serializeCookieValue() { // we need to do double encoding: each value needs to be encoded and the // whole string then needs to be encoded as well. StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int totalCookies = _valuesMap.keySet().size(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : _valuesMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (!StringUtils.equals(key, this.getName())) { builder.append(entry.getKey()); builder.append("="); } builder.append(encodeValue(entry.getValue())); if (totalCookies > 1) { builder.append("&"); } } _encodedValue = UrlEncoderDecoderUtils.encode(builder.toString()); } // TODO shiva revisit this logic. We should not be messing around with system // cookies. private void deserializeCookieValue() { // first decode the whole string. String decodedString = UrlEncoderDecoderUtils.decode(_encodedValue); // now split the string along String[] pairs = StringUtils.split(decodedString, '&'); if (pairs.length > 1) { for (String pair : pairs) { String[] keyValue = StringUtils.split(pair, '='); if (keyValue.length == 1) { _valuesMap.put(_name, decodeValue(keyValue[0])); } else { _valuesMap.put(keyValue[0], decodeValue(keyValue[1])); } } } else { _valuesMap.put(_name, decodeValue(decodedString)); } } private String encodeValue(String value) { return StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(value, "%", "%25"), "&", "%26"), "=", "%3D"); } private String decodeValue(String value) { return StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(value, "%26", "&"), "%3D", "="), "%25", "%"); } }